Well, I do think Punk is eventually going to come back though.
Steven's Point Wisconsin (half hour from me) got a
According to a source within WWE, Triple H, as he comes more into power, is a big fan of soliciting feedback from the internet and online communities, and is reportedly having WWEs social media workers keep an eye on various online communities.
The site HHH is most intrigued by is Reddit, and its r/squaredcircle community. Apparently thats where the Dolphins1925″ user originated, and it looks like the site has a new insider on there a former employee of the WWE who has been telling loads of stories about Vince, Kevin Dunn, and other backstage on-goings and entities. Its been seen as kind of a hot spot for the wrestling community, and there are rumors that booking has taken inspiration from fantasy booking found on that site.
Triple H is also said to be working on an Ask me Anything (AMA) with the site not on the Squared Circle community but on the main AMA page for maximum visibility. He wants to get in on it and let them know hes aware.
There are a few other communities being tossed around, including the GameFAQs message board as well as our own message board, as places to look for feedback and further ways to influence the product. Its being said that Sandows role as the Mizs bodyguard was taken in part by discussions seen about Sandow on these sites.
Always a possibility, but these vague hints are meant to sneakily drive interest in the product when Punk probably hasn't even spoken to the company in months. "Tonight could be the night! They're in Chicago!!" Of course you can never say never, that'd be foolish.
Dating someone from Steven's Point. I want a Piggly Wiggly tee.
Watch out for XXTheGaMe420XX on GameFAQs. It might actually be Triple H.
Yep. They've used several of mine.I think that confirms HHH lurks WrassleGAF, since there have been so many comments that get posted and then suddenly JBL says on screen. I like to believe that HHH is feeding him the lines, and not that Bean Breath is actually JBL.
I think that confirms HHH lurks WrassleGAF, since there have been so many comments that get posted and then suddenly JBL says on screen. I like to believe that HHH is feeding him the lines, and not that Bean Breath is actually JBL.
Nah just means he lurks the place wrasslegaf jacks the lines from. That's a shoot, brother.
I think that confirms HHH lurks WrassleGAF, since there have been so many comments that get posted and then suddenly JBL says on screen. I like to believe that HHH is feeding him the lines, and not that Bean Breath is actually JBL.
Sweet, I'm not the only WisconsinGAF member of WrestleGAF?
ChicagoGAF, but I will rep Wisconsin with you. A good cheese curd squeaks don't cha knoow.
I agree, I don't like the Punk chants and they'll be obnoxious tonight. He hasn't been with the company in nine months, let it go.Yeah, I used to look forward to Chicago Raws but now it's more annoying than a quiet crowd. Ah well.
Watch out for XXTheGaMe420XX on GameFAQs. It might actually be Triple H.
You guys are overestimating this communities exposure just like Seth Rollins is deluded about his own skills and abilities. If our forum was big enough to be noticed by HHH, don't you think we'd be inundated with new members on the reg? WWE officials would be more likely to read Botched Spot or Brandon Stroud before they'd ever reach this place.
In before JesseEwiak is Triple H
For once, I'm in agreement with Racist Breath. Besides, you guys think someone from the backwards carny community that is professional wrestling wouldn't get banned within 5 seconds of Neo 'my way or the highway ®' GAF'? I don't know how Mechashiva and Bronson do it other than copious amounts of bribes.
For once, I'm in agreement with Racist Breath. Besides, you guys think someone from the backwards carny community that is professional wrestling wouldn't get banned within 5 seconds of Neo 'my way or the highway ®' GAF'? I don't know how Mechashiva and Bronson do it other than copious amounts of bribes.
Punk is like Kobe Bryant in a Colorado hotel room.Punk is like Piper. He'll be gone for a few years, recharge, then come back.
Which one is the best?
You kidding me? I'm the normal one of WrassleGAF. I'm the barometer for crazy!
And why I stay in the business (though that may change soon)?
It's either the Cena one or the HHH one. The Cena one looks like it legit hits him. But the HHH one has a better sell, Lil Naitch's reaction, and the crowd pop.
Punk is like Kobe Bryant in a Colorado hotel room.
It's either the Cena one or the HHH one. The Cena one looks like it legit hits him. But the HHH one has a better sell, Lil Naitch's reaction, and the crowd pop.
you dont like coffee
you are crazy and absurd
Which one is the best?
Which one is the best?
The HHH one is probably the best one. That moment was big.
I don't like plain-jane boring ass coffee. Jobber Coffee, it is
Finished Countdown and WAR on the network. Sad there is not more original content of this caliber. They could churn this stuff out on the regular, come on WWE.
God that was better than any game of Smash will ever be. Magical time if you were down with Da God Daniel that night.
Confirmed mark. You would think Malenko is boring.
ps get me a pic of busick and gulac
Do you think using Abraham Washington's Kobe Bryant joke in OT or Gaming side would get you banned?
The fuck you on about, Iceman Malenko was the shit, but coffee/iced coffee is for bums with no energy.
Also neg
you hurt my soul
btw when are we gonna hang out again