Trent? And chuck Taylor are awesome
Hey guys, we havent seen DEAN AMBROSE for weeks
You people are arguing the semantics of water and sweat.
That shit is Gaming side tier.
I listen to most of them. The best of the best are the following for me...
1. Austin
2. Jericho (recommend Batista, H, and Chavo interviews)
3. Live Audio Wrestling (Review-a-Wai series and Bauer and Pollock)
4. The Old-School Wrestling podcast (funny reviews of old PPVS and angles)
Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling is also pquite good. JR is very hit or miss, but mostly in the miss department for me personally.
Haven't listened to Piper's Pit or Goldberg's show. Probably won't.
Clean finish to the same match that's scheduled for the PPV.........
Mark Henry ending Raw
Because old shit.Why are we supposed to care about their match at NOC?
I'm pretty sure his sweat and other bodily secretions can mix with the 12 ounces or so of water he's dumped on his head, making him feel slimy to the touch. I understand touching his hand but his hair and back? Seems gross and a good way to pass a cold to him and other people that touch him.
Oh honey no.