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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business



I'm gonna enjoy another night of tumblr and twitter exploding over this. Hehe.

AJ trying to get on Total Divas?

D Bry won.


Has there ever been a stable where all members came off equally good?

They're a good crew. I only recently started watching again but I warmed up to them very quickly. Surprised Reigns didn't win though.


Rollins will never be champ. I can see both Reigns and Ambrose, but Rollins will forever be the dude who is there to make the top guy look amazing.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Rollins will never be champ. I can see both Reigns and Ambrose, but Rollins will forever be the dude who is there to make the top guy look amazing.

While you will never make huge money being this guy it probably has better job security in the annals of wrasslin.
That poll is interesting.

I figured people would have considered Ambrose to be the weak link of the Shield. That all three came so close to each other and that Roman Reigns didn't sweep it is pretty neat.


Party Pooper
Watching Raw I said to my friends "they should really pair up AJ/Tamina like HBK/Diesel"

and tonight Tamina comes out with AJ in a biker jacket.

Hopefully she starts jacknife powerbombing all the divas


Contains Sucralose
Why would you want Tamina anywhere? She's the most useless diva on a roster that includes Aksana.

I don't know why they need so many divas. It's not like they are used as valets anymore. WWE should just have 5 good divas. Have them all main event around the divas title and call it day. They spend like 10 minutes on them anyways. I know they have them do promotional work but still it seems like a waste.
I don't know why they need so many divas. It's not like they are used as valets anymore. WWE should just have 5 good divas. Have them all main event around the divas title and call it day. They spend like 10 minutes on them anyways. I know they have them do promotional work but still it seems like a waste.

It's pretty incredible that they have a division so huge when the only person the crowd give a shit about is AJ. Outside of the total Divas crew I can't see why they don't make deep cuts and start bringing up some NXT women. I'd say the same thing about guys like JTG, what's the benefit of keeping him around?
Superstars needs jobbers. That's why people like JTG, Tamina, Aksana, Alex Riley, and Christian are still employed.

I think you can explain them keeping Christian as he's a jobber who can sell some merch and put on decent matches, obviously they see something in A-Ry for some reason and are floundering over where to put him (currently racist commentator) however they don't do anything at all with JTG, Aksana, and Tamia and they're never going to go anywhere so why keep them? They're don't have any ability in ring or out, they don't draw, and they're never going to get people to care about them so for jobbing purposes they could just be replaced by local indie talent. I just don't understand why they're still employed or why they're putting Tamina in a position that's perfect for Summer Rae or the entirety of the NXT women's roster.


more money than God
I think you can explain them keeping Christian as he's a jobber who can sell some merch and put on decent matches, obviously they see something in A-Ry for some reason and are floundering over where to put him (currently racist commentator) however they don't do anything at all with JTG, Aksana, and Tamia and they're never going to go anywhere so why keep them? They're don't have any ability in ring or out, they don't draw, and they're never going to get people to care about them so for jobbing purposes they could just be replaced by local indie talent. I just don't understand why they're still employed or why they're putting Tamina in a position that's perfect for Summer Rae or the entirety of the NXT women's roster.
Why are you so eager to see people lose their jobs? And don't give me that, "it'll give others an opportunity" BS. JTG and Aksana aren't taking up any positions from anyone else. Obviously, the WWE feels that they have a number of shows and house shows and dark matches, etc. and they need certain talent around that they can use for that, so they don't risk over exerting or injuring their bigger stars. It's how it's always been done.
Why are you so eager to see people lose their jobs? And don't give me that, "it'll give others an opportunity" BS. JTG and Aksana aren't taking up any positions from anyone else. Obviously, the WWE feels that they have a number of shows and house shows and dark matches, etc. and they need certain talent around that they can use for that, so they don't risk over exerting or injuring their bigger stars. It's how it's always been done.

Because it will give others an opportunity, even if it's booking locals in squash matches. As I originally asked with my question about Tamina, I just wanted to know why they're still there? You certainly didn't justify that with your reply. No matter what they provide there are other out there who could do it better and to be frank, I'd rather see people who put work in do the job. Then again as GAF's number one Kane fan I fully understand why you'd want to see someone as useless as Aksana take a TV from people who deserve it for a decade.


I saw about 5 minutes of The Crazy Ones and it was legit shoot one of the most awful things I've seen on TV. Robin Williams at his WORST and immediately the show has a creepy incest undertones between he and his daughter, plus she basically tells a girl to go blow him.


I saw about 5 minutes of The Crazy Ones and it was legit shoot one of the most awful things I've seen on TV. Robin Williams at his WORST and immediately the show has a creepy incest undertones between he and his daughter, plus she basically tells a girl to go blow him.

Its getting so you can tell how shitty a sitcom will be by how dead the actor's eyes look in promo shots. These two know they're a part of something completely terrible:



more money than God
Because it will give others an opportunity, even if it's booking locals in squash matches. As I originally asked with my question about Tamina, I just wanted to know why they're still there? You certainly didn't justify that with your reply. No matter what they provide there are other out there who could do it better and to be frank, I'd rather see people who put work in do the job. Then again as GAF's number one Kane fan I fully understand why you'd want to see someone as useless as Aksana take a TV from people who deserve it for a decade.
Oh, right, the Kane joke, of course. Very clever. Go ask anyone with some know how in the actual wrestling business if they think Kane should be fired, and see what they say. Go ask Daniel Bryan or CM Punk or anyone else you may love, and see what they say.

They already use local jobbers in their matches, but sometimes, they want to see how a guy will compete going up against someone using the "WWE style", and that's what a guy like JTG is for. Have someone they want to sign go up against JTG in a dark match, and see how he fares. It's for checking how they would compete in a WWE environment.

And once again, you're stuck on the TV thing. My point to you has been that these guys are useful for stuff outside of TV.



WCW Monday Nitro 2/8/99

This starts again with JIGGLY JIGGLY JEW. 3 times and no one found that offensive? We're shown Flair flip his shit at the end of Nitro last week, looking for Bischoff. The main event for tonight is The Outsiders vs Flair/Mongo. Hennig/Windham vs Crush/Whoreass will also happen. DDP stands guard while the Nitro Girls dance.

Disco heads to the Wolfpac locker room. Hall and Nash had a gift for him: Arn Anderson down and tied up.

TO THE BAR. A woman (Torrie Wilson) flirts with the camera man. Either that or whoever she was flirting with has a direct eyeball feed to the production truck.

BLITZKRIEG vs Rey Mysterio Jr.

This sounds like the best opener to a show ever. Wheel barrow arm drag from Rey. Dropsault sends Rey to the floor. Whisper in the wind Asai moonsault from Blitz. Diving rana is countered into a powerbomb. Slingshot split legged moonsault from Rey. Blitz does a ridiculous twisting corkscrew back front side flip just to dodge Rey. Rolling senton and standing moonsault combo. Rey goes shoulder first into the pole. Rey catches Blitz's crossbody to the floor with a dropkick. Hanging guillotine crushes Blitz. Superplex. LARIATOOO from Rey. Channeling his inner beefy Texan. Tiltawhirl backbreaker from Rey. Tiger Mask walk up in the corner. Bronco buster. Blitz sweeps the legs while Rey is up top. He misses a sky twister press. Rey wins with a super rana. Super pumped that I'm about to get a few months of Blitzkrieg.




TO THE LEVY'S. We're at one of the homes in Raven's family. Kanyon is tasked with staying with Raven while mom goes to a board meeting. Kanyon tells Raven that everyone is worried about him and he really needs to snap out of it. WHAT A MARK! This depression stuff is all bullshit. Money DOES buy happiness and Raven acts the way he does just to piss his mom off. They pull away in a lambo.


Fit Finlay vs Booker T.

Finlay goes right to work with ass based offense. European uppercut. Short arm lariatoo. Botched leap frog looks like it hurts both guys. Fit was holding his shoulder and Book's balls are broken. Book recovers with a spin kick and flying forearm. Book again rips his balls on the ropes. They brawl on the floor and we got to break.

TO THE BACK. Hulk puts Horace in charge of the B Team. Lol at Horace's reaction. "Woah....woah." Hulk doesn't want Horace to tell anyone. Bischoff's new job is a janitor. I don't know if the match was cut out or what. I'm going to assume Booker won since he has a PPV match and Finlay doesn't.

No, the match is still going on. What kind of weird ass formatting is that? Commercial during a match, then two backstage segments, then back to the on going match. Finlay is in control. He attempts a back superplex. Booker shoves him off and does a cross body block. Ax kick. Harlem side kick. Missile dropkick. Booker wins.


TO THE BANK. Kanyon and Raven are getting Raven's money. $10K in ones and $10K in big bills. Kanyon wants to know what it's for. Cut to eye roll. They walk out of the bank with Raven singing "Santa Claus is coming to town". Next up, they have to get Kanyon some new clothes.


TO THE BACK. Jimmy Hart and the Faces of Fear take giant shits just to fuck with Bischoff. Hulk tells Crush he wants him to lead the B Team.

President Flair comes to the ring. Shank of the evening and all that. They way Ric says "Big Sexy" is so creepy. He's going to kill Hogan in 2 weeks. He also might strip naked right now. He outdoes his phantom moves and does an air figure four. He says Hall won't get the title shot against Bret. ABUSE OF POWER because the president says so. He calls Bret out and says he has a surprise. Bret can't defend because he's hurt. Ric doesn't care. ABUSE OF POWER. Bret will defend tonight against RODDY PIPER! As Bret leaves the ring, he sees Will Sasso in the front row. He rips up Will's sign. Building to that big money match.



TO THE LIMO. Torrie Wilson is talking to the camera man again, this time in a limo. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?

A pretty sweet tag team champions promo airs. It focuses on Arn, Harlem Heat, and the Steiners at first, then goes to list a few of the teams in the tournament and why they could win. This is one of the better promo packages WCW ever did. Not that they were particularly known for their promo packages.

DDP again watches the Nitro Girls. Steiner isn't even in the building.

TO THE BACK. Hulk tells Stevie he is the new leader of the B Team.

Horace/Brian Adams vs Barry Windham/Curt Hennig

This is going to suck.

TO THE BACK. Fuck the match, we need to see luchadores confusing Bischoff by asking for lotion. He gets no tips.

Back to the match. Barry has Horace in a figure four. Perfect Plex on Crush. Horace broke the pin. VINCE comes out. Spike piledriver on Perfect. Barry distracts the ref. Stevie follows VINCE out and gives disgusted looks. Virgil was going to hit Perfect with the slapjack. Stevie pushes him off the apron and does it himself, but accidentally hits Crush. Perfect makes the pin. The B Team argues after the match.

TO THE HOTEL. More of Torrie talking to the camera. I don't get it. Why are we seeing through the camera as if it we're Malkoviching?

TO THE BACK. Hogan puts VINCE in charge of the B Team.

He invites Bam Bam BAGalow to the ring. Bam Bam's music is a random thunder clap. Just one. He is extreme and he is The Hardcore. Bammer had a USA Today article with him. It was an article about Goldberg being sickened with animal fights. Bam Bam says anyone that has their minds on cock fights isn't going to last with Bam Bam. "You mean chickens? ROOSTERS?" "Cock fights." Goldberg said he would make every WCW wrestler adopt an animal. Bam Bam will adopt Goldberg's old lady. Goldberg runs out and tries to kill Bam Bam. Security hits the ring to break it up.

Or something. DDP met with Rita Sever. He definitely hit on her. Jason Hervey was in the room with them.

Kenny Kaos vs DDP

I love WCW going on and on about their mainstream popularity because they have guests on the show that came on AFTER Conan at 1:30 in the morning. MAINSTREAM! This was way too competitive. DDP won with a diving Kanyon Cutter. BANG!

TO THE MALL. Kanyon doesn't know how to pronounce "Versace". WHAT A MAROON. Gloriously cheesy. They go back home, change back into their grungy stuff, just as the witch gets called. WCW wants Raven to come back to work. Bummer, I was hoping these would go on for a few more months.


The Cat vs VINCE

While he was ranting, the B Team again told Virgil that Cat was calling him out. Virgil tries to convince Disco to take the match. Disco didn't fall for it again. Cat takes out his Norton rage on poor Virgil. Despite the ass kicking, Virgil wins when he knocked Sonny into the ropes while Cat was standing on them, then rolled him up.

. Scott Steiner was going after Kim. DDP was in the car and they start brawling. Security hit the scene. One of them slips. Steiner steals the car and tries to run DDP over with Kim in it. She dives out of the car. GET THE AMBULANCE. EMTs are attending to her when we come back from break. They're saying that Scott threw her out, but I don't think he could have opened the passenger side door and shoved her out while driving.


Recap of Bret Hart's worked shoot on Mad TV. That's the most WCW thing possible.

TO THE BACK. Larry is combing his hair in the bathroom while shit talking Bischoff. He lets the sink over flow just so he can bitch to Flair about it.

Bret Hart vs Roddy Piper WCW US Championship

Piper looks like shit. This is not what Bret should be used for. They may have had a great match in 1992, but it is 1999 and Piper aged at least 15 years during that time period. He looks and moves like an old man. There was a fight in the crowd that I saw security running towards. After really boring brawling, Bret claims that Piper hit him with a low blow right in his injured groin. The trainer comes out and I'm pretty sure grabbed Bret's dick. SWERVE. Bret was fine. I want this to end. No more Piper matches. Bret apparently pulled Sasso over the railing and was choking him. Ref bump. Sasso and Bret have a tug of war with the ref. Sasso lets go and Piper rolls Bret up. New champion. Gross. Even worse than Piper winning a title in 1999 is that Will Sasso cost Bret the match.

The Outsiders vs Ric Flair/Steve McMichael

Before the match starts, we're shown more of Torrie and the camera man. These have not been acknowledged by the announcers at all. Hall is briefly double teamed before it settles down. Flair chops Nash on the apron, which brings Nash in, but Mongo was ready to dive at his legs. Hall comes back with an atomic drop and hard punches. Flair bump off the ropes. Flair gets out of an abdominal stretch. He goes for an elbow. Hall rolls over, but Flair just waits for him and drops it again. Nash and Mongo get tagged in. Mongo does some feet stomps and slams both Outsiders. He gets double teamed and plays FIP for a while. Figure four on Hall. We see a split screen of Hogan getting a bucket of something. All the security guards are down as he strolls I assume to the ring. Hulk comes out wand throws whatever liquid that is in the bucket in Mongo's face. Hogan and Disco get in the ring. Flair low blows the Outsiders and Disco. Goldberg runs in. Hogan bails. Disco gets speared. Bam Bam runs out. WE'RE OUTTA TIME!


DQ Count
: 1 out of 7

I definitely don't like the cutting to backstage stuff in the middle of matches. It happened at least 3 times. Plus Torrie talking to someone, but actually talking to a camera the whole time and the announcers not acknowledging it was weird. This is now the 3rd time that Flair's assignments have allowed Bischoff to interfere anyway. Maybe he should stop giving him jobs in the arena.
Had a good time at the house show. Tried to get a pic with Lil Naitch after the show but told me he couldn't cause he was working. He was taking apart the ring.


What the hell happened to Blitzkrieg?!

I believe he got some kind of computer related job that paid more and had really good benefits or something, so he stuck with that instead of wrestling. Really a shame, because he was awesome and was doing stuff that not even the top lucha guys could do.
What the hell happened to Blitzkrieg?!

Pretty sure he got hurt and retired. I totally blame Juvi

Had a good time at the house show. Tried to get a pic with Lil Naitch after the show but told me he couldn't cause he was working. He was taking apart the ring.

Makes sense, refs are the ring crew and such from what I recall. It's cool though, that fucker deserves the spotlight after that epic level sprint he did during Edge/Taker way back when

strobogo said:

Hahahaha Jesus, I can't believe that. Kudos to Kim for even doing that shit



Pretty sure he got hurt and retired. I totally blame Juvi

Makes sense, refs are the ring crew and such from what I recall. It's cool though, that fucker deserves the spotlight after that epic level sprint he did during Edge/Taker way back when

Hahahaha Jesus, I can't believe that. Kudos to Kim for even doing that shit


It wasn't her. It was a stunt woman/man. It was pretty obvious by the brief shot you could see of half of her face before they went to break.

Jesus, 2K14 looks hilariously bad, even by normal Smackdown game standards.

I need to call somebody a Maroon

Start with Bean Breath.
But he did wear knee pads. Still, he took that like a fucking champ. God damn. Makes Austin's car bump look like a go cart accident.

I legitimately have no idea why that even happened. Lawler is fucking insane for doing that. He got spun like a damn top, flipped over the damn windshield (that had to fuck his back up) then just cracks his goddamn head on the pavement. I'm -shocked- he wasn't hurt way worse. (I don't think he was even hurt?)

Fucking Gilbert



King is basically the most unbreakable wrestler ever. He only had one even kind of serious injury with a leg break in 1980 that happened outside of wrestling. He's been doing second rope fist drops for 30 years without knee pads and has no knee problems. He had a heart attack, was dead for 20 minutes, came back from it totally fine with no brain damage or anything else.
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