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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

If TNA had any business sense (and they don't), they would fire Sting, Hogan, Bischoff and Tenay and give that money to JR to both run the company and be the lead announcer. He would elevate the product just by being there.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Rockstar sent lawyers after a member for his GTA V thread OP. Clearly gaming suit wearers know how to handle what is best for business as well. Good thing WWE doesn't even know we exist.


This is brilliant.

You wanna know whats good for business?

Ask Stro, he knows how godly this man was!!!!!


I would 100% take Tony over everyone on the WWE announce team. JBL is already back to repeating himself constantly every week, Cole is a fuckhead, and King is legitimately awful at his job. The strongest few months since 2001 is really held back by the announcers.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
If TNA had any business sense (and they don't), they would fire Sting, Hogan, Bischoff and Tenay and give that money to JR to both run the company and be the lead announcer. He would elevate the product just by being there.
Trixie should have given Heyman the keys a couple years ago when that was an option.
I would 100% take Tony over everyone on the WWE announce team. JBL is already back to repeating himself constantly every week, Cole is a fuckhead, and King is legitimately awful at his job. The strongest few months since 2001 is really held back by the announcers.

This made me laugh at work.

People staring into my office.

Trixie should have given Heyman the keys a couple years ago when that was an option.

Things would be so different today. God what a missed opportunity that was. And to think it was close to happening. I live to much in the past.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Even giving it to Road Dogg and Billy Gunn would when they had a chance would have been an improvement over how they went about it. Anyone really if they could just let things have plans and have a direction.

Hell, even Matt Striker showing everyone the plans with his action figures couldn't have been any more disappointing.


Even giving it to Road Dogg and Billy Gunn would when they had a chance would have been an improvement over how they went about it. Anyone really if they could just let things have plans and have a direction.

Oh my god yes. Road Dogg is great at that stuff.
The guys doing Championship wrestling from Hollywood are better for god's sake.

How can a juggernaut like the WWE have such a weakness at that position?
Bootaaay reviews...The Best of Mid-South/UWF, volume 1, part 3;

Match number 7, The One Man Gang vs Col. Buck Robley, Lumberjack Match, September 15th, 1982. I had only heard of the Colonel through Bill Watts' book and, looking him up, found out he passed away just a few months back. RIP. Robley started out as a heel, but became something of a cult favourite with his 'Nobody calls me yellow' catchphrase (incidentally, he claimed he was the first wrestler to hit on the idea of making t-shirts). He was booker for Mid-South at one point and was only wrestling semi-regularly here, as he'd suffered some serious injuries in an accident a few years earlier. Bill mentions on commentary the fact that his arm's full of steel pins and plates is actually an assett as he tees off on the One Man Gang, who is managed here by Skandor Akbar. Robley gets Akbar in a match next week if he wins and the crowd are firmly behind him, but young One Man Gang is a pretty imposing sight. I doubt he's ever been 'in shape' once in his life, but he's freaking huge, regardless. They lock up a few times, but OMG throws Buck down and twists on his arm before tossing him over the top into the lumberjacks. They roll him back in and OMG drops an knee to Buck's forehead, before standing him up and knocking him loopy with a big elbow. He goes for a splash in the corner, but Buck moves out of the way. Buck hits a nice uppercut and some body shots and, as OMG tries to escape through the ropes, the lumberjacks throw him right back in! Buck carries on with punches for a 1-count before applying a front facelock. The big man looks like he's passing out, but kicks out at 1 and hits a bodyslam for a 1 count of his own. OMG goes for a side headlock, but Buck slides out into a hammerlock. OMG puts him into the ropes, misses a clothesline and gets sent over the top with a dropkick. Buck whips him into the corner and climbs on his back for a sleeper, but OMG dumps him over the top-rope. He follows up with a bodyslam and goes for a splash off the top, but Buck rolls out of the way! Buck dropkicks him face-first into the turnbuckle, loads up his arm-brace and hits a elbow off the top to pin The One Man Gang! OMG was super green here, but it was a fun match, mainly because of how excited the crowd were to see Buck win.


Up next, Junkyard Dog & Mr. Olympia (c) vs The Rat Pack (Ted DiBiase & Matt Bourne), No-DQ Loser Leaves Town Match for the Mid-South Heavyweight Tag Titles, October 27th, 1982. Aw yeah, this should be fun. There's a gorilla in the audience. Bill Watts is in the crowd with Paul Boesch, the promoter of Houston Wrestling, who is concerned about the outcome of the match as, if JYD loses, it could have serious ramifications for his promotion, where the Dog is a huge star. Matt Borne's been flown in from Atlanta by DiBiase at the last minute, as Hacksaw Jim Duggan got arrested in a bar fight, and Watts' is worried that, given the No-DQ stipulation, Borne would be free to use his top-rope offence to injure JYD or Mr. Olympia. Ted doesn't get much reaction from the crowd, but it'll be feuds with JYD and, later, Duggan that would make him into the top heel of the promotion. JYD & Olympia enter to Queen's 'Another One Bites the Dust', the crowd go nuts. The champs jump the Rat Pack and send them running for the floor. DiBiase gives some last minute advice to Borne before getting into it with JYD. They slug it out, but the Dog gets the upper hand and schoolboy's Ted for a 1-count, before hitting a side Russian. Borne & Olympia tag in. Matt forces Olympia into the corner, but eats a flurry of big rights. Olympia whips him into the corner, hits back bodydrop and follows up with some sweet armdrags. Ted tries to get involved, but the Dog knocks him to the floor. Olympia tags out and JYD goes to work with a wrist-lock. Borne counters out with a snapmare and tries to lift the Dog, but gets slammed down into an armbar. DiBiase breaks it up and ends up trading punches with Olympia. Borne hits a hip toss and makes the tag to DiBiase, but JYD cuts him off. DiBiase gets the hell out of there and we cut to commercial. Back in the ring, JYD hits a snapmare before dropping a fist to DiBiase. Bill Watts-ism; "By God, he dropped the four sisters from thumb street right on his nose!". Dog tags in Olympia, who goes to work with knees, but Ted counters with a back bodydrop and tags to Borne. Bodyslam from Borne for a 2-count. DiBiase's back in, hits a knee drop from the top, but JYD breaks the pin up. Double team hip-toss from the Rat Pack. Ted hits a bodyslam near the corner and Borne goes up top for a big leg drop, which Ted follows up with a powerslam! JYD breaks up the pin with a falling headbutt JYD fights Borne off, drags Olympia to his corner and makes the tag! Headbutts for everyone! Ted goes for something in his tights, but the Dog grabs it from his hand and clocks Borne with whatever it was. Oh shit, the gorilla from the crowd slams Olympia on the floor. It's Hacksaw! He takes out JYD with...something that was meant to be a spear, DiBiase clocks JYD with his foreign object and scores the pin! The JYD has to leave Mid-South for 90 days! That was so much fun. Olympia did some great work, as did Borne who was pretty impressive, but it was all about Ted being a chickenshit heel. No one does chickenshit heel like DiBiase. Paul Boesch conducts the post-match interview, as Bill Watts wouldn't be able to restrain himself from fighting the Rat Pack. Boesch says that Ted's monkey lost its head, holding up Hacksaw's gorilla mask, but Ted says "I think the other monkey lost his head, now he's gone for 90 days!". Fuck, Ted. If the crowd didn't hate him before the match, they sure as hell do now.


The last match of 1982 on this set next, with The Rat Pack (Ted DiBiase & Matt Borne) (c) vs Stagger Lee & Mr. Olympia, No-DQ Loser Leaves Town Match for the Mid-South Heavyweight Tag Titles, December 18th, 1982. Stagger was meant to team with Mr. Wrestling II, but Hacksaw took him out pre-match and now DiBiase's convinced Stagger will have to forfeit. The ref says otherwise and Ted's pissed as he sees Stagger Lee and the returning Mr. Olympia making their way to the ring! They go at it and the champs get out of there quick. Ted gets in there with Stagger, "I know you're the Dog, I can smell you" he says and Stagger unloads with some big rights. Borne & Olympia tag in, shoulder block from Olympia. He tags in Stagger, but DiBiase tries to get involved. Stagger goes for a noggin-knocker, but Ted gets his elbow up to protect himself (although it doesn't do poor Borne much good). A gut punch from Stagger sends Ted retreating to his corner. Borne tears Stagger's shirt and the big man slams him down and tries to choke him out. Big headbutt and he takes Borne to the floor. Ted's going to work on Olympia, hitting a reverse elbow, but telegraphing a back bodydrop. Olympia tags to Stagger and things start to break down. Olympia has the sleeper in on DiBiase and Borne goes up top, but Stagger rushes over and throws him off the top rope! He fights with Borne on the floor, but meanwhile Ted has Olympia in a side-headlock. Olympia forces his way to the ropes, but Duggan rushes to ringside, gets up on the apron and hits Olympia in the head with a foreign object! DiBiase pins Olympia, The Rat Pack retain the titles and Mr. Olympia is gone from Mid-South for 90 days! Not as good as the previous match, but fun nonetheless. Stagger Lee has great entrance music.


Voume 01: Part 1, Part 2

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Great writeup Boots. Mind if it goes on legitshook.com?
Who was the one guy that had a Chris Benoit style was maybe shorter, Ceasar hait cut..............had a thick southern accent and was kind of given a hick gimmick in the WWE?

He may have wrestled in WCW dying days. I can't remember.

Edit: got it Jamie Noble.
I was never a huge fan of JR but I came around eventually. The passion he would bring to moments helped make them special. Its a part of it, part of the history.

His knowledge and care for wrestling always felt real, and he was usually fair for all non-Stone Cold related things. He was like an old veteran who had seen so much so you listened to his opinion.

The current announcers are absolute horseshit, they do nothing to help make the event. Nothing seems like a big deal anymore.

"OH MY" is like the best we get.

JBL came back and was kinda funny for a bit now he just gets annoying. Its like he keeps repeating himself, and keeps going back to old things he thought was hilarious that have long finished. HUR HUR DOCTOR SHELBY LOOOOOOOOOLZ etc.

PG/face/whatever he is now King is the worst worst but we already know that.

I wished they would bring back JR one day, I guess that is done now. I'll go back to dreaming for the greatest in the history of our sport to return, save us Tony Schiavone. :(

Also who doesn't like pretending they're JR? That mock video is still at the top tier of funny on the Internet to me.

Being a foreverNitromark, Schiavone is like my JR I guess. All my fav moments have his voice.

Eric: "He's got a weapon! >_>"

Tony: "Yes he does, and I hope he uses it."


Him, Heenan and Tenay. Never liked Zbyszko.


I wouldn't put Tony over JR, but it is very, very close to me. Tony has actually been a highlight of this WCW stuff. Even in the most dreadful of shows, he kept up his excitement and enthusiasm. Even JR couldn't hide it when a show sucked. When I was younger, I didn't really like Tony at all, but as an adult I realize he was pretty great at his job and it is a shame he's been a punch line for some reason.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Nice, thanks man. I'll let you know if I have any other reviews n stuff. Can you embed dailymotion links? If so, I could probably do write-ups for a few individual puroresu matches.

Sure can. I can add you as a contributor if you'd like - alls I need is a legit email address. It was REALLY easy to copy + paste your post.


Sure can. I can add you as a contributor if you'd like - alls I need is a legit email address. It was REALLY easy to copy + paste your post.

When I try to copy and past my reviews, the gifs don't show up, so I have to add them back in individually. I really wish I could just copy and paste the whole review.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
When I try to copy and past my reviews, the gifs don't show up, so I have to add them back in individually. I really wish I could just copy and paste the whole review.

I was able to drag and drop the entire sumbitch. Had to do each pic individually but it went without a hitch. Was using Chrome.


rofl e-feds on twitch are hilarious. They are far and few in between now but they're still funny to watch, I am watching one right now by this guy.
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