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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

So are we in agreement BoKane >>> Kane?

But of course!



I honestly was thinking it should have Cesaro.
I kind of wish Dutch dropped Swagger after 'Mania. He could then have searched and explored for a new guy to hold onto. That guy is Cesaro, and then if went tag team route as they did with Swagger-Cesaro, bring up somebody from NXT. Swagger offers no mic abilty, little to nothing for in-ring presence, shitty finisher and is a moron to boot.

Basically Cesaro is in a good spot with Dutch. I think he and Heyman are about on par with another. The sinker holding it down is Swagger, I think.


Contains Sucralose
I still somehow think somebody else will be introduced into the Punk/Heyman feud before it's over. Now that Punk has PROMISED that he will get his hands on Paul Heyman at Night of Champions (which, honestly, is the only thing I could see reasonably selling the PPV at this point, since it looks kinda like a total space filler otherwise), I can see the WWE SWERVING us yet again and introducing a new threat. Not to mention, the Punk/Heyman stuff still gets some of the best ratings on the show, so they'll wanna milk it for all it's worth. (HIAC is a better PPV to pay off such a feud, anyway, since I could see them giving Punk the freedom to actually make such a match look brutal.) I'd prefer Ohno, since he appears to be in better shape, is an excellent worker in the ring, would bring the history (and WWE loves to make Punk's past, kayfabe and not, a part of his storylines, since it draws in the smarks) into the mix, and is old enough that he needs a BIG angle if he's going to make any kind of mark on the main roster, even as a midcarder, but as he appears to still be in the dog house, I don't see that happening, despite how fucking amazing it would be.

What I'm thinking - what I'm HOPING, really - is that Punk actually does start to beat the hell out of Paul Heyman, but somebody runs in (maybe even from the audience) and attacks Punk to save Heyman's skin, hoping to be represented by him and get the "Paul Heyman guy" rub. It'd be great if it were Cesaro, but I don't think there's really room for someone else in the main event scene at this point; regardless, I think The Real Americans is a good place to keep him in a holding pattern until they have something REALLY juicy for him. So who else could they feasibly introduce to keep this story alive?
Paige could nail Punk with a chair as the new Paul Heyman girl. It would start so much fan fiction. Then once Paige, Paul, Axel knock out Punk in HIAC, a bunch of bubbles would fill the ring. Emma would then show up with a sledgehammer and bloody them up, starting more fan fiction.
I didn't understand why many hated Bo Dallas until the episode of NXT a few weeks back when Sami Zayn was getting interviewed. I think I'll be skipping his segments when they decide to put him on Raw.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
All this talk of a new Heyman guy and we all forget the other new guy Heyman specifically had during the failed WWE ECW revival. Knowing that history, I can see Night of Champions now as Punk finishes Axel off and is about to get his hands on Paul when all of a sudden, The Zombie attacks. The Zombie! What the hell is that?

So are we in agreement BoKane >>> Kane?

In needing a mask? Yes, he is in greater need to cover his face to prevent scaring small children than Kane.
I still somehow think somebody else will be introduced into the Punk/Heyman feud before it's over. Now that Punk has PROMISED that he will get his hands on Paul Heyman at Night of Champions (which, honestly, is the only thing I could see reasonably selling the PPV at this point, since it looks kinda like a total space filler otherwise), I can see the WWE SWERVING us yet again and introducing a new threat. Not to mention, the Punk/Heyman stuff still gets some of the best ratings on the show, so they'll wanna milk it for all it's worth. (HIAC is a better PPV to pay off such a feud, anyway, since I could see them giving Punk the freedom to actually make such a match look brutal.) I'd prefer Ohno, since he appears to be in better shape, is an excellent worker in the ring, would bring the history (and WWE loves to make Punk's past, kayfabe and not, a part of his storylines, since it draws in the smarks) into the mix, and is old enough that he needs a BIG angle if he's going to make any kind of mark on the main roster, even as a midcarder, but as he appears to still be in the dog house, I don't see that happening, despite how fucking amazing it would be.

What I'm thinking - what I'm HOPING, really - is that Punk actually does start to beat the hell out of Paul Heyman, but somebody runs in (maybe even from the audience) and attacks Punk to save Heyman's skin, hoping to be represented by him and get the "Paul Heyman guy" rub. It'd be great if it were Cesaro, but I don't think there's really room for someone else in the main event scene at this point; regardless, I think The Real Americans is a good place to keep him in a holding pattern until they have something REALLY juicy for him. So who else could they feasibly introduce to keep this story alive?

RaBona Flowers is such a qt3.14



I don't know if it's because Bo is now a delusional self-absorbed heel who thinks he's a face, but I actually like him now. I even laugh at the Bo pics now. I used to just close the thread and come back later. It's safe to say I'm on board with Bo now.

You might even say I'm...on BOard.

Still though, if you go to Disney World in a Nike athletic tank top then you are a douche. I don't care how big your arms are.
Punk v. Graves could be interesting - Heyman bringing in a new tattooed wannabe anti-hero. "This is the future! You're just a walking antique!" Graves ain't that good in the ring, but Punk can get a good match out of subpar.

BTW, I think Swagger is fine as Cesaro's tag team partner. He's big, and strong enough to help Cesaro do cool double-team stuff in the ring, or hold him on his shoulders for a ladder match like at MitB. Not to mention, while Swagger's wrestling is a bit like watching a man move through mud, a face Cesaro v. Swagger payoff match when they eventually break up would be pretty fuckin' great, I'll bet. Zeb's the real "star" of that team, anyway, in terms of the heel reaction and attention being focused mainly on him. Zeb/Cesaro is really a poor choice, not so much because Zeb's not great at what he does as much as it's pretty clearly a limiting gimmick, one without a lot of potential for upward mobility unless a face Latino is WHC or WWE champion. Cesaro needed someone like Heyman, and he would probably have grown a good deal on the mic right now if he were in a program with Heyman and Punk.

Not technically what we're discussing, but fuck TNA.
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