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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


course he is.

He better start wrapping bandages around his stomach to cover that up. Wear pants too to cover his fat ass.

CM Punk? More like PU Punk.

Like this fatty:




WCW Thunder 10/29/98

On Nitro, the Warrior decided he was going to continue his feud with Thunder by never appearing on it, Judy Bagwell reformed M.O.M, and DDP won the US Championship from Bret Hart. The Giant vs Raven is the main event, but we'll also have TV and Cruiserweight Championship defenses.

Van Hammer vs Wrath

No one can stop Wrath. Not even Meng. What chance does this hippie have? Meltdown for the win.

We're shown an extend clip of Alex Wright vs Finlay from Halloween Havoc, that wasn't actually even shown on the PPV itself. Or was it? I really don't know. It wasn't on the tape that I just watched nor was it on the PPV when I recorded it in 1998.

Fit Finlay vs Alex Wright

This is the rematch to a PPV dark match. Finlay isn't fucking around this time and works of Wright's leg right away. Trying to take away the man's dancing career! What a jerk. The ref gets bumped on a missile drop kick. He checks on the ref. Finlay hits the tombstone for the win. Fun little Euro match.


Recap of Steiner attacking JoJo on Nitro.

Disciple vs Tuff Tom

Oh Jesus. So jobbery. Stunner for the win. Beefcake doing jobber matches with the C-team of WCW jobbers on prime time television. What the fuck, Eric? No wonder WCW got bought out for a pack of Gushers.

Eddie Guerrero vs Dean Malenko

GANG WARZ. Indie RESPECK stand off. Eddie comes back from break with a springboard rana and low dropkick. Dean slows it down with a corner AXE BOMBAA and works a headlock. Eddie gets out of it with a back suplex. Flapjack Norton from Dean. He goes for the Cloverleaf, but Eddie gets to the ropes. A fan pushes Eddie. He told him to suck it. Dean doesn't fall for the handshake. LOL at the cameras zooming in on Eddie's face while he's doing the "kiss my ass" sign. How could TBS have violent movies and pro wrestling with their standards and practices being so strict? Superplex from Dean. It goes to the floor. Both guys get sent into the guard rail. Back in the ring, Eddie locks on the Gory Special, drops it into a pin, which leads to a roll up sequence. The LWO hit the ring, continuing the tradition of WCW stables ruining good matches. Mongo and Benoit clear the ring.


Disco Inferno vs Chris Jericho WCW Unified Television Championship

Disco wants Jericho to go ahead and put the belt around Disco's waist and not even bother with the match. Jericho does it and SWERVES Disco with a lariatoo. Disco bumps Jericho to the floor, but Jericho comes back in the ring and dominates. Disco makes a come back with an atomic drop and lariatooo. He stomps a mudhole in the corner and hits a second rope elbow. Piledriver is reversed into the Liontamer.

Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Chavo really should have hidden some weapons inside of Pepe. Chavo gets the better of Kidman in the opening minutes and sends him to the floor. Kidman comes back in with a head scissors and hits a rebound lariatoo in the corner. Slingshot legdrop. Pepe kisses Kidman. How sweet. Big German suplex. High cross body from Kidman. BK Bomb. Chavo gets Pepe. They fight over it and Kidman ends up rolling both of them up for the win. The LWO comes out after the match. Eddie says Chavo isn't cutting it. He says if Chavo wants in the LWO, he has to earn it with Eddie.

Recap of Warrior's ramblings on Nitro.

The Cat vs Villano V

Cat wins with the Feliner in short order. Cat calls out anyone. Sonny Ono comes out. I thought they were already together since they walked out together a few shows ago, but since it was on Thunder, it didn't count. Sonny pulls out a wad of cash and they head off together.

Scott Hall vs Steve Armstrong

Mike will be wearing lucha masks for Halloween. Obviously a jobber match since this is an Armstrong not named Road Dogg. Hall wins after two Outsider's Edges. No drinks tonight.

Recap of DDP beating Bret on Nitro. They show SO MUCH when they do these recaps. Like 5-7 minute recaps each time. It ends up being 1/3rd of the show every week.

The Giant vs Raven

Raven has been on a huge losing streak, has no one around him besides Kanyon, and is apparently quite depressed. I don't think he has much of a chance in this match. Giant dominates until Raven gets a a chair out . Kanyon gets a table out as well. Raven ends up getting chokeslammed through it.

Sure can. I can add you as a contributor if you'd like - alls I need is a legit email address. It was REALLY easy to copy + paste your post.

Cool, I'll PM you my email.

In the meantime, here's one I just watched;

Classic Match of the Day;

Jumbo Tsuruta (c) vs Billy Robinson - NWA United National Title, 2/3 Falls - (AJPW 03/05/77)

Great encounter here as Jumbo Tsuruta defends the NWA United National Title against Billy Robinson in a 2/3 Falls match. This is their first time facing, as far as I can tell, and the crowd are solidly behind their hero Jumbo as the first fall kicks off. The champion asserts himself early on as he goes hold for hold with Robinson. There's a great moment as Jumbo quickly powers out of a full-nelson, while Billy takes his time and finds a picture perfect escape. That really encapsulates what this match is all about: Jumbo has the size advantage and youth on his side, but Robinson is a very crafty competitor with a well-known vicious streak. However, once Billy starts to take advantage and slaps the champ in the face, he finds that Jumbo's not about to back down from an insult and the intensity is upped a notch. There's a really unique counter to a double-leg crab from Tsuruta near the end of the first fall, as Billy tucks his head, rolls through, does a headstand, rotates his hips and just powers out. The second fall is marvellous stuff. Jumbo takes Billy down and is working the side-headlock like a fiend, but Billy manages to grab a cravate. However, Jumbo doesn't let go, he bridges out of the cravate, all while holding onto the headlock. Awesome. And so good, they do it twice. Billy eventually escapes with another unique headstand take-over. Great extended sequence there. The pace slows down somewhat in the second fall, but by the time they bring out the big guns, the crowd are well into it. Billy's old-school to the core and when Jumbo doesn't quite connect with a high knee, he sure as hell doesn't sell it. But, when Jumbo clocks him with a back elbow, he damn near throws himself out of the ring! He had such an excellent understanding of physicality and how to use his body to the fullest effect. For instance, Jumbo goes for a German suplex, but in mid-air Billy kicks off the top rope, altering the trajectory of the suplex and sending him crashing down on top of Jumbo. The finish is perfect for the story Jumbo & Billy tell over this 23 or so minutes, an expertly worked 2/3 falls match that had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands.



a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Does anyone here watch Diamond Ring?

I used to regurally when it was Kensuke, but now I really just pay attention when Akira Hokuto gets to put on one of her matches for women's wrestling. It's still good and all on the whole, but I'm just not into any of the talent any more outside of maybe Jun Akiyama and Suwama (don't ask why).
Check out that Ibushi/Nakajima vs Kanemaru/Suzuki match from the show I posted above, well worth a watch.

Also, Sunny, I couldn't figure out how to add a blog on the site, lol. I can add posts to blogs, but I don't think I can actually add a new blog. Oh well, I'm off to bed. Night GAF.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I used to regurally when it was Kensuke, but now I really just pay attention when Akira Hokuto gets to put on one of her matches for women's wrestling. It's still good and all on the whole, but I'm just not into any of the talent any more outside of maybe Jun Akiyama and Suwama (don't ask why).

Hokuto is my second favorite female wrestler behind Jaguar Yokota. Jaguar is a god damn machine.


So a broke, alcoholic, womanizing conman who is so weak of a man that he not only cries like a blubbering baby every single time he cons his way onto television, but also gets beat up by women, gets a loyal family man who is widely regarded as the greatest to ever call a pro wrestling match fired. That's deplorable.


So a broke, alcoholic, womanizing conman who is so weak of a man that he not only cries like a blubbering baby every single time he cons his way onto television, but also gets beat up by women, gets a loyal family man who is widely regarded as the greatest to ever call a pro wrestling match fired. That's deplorable.

The kicker is Vince McMahon has always had it out for Jim Ross ever since Ross got in the WWF/WWE. Coupled that with Vince's quest to stand up to 'other prime time television shows' and not other wrestling shows, he basically flips out over everything.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Check out that Ibushi/Nakajima vs Kanemaru/Suzuki match from the show I posted above, well worth a watch.

Also, Sunny, I couldn't figure out how to add a blog on the site, lol. I can add posts to blogs, but I don't think I can actually add a new blog. Oh well, I'm off to bed. Night GAF.

Next time you check you should have considerably more access.
So a broke, alcoholic, womanizing conman who is so weak of a man that he not only cries like a blubbering baby every single time he cons his way onto television, but also gets beat up by women, gets a loyal family man who is widely regarded as the greatest to ever call a pro wrestling match fired. That's deplorable.

Are you saying it was premeditated?


I hope Jim doesn't lift a finger in Ric's ultimate time of need and allows the "Nature Boy" to die alone and penniless in a Motel 6.


Ric Flair shilling for energy drinks while carrying a replica Big Gold is an appropriate epigraph for his career.


Next time you check you should have considerably more access.

I can't add new blogs either, nor can I change the name of the blog which is still set at test blog for a wcw recap. Sad news that I can't drag and drop any of the gifs without them being super tiny and then I can't resize them.

So it is very time consuming to get shows up. I'll try to do a few a day maybe. And for some reason, every sentence only has one space after periods. Not sure why, but I'm not fixing that.
Wait a second did something happen to JR? I haven't been frequenting the thread much nowadays.

Also, I just saw bean breath's new avatar. I think I'm legit shook for real :/


He retired from the business altogether. Speculation is that he was actually fired by Vince over the 2K14 panel that Ric Flair was drunk on, but regardless, he decided to call it a career.
He retired from the business altogether. Speculation is that he was actually fired by Vince over the 2K14 panel that Ric Flair was drunk on, but regardless, he decided to call it a career.

It's a swerve so he can bring in Dr. Death Steve Williams Austin as the new higher power.

I think it could be a SWERVE as well. JR and Austin were always good friends. I don't have all the details though, so I don't know.


December to Dismember and the 2004 Great American Bash.
Worst thing of December to Dismember was knowing WWE were going to make Lashley their own star of ECW, rather than people wanting it. Though RVD, CM Punk, Hardcore Holly, and Test had nice spots in that Chamber match. Test, with a chair, delivered a flying elbow drop off the top of the pod onto RVD, which eliminated him. Great spot, though it displeased the crowd big time.


Actually, I think everything besides the Hardy Boyz reunion was worse than knowing Lashley was getting put in as the star of ECW. Even WCW would be embarrassed to put that out as a PPV, and as I can attest to, WCW had no shame.


Actually, I think everything besides the Hardy Boyz reunion was worse than knowing Lashley was getting put in as the star of ECW. Even WCW would be embarrassed to put that out as a PPV, and as I can attest to, WCW had no shame.

We did get that awesome tag match at Armaggedon 2006


Kofi and Cesaro put on a fine match on ME. Not sure how much more effort Cesaro can put into his matches before someone has plans for him to doing something else than job.


Actually, I think everything besides the Hardy Boyz reunion was worse than knowing Lashley was getting put in as the star of ECW. Even WCW would be embarrassed to put that out as a PPV, and as I can attest to, WCW had no shame.
I mean yeah the rest wasn't good either. But the focal point was mostly on Lashley as the show's superstar. Why they thought the ECW crowd would eat that up, I dunno.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kofi and Cesaro put on a fine match on ME. Not sure how much more effort Cesaro can put into his matches before someone has plans for him to doing something else than job.

It's to the point that it no longer allows you to suspend belief. I don't know if that's the fault of the booker or Cesaro, but he always looks so strong and dominant in your matches that you're kind of like 'how does this guy lose so much?'


Yea, when Kofi hit the TiP I didn't think AC would stay down just simply off of that. AC showed too much strength during the match to let such a weak looking strike keep him down

I also have to commend Zeb/Dutch for his managerial prowess. Seeing him get up to the ring as the referee is counting when expecting a win during a near pinfall is the kind of subtlety that shows how good he is. I blame the Swagger effect for holding both of them down.
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