Do you think TNA would last longer if you were in charge of their production?
They wouldn'tve made it two weeks if I was in charge of catering, much less production
Do you think TNA would last longer if you were in charge of their production?
They wouldn'tve made it two weeks if I was in charge of catering, much less production
This is an accurate representation of the one guy talking about KoT on my timeline.
I get that Quack wants to create a CHIKARA 'brand', but one of the biggest attractions of the tournament was seeing how outside teams interacted with the wacky CHIKARA gimmicks and that's something I feel is severely lacking this year.
I can't get into AIW. Seems too bush league for me. However, I love AAW. So much fun to watch. And yeah, slowly getting into Smash. And PROGRESS as well. And NJPW tonight!
What a fantastic time to be a wrestling fan.
That's because it is. It's a brand now, and brands need to make money. That comes with sacrifices.
BronsonLee said:That's because AIW is bushleague as all hell. Their belts look like shit (even with them getting new ones), and their big thing for 2014 was getting a new ring canvas, which also looks like barf. Their owner is a colossal dumbass, for reasons which would take a bit to explain
That's because it is. It's a brand now, and brands need to make money. That comes with sacrifices.
Apparently that edit is gawdawful
That's because AIW is bushleague as all hell. Their belts look like shit (even with them getting new ones), and their big thing for 2014 was getting a new ring canvas, which also looks like barf. Their owner is a colossal dumbass, for reasons which would take a bit to explain
Random thought: Why doesn't WWE do the logo on the ring canvas thing?
So with Reigns out of action, who are they gonna push in the meantime?Please not Orton...again.'s the Big Show... it's a big man's show tonight....
dat sell
They might make more money running the shows, but I know I likely won't be buying any damn DVDs this year.
I remember him getting thrown out of TNA for being a drunk idiot and various public arguments he's had with wrestlers on twitter. Also, I think he's going to run the intergender thing into the ground. I like AIW though, even if the belts are fucking horrific.
Go ahead. SHOOT, homie.
Cena was doing a running crossbody, DDT, and snap suplex in 2003 (or 2004). His moveset started to get much safer and limited once he became the top guy. Safer in a sense he isn't very good at doing moves he's not accustomed to, like say Bret or Austin would be. Actually, the problem with him became his matches and moves had such a formulaic feel to them, it got extremely predictable and later boring. That's Reign's problem right now. Watch Orton and Reigns' match from the other week, a thrust to Orton when both guys are standing on the ring apron, and he suddenly falls onto the bottom rope where he is in perfect position for that apron dropkick.Austin's offense consisted of punches, kicks, corner stops, and an occasional neck breaker or suplex, and then a stunner...
You don't need a million moves to be "the guy."
Even Bret, who had more in his toolkit than these guys, wasn't immune to the five moves of doom.
The only guys who had an interesting and more varied moveset were probably The Rock and Edge. He'll, even H.
Well they DO need him to look strong if they're gonna feed him to Lesnar after he's done with Cena.
Oh right, I forgot. they're gonna push him once Lesnar's finished seconds on's the Big Show... it's a big man's show tonight....
Yeah, that's a goddamn lariat;
Daisuke Sekimoto vs Takashi Sugiura - (BJW 2014/08/31)
Suffice to say, this was a pretty good match. Sekimoto is ridiculously beastly.
Cena has to be wrestling with some pretty fucked up injuries. There's really no other way.
How much longer can Cena keep going? At 37 his bump card has to be getting full. All the hgh in the world isn't going to stop father time. Realistically he has maybe 5 good years left. A body can only take a beating for so long before it breaks down. But who am I kidding, Cena is going to be just like Hogan ane never go away even when he can barely work a match or take a bump.
I won't accept Lord Sina retiring until he has at least 20 championships under his name. Gotta lock that shit down, friend.
i just don't see dean becoming "the guy"
i think he'll be fan favourite persona with backstage and promo segments, but i just find him so boring to watch actually wrestling in a match
Really? I find it to be the complete opposite. His storytelling is incredible and he does things that normal viewers don't notice but make sense in the match. He's also really good at selling everything in the match as well. I think he's awesome. He isn't a technician by any means but has a varied moveset and utilizes it pretty well in the reigns of the match. Plus he's willing to do some crazy bumps (then again so is Rollins).
How much longer can Cena keep going? At 37 his bump card has to be getting full. All the hgh in the world isn't going to stop father time. Realistically he has maybe 5 good years left. A body can only take a beating for so long before it breaks down. But who am I kidding, Cena is going to be just like Hogan ane never go away even when he can barely work a match or take a bump.
Gonna be so awesome when he's the surprise Royal Rumble entrant at number 30.
Its almost perfect, push Ambrose now and give him the push you wanted to give Reigns. Look back at this moment as a blessing in disguise in 5 years when Ambrose is a icon
Its the Hunter getting in the dog house, Austin winning KOTR of this generation. BOOK IT!
RKO: Bring It On edition
Can't wait until he gets booed for not being Daniel Bryan.
Bryan's gonna be the number 2 entrant. Believe that.
If anything, Bryan will probably be some surprise entrant in some Survivor Series elimination match.
Denial is a helluva drug.
We?It's too bad we had to put Roman over on Raw on free tv for no reason so they could put him over Rollins at NoC as well
If Rollins had gone over, he could have acted like he beat Roman so bad that Roman can't compete at NoC