Listen, Brock Lesnar was who we thought he was. He's what we thought he was. We fought him at SummerSlam, who the heck treats a main event at SummerSlam like it's bull s***? We fought him in the main event, Cena wouldn't give up. Brock Lesnar is who we thought he was! That's why we took the d*** rematch!
Now, if you want to crown him, then crown his a**!
But he is who we thought he was and we let him off the hook!
Dean Ambrose has that CM Punk edge WWE wants without being an irl prick.
i'm glad someone got it
The only thing I see coming out of tonight's results is a potential orton/bork match at hell in the cell which would be an interesting match since they never paired up from what I know.
I feel like between the Fast & Furious/Football Interview jokes, we're missing an important gif here:
Where Cena fucking elbows Lesnar right in the goddamn face
Spoiler for next month:
Oooh! Reminded me that I need to finish watching that Brock Lesnar-esque beatdown the Falcons put on the Bucs.A+ post
payback for all the suplexes
I feel like between the Fast & Furious/Football Interview jokes, we're missing an important gif here:
Where Cena fucking elbows Lesnar right in the goddamn face
Bork donning the tights again? Jimmy John's must have gone in a different direction.
The more important news is that they're bringing back the best WWE Championship Belt design.
The more important news is that they're bringing back the best WWE Championship Belt design.
Classic Canadian humor, right here. Perspicacity, Alucard, and Net_Wrecker are somewhere up there in a frozen tundras of the great white north, laughing their butts off.
I can't believe they're giving rusev all these wins. guy sucks. it's convincing that he is strong but after cena beats his win streak the guy will have nothing behind him and will fall to jobber tier to new guys getting bo dallas type pushes.
I can't believe they're giving rusev all these wins. guy sucks. it's convincing that he is strong but after cena beats his win streak the guy will have nothing behind him and will fall to jobber tier to new guys getting bo dallas type pushes.
I can't believe they're giving rusev all these wins. guy sucks. it's convincing that he is strong but after cena beats his win streak the guy will have nothing behind him and will fall to jobber tier to new guys getting bo dallas type pushes.
Is Net_Wrecker doing a delayed Night of Champions liveblog? How can that be when's it broadcast live all over the globe?
He's watching it in gif form
My sub runs out in 9 days. Takeover 2 said I should resub, Night of Champions said I shouldn't. What does man do?
I'd let it at least lapse for a few weeks after Oct 6th. That's when all of the WM subs end right?My sub runs out in 9 days. Takeover 2 said I should resub, Night of Champions said I shouldn't. What does man do?
Is Net_Wrecker doing a delayed Night of Champions liveblog? How can that be when's it broadcast live all over the globe?
When is Mark Audio Wrestling on TSN starting?
TNA is Firephone tier tho.
Midnight EST.
bray wyatt wasn't even on the card? damnMaybe if Bray wasn't using the same promo for over a year now he would've gotten a match on this PPV.
TNA is Firephone tier tho.
Toronto, right?
bray wyatt wasn't even on the card? damn
creative probably has no idea how to book him after the cena feeding and that incredibly bland feud with jericho. nobody for the wyatt family to really work with right now and honestly I don't think anyone above them on the card wants to.
sucks that eric rowan and luke harper are suffering because of the momentum of bray dwindling.
both those guys are quite good in the ring and honestly I think should have gotten the tag titles to help them rebound a bit after being made to look like two complete buffoons by cena on PPV twice.
bray was never ready for singles. should have kept them as a team at mania then booked bray in a singles at extreme rules.
their momentum is dead and they all three are on their way to the lower card.
I thought Rusev sucked and had no future in NXT, but I completely changed my mind on him around the Big E matches. His selling is probably the best in the company right now. His match tonight sucked, but I put a lot of that on Henry and booking, because Mark Henry has never really done a selling on the mat all match kind of match. It should have been a bomb throwing, big dudes a clubbering and hitting each other in the belly wellies kind of match. Ziffling each other in the face, you know what I'm saying?