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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Agree and disagree.

I mean evolution of the character. He couldn't keep those traits when he kept winning and became champion.

Problem is... now he doesn't stick up for himself.

Triple H strips him of the title... he doesn't want to give it up
Has it taken from him... and then what?

Like he doesn't barge into their office
He doesn't create mayhem on the show
He just... kind of accepts it and plays their game anyhow

Something something PG...
Lambda Piscium said:
but that's the thing, he's become a mini-Cena, "face-ified" by the WWE.

If you don't want your face champions cast from the same mould as John Cena, then I suggest you watch another god damn promotion.

Remember that awful period of face Punk with the belt? Calling people tool boxes, acting like the second coming of Cena, etc?
If you don't want your face champions cast from the same mould as John Cena, then I suggest you watch another god damn promotion.

Remember that awful period of face Punk with the belt? Calling people tool boxes, acting like the second coming of Cena, etc?

i vaguely remember it. and what i remember was bad.

how hard is it to book a decent face, even in a PG enviroment?

a guy that, when asked to give his belt to the autority figure, takes of his shirt, puts the belt around his waist and says "make me".

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
how hard is it to book a decent face, even in a PG enviroment?

It shouldn't be as hard as WWE make it seem. Everyone is too toothless these days, that goes for the heels as well as the faces. The degree to which no one's willing to stand up to Hunner is pretty hilarious. Like Big Show - he's proven himself to be a morally bankrupt human being over the past few weeks, why should I give a fuck when he finally snaps? Oh, sure, Stephanie might get her comeuppance, but Big Show's still a complete tool.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
It shouldn't be as hard as WWE make it seem. Everyone is too toothless these days, that goes for the heels as well as the faces. The degree to which no one's willing to stand up to Hunner is pretty hilarious. Like Big Show - he's proven himself to be a morally bankrupt human being over the past few weeks, why should I give a fuck when he finally snaps? Oh, sure, Stephanie might get her comeuppance, but Big Show's still a complete tool.
The entire cast of Superstars stood up to Hunner! Hopefully they get pedigreed to the earths core.


I think I'm going to go buy GTAV right now at 3:32 in the morning.

Also, I think the solution to everything is to let Dusty book the main shows. Actually, Dusty and Heyman should book Raw and Smackdown. Together. United. Then. Now. Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever. Forever.


Ah, fuck it. I'll wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday to get GTA5 and WWE2K14. I don't feel as cheated getting WWE games when they're only $25.
Here's a real treat, courtesy of Ditch, the awesome Kobashi & Kikuchi vs Can-Ams tag match from '92, complete and unedited for the first time!


Classic Match of the Day;

The Can-Am Express (c) vs Kenta Kobashi & Tsuyoshi Kikuchi - (AJPW 05/25/1992)

You've probably at least heard of this match for the AJPW All Asia Tag Titles before. Dave Metlzer gave it ***** and it's regarded as having one of the best audiences ever in Japanese wrestling, who react just perfectly to everything throughout the 22 or so minutes of this match. But, to say that the crowd makes the match would be doing a disservice to the work put in by Kobashi, Kikuchi, Furnas & Kroffat. The Can-Am Express come across perfectly here as the dickish gaijin heels, bullying poor Kikuchi and trying to avoid Kobashi's wrath. Kikuchi plays the face in peril role exceptionally well and the Sendai crowd are firmly behind him as he tries to fight off his larger opponents. Kroffat damn near snaps him in half with a double-leg crab and the sheer volume of the crowd when Kikuchi at last makes his comeback and gets the tag to Kobashi, is simply deafening. Right from the entrances, there's no doubt that Kobashi's the real star here, which is only reinforced when the Can-Ams have to double team him to gain the advantage and the arena erupts in boos. But this is a solidifying outing for Kikuchi as well, who proves that he can hold his own with the likes of Kroffat & Furnas and that the crowd are more than willing to buy him as being able to compete at this level. As far as underdogs go, you'll be hard pressed to find a better performance than that of Kikuchi in this match-up. The finishing stretch is fantastic stuff, as Kobashi & Kikuchi start to build up a head of steam and the crowd sense that an upset could be on the table. But, the Can-Ams still have a few tricks up their sleeves and pull out all the stops to try and put Kobashi away. The crowd bite for every near-fall and the finish, when it comes, just about raises the goddamn roof off the building. What an fantastic tag match. It more than holds up by today's standards and should be required viewing for fans of Japanese wrestling.




WCW Nitro Extra 11/24/98

Bischoff had Barry Windham turn on Flair and set the Horsemen up for an ambush at the same time. Goldberg and Kevin Nash's emotions boiled over and had to be held apart by security. Bam Bam Big Yellow made another run in on the show.

Scott Norton vs Kaz Hayashi

Virgil carrying the IWGP is legitimately offensive to me and I'm not really even that big of an NJPW. Kaz tries a drop kick. One chop and a powerbomb later, Norton wins. He didn't even wear wrestling gear for this.


Disco Inferno vs Scott Putski

Scott hit a pretty bad looking running Liger bomb. I'm not giffing it because fuck Scott Putski. Disco comes back with a neck breaker and they work headlocks. It's what the fans came to see! Flapjack Norton from Putski. Disco hits the piledriver for the win.

Tokyo Magnum vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

I really didn't realize that Magnum's WCW was most of the year. I remember him being on a few shows with the Dancing Fools and then vanishing, but he's been around pretty much all year. They start off with some fast chain wrestling. Wet Willy! And another. Magnum comes back into it with a big dropkick and works a cravat. Second rope moonsault mostly misses. Springboard bulldog. Wrap it up guys, come on. Tornado DDT for the win.

Stevie Ray vs Van Hammer

I assume Van Hammer was originally named for Van Halen, but he seemed way more like a Bon Jovi guy to me. And I don't really think Van Halen was super huge in 1991. Well, I guess F.U.C.K. came out then, so maybe, but Hammer was dressed like he should have been in the Wanted Dead or Alive music video. Stevie won.

TAFKATAFKAPI vs Juventud Guerrera

Despite being a heel now, Juvi still slaps hands with fans on the way out. I'm pretty done with Prince matches. I only have a few shows left. I hope there aren't any more with Prince on them. Can't he get injured again or something? He's another one of the guys that I can't figure out what WCW brass saw in him. He was decidedly average in the ring at his best, he had no charisma, he couldn't talk, he wasn't good as a jobber because he wasn't good enough to make other people look good. Juvi was about to win when Rey ended up costing him the match.


Wrath vs Whoreass

Wrath wins with the Meltdown in a terribly boring match. And it was the main event!

I really don't see the point in these Nitro Extra things. They should be Thunder Extras instead. Nothing of any importance happens at all. Seems like such a waste to get an extra hour of prime time TV with no other wrestling competition and put on jobber matches. But they do that for 2 hours every week on Thunder.


Agree and disagree.

I mean evolution of the character. He couldn't keep those traits when he kept winning and became champion.

Problem is... now he doesn't stick up for himself.

Triple H strips him of the title... he doesn't want to give it up
Has it taken from him... and then what?

Like he doesn't barge into their office
He doesn't create mayhem on the show
He just... kind of accepts it and plays their game anyhow

The problem isn't Daniel Bryan its the fact this is the first time in at least 5 years where WWE has had heels getting the upper hand on the faces. Tonight was the first time in what 3 months where the heels have essentially been chased away.

Now next week D.Bryan has to utter the immortal words, "I'd rather be shit out of luck than shit on" *commence feces dropping on top of the Corporation*


Stro would you say Horace Hogan was bad?

No. He wasn't bad at all, but he also wasn't that interesting and had negative charisma. He was decent. He got to show it a few times with Kanyon/Raven/Saturn, but the nWo membership comes with the gimmick of "shitty matches with DQ finishes".

He wasn't the worst guy in nWo Hollywood at that point. Stevie Ray, Virgil, and Crush were worse. It's amazing how little charisma he had when his uncle was Hulk Hogan. You'd expect some of Hogan's charisma to be family trait.


And the Wolfpac wasn't much better, what with Lex and Konnan. Nash was fine when he tried, Sting was good when his matches weren't 5 minute bullshit matches and he was actually around. He took a lot of time off in 1998.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I wish Goldust had his offensive, awesome early era Goldust gimmick with his more recent match quality. He was pretty good back in the day, but his promos were awesome as a heel. In recent years, he's really good in the ring when it comes to pacing, but his promos/character are just ... nonexistent or goofy.
Jay Briscoe promo, of sorts;


The Briscoe Family makes for better poorly acted reality TV than Total Divas, that's for sure.

Also, in NXT news, they've hired back Shawn Spears. Plus, here's a photo from the performance center;


In New Japan news, Shibata wants a rematch with Ishii, who is currently on an excursion to Mexico. Also, the Golden Lovers of Kenny Omega & Kota Ibushi have hinted that they'll be in the World Tag League this year.


Well, Sami is still there.....don't know what Samuray looks like to know if he is there though.

Is that Sara Del Rey up top?


Is that Shaun Ricker in from of the Redhead that can't wrestle? Has he even been on NXT yet?

Is the guy next to Black Ranger Samuray? Or somebody else?


So not worth it
The storyline where Triple H uses Scott Armstrong to cost Beyan the title by fast counting and subsequently framing Bryan by acting like they were in cahoots is brilliant.



WCW Monday Nitro 11/30/98

No Thunder last week, which is why we got the wasteful hour of Nitro Extra.

TO THE TONIGHT SHOW. The reason Hogan wasn't at WW3 was because he was officially retiring to run for president.

TO THE BACK. We go to the parking lot, waiting for the nWo limos to arrive. And here they are! The nWo arrives in I believe 3 limos. BUT WHO WERE LIMOS?!?! Who is the leader of the nWo now? Bischoff? Giant? Steiner? Looks like Steiner is the one leading the group, so maybe it is him. We follow them all the way to the ring.

And in fact, Bischoff announces Steiner as the heir apparent. Moment of silence for Hogan. Hulk gave Steiner his blessings. His first order of business is Scott Hall. The nWo is going to BURY Scott Hall tonight.

Konnan vs Chris Jericho WCW TV Championship

We're told Nash will officially sign his contract for Starrcade tonight. Fuck this match. Konnan ruining my weekly Jericho highlight. Konnan is completely blown up maybe 3 minutes in. Konnan hits an X-Factor on the title. New champion. Fuck off. In the past, this should mean that Jericho was about to get the US Championship. Instead, this is pretty much the end of his push in WCW. He'll have a short feud with Saturn, but this was mostly the end of Jericho in WCW. Konnan's music video played after the match, just to add to my pain.

TO THE MEAN BY GOD GENE. Ric Flair is the guest. Ric is in Ric Flair, not Nature Boy mode. Getting old is one thing, getting great is another. They show a sign for Rick Flare, which amazes me that a fan spelled both names wrong. Flair runs off a list of legends. He then calls Barry Windham an asshole. He challenges Bischoff. He wants to wrestle Bischoff. "COME. JUMP. ON. THIS. OLD. MAN."

EARLIER TONIGHT. More celebration with Konnan. Fuck off, WCW.

Scott Hall comes to the ring in an Outsiders shirt. He is happy to take the nWo challenge one on one since he doesn't have any friends. Kevin Nash comes out. He'll be Hall's Huckleberry tonight! The Outsiders reunite!

Kanyon/Raven vs Armstrong Brothers

Raven is on heroin and is nodding off in the corner. He doesn't seem to want to do this match. He starts to talk when Kanyon takes the mic and tells him to stop being a bitch. The Armstrongs attack while Kanyon is making fun of Raven's depression. Kanyon hits the sit out Dominator. Raven gets up out of the corner, gets face to face with Kanyon, but leaves the ring. Flatliner to Steve. BANG! Scott rolls Kanyon up. Jobbers win! Jobbers win!

Hour two starts with no gifs yet.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene brings out Bret Hart. Bret claims to be hurt again. He also claims that DDP has been paying people off to injure him. Dean Malenko tried to rupture Bret's groin. He can't wrestle. DDP comes out and works SCUM into his first sentence. The doctors are the one who are saying Bret can't wrestle. He wants to do it, but doctors won't let him. They're educated. DDP calls him a damn liar. Bret is goaded into the match, as long as it is no DQ.



Eddie Guerrero vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Kidman starts with a dropkick to the back of the head. Monkey flip into the ropes. Eddie places Kidman between the ring post and steps, then dropkicks the steps. Back in the ring, he works over a kimura, cross arm breaker, and Fujiwara arm bar. He still had the arm bar on when we came back from commercial. He takes his time going up for the frog splash and gets caught. Kidman tries a super rana, but Eddie held on. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB KIDMAN. Tornado bulldog. BK Bomb. Eddie again gets caught going for the frog splash. Superplex. Ref bump. Super rana from Kidman. Juvi and Rey came out. Juvi gets knocked off the apron, Rey dropkicks Eddie. SSP for the win.

Bam Bam Big Yellow bought a ticket and is sitting in the front row.

Bischoff and Barry Windham come to the ring. What the world needs now is another hero. They call Dean Malenko to the ring. The rest of the Horsemen come out with him, but he goes to the ring alone. Bischoff respects the tenacity of Dean. If Dean Malenko can defeat Barry Windham tonight, Ric Flair can get his match with Bischoff. Dean agrees, and then Eric brings out Dusty Rhodes as the special guest referee. IF YOU WHEEL! Dusty will call it right down the middle.

Wrath vs Bobby Blaze

Wrath hits the Meltdown in about 15 seconds. He hits a few punches and went right into the finish.

Sonny Ono vs Saturn

Cat challenged anyone. Saturn came out. Cat said he was weak, since even Sonny could beat him. Saturn calls him out for being afraid. Cat calls him Beetlejuice. If Saturn can beat Sonny, he can get a match with Cat. Falcon Arrow. The ref was distracted when GLACIER came out and hit the Cryonic kick. Saturn still kicked out. Sonny gets a chain. He gets caught in the DVD anyway. Saturn wins and will get a match with The Cat. But the ref sees the chain and reverses the decision.

TO THE BACK. A limo arrives. BUT WHO IS LIMO?!?! It was Goldberg. I don't know why we had to wait for the commercial break for him to get out of his limo. And we're going to follow him right to the ring from the parking lot. They've been doing this a lot lately. It's stupid and they should stop.

Goldberg and Nash have their contract signing. I'm sure this will end well. Looks like Terry Taylor is the WCW representative since JoJo was fired. Goldberg came out first, which is stupid. Bam Bam jumped the rail after the contract was signed. Security and police immediately cut him off.

Booker T vs Mike Enos

Enos got a jobber entrance. I really think Enos might be wearing Kanyon's tights. Book wins with the 110th street slam in a pretty short match.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam is outside calling for Goldberg to come fight him.

Brian Adams vs Lex Luger

So gross. Lex kicked out of a spike piledriver on a chair. He then won with the torture rack. lolcenawins levels of bullshit there.

Barry Windham vs Dean Malenko Special Guest Referee: Dusty Rhodes

Flair will get a match with Bischoff if Dean can win. I find it weird that Dean has done most of the matches for the Horsemen and not Benoit. Dean's leg is still injured and Dusty is slow counting him and standing in his way. Dean takes a rough fall off the ropes and Barry goes after the leg. Barry won't stop hitting Dean in the corner. Dusty rings the bell. He's disqualified Barry. SWERVE! Flair will get his match with Bischoff! Eric comes out and fires Dusty. The Horsemen attack Windham. Bischoff runs away with the B-Team surrounding him. Flair wants his match right now.


Scott Steiner/Whoreass vs The Outsiders

Hall and Whoreass start off. Short chokeslam. Steiner comes in and does the tiger bomb. He tried for a super frankensteiner. Hall blocks and hits a second rope bulldog. nWo ref makes a slow count. Horace gets back in and Nash can't get the tag. When he does, the ref won't allow it. Nash doesn't give a shit. Nash chases Steiner to the floor. Hall hits the Outsider's Edge on Horace. The ref won't make the pin. Nash powerbombs him. A real ref comes in and counts the fall. Nash walks out without Hall.


Bam Bam is still yelling for Goldberg. After the break, we see police and camera running outside, where Goldberg and Bam Bam are fighting in the grass. They go for like 3 minutes before cops and security break it up, despite cops and security being out there the whole time.

Bret Hart vs DDP WCW US Championship No DQ

Bret wrestles in his WM gear of jorts. Low blow right away. DDP does a terrible ring post figure four. Giant runs down and stomps him. Chokeslam. Giant stands DDP on the top rope and does another chokeslam. Sharpshooter. New champion! Bret is a 3 time US Champion in like a month and a half.


Another pretty meh show, but at least Bischoff and Flair finally have a match. So that's some progression for the first time in 2 months. I'm down to 8 shows total left. Can't wait.


The storyline where Triple H uses Scott Armstrong to cost Beyan the title by fast counting and subsequently framing Bryan by acting like they were in cahoots is brilliant.

The only thing that would make it better would be Goldust bringing back GTV to expose the conversation of Triple H telling Scott Armstrong to do the fast count if Bryan was going to win and say his line so he could strip Bryan.


Lol at Steph completely emasculating Orton after HHH already basically said Orton was his bitch on national TV a few weeks ago.


How do we not have a gif of Dusty KO yet? That was a really good segment but I couldn't stop laughing after that knock out.

Dusty was great, but I'm going tired of Big Show's vaudeville crying act. He's hamming it up a bit much.

I guess a giant has to have giant emotions too.


I was thinking more for the problems he's going to have with his knee and hip that wearing him out. I thought for years that Christian's spot of jumping to the floor just to throw a punch was really dumb and would put some serious wear and tear on his knees and ankles, but all of his injuries have been upper body related.
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