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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Man I remember when Vice City came out. I was so hyped, especially because it was the 80s and all. \m/
Sure GTA3 didn't really attract me, but this would be different! NOPE. Didn't like the game... Everything just felt so sloppy. Never finished it.

So I skipped San Andreas not falling for the hype until GTA4 comes around. Got lured in once more and didn't have fun.. again.

I think that's that for me. Won't be taking my 60/50 bucks.

Max Payne 3 was bad ass though!
I borrowed it from a co-worker

GTA 3/VC/SA were fucking awesome when they came out. They're atrocious now, though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
GTA 3/VC/SA were fucking awesome when they came out. They're atrocious now, though.

Are you Derrick or something? They're far from atrocious. Rough around the edges but oh no it doesn't control like every modern game ever. Replayed all 3 and they're still fine if a little rough.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GTA 3/VC/SA were fucking awesome when they came out. They're atrocious now, though.

The only complaint I have, and it's a huge one, is that the 360 controller doesn't work at ALL on those goddamn PC versions.

I've had to resort to ripping my PS2 version and emulating it. Feels so good there. But yeah. Fuckin shit.


So not worth it
IV was okay, but a miss in the series.

V looks like a return to form though, quite excited for it.

VC is still the best GTA.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GTA4 is underappreciated. Went back there a couple months ago and had a whole new level of appreciation for what they were doing.


GTA 3/VC/SA were fucking awesome when they came out. They're atrocious now, though.

GTA3 is. Something about that game did not age well. First island is bare bones and it's the most detailed of the three. Third one's so obviously rushed I felt let down when I finally got there. And the damned plane had no wings.

The other two GTAs though, you can bite your tongue. I still play VC and SA semi-yearly. They've aged, but they're still fun and interesting. And memorable. Far moreso than most of what I've played since.
I'm enjoying Bill Watts' book, but a lot of it reeks of bullshit. Also, for a guy that goes on about being a born again Christian so much, he sure does seem to revel in the retelling his violent past.

*edit, also, GTA1 is the best GTA. Then I'd go with San Andreas, Vice City, IV, 2 & III.

Hey Bootaaay.

Ever consider an OT thread about Andre the Giant? An appreciation thread? Let people know the Andre they know from Princess Bride and Wrestlemania III isn't the same Andre?

You KNOW I'm all about cross-promotion in our territories.

I'll take it under advisement, boss. An Andre appreciation thread could be fun. I'll search for some appropriate matches and make a few gifs.

Boots is too depressed cause West Ham lost to Stoke. who loses to Stoke?

Fuckin' Stoke.

Things are looking up now we're re-signing Carlton fucking Cole, though. Lol. And I'm sure our fortunes will change once Big Andy's fit, if he can remain fit that is.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Whatever you feel about the story in GTA 4, it is a technical feat. It is by far the most 'living' open world ever. I replayed it recently for V and there was so many npc actions I never noticed before. Like the burger shot having someone outdoors cleaning it early in the morning, a guy in a car with his window open and he finishes his drink and drops it on the ground.

I'd rather have immersive NPC AI than lol sorandom superpowers.


Are you Derrick or something? They're far from atrocious. Rough around the edges but oh no it doesn't control like every modern game ever. Replayed all 3 and they're still fine if a little rough.

I tried to play them pretty recently and found them absolutely unplayable. Vice City was particularly janky. SA's game play holds up the best, but those games have aged terribly.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'll take it under advisement, boss. An Andre appreciation thread could be fun. I'll search for some appropriate matches and make a few gifs.

Also a good list of Andre facts would be dope, because he had a lot of cool little tidbits that make people go


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Yeah the early Rayman games sucked. First game was style over gameplay and the 3D games where early 3D platformers so... yeah.

But Origins was amazing and Legends seems to be more of that.

Makes me wonder what the New Super Mario Bros games could have been if Nintendo gave a shit.

Better than any Rayman game, NSL is transcendent.
Whatever you feel about the story in GTA 4, it is a technical feat. It is by far the most 'living' open world ever. I replayed it recently for V and there was so many npc actions I never noticed before. Like the burger shot having someone outdoors cleaning it early in the morning, a guy in a car with his window open and he finishes his drink and drops it on the ground.

I'd rather have immersive NPC AI than lol sorandom superpowers.

Same here, really. Like, Saints Row is good for what it is but it's really annoying to see people go "THIS IS WHAT GTA SHOULD BE THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER!"

Like, if you like silly shit, that's fine, but I like open world games that can properly mix immersive stuff like NPC reactions and environments and making it awesome to explore over shooting giant nipples out of laser cannons or whatever it is the kids are playing these days.

That's the stuff that gets me excited for games. Especially next gen. Like hoping that they'll be able to improve the NPCs and AI even more and have stuff you do not be forgotten by the game in five minutes. I was playing Saints Row 3 and this jerk NPC started punching me because I ran into him so I beat him up a bit and gave chase but when I turned the camera around he completely disappeared.

Saints Row is like CZW. I prefer a classier product.
I am so excited for DKCR Tropical Freeze. Made me laugh to see so many people crying about it on gaming side. Oh no, Retro is making a sequel to one of the best 2D platformers ever made. What a waste of talent.


The only complaint I have, and it's a huge one, is that the 360 controller doesn't work at ALL on those goddamn PC versions.

I've had to resort to ripping my PS2 version and emulating it. Feels so good there. But yeah. Fuckin shit.

So there's no way to get the pad working on PC? I've been tinkering with VC for the past month trying to get it set up right. Finally managed the shoulder pads working but not the right stick camera. This is some FUCKEEN BULLSCHIT

No, don't start that again.

Whatever you feel about the story in GTA 4, it is a technical feat. It is by far the most 'living' open world ever. I replayed it recently for V and there was so many npc actions I never noticed before. Like the burger shot having someone outdoors cleaning it early in the morning, a guy in a car with his window open and he finishes his drink and drops it on the ground.

I'd rather have immersive NPC AI than lol sorandom superpowers.

Wrong dichotomy. SR vs GTA hasn't been a thing since SR3 hit which practically started its own subgenre. The only thing people compare modern GTA to is its former iterations (particularly, SA and VC). But yeah, GTA IV made some impressive strides in NPC behavior and the world itself was incredibly designed, but it didn't stop the world from feeling empty with little to do outside of missions. Not because there wasn't anything to do, but because the gameplay itself had little flavor.* Gunplay was meh, flying was pointless once you'd barnstormed the 14 barnstorming locations, and nothing else had a real hook to it. Loved Liberty City, but I don't play the game anymore because there isn't much to do there but sight-see or do one of the twenty things that every sandbox game does, all of which got boring a long while ago.

*I realized there's one exception here: GTA IV's driving. But it's love-it-or-hate-it and I didn't like it.


GTA 3/VC/SA were fucking awesome when they came out. They're atrocious now, though.

I just replayed VC, SA and IV on PC. VC and SA are still great, IV reminded me why I dropped it 2 weeks after it's launch. Not a very fun game at all.

You have a point when it comes to 3, though. yikes.


GTA4 main game is just okay. They story isn't engaging and it lacked fun. But both DLC were excellent and exactly what I wanted out of a next gen GTA. They shouldn't even be lumped in with the main game. They were so much better.

SR3/4 are definitely fun, but they don't have the same gravitas as GTA.


I would glady accept a year of Triple H burying D.Bry if I can get a new mainline GTA set in 80's Vice City. Best atmosphere out of all the 3D GTA games.
After roughly three years of trying I finally got the 360 pad working in full on San Andreas. Was a giant PITA, you have to download San Andreas Advance Control (SAAC), configure it then run it every time before you start up San Andreas. I think I had to replace some DLL file in the Windows directory to get it all to work, too, but don't quote me on that. Then to play SA in 1080P you have to run a utility that downgrades your Steam .exe to version 1.00. By the time I got it working I was so sick of the whole thing that the farthest I've gotten is


Same here, really. Like, Saints Row is good for what it is but it's really annoying to see people go "THIS IS WHAT GTA SHOULD BE THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER!"

Like, if you like silly shit, that's fine, but I like open world games that can properly mix immersive stuff like NPC reactions and environments and making it awesome to explore over shooting giant nipples out of laser cannons or whatever it is the kids are playing these days.
Saints Row 1 and 2 were basically what older GTA games were, except with better shooting mechanics. That's one of the biggest things I loathe about GTA games, and sprinting is another (mash a button to sprint? lol no thx).

Saints Row 2 is probably my most favorite of each series since San Andreas. Co-op play, shit tons of things to do, fun story mode, tons of customization, driving around the university wiitnessing a hot dog mascot randomly punching a jock in the head, easter eggs all around, ahh. Fun times. SR3/IV are also very fun in their own right, but they were going in another direction.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Saint's Row, even when trying to be serious (aka SR1) was still goofier than GTA, especially GTA post VC which besides a few goofy things here and there like jet packs was just too damn serious.


I am so excited for DKCR Tropical Freeze. Made me laugh to see so many people crying about it on gaming side. Oh no, Retro is making a sequel to one of the best 2D platformers ever made. What a waste of talent.

They need a game that will appeal to the mature gamers though. Thats why they needed to make a metroid game! It makes total sense to make a sequel that only sold about 1.3 million each game compared to one that sold 6 million. that makes total sense!

Same with Sega! Fuck the Porject Diva shit! They should release Yakuza instead even though it makes no sense!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
They need a game that will appeal to the mature gamers though. Thats why they needed to make a metroid game! It makes total sense to make a sequel that only sold about 1.3 million each game compared to one that sold 6 million. that makes total sense!

Same with Sega! Fuck the Porject Diva shit! They should release Yakuza instead even though it makes no sense!

First comparison makes sense

Second one makes none.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The US was lucky to get Yakuza 2 after how badly the first one bombed let alone the other pity games they gave us.
They need a game that will appeal to the mature gamers though. Thats why they needed to make a metroid game! It makes total sense to make a sequel that only sold about 1.3 million each game compared to one that sold 6 million. that makes total sense!

I think I'm out on Gaming side. I don't care about any of the new console launches, and I'll pick up a Wii U once the # of games/cost relative to $ in my bank account equation is sufficient, no matter how much everyone there hates Nintendo. Most of the thread titles make me either say "who gives a shit" or "shut the fuck up." Wrassle Gaf is pretty much all that's bringing me back, lol
Rayman Legends is great stuff, just got full completion of it earlier, damn it Aiii, screw your boycott and just buy the damn thing.

I am so excited for DKCR Tropical Freeze. Made me laugh to see so many people crying about it on gaming side. Oh no, Retro is making a sequel to one of the best 2D platformers ever made. What a waste of talent.
My favourite part about it is that while others dreams based upon nothing but random speculation and hype were shattered like a Goldust kick to the nuts my dreams were made a reality, i've never craved a sequel more.

Common mistake; that boxart you linked wasn't SMG2.
My man.
Look at that Dragonzord fella berate others for being hyperbolic about older GTA games having aged badly then dismissing the best 3D platformer out there as "waggler", must be running on jerk face logic.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Performance wise the GTA 3 trilogy games aren't great, though the PC versions aren't bad.

They always had shitty shooting though and they didn't even really fix that with 4.

Sometimes they had issues with tone and trying to be realistic in this laughably unrealistic world, but other than that they are remarkable games.

Still fun as hell though to just turn on a radio station and go driving around, causing mayhem.

IV is like that only with less hidden stuff to do, slightly better aiming and a story that really isn't any good. The expansions are much MUCH better.


I think I'm out on Gaming side. I don't care about any of the new console launches, and I'll pick up a Wii U once the # of games/cost relative to $ in my bank account equation is sufficient, no matter how much everyone there hates Nintendo. Most of the thread titles make me either say "who gives a shit" or "shut the fuck up." Wrassle Gaf is pretty much all that's bringing me back, lol
News threads are always bad. OTs in community are usually pretty good.


I am going to a TNA event Friday. I haven't watched in years.

Anything I should know or be ready for?

Also, apparently it's not selling well.



WCW Monday Nitro 9/14/98

Goldberg vs Sting tonight! Maybe WCW really felt shitty for the terrible show they put on the night before. Tenay is not at the table because he's trying to get the inside scoop on the Horsemen. There have been rumors that the Horsemen will reform tonight, including Ric Flair. HUGE "We Want Flair" chants.

Tenay is at the airport and sees a white limo pulling away from an airplane. BUT WHO IS LIMO?! Limo driver won't answer any questions, so he runs to the plane. The pilot won't give him any answers.


Alex Wright vs Van Hammer

Hammer is now a hippie. Full on hippie, with tie dye, peace signs everywhere, accent. Everything. That came out of nowhere. Alex throws Hammer into the corner and does the weirdest botch. I think he was expecting Hammer to come out of the corner and take a kick, but that definitely isn't what happened. Cat walks out. He kicks Hammer right in the head. Cat gets in the ring and Alex leaves when he finds that Cat doesn't want to dance. Cat starts talking and police hit the ring and arrest him. So, a bunch of white people in NC arrest a black guy because he interfered in a wrestling match. Guarantee that Rick Rude won't get arrested when he interferes tonight. We follow them all the way to the police car.



He brings Bret Hart out. This crowd is IMMENSE. This is like a post-WM Raw crowd. Bret limps out and says he's made a complete jackass of himself and goes on to say that Hogan is full of crap. He's SCUM. Lol. He was hurt in War Games and when he is able to wrestle again, he's going to make Hogan's life a living hell. Roddy Piper comes out. Piper told him weeks ago that he was being a shithead. Piper wants Bret to cut the pity party out and soar with the eagles. If we can forgive Bill Clinton, surely we can forgive Bret Hart.

Saturn vs Kendell Windham

Windham gets on the early offense. Saturn comes back with a belly to belly. Superkick. Kendell moves out of a Superfly splash. He does a really shitty Cactus elbow off the apron. The diving Windham lariatooo gets a 2 count. A long chin lock leads to nothing. Gut wrench suplex. Total wiffed big boot. Back superplex. This isn't good. Weird, considering both of these guys are pretty solid. DVD for the win. The former Flock come to the ring. Raven is still ordering them around from way up in the crowd. Raven tries to convince them to rejoin him. Saturn says word for word the same things he said to them on Saturday Night a few weeks ago. He also uses the "mind over matter" line that at least 4 people have used in the last month on TV. The Flock eventually walk away.

Wrath vs The Renegade

I'm surprised Renegade is around at all with Warrior coming in. Wrath dominates and wins with the Meltdown.

Hogan, Beefcake, Liz, and Bischoff come to the ring. Bret calls Hart a sissy. Warrior is a coward. He challenges Warrior to a match. And after that, he's going for Goldberg. Right on cue, smoke fills the ring. The ring clears and The Disciple is missing.

We've been informed that Kaz Hayashi was to face Juvi tonight, but was injured, so KIDMAN will replace him. Fuck. Again. But now he's a face, so it is different or something.

Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Kidman is in his classic gear of white wife beater clean jorts. I'll gif if they do anything new, but I doubt they will. Kidman wins with the SSP. New champion! And zero new spots of any kind. Saturn comes out to congratulate Kidman.

Gene catches up with JoJo in a tux. Someone was going into a locker room. Gene wants to know if it was Flair. JoJo won't tell him who it was. BUT WHO WAS LOCKERROOM?!

Jackie and Larry are good friend. It was just some press thing for Rush Hour.

TO THE BACK. Eddie and Bischoff argue. Bischoff decides he'll just send Eddie to NJPW, even if he misses his daughter's birthday. I'd like to see an Eddie in NJPW 1998 comp.

British Bulldog vs Barbarian

I thought Bulldog was severely injured at Fall Brawl? Maybe it didn't kick in for a wile. Needless to say, this sucks. Barb does Big E's finisher.


. JoJo is in the ring with Gene this time. The first order of business is to make Steiner vs Steiner again at Halloween Havoc. The lights fade out and maniacal laughter is heard. Sounded familiar.

Jim Neidhart vs ???

It was to be an nWo member. No one comes out. Instead, the smoke comes back and Warrior appears in the ring with The Disciple apparently dead. The nWo come out.

"Stand your ground, boys. You know, Hogan, in our lives, we can choose to live as warriors, or live as ordinary men. And at War Games, your actions as an ordinary man has only engraved the purpose of OWN revolution upon the minds of those warriors who will find the courage. As you can see ,Hogan, a disciple who stands behind a mindless dictator cowers in fear in the face of a leader. As for your challenge, Hogan, at Halloween Havoc, I accept! But remember this, Hogan, remember this. The graveyards are full of cowardly, crumbling, conquerable men. Feel the power!

The ring fills with smoke again and they're gone.

Silver King/Norman Smiley vs Scott Steiner

Scott absolutely dominated both men. He wins with a double Steiner Recliner. He appears to hurt his back and has Buff rub it for him.



Meng vs The Giant

Giant hits one of the stiffest chops I've ever seen/heard, and Meng just no sells it. They go fucking at it, knocking the shit out of each other. Meng won't go down on anything. This is pretty awesome. Giant is blown up. Meng went for the Tongan deathgrip at the same time Giant went for the chokeslam. Giant's long reach prevents the hold from being locked in and Giant wins with the chokeslam. This was about as fun of a 2 minute match as you can get.

Scott Hall vs Lex Luger

Hall and Virgil come out. Hall has a cocktail. Virgil has a bottle in a paper bag. Tony makes sure to say that WCW doesn't condone this kind of behavior and it is sad. Fucking Virgil is an enabler here. Hall takes breaks to get drinks and trips getting back into the ring. Lex throws him in the corner and says that Hall is an idiot is going to hurt someone and he's going to get fired doing this shit. Bischoff comes out to get him to leave. Nash and Konnan also come out. Hall screams to Nash "Where were you when my life was falling apart?". He takes one more drink and throws up all over Bischoff/the camera. This is uncomfortable. It's obviously an angle, but it is too close to reality for me to enjoy it. Not sure if it was more or less offensive than the similar angle with Hawk that the WWF ran in 1998.




JoJo comes to the ring and asks for Arn Anderson to come out. They're both in tuxes. JoJo had a private conversation with Arn apologizing for what happened the last time they were in a ring together. Arn says that JoJo was right. Tonight is a rebirth of the Four Horsemen. Arn gives a history lesson and has to bow out for Flair chants. He brings out Mongo, Benoit, and Malenko. This is so awesome. The crowd is fucking HYPED, the house lights are down, and the ring is basically lit by spotlight. This feels like such a HUGE deal. Arn then brings out Ric Flair! A fucking GOD in Greenville. This is great. Ric is weepy eyed right away. This reaction is pretty amazing. After getting his weepy thank yous to the crowd out, he goes CRAZY on Bischoff, talking about what Bischoff did to the Horsemen and Ric Flair. Bischoff comes out with no music or nWo gear. "You're an asshole! That's right, you're an overbearing ASS..." ABUSE OF POWER. ABUSE OF POWER. "You are a no good son of a bitch!" "FIRE ME! I'M ALREADY FIRED! FIRE ME! I'M ALREADY FIRED!"



This might be the single greatest segment in WCW history. Everything about it was perfect. The crowd reactions, Flair's reaction, the emotion. If you watch that and don't get goosebumps or get misty, you have no business watching pro wrestling. So good that I'll actually link the whole segment because if you haven't seen it, you must. And if you have seen it, you have to watch it again.

Ric Flair returns to WCW

They bring DDP out to the announce table to talk about his win at War Games. It seems like he's going to do color for Sting/Goldberg.

Goldberg vs Sting WCW Championship

Goldberg wastes no time and hits a powerslam. Sting comes back and hits an Oklahoma stampede and a suplex. Goldberg pops right back up. Sting bails to the floor. Crowd is still super hyped from the Horsemen thing. They have a strike exchange, which Goldberg wins. Sting comes back with some speed and a dropkick, but Goldberg pops back up and hits a knee bar. Sting is getting frustrated. Sting holds on to a side headlock even while getting suplexed. Goldberg easily wins a test of strength. DDP basically says he's been working out with guys from the WWF to prepare for Goldberg. Sting hits a tombstone. He hits two Stinger splashes. Goldberg won't budge when Sting tries to take him out of the corner. He does another. He goes for a 4th, but Goldberg tries to spear him. Instead, Goldberg hit the corner. Sting hits a chopblock and locks on the Deathlock. Fans pop HUGE for it. It's a shame this looks bad because they fell at the start of it. Hogan comes out and kicks Sting in the head, which somehow the ref didn't see. Goldberg hits the spear and jackhammer and retains. Hogan jumps Goldberg after the match. Bret Hart runs him off. "Leave it to Hogan to tank the end of a remarkable program." Truer words have never been spoken.



Man, that Horsemen thing was an all time classic segment in wrestling history. And they followed it with Goldberg vs Sting, which the crowd was just as molten for. It's amazing how this company can do those two things, while at the same time having Warrior teleporting around and putting on PPVs that could pass for Thunder. It's so frustrating. The lack of consistency is so hard to deal with.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
my face when Sega

I bought all your stupid fucking games. I bought anything remotely Yakuza to support it. Dead Souls is like a bad port of Zombie Revenge, but I bought that shit because I wanted all future releases. You fucking lifeless, RTS obsessed, furry, pachinko assholes.
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