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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


No wrestling comics are funny.

I think the best and most awesome thing Loose Cannon Brian Pillman ever did was convince Bischoff to fire him and hire him back later so he could jump to the WWF. That's great. But so far, (January 1996), Loose Cannon is way over hyped. They talk about him like he's super out of control and doing all this crazy shit, but he actually hasn't done much on screen to warrant the talk. Just made a lot of silly faces, mostly. For real PG, face Dean Ambrose seems more out of control than Loose Cannon Brian Pillman.

Real Ass Brian Pillman in WWF is where it's at.


I think the best and most awesome thing Loose Cannon Brian Pillman ever did was convince Bischoff to fire him and hire him back later so he could jump to the WWF. That's great. But so far, (January 1996), Loose Cannon is way over hyped. They talk about him like he's super out of control and doing all this crazy shit, but he actually hasn't done much on screen to warrant the talk. Just made a lot of silly faces, mostly. For real PG, face Dean Ambrose seems more out of control than Loose Cannon Brian Pillman.

It also doesn't help that Pillman is a very mediocre wrestler in a company that's all about wrestling. He also has a horrible look at this point. Rail thin legs, and huge lifts does not make a believable superstar.
Hoping Takeover 2 brings us some new merchandise like the others. Really want a Bayley shirt. Kalisto, Alexa and Vaudevillains would be schway too.

Catching up on some recent episodes. Goddam. Renee Young in that lace outfit in episodes 234 and 235. Goddam. I need screencaps. Wowzas.


It also doesn't help that Pillman is a very mediocre wrestler in a company that's all about wrestling. He also has a horrible look at this point. Rail thin legs, and huge lifts does not make a believable superstar.

I think the look helps. Looks like he was strung out and that lends itself more to some crazy dude. He also really wasn't even wrestling very much during that period. He's only got about a month left in WCW, so maybe he'll ramp it up. Maybe it's just feels watered down after the Attitude Era. But really, Terry Funk in 1989 and 1994 felt more out of control. He was a good worker. He wasn't on the Benoit/Eddie/Dean/Regal level, but he was pretty good. Or good enough, at least. I think he's only wrestled on Nitro like 2 times since the Halloween Havoc. So far he hasn't really said anything crazy or ground breaking or even kind of shooty. Just a normal eccentric heel. Maybe he'll start breaking kayfabe soon. I hope so. I think it is more weird that they tried to act like Benoit was just as crazy for a few weeks at least.

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Unconfirmed Member
I liked the Eva Marie Harley Race meme. That one was good.


I think Ascension have to lose this one. Then fight one more match in a rematch against the new champs and head off to Raw/Smackdown. It will suck seeing them head to that territory since I feel the Full Sail crowd brings something to the Ascension with the silly 'YAH YAH YAH!' chants... but hopefully, the guys swim well and don't sink so quickly.

Enzo Amore is beast talking. He'd be thrown to Raw/Smackdown immediately if he was a few inches taller. His opponent is cool too. Just needs more time on NXT TV before making the transition away from NXT.

Does Bayley get a new theme tomorrow? She probably needs a new one even though her current theme is endearing. Supposedly at house shows with Charlotte these two have formed quite the chemistry together. I hope it shows and they deliver a great show. My gut says they won't get as much excitement together as Charlotte did with Nattie at the first Takeover. And perhaps it should have been Banks as her opponent instead of Bayley. But I really do look Bayley plenty. Hopefully she proves me wrong tomorrow? Either way, I hope the ladies stay in NXT longer even though Charlotte is getting close to ready every day.

Bull vs Mojo... oh man. I really want to like these guys. I do. But except a very interesting glimpse of Mojo doing that 'serious' stare into the camera a few weeks back... I think this match will be a stinker. It really needs to go first, to be honest. But then I think you need a hot match to start the show off, right? I dunno. Last Takeover was Rose vs Camacho and that was fine. Bull needs new ring attire. And Mojo needs more time to settle and maybe even gain confidence in himself as a wrestler. He was pushed pretty hard (IMO) not too long ago so I wonder how he feels now that the push isn't there?

The Four Way should be fantastic. In a perfect world, Breeze wins this and Neville goes off to Raw/SD and wrecks there after one more match against Breeze where he goes out in losing fashion. Really, if NXT could be viable on its own, I would want these four to stay there forever. I do not think that is so realistic though. I want them all to win! Even Tyson Kidd with his hilarous 'FACT!' promos shows he could be a decent heel. Honestly, his best promo was when his lovely wife Nattie was talking to the interviewer about Adam Rose. Tyson then acts all incredulous and ends many of his sentences with 'fact'. Then he has a nice match up with Rose even though it ends on a roll up.

I think its a good card. Not as good as Takeover. But I'm sure I'll be re watching the VOD several times to see many of these matches repeatedly over and over. I loved watching Breeze/Sami and also Charlotte/Nattie over and over.
Bull vs Mojo... oh man. I really want to like these guys. I do. But except a very interesting glimpse of Mojo doing that 'serious' stare into the camera a few weeks back... I think this match will be a stinker. It really needs to go first, to be honest. But then I think you need a hot match to start the show off, right? I dunno. Last Takeover was Rose vs Camacho and that was fine. Bull needs new ring attire. And Mojo needs more time to settle and maybe even gain confidence in himself as a wrestler. He was pushed pretty hard (IMO) not too long ago so I wonder how he feels now that the push isn't there?

Why do you WANT to like them? they both look terrible and are terrible wrestlers


I think Sami really needs to win. He's had like 4 different can't win the big one moments and another one is going to make him seem like a loser.


No wrestling comics are funny.

I think the best and most awesome thing Loose Cannon Brian Pillman ever did was convince Bischoff to fire him and hire him back later so he could jump to the WWF. That's great. But so far, (January 1996), Loose Cannon is way over hyped. They talk about him like he's super out of control and doing all this crazy shit, but he actually hasn't done much on screen to warrant the talk. Just made a lot of silly faces, mostly. For real PG, face Dean Ambrose seems more out of control than Loose Cannon Brian Pillman.

Pillman was more out of control in his ecw days. When he came to the wwe of course he dumb it down a bit. If it wasn't for the pillman's got a gun segment...you wouldn't notice he had a few screws loose.

He was pretty much what piper needed to be.
Lol hey Vince hire this guy



You guys are not kidding when you said Adrian Neville is probably on something.

Dude has that prime roided up Ken Shamrock body.

He also got jacked up pretty quickly after joining the WWE. He didn't always have that body. I mean, he was built but not that built. I'll just believe it's natural to give myself something to shoot for.


Chris Melendez just favourited my tweet, bros. Woo.

Full respect to @CMelendezTNA for stepping in that ring tonight. Awesome to see a dream come true. #IMPACTonSPIKE

I'm on the six-man tag now. Good energy in the first 30 minutes of this show.


Not only are Nitro episodes mislabeled by number, but they're also wrong by date in 1996. How hard is it to put the right date down? Nitro was on 1/1/96, not 12/31/95. And the next week is 1/7/95 when the show happened on 1/8/95, so I'd imagine the rest of the year is like that as well. The first episode is labeled as episode 79 so I shouldn't be that surprised.


He also got jacked up pretty quickly after joining the WWE. He didn't always have that body. I mean, he was built but not that built. I'll just believe it's natural to give myself something to shoot for.

He was already jacked like that before WWE. He got big while he was in Dragon Gate.
I like how they are building Jessicka Havok, reminds me of Awesome Kong build, hopefully we will get an amazing feud between Havok and Kim.

Also do not forget to watch the last 20 minutes of TNA for the Hardys vs Dudleys vs Edg.. Wolves match.


I like how they are building Jessicka Havok, reminds me of Awesome Kong build, hopefully we will get an amazing feud between Havok and Kim.

Also do not forget to watch the last 20 minutes of TNA for the Hardys vs Dudleys vs Edg.. Wolves match.

I'm in.

Up to the Bro Mans/Beautiful People match right now. Aaaaand here's The Menagerie. At least we've got some Rebel action.


James Storm is now James Wyatt. Also Sanada's haircut does not fit his new character at all.

lol, still love how part of the storyline is that the nation of japan is mad at a heel turn.



WCW Monday Nitro 1/8/96

  • Chris Benoit vs Alex Wright
  • Eddie Guerrero vs Steven Regal
  • DDP vs Sting
  • Ric Flair/Arn Anderson vs Randy Savage/Hulk Hogan

Another show where Hulk looks like a dick head. He didn't sell dick for Flair or Arn, while Macho was FIP almost the whole match and Sting gave DDP way more than he should have. Regal vs Eddie was fun shit. A lot more WWF shitting than there had been for a while. I guess WWF was raising PPV prices at the time, so Eric and Mongo attacked that all night long while hyping up the COTC. The DoD/Horsemen issue gets physical.




I want to watch Regal be a mean asshole all day.


I legit hope that TNA is able to continue on because they feel like a true alternative to the WWE right now. They've been good for 4 months now.
I legit hope that TNA is able to continue on because they feel like a true alternative to the WWE right now. They've been good for 4 months now.

Everyone having a story helps a lot, I do not know why WWE stopped doing it, that is something that made the attitude era fun.


Not only are Nitro episodes mislabeled by number, but they're also wrong by date in 1996. How hard is it to put the right date down? Nitro was on 1/1/96, not 12/31/95. And the next week is 1/7/95 when the show happened on 1/8/95, so I'd imagine the rest of the year is like that as well. The first episode is labeled as episode 79 so I shouldn't be that surprised.

This is really going to bother me. And I just finished the final ECW TV show on the Network. It was about to get really good, wasn't it? The last one has a great Malenko/Eddie match. : (
Bull Dempsey is fine in the ring, nothing special but he isn't bad, also has good delivery for promos

Last week he botched his finisher which is essentially a scoop slam, how is he fine in the ring? He has a terrible look and is a shitty version Eddie Kingston on the mic. Mojo might be terrible but at least he has a great physique for wrestling. Dempsey is flat out terrible.


Really liked the Storm/Sanada vs. Aries/Tajiri match. Tajiri was really entertaining, and his offense looked damn good for a guy his age. Fun match. I'm digging this James Wyatt stuff. Looking forward to seeing how Manik is transformed...hopefully we'll get the answer next week.


About to start the Impact main event after this Havok and Gail segment. Havok is being made to look like a monster. It's working.

Man, Impact has FLOWN by tonight.


Last week he botched his finisher which is essentially a scoop slam, how is he fine in the ring? He has a terrible look and is a shitty version Eddie Kingston on the mic. Mojo might be terrible but at least he has a great physique for wrestling. Dempsey is flat out terrible.

A dude with a jiggly gut after 6 months at the Performance Center has a great look for wrestling? Mojo has a terrible look. He couldn't look more like a football player off a college team if he tried. Bull is a short fat dude who can't even do a powerslam right most of the time. That match is going to be bad. So is the hair match. I love Enzo, but he's not good at wrestling. He should be a full time manager who wrestles once in a while if needed for the story. Sly is awful at everything.
A dude with a jiggly gut after 6 months at the Performance Center has a great look for wrestling? Mojo has a terrible look. He couldn't look more like a football player off a college team if he tried. Bull is a short fat dude who can't even do a powerslam right most of the time. That match is going to be bad. So is the hair match. I love Enzo, but he's not good at wrestling. He should be a full time manager who wrestles once in a while if needed for the story. Sly is awful at everything.

Fair enough on Mojo, I must have been focused too much on Bull who even makes Chris Hero look like he has an acceptable physique. As for Enzo and Sly I don't think either of them have really been given much time in the ring and in all of the matches I can remember they've just been squashed. Maybe they'll be able to put on something decent? Though I expect shenanigans to make up it if the match ends up being bad.
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