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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


So not worth it
Lets do some predictions then!

NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS! YAY, the throwaway PPV after SummerSlam where every champion defends their title where everybody besides Curtis Axel defends their title! Yay!


Tag Team Turmoil No. 1 Contender’s Match: The Prime Time Players vs. The Usos vs. Tons of Funk vs. The Real Americans vs. 3MB (Kickoff Match)
So, 3MB and Tons of Funk are jobbers, so obviously they won’t win. Leaves the three people with a small change, one of them are heels, so don’t expect the Real Americans to go up against The Shield on the PPV match. That leaves us with only two viable winners, The Uso’s got a match against The Shield on Smackdown, so they could be going against them, but more realistically, Darren Young was on Ellen last Friday and so Prime Time Players will win this match to go and face The Shield at the PPV.

Tag-Team Title Match: Prime Time Players vs. The Shield
Filler match, can’t see The Shield, aligned with the New Corporation losing the titles at this point, so The Shield retains.


United States Championship: Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler is supposed to have backstage heat, but I don’t know, I think we’re being worked here. He’s obviously the main person besides Big Show and of course Bryan that has “beef” with the New Corporation. Sure, they tried to shoehorn Miz in there as well, but that failed because people still like seeing Miz getting his ass kicked. Anyways, I don’t see many titles changing hands on this PPV, and with the way this match came about (late minute add), I can’t see the title changing hands this month, Ambrose retains. However, I also don’t see this feud ending, as more wrestlers will stand up against The Corporation in the coming weeks and months, I’m sure Ziggler will be one of the wrestlers leading the charge and at some point besting Ambrose. And while some may see that as a step down for Ziggler, I don’t think there’s any losers in an Ambrose vs. Ziggler feud.


Divas Championship: AJ Lee vs. Natalya vs. Brie Bella vs. Naomi (Fatal 4-Way Match)
So this will be a mess of a match. Here’s a bunch of people that hardly ever get to wrestle (at least some of them) and when they do it’s never for longer than five minutes, and even that’s rare as it’s more likely to be 2 or 3 minutes. And that’s 1-on1 or tag matches… A 4-way match? I’m scared for everyone involved. However, if they must have a 4-way, these four are probably their best picks. AJ and Natalya are perfectly capable and Naomi is also quite good (though, as said, gets too little time to actually hone the craft). Brie Bella is still a Bella, but at least she’s improved somewhat. She’s at the very least quite a bit better than Nikki, but that’s not saying much. Many botches and hilarity will be had. As for the outcome, the Total Divas have been coming out on top for Raw and Smackdown, so logic might dictate AJ will win. Yet, this whole thing is not for WWE regular programming, but for the storyline in the second half of the season of Total Divas, so one of them will need to win for that… Or would they? Ending your first season with someone coming out on top, might not be the best way to end a dramatic reality show. After all, if you have this match play out where the three total divas end up costing eachother the title, there will be more drama on that show for them to have. As well as having the evil AJ come out on top for a future Total Divas storyline. Also, AJ in no way deserves to lose the title after 3 months after they kept the title off of her for so long, even though she was the most popular diva for a long time. I’m gonna go with AJ retaining, but it could easily go to one of the Total Divas, which would likely end up being Natalya.


World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam
If there was ever a doubt in anyone’s mind that the World Heavyweight Championship is a midcard title, one only needs to look at this match. For one, the time given to this feud has been pretty much non-existent. Especially if you look at the time they invest in the WWE title. It really is the IC title of this generation. I guess that’s fine. However, the title really needs to transition to someone that is more of a draw than Del Rio. I know they put the title and spotlight on him to win over the Latino population in the US, but after all the title runs Del Rio has had, he still gets barely a reaction from the crowd. The storyline with Ricardo joining RVD seemed totally random, as there was no reason for Ricardo to join up with RVD. Weeks later, we still have no good explanation for this teaming, other than them having a common enemy in Del Rio I guess. I doubt the pairing will go on much longer. Will they put the title on RVD? I guess they could, having all their titles on heels now, it makes sense at least on title to change hands to a face this Sunday, so why not this one? RVD wins the WHC.


CM Punk vs. Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman (Handicap Elimination Match)
The whole selling point of this PPV aside from the New Corporation stuff is CM Punk getting his hands on Paul Heyman, so that means the first elimination will and must be Curtis Axel. WWE has done everything in its power to make sure we know Curtis Axel doesn’t stand a chance of winning a match against Punk and the whole reason he isn’t defending his title is because they don’t want it on Punk. They could’ve had Axel drop the belt in the past few weeks to keep the gimmick of the PPV intact, but I guess they figure taking the belt from Axel diminishes the public’s opinion on his chances even further. It won’t, because it’s low to begin with, but whatever. Punk will end up getting his hands on Heyman, but I doubt he’ll get too much offense in. This feud between Heyman and Punk is likely going to continue for another month, and Heyman will be debuting a new Paul Heyman Guy. Don’t know who it’ll be, but I doubt it will be an unknown from developmental. As WWE has quietly ended the association between Big E and AJ over the past few weeks, I think Big E Langston has the best shot to be the next guy alongside Heyman. He definitely has the presence and if his Twitter and backstage comedy for wwe.com is any indication, he has more charisma in his little toe than Curtis Axel has altogether.


WWE Championship: Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
There’s no chance in hell Bryan is overcoming Orton on this pay-per-view. I think everyone is pretty much agreed that one of the dumbest things they could do is have Bryan beat the New Corporation in their first match, this feud is going to be stretched out for a long time, at least until Survivor Series, but there’s a good chance we won’t see Bryan as champ for a long time. Maybe he can win the Rumble and challenge the champion at WrestleMania for the big pay-off there. In the meantime, they can fill Orton vs. Bryan until Survivor Series, then move Punk on as an ally and have him and Orton have some matches until Cena returns. But I digress, this match should have plenty of offense for Bryan, and plenty of nearfalls where he nearly comes out on top. The ending should be a DQ, with Orton being saved at the last second from the Yes-Lock or someone intervening the pin after he hits his knee-finisher. It is vital though that Bryan looks as though he has got it in the bag, with him being beat down so much it’s only a matter of time until the crowd gives up on him unless they make him look strong here. Who will interfere is the big question. I see Show turning on Bryan and knocking him out, but that would mean yet another Show-turn, and he’s not been a face for that long. More likely, it will be Triple H ordering The Shield to interfere. Either way, Orton retains by DQ.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Shield def. Prime Time Jobbers
Abrose def. Job Ziggler
Natalya def. AJ and the harpees
DVR def. Alberto
Mr. Imperfect def. Punk
Orton retains over Bryan


What are the odds of seeing a new Heyman guy tonight? Axel has been a bust and he is bumming me out.

50/50. Either Paul Heyman gets killed and we don't see him again for a while and Punk moves on or New guy debuts. Names thrown out are Ryback, Big E or a NXT guy. I would like Corey Graves or Ohno. Ohno does have a history with Punk but he just recently got out of the doghouse so most likely he won't debut.

Also in New Japan News from Meltzer:

We got literally zero feedback on the New Japan show this weekend. Since our web site readers make up a large percentage of the total audience that buys New Japan iPPV shows outside of Japan, that's telling. The last two shows, even with the lower price, have done nothing at all.

Sounds like they are over saturating there shows right now.


Just completed The Last Of Us.....the final third of the game really delivers and it's all about the connection between the two main characters. I am now officially ready for GTA V.


So not worth it
Have there been any rumours about it being Big E? I assumed it would be a new guy from NXT.

WWE is impressed with Big E, after a series of bouts he had against Orton on the overseas tour (amongst others). Plus he was pushed to the background and silently broken up with AJ for no apparent reason...

Other than, they have plans for him. If you look at the current roster, they need someone that can be believable competition for Punk, that eliminates anyone in NXT that gets called up. And having a strong big guy would seem to make the most sense. That's why I figure Big E is the next Paul E guy.


Have there been any rumours about it being Big E? I assumed it would be a new guy from NXT.

I'd hate to see them take another chance on somebody totally unknown for a Heyman guy. Needs to be somebody that could be a monster, Big E or Ryback make the most sense unless they want another mid-card guy in the group to not overshadow when Brock arrives.

As for NoC. I don't think I've had so little interest in a PPV in a really long time. Not many matches on the card and many that feel overdone (RVD/ADR for example). Outside of seeing how D.Bry gets screwed, we all know the result there and the likely Punk/Heyman guy aftermath leaves only 3 matches to really surprise us. Dolph/Ambrose is another I could care less about. I am not a Ambrose fan and don't see Dolph having a shot here, plus how much have they worked together to have a quality match??? Divas match will be divas match, full of botch. Really feels like a throw-away PPV or a "meh" Monday Night Raw. Hopefully I am wrong, but my faith in the "E" is very low


Betting Odds for tonight's matches:

Orton - 11/10
Bryan - 4/6
Axel - 8/13
Punk - 6/5
ADR - 4/11
RVD - 2
AJ - 1/4
Nattie - 5
Bella - 6
Naomi - 6


Isn't there also rumours that they want Big E to turn face, though? I mean, its all speculation til anything happens, but I feel like his natural personality and charisma leans more face than heel.
I'd hate to see them take another chance on somebody totally unknown for a Heyman guy. Needs to be somebody that could be a monster, Big E or Ryback make the most sense unless they want another mid-card guy in the group to not overshadow when Brock arrives.

As for NoC. I don't think I've had so little interest in a PPV in a really long time. Not many matches on the card and many that feel overdone (RVD/ADR for example). Outside of seeing how D.Bry gets screwed, we all know the result there and the likely Punk/Heyman guy aftermath leaves only 3 matches to really surprise us. Dolph/Ambrose is another I could care less about. I am not a Ambrose fan and don't see Dolph having a shot here, plus how much have they worked together to have a quality match??? Divas match will be divas match, full of botch. Really feels like a throw-away PPV or a "meh" Monday Night Raw. Hopefully I am wrong, but my faith in the "E" is very low

I get what you mean about the Heyman guy, but i like to think the whole Heyman thing is a little treat for the internet fans. Call up an indie favourite for the smarks and hell still get heat with the other fans because he is with Heyman.

I also think established people already have too much baggage. Axel is a prime example of this.
Man God said:
I'm not a nugget! I'm a black heart! Wooooooo!

I know I'm late, but my nose got here 10 minutes ago! Woooooo!

I love waking up to the smell of coffee, all the way from Brazil! Wooooo!

Sounds like they are over saturating there shows right now.

They're probably still trying to figure out what will and wont work for the international audience - also, I don't think people sending feedback to Meltzer is the best way to gauge interest, how many people bother to send in reports anyways?


I get what you mean about the Heyman guy, but i like to think the whole Heyman thing is a little treat for the internet fans. Call up an indie favourite for the smarks and hell still get heat with the other fans because he is with Heyman.

I also think established people already have too much baggage. Axel is a prime example of this.

I don't know, I think it could have been an established guy but Axel just doesn't have....well anything. He isn't charismatic, he is boring in the ring and doesn't have the ability to tell a story. I think it was just a bad pairing from the beginning, however WWE needs to realize that not every second and third generation guy needs to work for them. He needed a real repackaging like Husky Harris got, or he needed to go to his true name and come out complaining about being given a shit name and disrespecting the Hennig name. That still wouldn't fix his shortcomings, but would have gave him some kind of self recognition and not just being a Heyman guy for no real reason. I think a guy like Big E would be perfect because he fits the bodyguard role that Heyman needs because of Punk and is a guy with enough talent that he wouldn't need Paul to do everything to get him a reaction unlike Axel. Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to fix Axel at this point, outside of sending him down to NXT and pairing him with another guy like him in the tag team division along with maybe providing a mid-card type manager that could come in and be their talker much like Zeb with Swagger
Lets do some predictions then!

Alright, alright.

Tag Team Turmoil
Woah, we actually have enough teams to do one of these again? you'd almost think there was a tag team division but it's not really presented as such. I have to believe the winning team are just going to be fed to the shield so a face team will likely win, Usos have already battled with the shield, tons of funk just kinda suck so I'll go with Prime Time Players.

Actual Tag Team Title Match
Well as I said, the shield will feast on the guys who make it through.

Ambrose vs Ziggler
I'm not sure what's happening with Ziggler these days, so much so that I think it's pretty safe to go with Ambrose for this one and it keeps all the belts on the shield this way.

Divas Fatal Four Way Match
Oh the horror! Total Divas versus actual Diva, no doubt that AJ gets ganged up on at the start, things will break down and in the end Total divas will get some kind of retribution for being told how much they suck by having Natalya pick up the win since she's the one that's pretty competent at actually wrestling.

This match might be pretty decent to watch, but I just don't care, I really don't care, I want the belt off ADR but I don't see RVD winning it and i'm not so big on him either. I'll just hope that ADR wins via Ricardo betraying RVD, ADR is even more bland in character without his announcer so lets right that wrong.

Punk vs Heyman and Curtis Axel
Speaking of stuff I don't care about, Curtis Axel, it just isn't working. The sooner he gets eliminated so Punk can terrorize Heyman the better, nothing like a yelling Paul Heyman as far as entertaining comeuppance goes.
Hopefully Punk wins and puts this mess behind him.

Bryan vs Orton
No way Bryan gets the belt back yet, Orton retains via some sort of questionable shenanigans....yeah I think that's it. You might be able to tell I don't have much hype for this PPV, while Raw has been on the upswing as of late this PPV feels like filler and coming off Summerslam I can't really muster up much excitement for it.
Have there been any rumours about it being Big E? I assumed it would be a new guy from NXT.

From the people they have these are the possibilities.

-Big E (Hasn't been on RAW in a while so they can act surprised when he shows up?)
-Mason Ryan
-Correy Graves
-Tyson Kidd (Cleared from injury)
-RVD ("Heyman guy" and If his match goes on earlier than Punks match)

Don't expect any surprises because they don't seem to do that anymore everybody goes through developmental unless its an OLD guy like Nash doing a run in.


So not worth it
From the people they have these are the possibilities.

-Big E (Hasn't been on RAW in a while so they can act surprised when he shows up?)
-Mason Ryan
-Correy Graves
-Tyson Kidd (Cleared from injury)
-RVD ("Heyman guy" and If his match goes on earlier than Punks match)

Don't expect any surprises because they don't seem to do that anymore everybody goes through developmental unless its an OLD guy like Nash doing a run in.

RVD is disqualified, because he can't be a heel to any crowd. Plus he's already in a program for this PPV. Kidd is just like Axel, can't work a mic, but can wrestle. Nothing to gain there. Corey Graves is a nobody, Axel demonstrates you can't just shoehorn anyone into a challenger spot against a main event guy and by god, if it's Mason Ryan, I riot!
RVD is disqualified, because he can't be a heel to any crowd. Plus he's already in a program for this PPV. Kidd is just like Axel, can't work a mic, but can wrestle. Nothing to gain there. Corey Graves is a nobody, Axel demonstrates you can't just shoehorn anyone into a challenger spot against a main event guy and by god, if it's Mason Ryan, I riot!

Only other one I could guess on would be Kassius Ohno. He and Punk have a pretty lengthy history. Regardless though, he's not a ME level guy. No way Brock does it, E wouldn't want to pay for it on a C PPV like this one.

Bullpucky aside though, this feud has nowhere else to go, and I don't see Punk having anything else to do after this, unless he switches places with Bryan and Bryan feuds with Big Slow after this PPV.


I don't know, I think it could have been an established guy but Axel just doesn't have....well anything. He isn't charismatic, he is boring in the ring and doesn't have the ability to tell a story. I think it was just a bad pairing from the beginning, however WWE needs to realize that not every second and third generation guy needs to work for them. He needed a real repackaging like Husky Harris got, or he needed to go to his true name and come out complaining about being given a shit name and disrespecting the Hennig name. That still wouldn't fix his shortcomings, but would have gave him some kind of self recognition and not just being a Heyman guy for no real reason. I think a guy like Big E would be perfect because he fits the bodyguard role that Heyman needs because of Punk and is a guy with enough talent that he wouldn't need Paul to do everything to get him a reaction unlike Axel. Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to fix Axel at this point, outside of sending him down to NXT and pairing him with another guy like him in the tag team division along with maybe providing a mid-card type manager that could come in and be their talker much like Zeb with Swagger

The main problem with El Hijo del Perfecto as a Heyman Guy is that there is nothing about him that makes him fit in with any Paul Heyman guy. He's not at all what Heyman has looked for in guys, which has been established for 20 years now. A bland guy with no personality or spark who is just a basic wrestler? Why on earth would that be a Paul Heyman guy?

Tommy Dreamer, CM Punk, RVD, Sandman, Dudleys, Bork Laser, Steve Austin, The Sandman, Mick Foley, Sabu...and Michael McGillicutty?
The main problem with El Hijo del Perfecto as a Heyman Guy is that there is nothing about him that makes him fit in with any Paul Heyman guy. He's not at all what Heyman has looked for in guys, which has been established for 20 years now. A bland guy with no personality or spark who is just a basic wrestler? Why on earth would that be a Paul Heyman guy?

Tommy Dreamer, CM Punk, RVD, Sandman, Dudleys, Bork Laser, Steve Austin, The Sandman, Mick Foley, Sabu...and Michael McGillicutty?

Would have worked better if they you know didn't have HHH bitch slap him seconds into his rebirth and given him some ACTUAL wins. Im pretty sure they were patting themselves on the back for that one too, they thought they were doing him tons of favors and getting him massively over
Apparently Wrestling is Intense just got CHIKARA'd at their show today. They tweeted "And now...it's main event time!" (the exact same tweet the CHIKARA twitter account posted before Condor Security invaded and shut down the show) and then during the main event GEKIDO of combatANT, deviANT & 17 appeared, beat the crap out of everyone and destroyed the ring. The promoter said that, because of this, Wrestling is Intense is shutting down.


drawer by drawer
Apparently Wrestling is Intense just got CHIKARA'd at their show today. They tweeted "And now...it's main event time!" (the exact same tweet the CHIKARA twitter account posted before Condor Security invaded and shut down the show) and then during the main event GEKIDO of combatANT, deviANT & 17 appeared, beat the crap out of everyone and destroyed the ring. The promoter said that, because of this, Wrestling is Intense is shutting down.

This Chikara thing is a real long burn.
Apparently Wrestling is Intense just got CHIKARA'd at their show today. They tweeted "And now...it's main event time!" (the exact same tweet the CHIKARA twitter account posted before Condor Security invaded and shut down the show) and then during the main event GEKIDO of combatANT, deviANT & 17 appeared, beat the crap out of everyone and destroyed the ring. The promoter said that, because of this, Wrestling is Intense is shutting down.

Jesus this is getting crazy . Also 17 is back ??. I thought quack killed him with all the quackdrivers

Also Paul heyman guy is goin to be Austin


Thank goodness Denver put away the Giants here, I was worried that this would be competitive causing me to miss pre-show
You can, but since Ohno is still being jobbed out on NXT for being a skinny fatass and not doing anything about it, I wouldn't get your hopes up right about now.

But he looks so much thinner now. That counts, right?

I need to transfer my hopes from Evan Bourne to someone else don't it?
Is there any reason to expect a new Paul Heyman guy? i'm kind of expecting Punk to just beat the hell out of Heyman and bump him off tv for a bit ending this little saga.
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