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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I've decided how I want to die

death by del rey's legs.
Daizee Haze always looked 3 pounds away from death


I've decided how I want to die

death by del rey's legs.

I myself enjoyed IV and found it to be quite fun and I don't doubt the payroll at all. It comes down to the person. If you liked GTAIV, then IGN was spot on. If you didn't, then IGN are assholes.

Agreed. I find it funny and hilarious but in the end, I really don't care. People getting riled up about it that much is something else. That being said, look at our reactions when something happens in wrestling in which we do not think should have happened :p

It is more of a spur of the moment situation for me but once I'm over it, I'm over it.

My biggest annoyance with gaming side? Those "worst games ever played" threads. GTA? MGS? Seriously? Those are the worst games you have ever played? gtfo.

True overreactions are common place. Ah well it's all fun and games....except in gaming side where it's taken dead seriously.

And yes of course they over-exaggerate rofl.

Worst game I ever played was probably robocop on x-box, that game is broken.

I need my Kingdom Hearts like Sunflower needs his sperm in his mouth.

Beef turned heel to the surprise of....no one.

Wrecker was right.


You'd be wrong, KOG. You'd be wrong.
I played the first one on my friends' pc because ours was awful. They also aged horribly.

You could've played it on PS1 like I did.

Sure they aged bad but man it was a blast the first time playing 1 and 2. 2 being better


So not worth it
I bet none of you guys ever played GTA 1 or 2

I played the time limit demo for hours and hours on end, even before GTA1 came out.

Where you get these ideas that you are the only person fo game back in the 90s Fex I just don't understamd.


I played the time limit demo for hours and hours on end, even before GTA1 came out.

Where you get these ideas that you are the only person fo game back in the 90s Fex I just don't understamd.

Sometimes people think GTA 3 is the first GTA game Aiii. Believe it or not.

Btw, have you heard of DOOM?


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I loved GTA 2 on Dreamcast and London on PC. They were my Hotline Miami games back in the day when I just wanted to run around and kill virtual characters for 10 to 20 minutes before I played a more serious game or went to secondary.

yes. it's just children. might as well put a meido poster on your wall davido-kun

You want a team that fights injustice? We've got multiple seasons of the A-Team. Case closed.

Ah A-Team, where they removed the female characters as leads because girls are icky. Bunch of He-Man Woman Haters.

I will never and gladly never understand the 70s and 80s for U.S. television. Good thing you Yanks got good in the 90s and beyond. Burn Notice is good stuff for see a problem, blow stuff up, fixed the problem of the week.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Ah A-Team, where they removed the female characters as leads because girls are icky. Bunch of He-Man Woman Haters.

I will never and gladly never understand the 70s and 80s for U.S. television. Good thing you Yanks got good in the 90s and beyond. Burn Notice is good stuff for see a problem, blow stuff up, fixed the problem of the week.

Burn Notice?

Oh please. Airwolf is one of the kings of action television. Dope as fuck. Cold war. COLDEST WAR.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Burn Notice?

Oh please. Airwolf is one of the kings of action television. Dope as fuck. Cold war. COLDEST WAR.

Pfft, bunch of pansies. Captain Scarlet is the king of action and he fought aliens and the cold of space (sometimes). THE COLDEST arena of war.
Thunderbirds could take out that toy of an aircraft with a simple Go order.
@games and gaming side:

i'm not even gonna buy games for the PS4 during the first months, i'll play the PS+ freebies and the F2P stuff.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
For some reason, everything in the world is telling me not to buy a Wii U. Like I could pile reasons upon reasons for me not to.

Yet I feel compelled to buy that Wind Waker one.


I bet none of you guys ever played GTA 1 or 2

Briefly played 1.

2 was pretty fun though.

For some reason, everything in the world is telling me not to buy a Wii U. Like I could pile reasons upon reasons for me not to.

Yet I feel compelled to buy that Wind Waker one.

Eh...it's up to you I guess?

I got mine for Monster Hunter, but I haven't gotten much else for it. :|

I did find out how to stream movies from my PC to my Wii U the other day, so that was cool.


WCW Monday Nitro 9/21/98

TO THE BACK. Hall comes in with a bag full of booze, clearly drunk, complaining to Doug Dillinger that someone has wrecked his car. Hall/Stevie Ray vs Nash/Luger is the feature bout tonight.

The ring fills with smoke. It's THE RENEGADE! Jk, it's just the Disciple laying in the ring. The nWo come out to get their guy back. These seems like a trap. The ring fills up with smoke again. Now the lights flicker. The Disciple is gone! Warrior appears in the rafters with Beefcake at his side. Hogan says Warrior is afraid of Hogan. Warrior says the OWN revolution will broaden its scope tonight. Hulk is going to rip Warrior's lungs out.


Barry Darsow vs Fit Finlay

Finlay's been gone for awhile. Good to see him back. Finlay knocks the shit out of Repo Man for a bit. He easily wins with the tombstone. Poor Smash.

Wrath vs Nick Dinsmore

It's Eugene! Uncle Eric got him a job guy spot on Nitro. What a great uncle. Meltdown. Two total squashes in a row.

Rick Fuller vs Rick Steiner

Man, is this Thunder? Scott has new gear and music. Too bad he's still Rick Steiner. Another total squash, even shorter than the prior two. Come on, WCW, get your shit together. Rick calls Buff a little girl and says he's 9000-0 against Scott. The maniacal laughing starts up again.

Hogan, Bischoff, Stevie, and Virgil come out. 3 squashes and 2 Hogan promos in the first half hour. Shit. He calls Warrior out. Warrior comes to the ramp and says if Hulk has any courage, he'll have to follow Warrior. The nWo head up the ramp, but can't seem to find the steps to get to the back. He finally finds his footing and we head to the back. In Hulk's locker room is the Warrior's logo with road flares stuck on the wall. Hulk sees some open doors and finds Beefcake on the bathroom floor. Suddenly, someone obviously shoots a fire extinguisher right under the camera and Beefcake vanishes. Lol. That is so bad, but definitely in the so bad it's good territory.


Villanos vs Raven/Kanyon

Oh man, this must be the match where one of the Villanos break their neck on a powerbomb/neck breaker combo. Raven is going to make these mysterious masked men pay for what the Flock have done to him. It's pretty much the first move, too. Raven immediately knows it's serious and actually braces Villano's head when he tried to move. Everything comes to a halt and trainers come out. Of course, being WCW, they show the injury multiple times in slow-mo from every angle they had. He does end up walking from the ring with help.


. Disco was weighing in for his Cruiserweight championship match. He was over weight and had 2 hours to make weight. He hopped on the bike and started to ride.

Alex Wright comes out yelling in German and talking about stupid Americans. He's sick of this country, he's sick of these people, and he's sick of WCW. But there is one wrestler that disgusts him the most. And that person is DDP. He challenges DDP to a match with DDP's title shot on the line. "Has Germany ever won a challenge?"

DDP vs Alex Wright

Alex jumps DDP as he slides in the ring. Huge missile dropkick. Kanyon Cutter! BANG! All it takes is one move.

TO THE MEAN GENE. Gene came to the ring to get some words with DDP. DDP is going to bring all of his heart to Halloween Havoc and they're taking thing to the next level.

Lenny Lane vs The Cat

Cat gives Lenny the 5 seconds to leave. Lenny leaves, then Cat asks him to come back in. Lenny says that Cat is a 3 time karate champion and it would be silly to fight him. Cat kicks him anyway. Scott Hall stumbles out. Dusty follows him out to get him under control and back to the locker room. Cat wins with the Feliner.

. Disco is still exercising trying to make weight. It appears he made it.

More maniacal laughter.

A recap of Jericho beating MiniBerg and then an exclusive online back stage interview from last week's Nitro. WCW really was way ahead of WWE when it comes to internet stuff. All the stuff they do now, WCW was trying it a decade earlier.

Jerry Flynn vs Saturn

They have a short strike battle. Saturn hits an atomic drop and catches a kick into an ankle lock. He followed it up with a Thesz press. Saturn got a huge pop coming out, since the show was in Boston. Super kick from Saturn. Saturn sets up a table on the floor. Flynn kicks him off the apron and hits a dive. Saturn hits some suplexes and a lariatooo. Then another suplex. Flynn accidentally kicks the ring post. They continue to fight on the floor and they redo kicking the post. Saturn does a splash through the table. I was hoping he'd do a DVD again. Instead, he hits it in the ring for the win. Not sure why the table spot wasn't a DQ.


Scott Steiner comes to the ring. Steiner is amazed that the Boston fans have the nerve to boo Big Poppa Pump. Bill Buckner reference. Bottom line is, BOSTON SUCKS. He goes on to talk about Bret Hart and wants to know where he stands. He calls Bret to the ring. Bret hobbles out. They attack Bret's bad leg. Scott chokes him with an nWo shirt. Sting runs out to make the save. As Scott and Buff are walking up the aisle, they run into Rick Steiner.

Disco Inferno vs Kidman WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Disco isn't even dancing on his way to the ring. He's drinking water. Kidman has music now, but it is what would become Vampiro's entrance music. Hey, remember that one Nitro Vampiro showed up on and hasn't been heard of since? Poor Disco. He's got nothing left. Lol, Kidman tries to get a criss cross going just to wear Disco out more. This is basically another squash since Disco has zero energy to even run the ropes. Lodi comes out with various signs about being sad he isn't with Raven anymore. This distracts Kiidman and allows Disco to hit a piledriver. He was too tired to make the cover right away. He gets a second wind of sorts. He hits the first drop, but misses a diving elbow. Kidman hits a tornado bulldog, but Disco still kicks out. Neckbreaker. 2 count. Disco tries a powerbomb, but as we all know, you can't powerbomb Kidman (Unless you're Saturn, Vampiro, Nash, or Hogan). BK Bomb. SSP for the win. More maniacal laughing.


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Konnan

Chavo tries to out Spanish Konnan. He asks to join the Wolfpac. Konnan says no. Chavo is just going to ask Nash instead. Chavo has to turn himself over for the Sunrise because Konnan sucks at everything.

Bischoff and Liz come to the ring. He's going to Japan tomorrow and, after building the biggest wrestling promotion in the world, he's going to build the biggest promotion in Japan. He says Flair won't be on the show tonight, even though he had been advertised. Flair has a contract, but that doesn't give him the right to wrestle on Eric's show. This brings the Horsemen out. Security stops them from getting too close to the ring. Dillinger steps aside. ABUSE OF POWER. Bischoff tries to bait Ric into punching him. Flair talks about Bischoff telling Ric he can't go to his 10 year old son's wrestling competition. SUCK IT! Lol. "No, I didn't save my money! I spent it when I made it!" Clearly. Flair and the Horsemen were selling out buildings while Eric was in the bathroom buying his first condom. Bischoff claims that Flair isn't anything compared to what Hogan has been to wrestling. He can't believe that a guy who cut out half way through the show so he could beat traffic could be the real world champion. Bischoff attempts to cut Flair's mic off. Doesn't really work. He just keeps talking and says he'll be in Norfolk next week.


Scott Hall/Stevie Ray vs Kevin Nash/Lex Luger

Giant has replaced Hall for this match. Lex and Stevie start out. Hall joins the announcers. He wants to know why everyone wants to see he and Nash wrestle, but Dusty wouldn't let him wrestle. "Tony, there is no alcohol policy." The camera goes back to focusing on the ring. Hall apparently fell while he was up there. Hall comes to the ring and everything stops. He throws Nick Patrick out and wants Nash. Hall takes a swing as Kevin and falls when Nash backed up. He gets down to check on Scott, but Giant jumps him. Hall runs at Nash and falls to the floor. Nash gets on the mic. He's lost his best friend. He challenges Hall for a match at Halloween Havoc.


Hogan and Bischoff come out again. He calls Warrior out one more time. Warrior comes out. The Disciple is out with him. He turns around to show an OWN vest on. SWERVE. WE'RE OUTTA TIME.

Wow. What a shitty show and drop off from last week. This Hall stuff is such a bummer. When he's screaming about his life falling apart and how he's lost everything, you can see and hear the pain. I don't like that at all.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
For some reason, everything in the world is telling me not to buy a Wii U. Like I could pile reasons upon reasons for me not to.

Yet I feel compelled to buy that Wind Waker one.

It's a pretty good system, though a lot of my love for it stems from loving handheld systems and using this one as a pseudo handheld. The Gamepad itself is comfortable, NSMBU/NSLU are both really great, Pikmin 3 is good, some of the launch games are now hella cheap and I cannot say enough good things about Lego City Undercover and Zombi U.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I think my main issue with the games they've shown is almost everything looks so MP focused. Like yeah you can play them SP but why would you? It's like playing Battlefield 2 SP or something. Like how 3D World has that fucking big ass open spaces all the time issue to accommodate four people.


I have purchased tickets to a TNA show tomorrow in Delaware. Dudley is supposed to be here.

The lady said tickets are not selling well :(.

What do I do while there / what is even going on storyline wise, I am years out of date?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I thought Xenoblade was pretty boring and full of the same kind of tedious quests that people give Ubisoft shit for. Looked nice, but that's not enough of a reason to play a game that requires that many hours.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Wii U has been more than worth it to me with more than my requirement of "at least five games I want and will play often enough".

Lego City is just fun for an enjoyable open world game that Saints Row III and GTA IV of "it's fun to be in the city" didn't give to me for different reasons. Need For Speed: Most Wanted is best on Wii U because it lacks any of the annoying DLC nonsense that interferes with the game, Trine 2 is nice and I know I'll replay it again in the future, New Super Mario Bros U and Luigi expansion are just great platformers that is spot on difficulty and asking for fans to learn and improve their skills (plus amazing co-op speed run opportunities if you are into that idea).
I'm playing Wonderful 101 and it's been one of my favourite experiences in the past few years. Rayman Legends is best on it, Cloudberry Kingdom is no worse on it, and Donkey Kong, Mario 3D World, and Sonic are coming out with new titles. Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut will be the fixed version of the game.

By no means is it the best system around, but between it and the Wii games you can play on it, there is a lot to enjoy on the system if you look around and make it a worthwhile purchase. For us mainly single player focused people too.
Nostalgia. Nearly all programs from the 70s/80s are objectively terrible today.

Miami Vice seasons 1 and 2 are some of the most flashy, audacious (for the time), entertaining seasons of TV and hold up better than all the other 80s shows mentioned in this thread. I've never seen a show that uses music as well since then.

- GTAV looks great and will likely make up for GTAIV in spades. The IGN hype is ridiculous, but whatever.

- The Wonderful 101 looks banaynay and if you're buying a Wii U, THAT should be the reason

- I played GTA 1 and 2. Wasn't a huge fan, but "SCREW YOU, ASSHOLE!" became a quote in my circle of friends because of the games so that's something.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Miami Vice seasons 1 and 2 are some of the most flashy, audacious (for the time), entertaining seasons of TV and hold up better than all the other 80s shows mentioned in this thread. I've never seen a show that uses music as well since then.

Yeah. For my money, not much tops the In The Air Tonight scene.

God damn.
Yeah. For my money, not much tops the In The Air Tonight scene.

God damn.

The best is from the pilot where (30 year-old spoilers but I feel I must because you just know jabronies like Aiii will complain)

Bubba from Forest Gump gets assassinated by a dude dressed in drag while Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Want To Have Fun plays.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Miami Vice had a crazy impact on US media; it was all the rage for quite a long period of time. Everyone wanted to make the next Miami Vice, or set their movie in Miami. Hell they basically ripped a plot straight out of Miami Vice for one of the Dalton Bond movies.
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