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September Wrasslin' |OT| Almost Brings a tear to my eye

she holds the secret of my rebirth

it is time

the end of the world as you know it is here

I've cracked the code, it meant the end of Jericho's ability to consistently entertain, thus the end of his world in the WWE universe as we knew it and whoever this lass holding the secret of his rebirth is, well she obviously isn't going to spill the beans thus Jericho continues his march into mediocrity.
The only time Orton was interesting is when he was punting legends in the head. Dude is boring as fuck in the ring. I'd put him on par with Christian as someone I wouldn't miss if they never wrestled again. I'll take Cena any day over him in the main event.
I was super disappointed every jericho return. he has been washed up since the attitude era. his feud with punk is the only memorable thing he's worked in the last ten years.
Counter point. Super serious sycophants Jericho, barring the legends feud, is the only exceptional period of Jericho's entire career, from the booking to the promos to the matches
Yeah, he seems really off and on when it comes to looking good.

I mean, you kinda explained it pretty well.

In big matches, he can be pretty awesome and pull off some nice spots, whereas in other matches...not so much.

(Part of it also depends on his opponent, but the above still stands.)

gosh, it's like you understand wrestling


I like Orton.

He's had the unfortunate privilege of being in the WWE after Vince bought out his competition so nobody gives a fuck.
Watched an old ROH show, it was everything great and terrible about ROH in one event. The first match was a six man scramble, all but one was wearing garbage bag pants, the match was 12 minutes of dives and head-drops. They followed it with Xavier vs Slyck Wagner Brown, which completely deflated the crowd. Nigel vs Jerry Lynn was pretty dull as well. Somehow, John Walter vs Matt Stryker woke everyone up and got "THIS IS AWESOME!" chants, which I can only attribute to lowered expectations. The Prophecy and Second City Saints had a wild brawl, followed by a great Punk vs AJ pure title match with Steamboat as the ref. The ROH title match with Jay vs Samoa Joe in the cage was as brutal as I remembered it, Jay bled buckets, while the Scramble Cage main event was fucking ridiculous idiocy, totally unsafe nonsense from start to finish, with run ins from Dusty and Ox Baker which, frankly, was the best part of the match.

Teddy Hart is insane, it's a shame we couldn't get his madness on WWE TV, even for a short while;


He then hit a shooting star onto no one for no visible reason;


Ace Steel elbowing Gabe in the face;


That dropkick;







I love how vicious WCW TMF powerbombs are. Everyone in WWF at the time were doing those soft ass powerbombs where they just drop them.




Well we are getting the debut of Xavier Woods group with Kofi and Big E on Smackdown right now. They are wearing the same gear and working together but no mention of it by the announcers.

edit: Titus seems as well. Coincidence or future storyline?


I don't think Orton's a bad wrestler at all. He's quite good when he has something to work with. It's his character that's bland and stale as hell.

I'm a Jericho mark so it's probably why I give him more of a pass than others, but I legit enjoyed just about every match he was a part of in his latest return. The guy is 43 and doing springboards and top rope drop kicks.

And Meltzer knows what's up, bros. Jericho/Orton was the best match at NoC, or was at least up in the top two alongside Sheamus and Cesaro.


Even during a live pay per view? That's when I have problems with it. Night of Champions was the first one that didn't freeze or anything.

(Sorry for the delayed response)

Actually I had some problems with the Pre-show of Night of Champions. However, once the PPV started, it runned amazingly well without freezing at all.


i agree with kano, orton is one of the best performers they've got and by a wide margin

consistently carried smack down for a year with stellar matches with christian, rvd, cesaro before real americans, daniel bryan during hell no, etc before his heel turn at SS

all really understated. he knows he's enhancement talent now and he turns it up when needs to, but if anyone in the ring could go at his real pace, then you get a fantastic match. he consistently did it with bryan and did it with cesaro on a few smack downs (their duelling european uppercuts is such an underrated spot)

he's so damn perfect at everything too. makes the whole thing look like figure skating - it's unreal how graceful he is

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
That RoH show sounds like the worst and best of RoH in one place.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE.com has some nice words for ol' Mojo.


"The kid’s got a bright future, hell, I wish I came up with the get hyped/stay hyped catchphrase first. Now THAT would’ve sold some t-shirts." - Stone Cold Steve Austin

"I used to proudly call myself the showstopper but the more I see of Mojo Rawley, the more HE is the new showstopper." - Shawn Michaels

"I’ve been waiting for one of the younger guys to step up and take my spot as the #1 guy and I firmly believe he’s here." - John Cena

"If I were to come back for just one more match, it would be without a shadow of a doubt.. Mojo Rawley." - The Rock

"Everyone in NXT looks up to him, I know when he makes it to RAW he’s going to be a locker room leader. He’s a game changer." - Triple H

“He’s the new phenom, it’s as simple as that..” - The Undertaker


TNA announced two matches for Bound for Glory:

Muto and Tajiri vs Sanada and James Storm

The next one is hilarious:

Kaz Hayashi vs Samoa Joe for the x-division title(lol)

How are they going to pull this off when the fans know that he already lost the title and they already failed once when they tried it with Sanada.


So, what is it specifically that people didn't like about Jericho's latest run?

Here are the pluses and minuses in my mind.

-Good return match against The Miz that helped establish "the moneymaker" character for The Miz
-Very cool first encounter with The Wyatts, and loud "This is awesome!" chants
-The sit-down interview with Bray going into Summerslam
-His matches against Bray at Summerslam and in the cage
-His matches against Kane and Orton

-Weak feud building in the Wyatt feud. ZERO clear motivation for them to fight. I put this on creative.
-Not enough legit mic time to put over his matches and feuds in general

Basically, I loved his in-ring work, but the mic time and storytelling outside of the ring were insufficient. Thoughts?


So, what is it specifically that people didn't like about Jericho's latest run?

Here are the pluses and minuses in my mind.

-Good return match against The Miz that helped establish "the moneymaker" character for The Miz
-Very cool first encounter with The Wyatts, and loud "This is awesome!" chants
-The sit-down interview with Bray going into Summerslam
-His matches against Bray at Summerslam and in the cage
-His matches against Kane and Orton

-Weak feud building in the Wyatt feud. ZERO clear motivation for them to fight. I put this on creative.
-Not enough legit mic time to put over his matches and feuds in general

Basically, I loved his in-ring work, but the mic time and storytelling outside of the ring were insufficient. Thoughts?





His matches with Bray sucked. All of his TV matches have sucked. His match with Orton was ok. His promos were the most annoying they had been in years.
For the first time ever I finally got an A rank in Resident Evil 2! Got it in Leon B. Only saved twice, didn't use first aid sprays, and got a 2:43 on time.

This also means that I finally got to play Hunk's scenario. Now I can say that I like him in the later games without feeling like a poser. He's game is hard as shit though. Couldn't beat it on my first. Still, very happy!

Oh, and wrasslin'.

Randy Orton is pretty cool. He can have a great match with everyone. All his moves look very crisp as well. His problem is that he hasn't been in a worthwhile storyline for years. Even then, he's still fucking over, and gets a good reaction out of the crowd.

If you find him boring, blame creative, not him.


For the first time ever I finally got an A rank in Resident Evil 2! Got it in Leon B. Only saved twice, didn't use first aid sprays, and got a 2:43 on time.

This also means that I finally got to play Hunk's scenario. Now I can say that I like him in the later games without feeling like a poser. He's game is hard as shit though. Couldn't beat it on my first. Still, very happy!

Oh, and wrasslin'.

Randy Orton is pretty cool. He can have a great match with everyone. All his moves look very crisp as well. His problem is that he hasn't been in a worthwhile storyline for years. Even then, he's still fucking over, and gets a good reaction out of the crowd.

If you find him boring, blame creative, not him.

Who do I blame if I find you boring?


WWE.com has some nice words for ol' Mojo.

"He's the best there is, and one day he'll be the rest."-Bret Hart

"I'm Macho, but I sure wish I was Mojo." - Randy Savage

"This guy is no Joke, and he sure won't choke." - Chris Benoit

"This kid right here she'll... Fuck, can I try that again? These kids... SHIT!!!" - Sabu


Anything decent happen on Smackdown with Ambrose? Or no?

Also something that bothered me about Raw was that when Ambrose was getting beat up by Seth and Kane the creative was so dumb that they couldn't even continue that Cena had a problem with Rollins as well. Cena should have ran out and saved him, but no, that would have taken at least middle school story telling to accomplish I guess. I found the Dean hiding under the box as funny and good, but Cena should have still came out and backed him up in his match.
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