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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Ryback's reaction reminds me of Grover from Sesame Street, when Grover would be teaching a kid how to spell and the kid'd ask for a hug. Ryback actually opens his mouth the same way as a muppet.

Don't forget the slow, puppet-like turn of his head to camera. This is exactly what I thought of, and I've been cackling every time I scroll down to see the .gif.


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Your indifference to anything WWE is just stunning.

This was, top to bottom, the most entertaining Raw I've seen since the one right after... was it Extreme Rules? I think so. Great opening segment, good Ambrose/Ziggler match, good final showoff between The Usos and The Real Americans, alright Fandango/R-Truth and Sandow/RVD matches, hysterical Heyman/Ryback promo, GREAT fucking promo from Dusty Rhodes (and a good use of Big Show crying afterwards), Miz getting killed, and a main event match that made Roman Reigns look like a champ. The only particularly bad thing was the Divas match, and that was like 6 minutes.

I'm being honest when I say I don't know what else WWE could reasonably do to make you enjoy the product.

I've explained this already: I don't care about TV matches. At all. In their current form, they're predictable and don't advance the feud since the company's all but dropped real in-match storytelling 99% of the time. At that point it comes down to how well storylines are executed, and whether the opening + ending segments can hold my attention. The opening segment was fine, nothing extraordinary, but it did what it had to. The Dusty promo was rambling and Steph + Dusty were stepping all over each other on the mic. The Big Show angle is terrible and I'm tired of seeing that big douchebag cry every week.

All I'm left with is recommending Orton killing Miz, and the main event + aftermath because that's what I cared enough about to watch in their entirety. What more do you want from me, man? This is all real not sugarcoated. EXCUSE ME IF YOU FEEL DIFFERENT, I DO WHAT I WANT.


Am I the only one bored with the product right now? I don't know about you, but the last time I shut off WWE for a few years was the last Helmsley-McMahon Era. I have zero interest in executive HHH, since his reign as champ was pretty much him booking himself over everyone anyway. He pretty much had executive power then, but at least he was still working in the ring. Now, I'm bored to tears. And I have no interest in Steph either. Both of them are B-tier compared to Vince and Shane IMO.

I turned off the last time because I didn't like the booking, and I didn't like the way they nerfed different guys' pushes. IIRC, that era started shortly after the HHH-Steph-Kurt love triangle thing, which I felt was one of the best times the federation had. I remember loving SummerSlam that year. Then they took over, and the overwhelming suck of Steph's booking caused me to stop watching. I'm about to delete my DVR schedule for Raw. The last time I enjoyed watching the superstar vs management thing was when Vince vs Stone Cold and Vince vs The Rock. The whole antagonizing the audience thing doesn't work with me.

I sat through tonight's episode and spent most of the time with my eyes on my laptop reading the Thor and Fast & Furious threads. Is there really any reason for me to continue watching this shit, or can I comfortably take the next couple of years off and start watching MNF again? Will this nonsense end anytime soon? PEACE.

EDIT: Just read Net_Wrecker's post above mine. I guess I might not be alone.
I can't wait to see how that botched mic storyline plays out on Total Divas.

Oh, and Lambda and Dream, you're not alone. I also hate Daniel Bryan. There are more and more of us each day.
Im enjoying most of the product except Big Show. I just despise the Big Show. So many great moments and potential surprises ruined by the Big Show and his theme music. The great Khali too. Not really digging Ryback being part of Heymans stable. Ryback is just ugh boring to me
Im enjoying most of the product except Big Show. I just despise the Big Show. So many great moments and potential surprises ruined by the Big Show and his theme music. The great Khali too. Not really digging Ryback being part of Heymans stable. Ryback is just ugh boring to me

You seem to get bored by a lot of people a lot. Not always without reason but still, lol.

And even if you don't like Ryback, he's like a billion times less boring than CURTIS AXEL. He and Kofi are neck and neck when it comes to being fucking dull.

also when was the last time khali even had a real match, i mean yeah he sucks and all but really though
Im enjoying most of the product except Big Show. I just despise the Big Show. So many great moments and potential surprises ruined by the Big Show and his theme music. The great Khali too. Not really digging Ryback being part of Heymans stable. Ryback is just ugh boring to me

I was actually enjoying Ryback's reign of terror as a backstage bully, but now he got sucked into this Heyman/Punk black hole, and he's just gonna keep jobbing like he's been doing for the past year while having mediocre matches with Punk. Like, who cares about this feud anymore? If it ain't Brock in Heyman's corner, the feud is pointless. Move the hell on already.


Yeah but now Kane is playing the Worf trope stronger than any other wrestler out there.

Wyatt beating Kane? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHIT :p
Just finished watching Raw and the best parts were Naomi's ring attire, that Stephanie/ Dusty segment, Miz's dad, and that last match. I've always thought Steph was a crappy actor, but she did really well tonight...gift card and all. Dusty one the mic is just awesome, as was the way he sold that punch. Reigns is a beast. Rollins plans on having a short career. Papa Miz and I give no fucks about Miz.
You seem to get bored by a lot of people a lot. Not always without reason but still, lol.

And even if you don't like Ryback, he's like a billion times less boring than CURTIS AXEL. He and Kofi are neck and neck when it comes to being fucking dull.

also when was the last time khali even had a real match, i mean yeah he sucks and all but really though

Im talking about overall so if im bored by them its just years of watching them most of the ones im bored by have been the same for years either not improving or stinking up the product. Several years ago and they still do it sometimes now they would build up somebody awesome coming out to be a surprise opponent and either the Big Show or Khali would come out. This happened alot. I have never liked any of Big Shows characters or his matches they are so SLOOOWWW and yes i get it he's a "Big" guy so he should be slow. But I enjoy faster paced matches. Only time I could stand Big Show was when he was in WCW and doing athletic stuff he shouldn't be doing, I can't wait for this guy to retire. As for his current character am I supposed to feel bad for Big Show while he cries for hours its just annoying it goes on for too long. We get it WWE fucked up that one week and forgot Big Show had an iron clad contract I don't have to watch this idiot cry every week for hours to know its not iron clad anymore. MOVE ON. I do like Khali's promos though the man does not disappoint.

I am liking HHH character he is using the stuff people have complained about for years real or not and turned it into a great character.
I was actually enjoying Ryback's reign of terror as a backstage bully, but now he got sucked into this Heyman/Punk black hole, and he's just gonna keep jobbing like he's been doing for the past year while having mediocre matches with Punk. Like, who cares about this feud anymore? If it ain't Brock in Heyman's corner, the feud is pointless. Move the hell on already.

The thing about it is it happened already a year ago around this exact same time frame and its gonna end up at Hell in the Cell AGAIN. Ryback vs CM Punk: Hell in the Cell Two. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!
I was actually enjoying Ryback's reign of terror as a backstage bully, but now he got sucked into this Heyman/Punk black hole, and he's just gonna keep jobbing like he's been doing for the past year while having mediocre matches with Punk. Like, who cares about this feud anymore? If it ain't Brock in Heyman's corner, the feud is pointless. Move the hell on already.

Yeah, they could have had a little Spike Dudley-esque guy stand up to the Bully Ryback somewhere down the line. You know, to tie in with their Be-A-Star thing.
Am I the only one bored with the product right now?

i haven't watched a full show in nearly a year. i tried today and got bored by the time R-Truth had his match with Fandango. the standards are so low now compared to the lates 90s stuff like this passes as a "great show".

even the late awful 1998 Nitro's stro reviews have better pacing and better in ring action than this. better crowds too.

Oh, and Lambda and Dream, you're not alone. I also hate Daniel Bryan. There are more and more of us each day.

oh, people will turn on him soon. dude's a comedy gimmick, an european accent away from Santino. dude would be banging with Crash Holly and Gillberg 15 years ago.

dude's a great talent inside the ring but holy shit is his gimmick awful. he had a great chance to tell HHH to fuck off and explain why the belt means everything to him when HHH asked him for the belt in the opening segment but instead his reply was the pandering NO! chant, for the little kids and the marks to sing along.
dude's a great talent inside the ring but holy shit is his gimmick awful. he had a great chance to tell HHH to fuck off and explain why the belt means everything to him when HHH asked him for the belt in the opening segment but instead his reply was the pandering NO! chant, for the little kids and the marks to sing along.

That sums up the WWE at the moment. You're no one unless you've got a catchphrase to go on a T-Shirt. Even CM Punk didn't get his break until the Ice-Cream T-Shirt.
oh, people will turn on him soon. dude's a comedy gimmick, an european accent away from Santino. dude would be banging with Crash Holly and Gillberg 15 years ago.

dude's a great talent inside the ring but holy shit is his gimmick awful. he had a great chance to tell HHH to fuck off and explain why the belt means everything to him when HHH asked him for the belt in the opening segment but instead his reply was the pandering NO! chant, for the little kids and the marks to sing along.

You're nuts. The Yes/No chants are mega fun, and when he gets a whole crowd going with them, it's performance magic. God forbid the kids actually be presented with someone relatable, i.e. a little guy who gets held down and given shit by others, rather than the Almighty Cena.

Daniel's been doing plenty of talking/explaining in recent weeks. The audience knows who he is and why the belt is important to him. What he needs to do right now is simply be himself, which means being likable and being a great wrestler - both of which he has covered. "NO!" says everything - he's earned what he has, despite being given shit, and gotten the audience behind him on talent alone. "Little guy with a big heart and mad skills" is about as classic of a wrestling gimmick as you can find. That Bryan has a bit of a Napoleon complex and is emotionally unstable only layers the character further.

People will turn on Bryan when he stops being an industrial lemonade machine.


I loved Raw tonight. HHH and Steph are amazing. I love that they're now a corporate power couple. That freshens up what could be seen as a rehash of the evil chairman. Orton going back to his more vicious roots was great and the ending was awesome.

Also Heyman is amazing. I love how every single one of his clients he has a differnet relationship with. Brock was his bodyguard and his killing machine, Punk was his best friend, Axel is his protegee, and Ryback is his hero and his savior lmao.


Also for whatever reason, the bully character talking about how much they hate bullies is one of my favorite troll heel heats in wrestling. I love Rybully. I thought it was equally hilarious when JBL talked about hating bullies like Stone Cold before Wrestlemania 27
You're nuts. The Yes/No chants are mega fun, and when he gets a whole crowd going with them, it's performance magic. God forbid the kids actually be presented with someone relatable, i.e. a little guy who gets held down and given shit by others, rather than the Almighty Cena.

Daniel's been doing plenty of talking/explaining in recent weeks. The audience knows who he is and why the belt is important to him. What he needs to do right now is simply be himself, which means being likable and being a great wrestler - both of which he has covered. "NO!" says everything - he's earned what he has, despite being given shit, and gotten the audience behind him on talent alone. "Little guy with a big heart and mad skills" is about as classic of a wrestling gimmick as you can find. That Bryan has a bit of a Napoleon complex and is emotionally unstable only layers the character further.

People will turn on Bryan when he stops being an industrial lemonade machine.

but that's the thing, he's become a mini-Cena, "face-ified" by the WWE.

he's essentially "underdog #27767". the psychotic edge he had when he was with Kane and made his character fun is completely gone. the mood swings, the persecution complex, the Napolean complex you mention are all gone.

now he's just the happy go lucky guy who's always smirking, cutting "and i have this belt cause it was my dream and i did it with your help, WWE universe" promos and going against the odds... doesn't that remind you of someone?

all that made the character fun to follow has been castrated, only the YES and NO remain.


but that's the thing, he's become a mini-Cena, "face-ified" by the WWE.

he's essentially "underdog #27767". the psychotic edge he had when he was with Kane and made his character fun is completely gone. the mood swings, the persecution complex, the Napolean complex you mention are all gone.

now he's just the happy go lucky guy who's always smirking, cutting "and i have this belt cause it was my dream and i did it with your help, WWE universe" promos and going against the odds... doesn't that remind you of someone?

all that made the character fun to follow has been castrated, only the YES and NO remain.

Agree and disagree.

I mean evolution of the character. He couldn't keep those traits when he kept winning and became champion.

Problem is... now he doesn't stick up for himself.

Triple H strips him of the title... he doesn't want to give it up
Has it taken from him... and then what?

Like he doesn't barge into their office
He doesn't create mayhem on the show
He just... kind of accepts it and plays their game anyhow
Agree and disagree.

I mean evolution of the character. He couldn't keep those traits when he kept winning and became champion.

Problem is... now he doesn't stick up for himself.

Triple H strips him of the title... he doesn't want to give it up
Has it taken from him... and then what?

Like he doesn't barge into their office
He doesn't create mayhem on the show
He just... kind of accepts it and plays their game anyhow

Cena will stand up for him when he returns. and then take the belt.
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