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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


Just finished NXT. Goddamn, what a main event. Both Tyler and Sami taking everyone out (I will always mark for that DDT) made me think it could happen then, especially Sami.

Still think Sami could be the one that turns. Neville can excuse himself by saying it was in the heat of the moment and he did what he had to. Book a singles match between them at the next event and they're still friends. Have a tag match together, and Sami ends up taking Neville out with a chair while yelling "Sorry Adrian, it's the heat of the moment. *chair shot* heat of the moment Neville *chair shot* that's all it is".
RevPro announced Okada's opponent for Uprising next month; Joel Redman (Oliver Grey from NXT).

Colour me disappointed. Kinda shady to announce that you've got Okada at your big Uprising show, then a few weeks later announce another show for the following day with a match like Okada vs Ricochet, only for the show he was originally booked on to have a match that's, no offence to Redman, entirely underwhelming by comparison.


What was the deal with Tenryu being in the 1998 Royal Rumble? How long did he compete in WWE for?

I can't imagine anything worthwhile was done with him and just going off memory alone I'm almost certain he never had any other PPV appearance during that time too.

Edit: Wikipedia is telling me he appeared in 1993 and 1994. Gonna gave to go back and rewatch that 1998 rumble to make sure I'm not going crazy.
He wasn't in the '98 Rumble, but was in the '93 & '94 Rumbles and also appeared at WrestleMania VII, teaming with his trainee Koji Kitao against Demolition. It was part of the talent exchange deal WWF had with Tenryu's SWS & WAR promotions, which lasted from 1990-1994 and mostly saw WWF wrestlers coming over to gain experience or to bolster Tenryu's cards with name draws like Savage, Michaels & Hogan.
RevPro announced Okada's opponent for Uprising next month; Joel Redman (Oliver Grey from NXT).

Colour me disappointed. Kinda shady to announce that you've got Okada at your big Uprising show, then a few weeks later announce another show for the following day with a match like Okada vs Ricochet, only for the show he was originally booked on to have a match that's, no offence to Redman, entirely underwhelming by comparison.

Pretty disappointing. I'm not that bothered, as I'm going to the Okada/Ricochet show too, so at least I get to see that. I guess Redman is just a warmup.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Still glowing over Takeover. That 3 month gap really makes it special. Someone in our IRC chat room mentioned last night that it makes the main roster bust their ass so they're not shown up, so it's good shit all around.





So not worth it
Still glowing over Takeover. That 3 month gap really makes it special. Someone in our IRC chat room mentioned last night that it makes the main roster bust their ass so they're not shown up, so it's good shit all around.

To be fair, the main roster is not the problem, at all. They can and do work their ass off as much as the NXT guys.

What NXT (Takeover) does do though, is expose just awful and shitty WWE main's booking and creative is. Take the women's match for instance, I posted this in response to Bryan Alvarez's great review on how amazing Charlotte was last night:
Charlotte is gonna get called up and IT WILL BE... just as shitty as AJ, Paige and Natalya on the main roster. 2 minute matches, where they get to surprise roll-up someone or get surprised rolled-up by people like Cameron and Rosa Mendes and she will look like shit because this company doesn't give a crap.

Even when I hear Triple H marvel about how the women main evented a house show and people went wild and the building sold out. How are you saying shit like that while your main show is three hours long every week, with a b-show at 2 hours and another 1 hour Network show and you can't have a single 10-minute women's match on any of them. Hell, even on PPV you barely get past 5 minutes, unless it features one of the execs. What the fuck is wrong with you, WWE? What the fuck is wrong with your creative, what the fuck is wrong with your booking. You have the talent, you have proof from NXT that each of the women can work great matches (even AJ and Natalya went back to NXT and had great matches there) and work good angles.

How do you suck so much at booking these women on the main roster, given you have all the ingredients? HOW?

Takeover 2 was a great show, but seeing a show like that it's so fucking maddening to know that this minor show, half-run by students is SO MUCH BETTER than the main show with all its professional personnel and tons and tons more money behind it. It exposes the creative and booking of main roster WWE in so many ways.

And that is a huge problem. You have a match on Raw that has AJ, Paige and Natalya in it and you manage to have it suck. For one, you put Rosa Mendes in there, who can't work a damn and have her work the entire two minute match. You don't let them wrestle, you don't do anything with them. You give two of the women an angle that isn't worth much anyways, but give them so little time and room to work it in, it's never going to be good even if it had the potential to be. And the other two women simultaneously work an angle IN THE SAME MATCH, to promote the reality show. So in two minutes, you're doing a match, while trying to shoehorn TWO SEPERATE ANGLES into it.


And then you wonder:
1. Why the crowd doesn't care.
2. Why your ratings drop.
3. Why nobody buys your Network.
4. Why women aren't taken seriously.
5. Why the crowd keeps chanting CM Punk instead of the women in the ring (as an aside, kudos to the NXT crowd for booing the fuckers trying to chant CM Punk yesterday)

Just using the women as an example here, but it goes across the board. NXT is run by a handful of agents and bunch of students and it completely blows anything the hundreds of main WWE people manage, everyone in upper management and creative, from Kevin Dunn to Vinny Mac and Trips to the soap opera writers should be fucking ashamed for managing to fuck up what is, arguably, the greatest roster of wrestlers in the history of wrestling.

All that talent on the main roster at your disposal and yet: your talent in training, a handful of old-school talent agents like Regal and Dusty and a bunch of Full Sail students completely show you up. Wow, that should be the most humbling experience ever.
Pretty disappointing. I'm not that bothered, as I'm going to the Okada/Ricochet show too, so at least I get to see that. I guess Redman is just a warmup.

If it wasn't for 2 Unlimited vs ICMG and Ospreay vs Sydal, I'd probably sell my ticket - feeling a bit of a fool for buying into RevPro's hype and an expensive front row seat, now it transpires they've saved the real attraction for the following night. Okada vs Redmond definitely feels like more of a Tanahashi vs Scurll-type showcase, rather than a Nakamura vs Sabre-esque dream match, but at least fans knew what they were getting when buying tickets for the Tanahashi match.


All that talent on the main roster at your disposal and yet: your talent in training, a handful of old-school talent agents like Regal and Dusty and a bunch of Full Sail students completely show you up. Wow, that should be the most humbling experience ever.

It won't register in their heads because they are too stubborn.
All that talent on the main roster at your disposal and yet: your talent in training, a handful of old-school talent agents like Regal and Dusty and a bunch of Full Sail students completely show you up. Wow, that should be the most humbling experience ever.
Doubt it. As long as you can saddle them in "developmental" the mentality will always be that they aren't as good. As for the women, they can be great wrestlers all they want, the E will always prioritize women who look good in tribute the troops vignettes. Not that the crowd helps, as they apparently can't care about a female feud if they aren't trying to make out

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ascension had a match on this week's Main Event as well, worth watching IF YOU LOVE THE ASCENSION


btw if Kenta (or Hideo Kojima or whatever his name is) does the mixed English/Japanese promos on Raw, the WHAT chants will be deafening.

Of course, no one will have this foresight back stage and Kenta will die day one.


Please tell me Kenta's name really is based on Hideo Kojima. That would be awesome.

But really, who is his named based on?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Please tell me Kenta's name really is based on Hideo Kojima. That would be awesome.

But really, who is his named based on?

why would hideo kojima ever be mentioned on anything wrestling related

dude is a fucking tool

fuck you kojima
If it wasn't for 2 Unlimited vs ICMG and Ospreay vs Sydal, I'd probably sell my ticket - feeling a bit of a fool for buying into RevPro's hype and an expensive front row seat, now it transpires they've saved the real attraction for the following night. Okada vs Redmond definitely feels like more of a Tanahashi vs Scurll-type showcase, rather than a Nakamura vs Sabre-esque dream match, but at least fans knew what they were getting when buying tickets for the Tanahashi match.

The rest of the York Hall card is by no means bad, but they seem to be really stacking the Ricochet/Okada show as well. First impressions in a new venue I guess...
So I was invited to this fancy Sushi place in Mexico that had wrasslin remix television segment playing on the televisions. I think I saw Rosita vs. Kelly Kelly. Wrasslin' is high-end now, friends.

High culture takes low culture as a lark all the time.

As somebody who knows shit about ska past the Goldfinger generation is it bad that I prefer Zayn's current theme over his Ole Bouncing Souls Indie theme?

Bouncing Souls worked for Generico, who didn't speak, but the themes they've given Zayn work for his character.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bouncing Souls, Mustard Plug, ska fucking sucks.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
If you want to be a happy go lucky piece of shit, then ska is the music for you.

I like spooky graveyards and angst so 80s gothic rock is the thing for me.

There was a ska band called The Arrogant Sons Of Bitches that a girl I had dated long term was really into. They were playing their last show in Manhattan at The Knitting Factory (its since moved to Brooklyn) and I remember them fielding questions on their myspace about the show.

One of the statements was like "for those asking if we'll come to your town and play, NO [in all caps], there are plenty of local ska acts you can check out there" and that just blew my mind that this band would be on record saying that they were completely interchangeable with any other local act in a town.

Because of that ska has always come off to me as the least ambitious and laziest of all music, I do like the goldfinger guy's voice though.

Its also a band geek's genre and no one likes band geeks.

Show was the beginning of the end of our relationship, bee tee dubs.


In a perfect world, Kenta wouldn't need to learn English for on screen work at all. If you can't write a story that can't be told without 10 minute promos, you suck at writing wrestling.


I've actually got Reel Big Fish stuck in my head with all this ska talk. Thanks, friends.

In a perfect world, Kenta wouldn't need to learn English for on screen work at all. If you can't write a story that can't be told without 10 minute promos, you suck at writing wrestling.

I agree, there were a couple of matches in the G1 where I knew the basics of the backstory just from the intensity. I think American wrestline may still need the commentary team to suggest the nuances of the story, where Raw would be screwed, but NXT started a story last night with one ref pull and not a single word uttered.
I forgot, I could really go for a WWE show where the announcers don't happen to talk to someone before the show who is currently in a match.
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