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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye


love on your sleeve
So Seth Rollins is probably dead


It won't happen but I want Wyatt vs Brock at HitC.

Cena vs Rollins at the PPV, too.
Ambrose vs HHH



DQ's are a legit finish in pro wrestling as long as they serve a purpose like this one did. It put off a definitive match between these two for a later date, it helped build up interest in a cash in which hasn't been seriously teased in months and it helped bring back Cena strong while not ruining the excellent build up they have with Brock, who looked like a monster out there.
No. Brock was fixing to tap to Cena, the man who never taps. He was booked way too stronk.


Just realized Bray wasn't even on the show tonight. Poor guy.
Best way to bring him back is to have him lead a feud on Luke and Erick's behalf against Gold/Stardust. That way, when it comes to time for both sides to talk shit, NOBODY will know what's being said.

Poor guy, indeed.
They do this all the time... I don't get what's to be pissed about. Everyone looks good and a good excuse to use the cell. I like that Seth is now mixed in. A possible triple threat would be sweet (except for cena being the 3rd guy of course).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I want to address the biggest problem I had with that finish.

Seth shouldn't keep his MITB contract. He said ON FILM he was cashing in. The announcer said it. It's not like they were cut off halfway through. There is NO reason for the bell not to have rung. Seth should not have his contract.
Match was great. Lesnar's Curb Stomp sell was awesome. I could have done without Lawler saying Cena woulda won without Rollins interference.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Took 4 AA's, a million STFs, a Curbstomp and the show still ends with him F5'ing Cena out of the ring.

I don't know what people want? I guess the last PPV created some unrealistic expectations.

I want Cena to go away. He's been the same character for over a decade, with literally no change in between. Even considering just RAW and PPVs, that's like 1400+ hours of content where he's been the face of the company and 0 character development.

I don't want to see John Cena feuding with hot new stable. I wan to see the stables stand on their own two feet.

I don't want to see John Cena sticking up for Zack Ryder or Daniel Bryan or speaking on their behalf. I want to see them do it.

I don't want to see John Cena get the rub against the monster heel Khali/Umaga/Brock Lesnar/Rusev, or break the Masterlock. I want those rubs to go to 5 or 6 guys to make them seem like credible main eventers for the next 3-6 years. Cena shouldn't be on the cusp of defeating the man who broke the streak only to get screwed over by a DQ.

I don't want to see Cody Rhodes wasting away in the tag division, I want to see him in the upper card and upper-midcard, in Cena's place.


Good main event, I thought.

Lesnar has no opponents, so I was kind of hoping this match would end in DQ in some way and lead to HIAC. I just didn't think Seth would be the one causing it. It's not interesting seeing Lesnar against some jobbers because about the only two threats to him right now are Cena and Bryan. And the latter is injured.

Lesnar still looked like a beast. It took 4 Attitude Adjustments to finally make it seem like he was beat. And even then, I could believe he would probably kick out. He kicked out at 1 from the first, 2 from the second one, and the third one just went straight into the STF. Then he crawled away three times, before Cena finally gave him a fourth AA. To be frank, I think this all looks ridiculous, and part of that is because of the match last month being so over the top. Lesnar still looks strong though.

I think the dumbest thing about the main event is having to believe Seth would break the match. It would make more sense to let Cena win, then bash his head in with the briefcase, then cash in to pin him. Why would you let the title remain on the guy who seems almost impossible to beat? Even if Cena almost had it. Cena was also hurt and is easier to beat.

I'm guessing Lesnar beats Cena at HIAC, and then it's Lesnar vs. Orton at Survivor Series.

Nice to see Ambrose return.

Also damn at no Batista. I'm not going to bother with Raw tomorrow night. It's obvious he's out until possibly the night after HIAC. That'll be the Raw to catch I guess.
Maybe if Bray wasn't using the same promo for over a year now he would've gotten a match on this PPV.

But alas, not everyone can keep it fresh over the years like Lord Sina.


Match was great. Lesnar's Curb Stomp sell was awesome. I could have done without Lawler saying Cena woulda won without Rollins interference.

I could do without Lawler period. But yea, I enjoyed the match and most of the PPV. It helps not to watch Raw to keep the stink of the product from clouding my judgment though.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
They do this all the time... I don't get what's to be pissed about. Everyone looks good and a good excuse to use the cell. I like that Seth is now mixed in. A possible triple threat would be sweet (except for cena being the 3rd guy of course).

Yeah Cena / Brock / Rollins would be a great HIAC ME.

I want Cena to go away. He's been the same character for over a decade, with literally no change in between. Even considering just RAW and PPVs, that's like 1400+ hours of content where he's been the face of the company and 0 character development.

I don't want to see John Cena feuding with hot new stable. I wan to see the stables stand on their own two feet.

I don't want to see John Cena sticking up for Zack Ryder or Daniel Bryan or speaking on their behalf. I want to see them do it.

I don't want to see John Cena get the rub against the monster heel Khali/Umaga/Brock Lesnar/Rusev, or break the Masterlock. I want those rubs to go to 5 or 6 guys to make them seem like credible main eventers for the next 3-6 years. Cena shouldn't be on the cusp of defeating the man who broke the streak only to get screwed over by a DQ.

I don't want to see Cody Rhodes wasting away in the tag division, I want to see him in the upper card and upper-midcard, in Cena's place.

Its nice to want things I guess but Cena is their meal ticket.


Tag team match was meh, but alright
US Title match was 3/4 dreadful, 1/4 amazing
IC Title match was decent
Jericho vs Orton was good
Rusev vs MURICA was meh
Divas match was piss break
Ambrose coming back was amazing

Cena looked strong for no reason against the guy who destroyed him a month ago and now we'll be stuck with "I tell you maggle he was about to pin him!" for the next month and a half. Boring DQ finish and cop out "the bell never rang" cash in...

Horrible Raws leading up to a meh PPV. i'm bored.


Junior Wrestlemania XXX Champion
My opinion on that ending is that it was a nessacery evil, and I say that for 3 reasons.

First, to extend the feud. Let's be honest, if you were to compile a list of legit contenders for Brock, you'll have a hard time filling it up. If he's keeping the belt to at least wrestlemania, they need to stall him for a while.

Second, to legitimize the Money in the Bank threat. What was the first thing everyone said when Brock won the belt? "Looks like Seth isn't going to cash in anytime soon." This is their way of keeping it in your mind that he still can cash in at anytime.

Finally, it justifies the next match. Take a look at the next PPV coming up. Notice what it's called? That's right, Hell in a Cell. Ever since that ppv was established, they really haven't had a storyline reason for the stip, doing it more out of obligation. But outside interference is exactly the kind of thing that demands a Hell in a Cell match.

Now, with that all said, was the ending questionable? Sure. Was it bad? Depends on your point of view. But what it did was show that WWE had some future thought when booking for once, and that is a miracle in it of itself.

Now if only it was Ambrose that stopped Seth from cashing in...


Also has a good bit to do with the fact that the guys they have been pushing have ended up getting shelved with injuries.

which is why we're gonna be stuck with lolcena until he dies in the ring

wwe isn't gonna waste time on people. daniel bryan fucked them over. they finally decided to push him and he's out longer than Ray Rice. Drax ended up leaving. they decided to push the worst member of the Shield to the moon only for him to get hurt.


In a way, this also kind of makes Seth look a little strong. Even though he runs away from Ambrose, for some reason he has the testicles to cash in on Brock of all people.

Such mixed signals. Ambrose must just be that kryptonite.


I'm starting to believe Woods killed the New Nation with his twitter antics.

I want to address the biggest problem I had with that finish.

Seth shouldn't keep his MITB contract. He said ON FILM he was cashing in. The announcer said it. It's not like they were cut off halfway through. There is NO reason for the bell not to have rung. Seth should not have his contract.

The bell isn't supposed to ring until both men are in the ring and the referee signals for it. Neither were done.
God I really just don't wanna see Brock and Cena again, I just want it to end.

all this is WWE's own fault for having no real main event players except for Cena and Bryan(who's injured)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
The bell isn't supposed to ring until both men are in the ring and the referee signals for it. Neither were done.

But both men were in the ring. Cena had Rollins in the ring before he chased him out. If you're going with the unpredictable nature of MITB then there have to be some actual repercussions for it.


People kick out of AAs all the time when John and his opponent want to make some faux 'big match feel' bullshit. Punk CONSTANTLY kicked out of it. It's like a trope of any John Cena PPV main event with a lot of build.

That's been a problem since the Attitude Era, where finisher trading and stealing became standard in main event matches. It kept getting worse over the years, being particularly bad in the last 3-4 years where you can't have a main event match with at least 3 finishers from both dudes. You can blame it on Cena, you can blame it on Taker/HBK, but it really started really with Rock and Austin. I believe all 3 of their WM matches had both guys hit their finisher 3 times AND steal a finisher.
That's been a problem since the Attitude Era, where finisher trading and stealing became standard in main event matches. It kept getting worse over the years, being particularly bad in the last 3-4 years where you can't have a main event match with at least 3 finishers from both dudes. You can blame it on Cena, you can blame it on Taker/HBK, but it really started really with Rock and Austin. I believe all 3 of their WM matches had both guys hit their finisher 3 times AND steal a finisher.
ding ding ding ding


Hey Vince, Ambrose had the biggest pop over anybody tonight. Maybe you should listen to the fans?

Anyways from what I watched of the PPV the last match was the worst. Cena of course literally comes out of nowhere and almost beats Brock, it is like the creative team doesn't have a fucking clue how to write a monster character. The only way Cena should be able to beat Brock is to cheat, not by physical strength. But no, we are going to keep Cena boring and not pull a heel turn at all. I get that he is part of the make a wish stuff, but come on. Quit making your product suffer for something that has nothing to do with your product. Either have him squash Cena again and get Cena out of the main event, or turn Cena. Either or at this point.

Diva match was interesting and thankfully Nikki did not win.

Orton vs Randy was pretty good actually, Randy is a great wrestler when he feels like performing well.

That was all I watched, other then Ambrose come out and be the best thing right now as usual.

I read Ziggler lost which is stupid, but hopefully they give the IC belt back to him at Hell in a Cell.




I'd wanna see this.

Ryder has been bulking like crazy. Dude is as thick as Rusev now.

But both men were in the ring. Cena had Rollins in the ring before he chased him out. If you're going with the unpredictable nature of MITB then there have to be some actual repercussions for it.

The referee didn't signal for the belt. God forbid WWE starts sticking to their own rules, but it is one of them.

Also, IIRC, the MitB match still has to happen in the ring. It can just happen at any time.
Listen, Brock Lesnar was who we thought he was. He's what we thought he was. We fought him at SummerSlam, who the heck treats a main event at SummerSlam like it's bull s***? We fought him in the main event, Cena wouldn't give up. Brock Lesnar is who we thought he was! That's why we took the d*** rematch!

Now, if you want to crown him, then crown his a**!

But he is who we thought he was and we let him off the hook!


You people are surprised at a DQ ending?

Plus it hints at the Authority wanting the belt off Lesnar too, as we'll get HHH saying Rollins was acting alone, only to reveal later on that it was a "conspiracy" so we can move onto Lesnar as a "anti-hero" as he faces Orton up to RR.
Wwe doesnt think that far ahead lol. They just had to re write a ppv because of relying to heavily on reigns


The only thing I see coming out of tonight's results is a potential orton/bork match at hell in the cell which would be an interesting match since they never paired up from what I know.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
That's been a problem since the Attitude Era, where finisher trading and stealing became standard in main event matches. It kept getting worse over the years, being particularly bad in the last 3-4 years where you can't have a main event match with at least 3 finishers from both dudes. You can blame it on Cena, you can blame it on Taker/HBK, but it really started really with Rock and Austin. I believe all 3 of their WM matches had both guys hit their finisher 3 times AND steal a finisher.

I mean, that's always been my problem with Rock, and why I was never a fan. All his matches are laid out as 'big moment big moment big moment big moment big moment'. There's no ascent or descent.

It's funny if you watch the Samao Joe/CM Punk shoot where they talk about how Ricky Steamboat told them not to just keep hitting finishers that it's better to build up to that ONE finisher, and that's what they did.

Then you watch Punks main event matches with Cena.


If it's ANYONE but Cena, I don't think as many people have beef with the end of that match. However, it was Cena and it's the corner the WWE has booked themselves into with him.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah. I mentioned all 3 of their WM matches.

Whoops, missed that post. Yep, the best match of all time shockingly started a wwe PPV tradition of multiple finishers/finisher stealing nonsense for the big fights.

Actually, fuck Rock and Austin, I blame AKI corporation! A+B+stick waggle to steal dat finish!
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