I guess anything that's already happened is supposition. It's like we couldn't assume that Jill Stein or Gary Johnson voters would have leaned towards Hillary Clinton in a few key states.
It was the responsibility for the press to question everything. The FBI director's timing should have taken way more scrutiny. A lot of the television press acted as mouthpieces to help sew distrust with her as a candidate. Even innocent, words are damaging whether they are factual or not ... whether they imply something or not. "You steal" "You're a crook, croney, rapist, murderer" even if you're not, proven not, but spoken in a deplorable manner against your opponent, will damage someone.
Donald Trump ran that campaign. He used words as his weapons. Tagged derogative names on opponents, and made accusations that came across as simple to understand for an uninformed voter.
but the entire campaign has been deflect and project. Give a bullish, evasive answer and then insult or accuse your candidate without anything to back it up.
The democratic party isn't without blame either. It seems they were being eaten away by petty politics surrounding the primaries and nominations.
With Russia and the FBI ... the thing deserves an inquiry. At the very least, this needs to be internally investigated to restore faith in our democracy and the integrity of the constitution and election of our officials.