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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

RevPro announced Okada's opponent for Uprising next month; Joel Redman (Oliver Grey from NXT).

Colour me disappointed. Kinda shady to announce that you've got Okada at your big Uprising show, then a few weeks later announce another show for the following day with a match like Okada vs Ricochet, only for the show he was originally booked on to have a match that's, no offence to Redman, entirely underwhelming by comparison.
Joel Redman is the better matchup. He has a lot to prove and a real underrated talent. Riccochet has peaked.

To be fair, the main roster is not the problem, at all. They can and do work their ass off as much as the NXT guys.

What NXT (Takeover) does do though, is expose just awful and shitty WWE main's booking and creative is. Take the women's match for instance, I posted this in response to Bryan Alvarez's great review on how amazing Charlotte was last night:

And that is a huge problem. You have a match on Raw that has AJ, Paige and Natalya in it and you manage to have it suck. For one, you put Rosa Mendes in there, who can't work a damn and have her work the entire two minute match. You don't let them wrestle, you don't do anything with them. You give two of the women an angle that isn't worth much anyways, but give them so little time and room to work it in, it's never going to be good even if it had the potential to be. And the other two women simultaneously work an angle IN THE SAME MATCH, to promote the reality show. So in two minutes, you're doing a match, while trying to shoehorn TWO SEPERATE ANGLES into it.


And then you wonder:
1. Why the crowd doesn't care.
2. Why your ratings drop.
3. Why nobody buys your Network.
4. Why women aren't taken seriously.
5. Why the crowd keeps chanting CM Punk instead of the women in the ring (as an aside, kudos to the NXT crowd for booing the fuckers trying to chant CM Punk yesterday)

Just using the women as an example here, but it goes across the board. NXT is run by a handful of agents and bunch of students and it completely blows anything the hundreds of main WWE people manage, everyone in upper management and creative, from Kevin Dunn to Vinny Mac and Trips to the soap opera writers should be fucking ashamed for managing to fuck up what is, arguably, the greatest roster of wrestlers in the history of wrestling.

All that talent on the main roster at your disposal and yet: your talent in training, a handful of old-school talent agents like Regal and Dusty and a bunch of Full Sail students completely show you up. Wow, that should be the most humbling experience ever.
How can they be humbled if their backs haven't been broken?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
CJ Parker after his match

I really like the little guy, I do.


Man, these Nitro shows sure are easy to watch. I watched them all as they aired live, but I'm going back through and watching all of the Nitro shows and the PPVs as they took place. I LOVE an hour show, it just flows so well and you get in and out quickly. I know you can't really go to an hour on RAW or anything today, but they surely should surely cut it to two hours (I know, the money issue, I know). I can just watch Nitro after Nitro in a row and each one just comes and goes, I love it so much.


I think one hour is still too short for a flagship show in wrestling. I think 2 hours is perfect, every other show should be 1 hour.

When Smackdown debuted Raw was 2 hours and SD was only 1 right?
WWE emailed me with an all caps ALERT! to inform me my network sub has expired but that they have new payment plans and I still have a chance to see Cena V Brock. I guess they thought I didn't read the 3 or so other messages they sent me.


The WWE Network might give you PPVs for only 9.99 a month but TNA and Spike give you (most) PPVs for free every month.



TNA rocks right now, bros. Accept it.

Next week:
-Roode vs. Lashley
-Joe vs. Homicide
-3-way tag ladder match

Why did John Cena, Sheamus and Randy Orton like me?
I have met John Cena at the Ontario Place, and he shook hands with me in long time ago. Why did John Cena like me? And, why did John Cena shake hands with me?

I saw Sheamus gives me the taunt that he likes me and I cheered for him. Why did Sheamus like me?

I saw Randy Orton three times, after, I saw Randy Orton walked into the ring to be in Cutting Edge with Edge and guesting with Mark Henry. He gave R-Truth and The Miz an RKO. And then, he gives the taunt he likes me and I cheered for him. Why did Randy Orton like me?

Update : I'll give you a 10 points.

Update 2: Why did John Cena signs me an autograph?


Wow. I totally forgot that Chris Benoit's WCW "debut" (his return technically) was via a special video arriving to the 6th Nitro in a limo straight from Japan, as they put him over in a huge way. That was completely and totally weird.

Also, I freakin' love Disco Inferno. They did a goofy character like that so perfectly, it's amazing.

I also don't remember Road Warrior Hawk taking on Big Bubba like this, and then beating up Disco. So many things that I had forgotten about, haha.


Wow. I totally forgot that Chris Benoit's WCW "debut" (his return technically) was via a special video arriving to the 6th Nitro in a limo straight from Japan, as they put him over in a huge way. That was completely and totally weird.

Also, I freakin' love Disco Inferno. They did a goofy character like that so perfectly, it's amazing.

With that ridiculous mullet and all. The first BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!? spot in Nitro history. Disco will forever be in the top 10 all time fun mid card gimmicks.
Wow. I totally forgot that Chris Benoit's WCW "debut" (his return technically) was via a special video arriving to the 6th Nitro in a limo straight from Japan, as they put him over in a huge way. That was completely and totally weird.

Also, I freakin' love Disco Inferno. They did a goofy character like that so perfectly, it's amazing.

I also don't remember Road Warrior Hawk taking on Big Bubba like this, and then beating up Disco. So many things that I had forgotten about, haha.

"WCW. So this is where the big boys play"
Wow. I totally forgot that Chris Benoit's WCW "debut" (his return technically) was via a special video arriving to the 6th Nitro in a limo straight from Japan, as they put him over in a huge way. That was completely and totally weird.



That article is weird as shit. And is wrong from the start, as Taker clearly wasn't a run of the mill big lug even at the start of his career. He also got the shit kicked out of him in the Mankind feud. He was also rarely in the title picture for most of the 90s. There is no way being in feuds with Kamala and Giant Gonzalez were holding Bret and HBK down. And he lost to both guys in the 90s. And Kane owes his entire career to Taker.
Taker didn't hold anybody down. He won the title through a screwjob finish meant to advance the Hogan/Flair feud, and Hogan won it a week later anyway. Shawn WON his feud against Taker, and both he and Bret enjoyed much more success during the new generation era. And no, Taker wasn't run of the mill at all. He was way more agile and smoother than most big men at that time. The Foley rivalry put him over WAY more than Taker did. Not to mention Taker has spent most of his career doing the job for every top guy. And get out of here with that Batista mention, like Undertaker couldn't still go in 2007, and didn't revitalize Batista's career. That dude in the article is a dumb mark.


That article is weird as shit. And is wrong from the start, as Taker clearly wasn't a run of the mill big lug even at the start of his career. He also got the shit kicked out of him in the Mankind feud. He was also rarely in the title picture for most of the 90s. There is no way being in feuds with Kamala and Giant Gonzalez were holding Bret and HBK down. And he lost to both guys in the 90s. And Kane owes his entire career to Taker.

Pretty much all of this.

If anything Taker should be commended for surviving and making a career out of what effectively started out as a gimmick designed to be Hogan food. Mankind owes as much to Taker as Taker owes Mankind. Kane would have been forever known as Fake Diesel or Isaac Yankem had it not been for Taker. He managed to keep fans interested in a very gimmicky character for a few decades. He also lofted a few really mediocre Wrestlemanias to a higher level with some of the later Streak matches. Taker could still totally go in 07 when he faced Batista (Batista's career arguably peaked already at that point, too).

He also put HBK on the shelf at the absolute best time


The Tyson Kidd vignette at Takeover yesterday was great. Describing all these attributes that you think are the other wrestlers but then he turns it around and says he's referring to himself.

His segment is 20:10 to 21:40. So good!


The Tyson Kidd vignette at Takeover yesterday was great. Describing all these attributes that you think are the other wrestlers but then he turns it around and says he's referring to himself.

His segment is 20:10 to 21:40. So good!

Proof that NXT is awesome is that it made Tyson Kidd an interesting character.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
So do they continue to move talent to Raw or keep enough really good guys at NXT (it's their number 1 show on the WWE Network or so they say) would make sense to give people an incentive to stick with the Network just to watch NXT. Plus characters gimmicks do so much better on NXT whereas they'd fall flat on the main show.

Jamie OD

So do they continue to move talent to Raw or keep enough really good guys at NXT (it's their number 1 show on the WWE Network or so they say) would make sense to give people an incentive to stick with the Network just to watch NXT. Plus characters gimmicks do so much better on NXT whereas they'd fall flat on the main show.

Triple H said in an interview this week that he wants NXT to be the college football to WWE's NFL. Something that develops future talent for the big league but can also thrive as its own standalone brand. I think NXT can definitely be a draw for people to get the Network.


I showed my wife pictures of Devitt's body paint, and then pictures of Jeff Hardy's makeup. She made this perfect comparison.

Devitt = Pinterest

Hardy = nailed it

Edit: not sure you guys will get the joke, but I thought it was hilarious.


No One Remembers
I showed my wife pictures of Devitt's body paint, and then pictures of Jeff Hardy's makeup. She made this perfect comparison.

Devitt = PinInterest

Hardy = nailed it

Edit: not sure you guys will get the joke, but I thought it was hilarious.

I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!

People post awesome looking things on Pinterest. There is a meme where people take the image of what was on Pinterest and put it beside an image of someone trying to do what they say on Pinterest that looks horrible with the accompanying text of "Nailed it".
As amazingly ridiculous as it is, I feel like Enzo Amore's theme doesn't need lyrics. The vocals are too low and Enzo interrupts it midway to cut a promo anyway. An instrumental version would work fine.
I dont watch a lot of NXT but I do like their womens division. Not a single person is a complete waste of space when they get in the ring like a lot of the women on the main roster.

Its kind of amazing how some of the people who get matches on TV every week for years are as bad as they are. Stephanie killing it at Summerslam with 10 years +of ring rust kind of makes it stand out how few shits some of the talent give.
My mom is like a ska elitist. She pretty much hates most of the 3rd wave and skacore. She likes the Mighty Mighty Bosstones though.

RevPro announced Okada's opponent for Uprising next month; Joel Redman (Oliver Grey from NXT).
ahem, speak for yourself, Oliver Grey vs Okada has been a dream match of mine for a long time

Ty Dillinger
You mean Jason Jordan
Besides a souped up Sister Abigail, why are people stoked for Baron Corbin? Dude looks sawft
They really miss Corey Graves. But I do like the souped up Sis Abigail
I can sort of understand missing Corey Graves because at least he liked Social Distortion and looked like an underwear model. Baron Corbin just looks like he could have a moderately successful series of How-To Auto Maintenance videos on youtube


Sin Cara and Justin Gabriel had another decent match in Superstars again yesterday. They should have a rubber match on next weeks Superstars...

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Friend MrBoo001 is giving away two Smash Bros DS demo codes to Wrasslegaffers.

In about an hour I will pick two people at random who submits their current Fave Five with explanations as to why. Yes, you can half-ass it but let's not.

So, let's go. I'm assuming these are region-free so mrboo chime in if they ain't.

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