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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

John Cena making another sacrifice of that little lamb



This Monday Night War episode is killing me.

Bret: At the beginning of the match, all I said to Goldberg was "Please don't hurt me".

10 seconds later:

Is WWE Superstar, John Cena a member of Bavarian Illuminati or is it just another speculation of imagination from his fans and critics?
Here is a brief description about The Illuminati and their existence.

Brief: The Illuminati
  • More popularly known as ‘The Illuminati ‘, it is a secret organisation that was founded thousands of year back. The group was formed to oppose superstition and unwanted religious beliefs.
  • It actually started when people questioned the strict behaviour of Church toward scientific findings. These findings were treated as antagonistic elements by the Church and hence a secret society was formed. It upheld the actual scientific findings and was against the use of abusive power by the Church.
  • In the modern world there are many organisations who claim themselves as the REAL Illuminati but nothing has been declared as official and hence their establishment continues to be in secrecy.
  • Illuminati have no direct relation with money, it actually tries to overthrow evil and create its own power of substance.

So is John Cena a member of Illuminati?
  • Very difficult to answer, is he someone who is a part of a secret agency. Even if he is a member, he would never reveal it.
  • The initial rules of The Illuminati are quiet similar to that of Tyler Durden’s Fight Club:
    1. You do not talk about the Illuminati
    2. You do not talk about The Illuminati
  • The first thing John Cena does while making his way to the WWE ring is showing the 666 Illuminati sign. This is the Mark of the Beast, The image of Satan.
  • The legends about The Illuminati favour the devil son of God. To be a part of The Illuminati, you need be an image of the Satan. You need to carry the devils number either on your head or your hand.
  • So basically, for John Cena to be a member of Illumianti’s elite group, he also needs to be a picture of the Satan.

Our very own hero John Cena is a devil, is that how our research is concluding or do we have another aspect?
  • Just because John Cena uses the 666 sign regularly, doesn’t mean he is a member of The Illuminati.
  • A lot of WWE superstars have a trade mark entrance just like their finishing move. All these things are usually done to make a style statement. Also by doing some kind of acts with your hand or leg can make you more popular WWE wrestler and a brand image.
  • John Cena earlier sported a different kind of entry or exit sign. Did he change it because he became an Illuminatist or maybe he felt the 666 sign is more cool.
  • John Cena is probably in love with the idea of The Illuminati’s work ethic. In this commodity, even a Satan is encouraged for his rebel nature. The Illuminati’s see the positive side of the Satan and ask their followers to mark their own destiny in the right direction.


I’ve recently bought the original DVD release of WWE No Mercy 2002 even though it is a show I watched and enjoyed live, meaning there is nothing in the way of surprises I thought it was an important enough show to get a physical copy of. 2 matches are standouts and matches everyone who likes WWE should try their best to see; these matches are Brock Lesnar vs. Undertaker and Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Beniot & Angle.

The rest of the card I remember being really underwhelming but of course the last time I saw any of it was 12 years ago, so who knows maybe something is a bit better than my memory suggests. For example I don’t remember anything at all about Triple H vs. Kane where two belts are on the line, actually the more I think about the more I remember Triple H doing a good job of trying to position himself higher than Brock Lesnar at all times. I’m going to do my best to observe and recap the show or at least write a little something about each contest.


WWE No Mercy 2002

Opening video package of Triple H saying Kane is a murderer (Katie Vick! I had totally forgotten about that abomination of an angle) Heyman calls out Undertaker in the only way he can and it is fucking awesome.

Match 1: Chris Jericho & Christian (c) vs. Booker T & Goldust - (World Tag Team Championship Match)
Thoughts: Booker T looked incredible here hitting everything cleanly and being really energetic. The match was going extremely well with everyone looking so good but right at the end the middle rope broke as Jericho tried to go for the springboard dropkick. Holy shit! They managed to fumble through it with Jericho hitting a moonsault off the top instead for the finish. That was so unfortunate that it halted the momentum like that regardless it was still a fun way to open the show. ***

Funaki interviews Torrie Wilson’s dad and asks the important question of why was he wearing clothes when in the shower with Dawn Marie. True journalism.

Match 2: Torrie Wilson vs. Dawn Marie
Thoughts: This was all about Dawn Marie supposedly getting poked by Torrie Wilson’s father. A very standard and brief affair of a match with lots of basic back and forth, though it did have a silly spot where Torrie and Dawn “cat fight” and roll about and the ref gets involved in the group hug and cops a feel for way too long. *

RVD tries his best to mock Ric Flair with a rambling parody promo but the Coach runs off to get a word from Brock Lesnar, which he gets none.

Match 3: Rob Van Dam vs. Ric Flair
Thoughts: RVD gets in all his offense early until Flair sneaks in a low blow to turn the tides into his favour. RVD’s selling for the figure four was pretty great though. It was such a run of the mill match, no different to anything you would see on Raw. *

We are treated to yet another backstage segment now this time with the Big Show complaining about Eric Bischoff to Stehpanie McMahon. Eric appears and tells the Big Show to shut up so the Big Show displays his unhappiness demanding he get put back on PPV asap.

Video Package showcasing the history of the intercontinental title both the happy moments and the controversies. There were a lot of wrestlers shown here both past and present and it was really well done. Supposedly the match between Triple H and Kane is the end of the belt so I guess this is where it’s dissolved for several years.

Match 4: Jamie Noble (c) vs. Tajiri - (Cruiserweight Championship Match)
Thoughts: Another match where you’ve seen it all before with each going through their moves and once it did get going they cut it short for the heel heat. *

We have Benoit walking backstage yelling for Eddie at the top of his lungs, he finds Eddie and lets him know that Angle is beating the shit out of Chavo and he needs his help. Begs the question why the hell aren’t the Guerreros wrestling tonight.

Video package showing casing the worst angle in the history of the company with people shagging dead bodies and people labelled as murderers. Kane was portraying as being happy so instead of doing something different with the character they found a way to make him the angry big man again albeit in a tasteless burying kind of way.

Match 5: Triple H vs. Kane - (Winner take all Match for the World Heavyweight Championship & Intercontinental Championships)
Thoughts: Lots and lots of punching from Kane, and we have Triple H fuck up quite a few moves. We have a run in by Flair then Hurricane Helms with the save but not before taking a Pedigree. Kane chokeslams Triple H through the fabled Spanish announce table, we get a ref bump, a sledgehammer shot to Kane, another ref bump and then the pedigree. The fans enjoyed themselves right until the finish but it totally wasn’t to my taste. This was 2002 Triple H meaning he wasn’t about the losing and more about adding on the bulk. **

Backstage segment number 106 and Stephanie McMahon talks to some lady, I have no idea of her name who is implying she was once the Undertaker’s wife. Stephanie wants a heart to heart to find out why she is being mean and of course Paul Heyman is to blame. Oh her name is Tracey, ok then.

The production guys are clearly working very hard as we have a new video package focusing on the new WWE tag team titles that are coming to Smackdown. Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit are thrown together as a team and must overcome their own problems if there are to succeed. They had an exciting tournament and we now have the finals. So fucking good.

Match 6: Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit - (WWE Tag Team Title Match)
Thoughts: Edge is taught early on that you do not chop Benoit but Kurt cannot be outdone by his team mate making sure Edge knows who is in charge. The hottest of tags to Mysterio who cleans house until Benoit reverses a bulldog into a crossface, Edge saves, 619 attempt is caught and Edge saves again. Angle pops up out of nowhere and belly to belly off the top on Mysterio. Angle works over Mysterio launching him every which way, even with moments of hope it isn’t enough for Mysterio to get the tag. A Benoit mistake lets Mysterio return the hot tag and it all breaks down with Edge and Mysterio working together perfectly creating the closest of near falls. This match is just fucking amazing. Reversal upon reversal and non-stop action in the final stretch that all makes sense and has been put together flawlessly. So many incredible interactions between all four with many outstanding reversals and spots making the match special beyond just technical wrestling by adding a great layer of story to keep it interesting for all. This is the 2002 match of the year and not only was it an exciting and thrilling tag match it was also executed to perfection enthralling the crowd into a fever pitch. *****

Backstage segment with the company doctor where the Undertaker convinces him to ignore his own values and give him the drugs he needs. Just say no!

Match 7: Trish Stratus (c) vs. Victoria – (WWE Women’s Championship Match)
Thoughts: Trish’s kicks are ace. A nice back and forth match with both looking strong. Trish wins via roll up after Victoria reversed the Stratusfaction, Victoria is annoyed so kicks Trish in the face. *

Rikishi is at The World in NYC and we get a highlight of when he was pushed off the Hell in a Cell back at Armageddon 2000. We get a video package building up the main event and they foreshadowed how much blood was is going to spill quite effectively.

Match 8: Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Undertaker – (Hell in a Cell Match for the WWE Championship)
Thoughts:This is one of the most physical fights WWE had done in quite a while at this point and it helped cement the idea that a Hell in a Cell match could be enjoyable without the need of a bump off the top. The amount of blood spilt is fucking staggering Brock bleeds, Heyman even bleeds and the Undertaker just gushes blood everywhere. Brock even gets a mouthful of Undertaker’s pouring life fluid and that is pretty fucked up. It wasn’t a wrestling match but an endurance contest and it did suffer from being quite slow at times but it was still entertaining by the end especially once they brought the idea of Undertaker getting payback for a broken hand by trying to break Brock’s. That was the bloodiest of wars to say all they used were their fists. ***

Well there it is, all said and done. The show was pretty much exactly how I remembered it with it being a one match show even with some good bits scattered here and there, though the main event didn’t have the impact it once did. Regardless I still enjoyed watching it all and feel the Smackdown tag title match being incredibly special and totally worth seeking out.


I almost missed my flight, which means I would have missed tonights PPV. And how can that happen, when Brotista might return?! But I am here, and tired, but here.

My predictions:

Sheamus vs. Cesaro
Chris Jericho vs. Randy Orton
Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins
Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena

Lesnar wins clean again after a more balanced match.

Possible Outta Nowhere Moment: Cena gets himself disqualified allowing Brock to win, and this sets up the final match at HIAC.

More importantly though:









Is WWE Superstar, John Cena a member of Bavarian Illuminati or is it just another speculation of imagination from his fans and critics?
Here is a brief description about The Illuminati and their existence.

Brief: The Illuminati
  • More popularly known as ‘The Illuminati ‘, it is a secret organisation that was founded thousands of year back. The group was formed to oppose superstition and unwanted religious beliefs.
  • It actually started when people questioned the strict behaviour of Church toward scientific findings. These findings were treated as antagonistic elements by the Church and hence a secret society was formed. It upheld the actual scientific findings and was against the use of abusive power by the Church.
  • In the modern world there are many organisations who claim themselves as the REAL Illuminati but nothing has been declared as official and hence their establishment continues to be in secrecy.
  • Illuminati have no direct relation with money, it actually tries to overthrow evil and create its own power of substance.

So is John Cena a member of Illuminati?
  • Very difficult to answer, is he someone who is a part of a secret agency. Even if he is a member, he would never reveal it.
  • The initial rules of The Illuminati are quiet similar to that of Tyler Durden’s Fight Club:
    1. You do not talk about the Illuminati
    2. You do not talk about The Illuminati
  • The first thing John Cena does while making his way to the WWE ring is showing the 666 Illuminati sign. This is the Mark of the Beast, The image of Satan.
  • The legends about The Illuminati favour the devil son of God. To be a part of The Illuminati, you need be an image of the Satan. You need to carry the devils number either on your head or your hand.
  • So basically, for John Cena to be a member of Illumianti’s elite group, he also needs to be a picture of the Satan.

Our very own hero John Cena is a devil, is that how our research is concluding or do we have another aspect?
  • Just because John Cena uses the 666 sign regularly, doesn’t mean he is a member of The Illuminati.
  • A lot of WWE superstars have a trade mark entrance just like their finishing move. All these things are usually done to make a style statement. Also by doing some kind of acts with your hand or leg can make you more popular WWE wrestler and a brand image.
  • John Cena earlier sported a different kind of entry or exit sign. Did he change it because he became an Illuminatist or maybe he felt the 666 sign is more cool.
  • John Cena is probably in love with the idea of The Illuminati’s work ethic. In this commodity, even a Satan is encouraged for his rebel nature. The Illuminati’s see the positive side of the Satan and ask their followers to mark their own destiny in the right direction.

Now you've done it.

Want to know what's really crazy? Asking for a pirated stream of this event will get you banned. Asking for a website that posts animated gifs of tonight's event plus posting said gifs in this thread is not only welcome, it's allowed.



WCW Monday Nitro 5/13/96

  • Steiner Brothers vs Public Enemy
  • Dave Taylor vs Chris Benoit
  • VK Wallstreet vs Ric Flair
  • The Giant vs Lex Luger WCW Championship

The go home show for Slamboree, which takes place on MAY 19TH!!! Not really a whole lot to the show this week. The highlights were Macho saying he saw a woman psychiatrist who called him an OCD: One Cool Dude, Ric Flair comparing himself to Joe Namath and calling Liz/Woman his wide receivers (which Eric had to apologize for after the break), and the subtext of Eric putting on his Owen Voice for a top guy getting put through a table, but making jokes when mid carders go through tables.





Brock's promos are hilarious. "Then he has to try his never give up bullshit." If having promos like this means they will all be prerecorded, then I'm fine with it.
Bryan has been fighting on the indys for years in, tough, grueling matches. More recently he's been getting tombstoned on the reg. It was inevitable he'd be out with an injury, but Reigns? How embarrassing. WWE needs to pull the plug on him immediately lest they go out of business.

I'm looking forward to the gifs from Lesnar/Cena tonight.


he's out getting titty surgery. didn't you catch the news? wont be back for 1-3 months.

probably gonna return and win the rumble.

I disagree. Roman is going to miss his entire build, and will lose all the momentum he recently gained.

I don't know why wwe thinks Roman is their guy for WM31. The smark crowd at WM would cheer for Lesnar over Roman.
Want to know what's really crazy? Asking for a pirated stream of this event will get you banned. Asking for a website that posts animated gifs of tonight's event plus posting said gifs in this thread is not only welcome, it's allowed.

So? Happens in every sporting thread or OT of TV shows GAF likes to obsess over. There's a huge difference between sharing a link to a pirated PPV product and sharing a soundless, low-resolution, dozen-or-so second GIF.

That being said, enjoy some GIF's from today's New Japan iPPV;







Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Friend Bean, do you have the rights of WWE to be using that photograph of John Cena?

Did you pirate your avatar? I was gonna buy that John Cena poster, but I realized I can just come in here and look at Bean's avatar instead
I love stone cold

I don't think I like his podcast

Look, I know you've got some issues with the podcast, The Steve Austin Show, but listen, what you need to do is you need to get yourself some Alpha Brain because I guarantee that if you're over 25 you NEED to boost your testosterone. Physically, mentally, you name it - Alpha Brain is gonna give you the edge that you need to stick out from the other cats in the pack,


I love stone cold

I don't think I like his podcast

Impossible. Unless you've only heard the Nash interview.

Look, I know you've got some issues with the podcast, The Steve Austin Show, but listen, what you need to do is you need to get yourself some Alpha Brain because I guarantee that if you're over 25 you NEED to boost your testosterone. Physically, mentally, you name it - Alpha Brain is gonna give you the edge that you need to stick out from the other cats in the pack,

You know what would go really well with that? If you also wanna keep your body healthy, you've GOTTA get hooked up with DDP Yoga and my good friend Diamond Dallas Page. He created DDP Yoga after hurting his back in the ring. This program has done wonders for DDP and hundreds of thousands of regular people all around the world, and other wrestlers too. Don't believe me? Ask Chris Jericho! Ask Ryback! Ask Big Show! DDP Yoga is a great fitness program, so act fast and get in the best shape of your life.


Hulk Hogan doesn't eat nuts or honey!


That's better than a bodyslam!

I don't know which is better, the Cheerios commercial with Hulk Hogan or the TBS promo that follows.

This Monday Night War episode is killing me.

Bret: At the beginning of the match, all I said to Goldberg was "Please don't hurt me".

10 seconds later:


Again, I have always hated everything about Dubbya See Dubbya. This includes Bill Goldberg and the fact that this sad sack is the one who ended Bret's career. Has there ever been a wrestler as god dammed stupid as Goldberg? The guy broke his hand punching a car window because he thought wrestling was real.
Something has been bothering me. So in Ready to Rumble, Jimmy King beat DDP in a shoot cage match and nearly killed him. Does that mean that from there on out, wrestling is real?


So not worth it
I believe Bret Hart saying to Goldberg before that match "please don't hurt me" as much as I believe Ted Turner's mission in life was to destroy Vince McMahon and the Montreal Screwjob being the only logical way to take the title off of Bret.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
To be fair, Russo also told Goldberg 'please don't hurt me' and Goldberg supposedly gave him a concussion. So there's some history there. Goldberg used to have a bad reputation backstage from multiple sources.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Something has been bothering me. So in Ready to Rumble, Jimmy King beat DDP in a shoot cage match and nearly killed him. Does that mean that from there on out, wrestling is real?

Jimmy King was also an UNDEFEATED world champion. For over a decade. Not even Hulkamania ran that wild, brother.


Something has been bothering me. So in Ready to Rumble, Jimmy King beat DDP in a shoot cage match and nearly killed him. Does that mean that from there on out, wrestling is real?
Well the first match they had Page shot on King, and screwed him out of his title. The second match was a complete shoot.

Wrestling is a work in the RtR universe. But like in real life, wrestlers from time, to time will take liberties with their opponent. It's just in the RtR universe wrestlers can lose their card position when someone shoots on you with the blessing of the promoter.


Dunno if this has been discussed, but Kurt Angle's contract with TNA supposedly ends today.

Hopefully he's clean enough to come back to WWE. Angle v Brock for a few weeks would be great
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