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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


A least TNA can still afford an awesome photographer



WCW Monday Nitro 11/16/98

. The presidential motorcade has arrived. BUT WHO WAS LIMOS?!?
Jericho will defend against Bobby Duncum Jr. That's all we're told for the night. Oh, World War 3 is this weekend.

Juventud Guerrera vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

What the fuck. First, THIS GOD DAMN MATCH IS HAPPENING AGIAN. THIS IS WORSE THAN KOFI VS ZIGGLER. Second, Juvi lost a number one contender match to Rey on Thunder. How on earth does he lose the match and get a title shot before Rey? It was the same thing when he lost to Disco (twice), yet got a title shot anyway. I'm going to do a tally of all of these matches. I think it has to be near 20. And I know there will be at least a few more. New city? Run Kidman/Juvi. City you've been to 3 times this year? Run Juvi/Kidman. Thunder? Run Kidman/Juvi. Juvi loses number one contender match? Run Kidman/Juvi. I don't care if the crowd is hot for it. Fuck off with this match. Juvi wins. New champion. What the fuck. He lost a number one contender match on Thunder, and now he's winning the title on Nitro? Are you fucking kidding me?

Recap of Rick/Judy challenging Buff/Scott for World War 3. Something has happened to Judy and we'll get footage from her from a hospital later tonight.

Wrath vs Raven

Raven compares his mom to Judy Bagwell. WCW won't tell him who or when he has to wrestle, so they can have the match without him. Kanyon begs him to snap out of it and take the match. Kanyon's going to do his shtick then. Wrath attacks during The Question. Meltdown. I guess Wrath wins. No mention of their former partnership. The lights go out and Glacier comes out.

Glacier vs Kanyon

Wrath should come back and ruin Glacier, too. Put a final stamp on Blood Runs Cold. Wrath does just that. Wrath wins again, I guess. And again, Blood Runs Cold wasn't mentioned once. After the break, it seems the match is still on. Or just starting with a 10 count. Suplex on the floor. Fameasser on the steps. Kanyon jumps off the top right into the Cryonic Kick. Kanyon hits a kick of his own. Kanyon wins with the Flatliner. BANG! I guess you could say...blood....runs....cold.


Recap of President Hogan on Nitro last week, and then visiting Imus in the Morning.

Sonny Ono vs El Gringo

I'm quite certain that El Gringo is Kaz Hayashi. He unmasks as Kaz to ZERO reaction. Nothing at all. Cat ran in and kicked Kaz. Sonny gets back in the ring and pins him.

Stevie Ray/Horace vs Steve McMichael/Dean Malenko

Man, this month is just as bad as the Summer months of awfulness. At least there was a build for most of the Halloween Havoc matches. As of the go home Nitro, there is no TV, US, or World title matches scheduled. This match is thrown out when Arn went tire iron crazy.

Ric Flair is the guest. Sans the rest of the Horsemen. Why was Mongo wrestling and not Benoit? Arn has been sent to jail courtesy of "Not guts, no gonads Bischoff. If Bischoff was a man, Flair would chop him so hard he'd be the first man with 4 nipples. Ric talks about tradition and brings back BARRY WINDHAM! Bischoff comes out. Flair doesn't have the money to hire Barry Windham. Ric says he's paying for Barry personally and that he's going to have Barry tear Eric's girlfriend up tonight. As in Liz. So more rape is on the way for her.

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

Eddie begs Rey to join the LWO. If Eddie loses tonight, he'll let Rey be. Rey agrees. Arm drags! Eddie takes his patented monkey flip into the ropes. Tiltawhirl backbreaker. Eddie tries to blow Mickie Jay for some help. Rey hits the moonsault DDT. Never looked as good as HH97. I don't know what the fuck happens, but Rey does a whisper in the wind with Eddie not even looking, kind of hit Eddie's leg, and neither guy knew what to do. Eddie gets tossed to the floor. Huge Asai moonsault. It goes back in the ring just for Eddie to get knocked out to the other side. This new LWO guy trips Rey up. Powerbomb. Juvi comes in and accidentally leg drops Rey. Frog splash. Eddie wins! Rey must join the LWO.




Judy Bagwell is in the bed, claiming that Scott Steiner put her there. She's guilt tripping Buff.

Scott Putski vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Putski shows his Polish power with a body slam and lariatoo. Chavo uses Pepe to distract Scott and hits some Superman forearms.

TO THE BACK. A limo arrives. IT'S BAM BAM BIG YELLOW! He decks Dillinger and goes right for Goldberg's dressing room. Everyone knows Goldberg doesn't show up until there are 15 minutes left in the show.

Bam Bam comes to the ring. He takes out both men and calls Goldberg out. JoJo and Bischoff come out together with security and cops. Goldberg comes out! We've gout ourselves a pull apart brawl! Bischoff blames JoJo and wants to see him in the back right now. The first genuinely exciting thing to happen in months. Probably since Warrior's debut.


TO THE BACK. Eric bitches JoJo out. JoJo is FIRED! Good. Fuck him. JoJo quits! Fuck him.

Saturn vs Konnan

Saturn talks about Konnan taking over his feud. He says that was bullshit and Konnan was just out there to plug himself. You don't say. That was 2 weeks ago and Konnan hasn't had dick to do with the LWO since then. Saturn hits Konnan while he was doing his rapping bullshit. Saturn is now my favorite wrestler. Here comes the LWO. We have a split screen with Gene and Bischoff outside of Goldberg's locker room. Then they cut fully to Gene and Bischoff. Eric says Bam Bam is not a part of WCW and will not be in WW3. Goldberg grabs Bischoff and forces him to agree to Goldberg vs Bam Bam tonight. I wish every Konnan match was interrupted by backstage promos. The LWO interfere finally and end this shit. Saturn punches everyone. Saturn and Konnan get back into it.

A Hall and Nash recap airs.

Buff and Steiner come to the ring with their own ref. Their ref shows how to properly count. I think it is Slick Johnson, but he looks more like a mini Harris Brother. Buff apparently gave Scott permission to hit Judy. They're now BFFFL. They bring out some man dressed as a woman, saying it is Mrs. Steiner. Scott let's Buff beat up his mom. Rick comes running out. He pulls the lady clothes off of this guy. Norton attacks Rick from behind. Scott says he will end Rick's career if he shows up at WW3.


Chris Jericho vs Bobby Duncum Jr. WCW TV Championship

Duncum is basically Bradshaw, but in shape and with curly blond hair. I mark for just about anyone with cowboy wrestling boots. Except for Bo Dallas. Jericho for some reason is out wrestling, striking , and submissioning Duncum, despite being a good 6 inches shorter. Vertical suplex. Bobby gets up and boots him in the face. Flapjack Norton. Flying lariatoo off the apron. Duncum throws Jericho into the crowd. Diving lariatoo in the ring. Jericho says fuck it and leaves with his title.


President Hogan comes out by himself. This is so stupid. And also offensive that they can't find a wrestling program for Hogan to do, yet still give him a big angle, but Goldberg is the champion and they can't find shit for him to do. This thing with Bam Bam is the first real angle he's had since he won the title. Hulk introduces his intern: A Monica Lewinski impersonator. She's kind of hot. She gives Hulk a cigar. This is so pointless. It isn't even leading to anything. Unless you count the Finger Poke of Doom. Bischoff comes out with his serious face on. Someone threw something at him. They call Hall to the ring. He accuses Bischoff of not having his head in the game, which makes Bischoff lol. Bischoff tells Hall to go to the back. Hall decks Bischoff. Hogan then fights with Hall until Nash ran in to make the save.


You know what really bothers me about the Nitro Girls? Besides being poor dancers and even worse as a group (since they were never in synch), they used the same 2-3 songs over and over, sometimes on the same show.

Bret Hart vs Chris Benoit

Oh shit. There isn't much time left and we still have a main event to go. Hopefully they go full tilt for 10 minutes. Benoit gets right to work, beating the shit out Bret. Brain doesn't know if they've had a match and Tenay says he thinks one maybe. This whole thing was over Benoit being injured by Bret in their first match, then Bret trying to reinjure Benoit as soon as he came back. That's the whole story of the match. How could they not remember if these two had a match previously? Bret finally gets back in it by being a dick head. Second rope elbow. Bret works Benoit over for a few minutes until Benoit kills himself on a superplex. He basically gave himself a top rope Ganso Bomb. JESSUUUUSS. Diving headbutt. Bret grabs a chair. Benoit punches it in his face and gives him the snot rocket. The ref won't let Benoit use the chair, which opening him up to a low blow. Bret uses the chair on the freshly healed arm. Dean makes the save. Brain still makes time to make fun of Helen. Bret ran back in and ambushed Dean. DDP returns to stop the beat down. He takes the time to say SCUM a few times. 3 times in 30 seconds. 4 times. Hollywood SCUM, Randy Macho SCUM, Bret HitSCUM, and an unaffiliated SCUM. Another HitSCUM. Before JoJo got fired, he got a match signed with HitSCUM at WW3. He said SCUM 6 times in about 2 minutes.


Goldberg vs Bam Bam Big Yellow WCW Championship

Bam Bam attacks during Goldberg's pyro. They're not anywhere near the ring. Security breaks it up. WE'RE OUTTA TIME.

Well, Bam Bam showing up put a spark into the show. I think they should have been more or less booking Goldberg like 80s Hogan, with monsters of the week/month. Not run in to save people and then but completely disconnected from the angle.

And President Hogan is worse in 2 weeks than all of the Warrior shit. Especially with the knowledge that the pay off is something completely unrelated and ends in the Finger Poke of DOOOOOOOM. One new match was made for WW3, but one was removed. The Cruiserweight Championship match is now up in the air since Juvi won the title, but Rey beat him to face Kidman at WW3, but Kidman deserves a rematch. So who knows. If it's Kidman vs Juvi again, I'll going to be so pissed. The Steiner thing desperately needs to end, Hall has been SWERVING Nash since February, there has literally been zero progression in the Bischoff/Flair storyline since the night Flair came back, Goldberg doesn't (and won't) have a match going into the PPV. Warrior seems to be gone since he wasn't mentioned at all. But Mr. Hogan still gets 10 minutes to ramble with tons of security, balloons, and confetti for a completely non wrestling related angle.


I absolutely hate that i got bait and switched, but the match was about 10x better than the match the crowd wanted. Volador Jr is getting a huge pay day out of this for not only losing his mask, but saving the show


more money than God

WWE 2K14 is apparently going to have 'superstar heads' meaning you can use the ingame model heads for your CAWs and change the hair, makeup, tights, etc.

Basically this means updating attire won't be ghetto anymore. It's actually a huge deal. Like how SoulPlaya has to download Kane CAWs that do his tights right.
Great feature, and yes, I have to do this. I have to fix THQ's laziness when it comes to entrances and attires. This year, I doubt I'll be playing. No time.


I'm up to 11 Kidman/Juvi matches so far. And there will definitely be at least 2-3 more. It also isn't counting any matches they had on Saturday Night. What's the most that Kofi vs Ziggler happened in a year?


I'm up to 11 Kidman/Juvi matches so far. And there will definitely be at least 2-3 more. It also isn't counting any matches they had on Saturday Night. What's the most that Kofi vs Ziggler happened in a year?

Is Saturday Night still hard to find? Last I went looking I could only get select episodes.


Is Saturday Night still hard to find? Last I went looking I could only get select episodes.

Not sure since I didn't really look for it. But there had to have been a few Kidman/Juvi matches on there. Shit is ridiculous. 11 televised matches between two people in one year is lazy as fuck. And they'll have a match at the PPV, and I'm pretty sure another one or two before Starrcade. Benoit and Booker probably had pretty close to that since they had at least 2 draws before the best of 7, which was actually a best of 8, and I think one or two before the draws started. I wish there was an easier way to search for these matches than basically scroll through all of them and try to highlight all references each time. There are too many posts to just find next or previous of one name. I should have started a spread sheet or something.


Backstage interviewer Ryback made up for The Miz twerking and winning the dance contest.

I have no idea where Bully Ryback is even going with this. if anywhere, but his segments have been entertaining.


I want to find pre-Nitro Saturday Night.....if I could get a year's worth of that.....maybe '93 or '94 (which was an awesome year).

The tape machines are rolling if anything happens!
I want to find pre-Nitro Saturday Night.....if I could get a year's worth of that.....maybe '93 or '94 (which was an awesome year).

The tape machines are rolling if anything happens!

If i remember right it's out there (this was years ago when I last checked) lost connection to those people but I'm sure they're still around.


I'm looking into making a spread sheet of matches and as it turns out, I haven't had to make a spread sheet in a solid 5 years and have no idea how to do it any more. God damn, I literally worked on and used spread sheets every day for a year, 16 hours a day and I feel like I've never even seen one. So weird.


Would you watch a TNA / Bellator pay-per-view, featuring both pro wrasslin' and mixed martial matches?

Would you watch MMA fighters pro wrassle?

Would you watch pro wrasslers shoot fight?

I think this may be the only way to save both of these floundering promotions.
I miss Eve.

Anywho, 45 minutes to go;

Tokyo Korakuen Hall

18:30 Japan | 10:30 UK | 05:30 East Coast | 02:30 West Coast

http://www.ustream.tv/njpw - $15

01. Suzuki-gun (TAKA Michinoku & Taichi) vs Yohei Komatsu & Sho Tanaka
02. Tiger Mask & BUSHI vs Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA)
03. Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Takaaki Watanabe vs CHAOS (Yujiro Takahashi, Takashi Iizuka & YOSHI-HASHI)
04. Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Captain New Japan vs BULLET CLUB (Prince Devitt, Karl Anderson & Bad Luck Fale)
05. Special Tag Match: CHAOS (Shinsuke Nakamura & Toru Yano) vs Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki & Shelton 'X' Benjamin)
06. CMLL World Tag Team Titles: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Jushin 'Thunder' Liger (c) vs BULLET CLUB (Tama Tonga & Rey Bucanero)
07. Special Tag Match: Satoshi Kojima & Tetsuya Naito vs CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & Masato Tanaka)
Another great New Japan show - the main event of Kojima & Naito vs Okada & Tanaka was AWESOME. Well worth the price of admission. Liger & Tana vs BULLET CLUB was good as well and Suzuki & Shelton vs Shinsuke & Yano was a ton of fun. Good show, overall.


So not worth it
This was the only Nitro I ever attended. Good times.

She was the best Diva they had, and the champion at the time, and it seemed like they didn't even attempt to try and make her stay.

She married and left. What do you expect? Them to pay their highest paid diva at that point (AJ) 100k and then offer Eve half a million to make her stay? That will go over well
Anywho, I finished Bill Watts' book 'The Cowboy & The Cross' and it's a pretty fascinating read. You get a great feel for his ethos on wrestling and it's easy to see why it was so successful for him in his career as a wrestler and booker, plus, he does a good job of defending his time at WCW and explaining why it didn't work out and is pretty candid about his own shortcomings and how they affected the tail end of his career. He has a big opinion of his accomplishments during his life and, while never outright slamming anybody (other than Eric Bischoff & Mark Madden), is very frank in his assessments of his peers. The religious stuff is a bit much and comes across as overtly preachy, but it's mostly confined to the first and last chapters and easily ignored, but it's nice to see that his faith has allowed him to come to terms with his past mistakes. Overall, it's well worth a read if you have any interest about Mid-South, or that time period in wrestling in general.

Yeah, it was a very good read. I was shocked how candid he was about some of his...escapades in his early career, that was really brutal stuff.

Only things I didn't like were the religious stuff and that he seemed to have an overly high assessment of himself in terms of shoots. He pretty much thought he could beat anyone whose name didn't end in Hodge! Maybe he really was that good, but it's the first I've heard of it.


I would love to see strobogo do reviews of WCW Saturday Night from '96 onwards.

That's my childhood right there!

Getting to see random main eventers appear on Saturday Night like Giant and Luger and DDP was always nice.


Neo Member
Hey WrassleGAF, I stopped watching wrestling way back in 2003 because I kind of grew out of it. I just recently started watching the recap shows on hulu because I have some free time. Honestly, I am kind of enjoying it and I don't know why. I don't really care for any of the personalities. I'm starting to like Bryan and CMPunk. Also, just saw Santino Marella(sp?) for the first time... He is awesome. He seems like a character which is what I miss. Is that his schtick, being all crazy when he enters and exits the ring? Should I start trying to watch TNA? All I hear is its not very good.


So not worth it
NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS! YAY, the throwaway PPV after SummerSlam where every champion defends their title where everybody besides Curtis Axel defends their title! Yay!


Tag Team Turmoil No. 1 Contender’s Match: The Prime Time Players vs. The Usos vs. Tons of Funk vs. The Real Americans vs. 3MB (Kickoff Match)
So, 3MB and Tons of Funk are jobbers, so obviously they won’t win. Leaves the three people with a small change, one of them are heels, so don’t expect the Real Americans to go up against The Shield on the PPV match. That leaves us with only two viable winners, The Uso’s got a match against The Shield on Smackdown, so they could be going against them, but more realistically, Darren Young was on Ellen last Friday and so Prime Time Players will win this match to go and face The Shield at the PPV.

Tag-Team Title Match: Prime Time Players vs. The Shield
Filler match, can’t see The Shield, aligned with the New Corporation losing the titles at this point, so The Shield retains.


United States Championship: Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler is supposed to have backstage heat, but I don’t know, I think we’re being worked here. He’s obviously the main person besides Big Show and of course Bryan that has “beef” with the New Corporation. Sure, they tried to shoehorn Miz in there as well, but that failed because people still like seeing Miz getting his ass kicked. Anyways, I don’t see many titles changing hands on this PPV, and with the way this match came about (late minute add), I can’t see the title changing hands this month, Ambrose retains. However, I also don’t see this feud ending, as more wrestlers will stand up against The Corporation in the coming weeks and months, I’m sure Ziggler will be one of the wrestlers leading the charge and at some point besting Ambrose. And while some may see that as a step down for Ziggler, I don’t think there’s any losers in an Ambrose vs. Ziggler feud.


Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Natalya vs. Brie Bella vs. Naomi (Fatal 4-Way Match)
So this will be a mess of a match. Here’s a bunch of people that hardly ever get to wrestle (at least some of them) and when they do it’s never for longer than five minutes, and even that’s rare as it’s more likely to be 2 or 3 minutes. And that’s 1-on1 or tag matches… A 4-way match? I’m scared for everyone involved. However, if they must have a 4-way, these four are probably their best picks. AJ and Natalya are perfectly capable and Naomi is also quite good (though, as said, gets too little time to actually hone the craft). Brie Bella is still a Bella, but at least she’s improved somewhat. She’s at the very least quite a bit better than Nikki, but that’s not saying much. Many botches and hilarity will be had. As for the outcome, the Total Divas have been coming out on top for Raw and Smackdown, so logic might dictate AJ will win. Yet, this whole thing is not for WWE regular programming, but for the storyline in the second half of the season of Total Divas, so one of them will need to win for that… Or would they? Ending your first season with someone coming out on top, might not be the best way to end a dramatic reality show. After all, if you have this match play out where the three total divas end up costing eachother the title, there will be more drama on that show for them to have. As well as having the evil AJ come out on top for a future Total Divas storyline. Also, AJ in no way deserves to lose the title after 3 months after they kept the title off of her for so long, even though she was the most popular diva for a long time. I’m gonna go with AJ retaining, but it could easily go to one of the Total Divas, which would likely end up being Natalya.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam
If there was ever a doubt in anyone’s mind that the World Heavyweight Championship is a midcard title, one only needs to look at this match. For one, the time given to this feud has been pretty much non-existent. Especially if you look at the time they invest in the WWE title. It really is the IC title of this generation. I guess that’s fine. However, the title really needs to transition to someone that is more of a draw than Del Rio. I know they put the title and spotlight on him to win over the Latino population in the US, but after all the title runs Del Rio has had, he still gets barely a reaction from the crowd. The storyline with Ricardo joining RVD seemed totally random, as there was no reason for Ricardo to join up with RVD. Weeks later, we still have no good explanation for this teaming, other than them having a common enemy in Del Rio I guess. I doubt the pairing will go on much longer. Will they put the title on RVD? I guess they could, having all their titles on heels now, it makes sense at least on title to change hands to a face this Sunday, so why not this one? RVD wins the WHC.


CM Punk vs. Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman (Handicap Elimination Match)
The whole selling point of this PPV aside from the New Corporation stuff is CM Punk getting his hands on Paul Heyman, so that means the first elimination will and must be Curtis Axel. WWE has done everything in its power to make sure we know Curtis Axel doesn’t stand a chance of winning a match against Punk and the whole reason he isn’t defending his title is because they don’t want it on Punk. They could’ve had Axel drop the belt in the past few weeks to keep the gimmick of the PPV intact, but I guess they figure taking the belt from Axel diminishes the public’s opinion on his chances even further. It won’t, because it’s low to begin with, but whatever. Punk will end up getting his hands on Heyman, but I doubt he’ll get too much offense in. This feud between Heyman and Punk is likely going to continue for another month, and Heyman will be debuting a new Paul Heyman Guy. Don’t know who it’ll be, but I doubt it will be an unknown from developmental. As WWE has quietly ended the association between Big E and AJ over the past few weeks, I think Big E Langston has the best shot to be the next guy alongside Heyman. He definitely has the presence and if his Twitter and backstage comedy for wwe.com is any indication, he has more charisma in his little toe than Curtis Axel has altogether.


WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
There’s no chance in hell Bryan is overcoming Orton on this pay-per-view. I think everyone is pretty much agreed that one of the dumbest things they could do is have Bryan beat the New Corporation in their first match, this feud is going to be stretched out for a long time, at least until Survivor Series, but there’s a good chance we won’t see Bryan as champ for a long time. Maybe he can win the Rumble and challenge the champion at WrestleMania for the big pay-off there. In the meantime, they can fill Orton vs. Bryan until Survivor Series, then move Punk on as an ally and have him and Orton have some matches until Cena returns. But I digress, this match should have plenty of offense for Bryan, and plenty of nearfalls where he nearly comes out on top. The ending should be a DQ, with Orton being saved at the last second from the Yes-Lock or someone intervening the pin after he hits his knee-finisher. It is vital though that Bryan looks as though he has got it in the bag, with him being beat down so much it’s only a matter of time until the crowd gives up on him unless they make him look strong here. Who will interfere is the big question. I see Show turning on Bryan and knocking him out, but that would mean yet another Show-turn, and he’s not been a face for that long. More likely, it will be Triple H ordering The Shield to interfere. Either way, Orton retains by DQ.


So not worth it
The top 10 Crowd Reactions from the WWE:

1. Mankind wins the title on Raw
2. Brock Lesnar returns 2012
3. Dolph wins the title 2013
4. Jericho debuts 1999
5. British Bulldog beats Bret hart 1992
6. John Cena goes to Raw 2005
7. Biker Taker debuts 2000
8. Triple H returns 2002
9. Rock returns 2011
10. Punk at Money in the Bank 2011


Still get goosebumps for most of these, pretty decent picks all around.
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