So awkward seeing Andre doing the pedigree.
So awkward seeing Andre doing the pedigree.
So awkward seeing Andre doing the pedigree.
"One of the keys to WWE's success is we always listen to our audience."
-Stephanie McMahon, Monday Night War Episode 6
Hey they still listen, it's just that they now respond to criticism by doubling down on their current plans and flipping the bird, saying "what are you going to do about it? Stop watching? If you motherfuckers kept watching through the InVasion, Katie Vick and nearly 10 years of Cena, then you'll never stop"
Someone in todays generation should do Busick's finisherBig Bully Busick also did a version of it. He did the Rainmaker as well.
Someone in todays generation should do Busick's finisher
thanks, will watch in a bitEddie Guerrero vs Rey Misterio Jr from Halloween Havoc 1997 is a personal favorite.
Not to make light of anyone's legit injury/surgery, but gotdamn if this isn't the wrestling gods attempting to right the WWE ship, I don't know what it is.
Ambrose bout to lead this New New Generation into a glorious future.
Cena probably has the most unsafe moveset of a main eventer in history
That flip neckbreaker thing
The top rope legdrop on the hunched over opponent
In the New New Generation, who's going to be the one who gets Bret Hart's role of apparently being the only guy in the company who can actually make a living wrestling and doesn't have to work a second job?
The New New New Generation is going to be helmed by Kenta and Sami Zayn, though.
come on man, don't set yourself up for disappointment.
Too late, breh. Both with vidyagames and The 'E, it's a perpetual cycle of hype--> letdown--> hype.
Are you on "the drugs," Beef?
I'm tired from work. But you can't say that wouldn't be awesome.
Wish I could watch, but Ustream's being a gigantic piece of shit and their customer service is non-existent.
This is the last USTREAM show too, isn't it?
Any word on what NJPW will be using going forward?
Big Show seems like a guy who should have been let go years ago and gone on to have a mediocre run in TNA before retiring.
Big Shoe was okay in his role with Jericho. Hasn't been shit since, but that's not all his fault. No direction.
Big Show's WHC run in 2012/2013 was shockingly good
So wait Roman Reigns is bad but the Big Show is ok?
Ok Internet.
The best thing the Big Show ever did was his match against Sheamus at Hell in a Cell (2011? Maybe??) Punch vs Kick
Random thought: Why doesn't WWE do the logo on the ring canvas thing?
If he can beat the briefcase holder then surely he deserves a shot at the champ.
Has Show ever been compelling in a feud?
There is only one leader of the New New Generation: Jimmy Uso
Hey, Bronson. I just read someone refer to CHIKARA as 'the 'kara' and vomited in my mouth.
Do people actually like the big show?
He's fucking awful to watch at all times.
Punk disrespecting the 'kara was the best thing Punk ever did. What did he do, again?