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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Contains Sucralose
Find the heel:

I'm sure they would have preferred to have Natalya hold the title since it could have been the start of a diva envy storyline on TD, like the Eva vs Jojo drama. It could have been the actual bubble they pretend on the show. Yet they see the value of AJ. She has long term potential and sells merch.

WWE kinda screwed themselves by not including all the main divas. Layla would have been great. And Kaitlyn needs to do something. I guess they are trying to fix that on S1 part 2.


WWE is in dire need of someone to pitch a new show concept using their existing tape libraries. What do you do, and how much time do you fill?

I'd go with a Monday Night Wars show, where each night's Monday Night Raw/Nitro show that cut between each other when commercial breaks hit (which was pretty often) - could probably run the whole thing in 4 hours.

They basically do that on 24/7. I think they should have each night of the week be dedicated to a particularly promotion. Mondays would be WWE, Tuesdays WCW, WCCW Wednesday, ECW Thursday, AWA Friday, and weekends could alternate the smaller libraries. Sundays would be reserved for big event cards from any promotion.

I'd also like to see more Legends Roundtables made.

Lol, Kaitlyn. I forgot she even existed. She's completely dropped off the planet.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
They basically do that on 24/7. I think they should have each night of the week be dedicated to a particularly promotion. Mondays would be WWE, Tuesdays WCW, WCCW Wednesday, ECW Thursday, AWA Friday, and weekends could alternate the smaller libraries. Sundays would be reserved for big event cards from any promotion.

I'd also like to see more Legends Roundtables made.

Me too, they need to use the talent they have handy while they can. A lot of the older wrestlers/managers appreciate another paycheck to do it, too. I've seen probably all of them, and would LOVE some more. Love the roundtables, and Mean Gene is the perfect moderator for them as well. Even good old Michael PS Hayes is great in them.
I think Kaitlyn is injured thats why she pretty much disappeared. Im glad they didn't leave AJ in another loser stable she needs to be on her own
Well I'm going to go to sleep. I could use my GameStop credit to get GTA V but I'm not really a fan of GTA even though it seems like it could be fun, I really really don't care about any story and never will.

bahh dont get that game, you'll never play it..... get something more your style like the new Saints Row




What type of leg drop is this?


So not worth it
You know what's weird, they still haven't announced the women's roster for WWE 2k14, that makes no sense, it's not like it's something people wildly anticipate.

Oh shit, it's going to be a Total Divas storyline, isn't it?
Watched the main event of CZW's Down With the Sickness and, in fine CZW-flippy-guys tradition, the match was utterly ridiculous and stupid, but pretty fun nonetheless.

The first stupid AR Fox bump comes pretty early in the match;


Shane Strickland murders Alex Colon;


AR Fox doing his flippy stuff;


Andrew Everett dies;


Botch, so bad;


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Mild until the last 2 gifs, then it's cringe-town.
Watched the main event of CZW's Down With the Sickness and, in fine CZW-flippy-guys tradition, the match was utterly ridiculous and stupid, but pretty fun nonetheless.

I loved this goddamn match so much. Absolute insanity. Everyone involved needs therapy :p

Dat botch gif was incredible in that it even went -that- well. Freaking Everett.

I remember when we shot Aerial Assault last year, and Strickland debuted. He's made a metric ton of progress since then. At AA last year, he did a 630 off the box and I'm pretty sure kabonged/concussed himself. At least that stuff is...kind of gone.

Also spoiler for match

Mild until the last 2 gifs, then it's cringe-town.

Motherfucker that AR Fox guardrail gif is insanity.

And I thought last year's Chris Cash ladder match was nuts. Shooting that was terrifying. Everyone died.



WCW Monday Nitro 11/23/98

I'd love to see what WCW throws out after a terrible PPV. They tend to throw a big match or two out there after a shitty PPV. We'll find out on Thursday's Tonight Show why Hogan wasn't at WW3. Jay is really going to have Hogan back on his show after their bitter, bitter rivalry? Would he have Letterman on the show?

Mike Enos vs Lex Luger

This is not a good way to start after a terrible PPV. Lex won. Who gives a fuck? Lex has less focus than Konnan right now.

TO THE BACK. Goldberg arrives in his limo at the same time as Nash and Konnan arrived in their limo. BUT WHO WERE LIMOS?!?

. Kidman is the guest. I believe this to be his first promo. I hope he challenges Juvi. Apparently, winning the title got him laid. He wants Rey to come out. He offers Rey a title shot. They shake hands and walk off. Eddie and Tuco came out. Eddie informs Rey is legally still a part of the LWO. And called him a turd. Lol. He gives Rey a 6x LWO shirt to show the expectations they have for him.

Norman Smiley vs Chris Benoit

Hopefully Norman will get a chance to show he can wrestle. And he does right at the start. Benoit slaps him and calls him "boy", because he's racist. He also looks like he put on some bulk while he was out hurt. BIG WIGGLE! I believe this to be the first Big Wiggle on Nitro. Benoit didn't like it and beat the shit out of Norman in the corner, then gave him the ol' snot rocket. Smiley slam. Rolling Reich suplexes. Iron Crossface for the win.


The Wolfpac come to the ring. They celebrate Nash's win. Nash is happy to be next.

Gene caught up with Nash and asked about Hall. Scott Hall is going to have to prove that he really wants to make up with him. Goldberg walks by and says he wants Nash to see the truck that's going to run him over.

Tokyo Magnum vs Kanyon

Kanyon didn't come out, so the camera went to the back to catch Kanyon trying to motivate Raven to get his ass to the ring. Raven was being mopey and wasn't up for it. Kanyon was so perturbed that he didn't even bother with The Question, since the crowd wouldn't get it right any way. Kanyon was distracted by the lack of Raven, with led to Magnum getting a flurry of offense. It changed with a second rope Russian leg sweep. Flatliner for a quick win. BANG!

Glacier vs Bobby Duncum Jr.

Are there really no cowboys in Mortal Kombat? I suppose this is the closest we'll get to Sub-Zero vs Clint Eastwood. Bobby beats Glacier's ass. This show sucks already. Duncum wins with the Skull Crushing Finale.

TO THE MEAN GENE. The Giant is the guest. He's not a happy guy. He's pissed that Nash eliminated him, going on to make fun of him for being tall and having long hair, despite being a giant with a pony tail. Instead of challenging Nash, he challenges Goldberg so he can be the champion and face Nash. Why not just challenge Nash?

Silver King vs Saturn

Saturn challenges The Cat before the match. Cat came out to shit talk on the ramp. Saturn got pissed and quickly defeated Silver King.

We are told that Goldberg agrees to the match with Giant.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rey does the bronco buster very early. They spill to the floor. While out there, they do head scissors and Rey gets dropped face first onto the apron. Kidman comes back in the ring with a slingshot leg drop. Rey does a low drop kick and does a diving fameasser from the second rope. Kidman comes back with a cross body from the top. Kidman gets knocked back to the floor. Rey comes at him with a flipping senton. After some offense from Kidman, Rey does a Code Red into a bulldog. It was swank as fuck. Kidman hits the rebound lariat for 2. Pop up X-factor. Sunset flip bomb. Superplex from Rey. Kidman catches a springboard into the BK Bomb. Eddie and Juvi come out. Kidman goes after Eddie. Juvi gives Rey the Juvi Driver. Kidman didn't see it, but hit the SSP for the win. I find it strange that Juvi turned heel off camera last night. He just came out in an LWO shirt and was a heel.



TO THE MEAN GENE. Eric Bischoff is the guest. He makes it know that, for better or worse (definitely worse right now), he is the boss. He wants Ric Flair to come out. He comes out. This angle has had zero progression since the night Flair returned in September. Zero. They're trying to hash things out. Flair says even Ted Turner makes mistakes, and Bischoff is one of them. Bischoff wants Barry Windham to come to the ring. He can still get into the ring from the floor in one stride. Bischoff slaps Flair. Flair runs after him and chokes him. Barry Windham then attacks Flair. SWERVE! They double team Flair. The Horsemen finally run out, only to be intercepted by the nWo. A master plan!


Konnan vs Booker T

This is because Booker politely asked Konnan to stop hitting Stevie Ray. Stevie came out and hit Konnan with the slap jack. Konnan definitely got hit with a drink while on the mat, but the camera only caught some splash since it was focused on Harlem Heat arguing.

. Bret Hart comes to the ring. Bret calls the fans animals and says that DDP's win was pretty cheap. He's going to be hurting people until he gets a rematch. The Horsemen were taken to the hospital, but Dean Malenko was previously contracted to face Bret Hart. Dean's leg is going to get thrown into the crowd.

Wrath vs Kevin Nash

Wrath has been on a 4 month winning streak. Or 3. I don't know. He's been on a winning streak for a while. Instead of having some kind of angle or program for someone to stop the win streak, Nash ends it out of the blue. I guess it was to prove he could stop a guy on a winning streak. At least Nash bumped around for him. Still, I see no point for this match to have happened. It didn't help Nash and, despite Nash bumping around for him, it just cut the balls off of Wrath.


TO THE GENE MEAN. Jericho comes to the ring with perhaps the most ridiculous hair he's ever had. He feels betrayed by the Jerichoholics. They haven't been cheering him as much. He shit talks cowboys for a bit. Bobby Duncum Jr. walks out with Ralphus and hog ties him.

Scott Hall vs Alex Wright

Jericho was still trying to untie Ralphus when Hall came out. He says the black and white kicked him out, even though he started the nWo by himself. He got his "Lone Wolf" gear made like 2 months ago. Seems like a spoiler now. They have a pretty even match, but Hall easily wins.

Bret Hart vs Dean Malenko

It's a shame this match happened as part of an angle with Dean already hurt coming into it. Dean puts up a fight even with the injured leg. This was weird. Dean's hurt, but Bret is the one selling like he's dead. There isn't much offense from either guy. Or defense. They're just kind of in there. Worst of all, it was boring. Bret vs Dean shouldn't be boring. Maybe #wcwruinseverything was legit. I think Bret hurt himself near the start of the match and things just slowed down right after. Dean won after Bret hit a Kanyon Cutter on a chair. BANG! This match was long, but not engaging at all. DDP ran in, only to get hit with a chair right away. DDP fought back and ran Bret off. Sure seemed like Bret was concussed early on and then injured his leg or groin near the end. DDP wants Bret in a match next week.


Goldberg vs The Giant WCW Championship

Giant got a jobber entrance. Goldberg has defeated Giant at least twice so far. Chokeslam about 30 seconds into the match. Goldberg barely kicked out. Spear! Jackhammer! Goldberg retains. Bam Bam Big Yellow hits the ring after the match. He gets a few shots in before security hit the ring. Nash then came out and got into it with Goldberg. More security. WE'RE OUTTA TIME, STAY TUNED FOR NITRO EXTRA TOMORROW NIGHT!


This show certainly did not make up for WW3.
WWE is in dire need of someone to pitch a new show concept using their existing tape libraries. What do you do, and how much time do you fill?

I'd go with a Monday Night Wars show, where each night's Monday Night Raw/Nitro show that cut between each other when commercial breaks hit (which was pretty often) - could probably run the whole thing in 4 hours.

I would love a WWE Documentary series in the vein of ESPN Films/30 for 30. Let them profile individual stars of wrestling's past or specific feuds/moments in time. Their documentaries lately are pretty solid but I'd like to see that team cover stories or careers that wouldn't warrant a normal DVD release.

You could also let them cover more modern stories, like following the developmental process of a newly acquired indy star or let DDP/Hall/Roberts get a paycheck by opening up their rehab to a film crew.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I would love a WWE Documentary series in the vein of ESPN Films/30 for 30. Let them profile individual stars of wrestling's past or specific feuds/moments in time. Their documentaries lately are pretty solid but I'd like to see that team cover stories or careers that wouldn't warrant a normal DVD release.

You could also let them cover more modern stories, like following the developmental process of a newly acquired indy star or let DDP/Hall/Roberts get a paycheck by opening up their rehab to a film crew.

I'd like to see that too, with directors who grew up with it covering what they want to.


WWE 30 for 30s would be way too dark and depressing. All the stories would end in "Tragically, X died from an overdose/steroid abuse/heart attack" or "X is still currently working the independent scene and lives out of hotels".
Pretty good ACW show at the Mohawk in Austin, TX last night.

Highlights included:

Jason Silver vs Barrett Brown

Jason Silver with a Swanton Bomb FROM THE BALCONY on Sky Delacrimosa

Barrett Brown being awesome in general

Jack Jamesson surprisingly winning the Tag Titles from "The Business" when PAUL FUCKING LONDON ran in to save him:



JT Lommotta's final match in ACW was unfortunately cut short though by Jimmy Jacobs suffering what appeared to be a serious concussion after a superplex-type spot.

I hope having Dusty around tonight, leads to something NXT related. Best case scenario would be to debut a few guys to fight along side Bryan to get the crowd cheering for them...

Imagine building to Survivor Series will Team Bryan... (AKA Team B+)




That reminds me that Bobby Heenan would have been the best wrestler of all time if he actually stuck to just wrestling. Dude outworked everyone he ever had a match with, even after years of being strictly an announcer or manager and clearly being overweight. In my alternate universe, Bobby Heenan went to the NWA and filled Ric Flair's role.


Wrestlemaina 4 is pretty atrocious. My guess is that it has to be something in either the New Generation era or 2003-2007ish period.


Wrestlemaina 4 is pretty atrocious. My guess is that it has to be something in either the New Generation era or 2003-2007ish period.

Nothing surpass Wrestlemania XI main event.

Fucking Lawrence Taylor vs Fucking Bam Bam Bigelow

And dont forget that match was Mongo's first step to the road to become a Horseman.
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