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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Why would you sell the biggest drawing star of the time during the hottest period of wrestling to an iron clad deal?

Because it's good for business. Hell the kayfabe reason Vince did everything he could to not fire Austin was he knew how good for business he was, and he only started the firing nonsense after his character really started to lose his mind.

...but Shane signed him to the iron clad deal way after Vince went past his breaking point with the firing stuff...


Why is not not a disqualification when someone comes in to interfere, but accidentally hits the person they're trying to help? That should be a DQ as well, yet never is.

-- "Macho Man" Randy Savage may be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2014. Lanny Poffo (aka The Genius, Randy's brother) recently did an interview, stating that he finally relented and told WWE they can do whatever they want with Randy without his permission. Lanny referenced a recent interview with Kayfabe Commentaries where he revealed Randy never went into the Hall of Fame during his life because he insisted that he, Lanny, and their father, Angelo, all be inducted together as a family. WWE balked and only wanted Randy. Lanny claims that Randy told him that should something happen to him to keep his demands and not allow WWE to induct him without the entire family. Lanny implied that he was getting sick of WWE constantly pestering him about the issue and instructed them to do whatever they wanted. Lanny informed them that if they went against Randy's wishes and inducted him alone, he would not accept the induction payment from Vince nor would he or anyone from the Poffo family show up to the event. "I gave them permission to do it without my permission. Just don’t invite me and don’t pay me. I don’t need their 30 pieces of silver to defy my brother’s wishes." Alternatively, WWE may choose not to go forward without Lanny's full blessing since many would consider it in bad taste to have someone other than the Poffo family accept his induction.

-- Many in TNA are still behind in payments. At the recent TV tapings, eyebrows were raised further as TNA President Dixie Carter chose to attend a college football game instead of the TV tapings. Sources within the company are comparing the current state of TNA to the final days of ECW in 2001. Things are definitely looking bleak for TNA's livelihood and some are expecting the end to possibly come within the next six months.

-- A.J. Styles signed a three-month extension with TNA that will carry him through December 31, 2013 at the current rate of pay he was previously receiving. TNA wanted him to take a deal for less pay without a guaranteed raise, unlike his previous deal. Styles declined and signed a short-term extension with his current terms.

-- The NBA City location in Orlando, FL is set to shut down and local media is reporting it will be converted into a physical WWE Hall of Fame building and a wrestling-themed restaurant.

-- WWE is putting together plans to have both John Cena and Sheamus return at the 2014 Royal Rumble. WWE publicly exaggerated the extent of both their injuries so they could be lined up for surprise Rumble returns. Since WWE likes to limit Rumble surprises, this lessens the chances of legends like Jake "The Snake" Roberts being a surprise entrant.

-- Mark Henry has been medically cleared, so it looks like the Henry/Big Show vs. Shield storyline is back on.

-- Kurt Angle has been released from rehab and is expected to return to TNA soon.

-- Tyson Kidd made his return to the ring this weekend during the Canada house shows using the nickname "The Calgary Workhorse". He's expected to be returning to TV shortly in some kind of storyline relating to Total Divas.

-- Goldust will be in Toronto at Monday Night Raw to take on WWE Champion Randy Orton in a non-title match. The storyline is that Goldust contacted Triple H and wanted defend his brother Cody's honor against Orton. Goldust was fired in May 2012 after Yoshi Tatsu was almost seriously injured by the Prime Time Players after a Doomsday Device. Goldust was the producer for the match. When he admitted he called for the move to be done, WWE fired him. His return is expected to be a one-shot deal.

-- Edge will be at Raw in Toronto tomorrow night. Unless plans change, Santino Marella is also expected to return. Marella has been gone for over five months healing a neck injury.

-- Shaul Guerrero, the daughter of Eddie & Vickie, may be returning to NXT soon. Shaul, who used the name Raquel Diaz in FCW/NXT, requested her release in September 2012. She originally told the company she wanted to go back to school, but it was later revealed she was dealing with an eating disorder. She has been attending therapy groups, but is moving back to Orlando shortly with goals of working at the new WWE Performance Center.

-- WWE has gotten Ted DiBiase Jr. involved with the Cody Rhodes' firing storyline. DiBiase has been promoting Rhodes' booking availability for television and films.

-- The Rock is currently negotiating with WWE Studios to appear in a movie version of The Fall Guy, the Lee Majors' TV show from the 1980s. The film is set to be directed by McG. Rock is also set to begin production on The Fast and the Furious VII later this year.

-- Riddick opened this weekend to a mediocre critical reception. However, Dave Bautista has been getting rave reviews for his performance in the film. Bautista is also set to star alongside Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper, and Zoe Saldana in Guardians of the Galaxy by Marvel Studios.

-- The return of Monday Night Football on 9/9 has many people wondering within WWE why they haven't been hyping a big match or big angle to combat the return of MNF.

-- Randy Orton was recently photographed holding hands with JoJo from Total Divas, a development that recently sent shockwaves among the wrestling gossipsphere. Orton amicably divorced from his ex-wife, Samantha, earlier in the year.
Yeah a lot of bad stuff surrounding TNA recently about slashing costs and straight up being behind payments of talent.

Its a horrible show but I hope they dont go bust but I dont think Dixie can turn that ship around.


So not worth it
Yeah a lot of bad stuff surrounding TNA recently about slashing costs and straight up being behind payments of talent.

Its a horrible show but I hope they dont go bust but I dont think Dixie can turn that ship around.

Meltzer compares the current state of TNA to ECW in it's final months, so yeah, unless Spike jumps in I don't see it surviving another year.

Currently just waiting for Hogan and Bischof to jump out, because no way Hogan is going down with the ship. He wants to be able to go "yeah, TNA was done as soon as I left" of course.


Dixie not even showing up to shows while people aren't getting paid does indeed sound an awful lot like guys in ECW not getting paid and Paul E. "being in California" while the ship was about to go fully under.


WCW Thunder 10/15/98

The Blade Runners reunited. Warrior couldn't be bothered to get in his wrestling gear. Chucky made his WCW debut. Rick Steiner challenged him to a fight.

Sick Boy vs Van Hammer

Come on. Flock explodes. Or something. The Flock is dead and now the Flock members besides Kidman have even less direction than they did as "guys who interfere in Raven's matches and get beat up". Hammer wins with a spinewalkbusterslam.

Recap of the Horsemen partying and Bischoff being arrested from Nitro. All 15 minutes of it. WCW is so shameless with their padding.

La Parka vs Konnan

Konnan ruins everything. Even La Parka.

Riggs vs Fit Finlay

They're spelling Finlay's name right again. That really bothers me that they go months at a time spelling Finlay's and Anvil's names wrong and no one seemed to notice. Riggs does a leapfrog and hits a powerslam. Finlay comes back with a lariatoo. Spinal shock. Lot's of using the ring as a weapon. Vader Bomb is countered with some boots up. Fit wins with the tombstone.

Kidman vs Kaz Hayashi WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Half way through the show with zero gifs or anything of note. Hopefully it will change here. Kaz and Juvi never had their match as far as I'm aware. At least not on the main shows. A series of drop kicks sends Kaz to the floor. Pescado. They go back in the ring. Kaz dumps Kidman out right away. He hits his twisting dive. Rolling senton in the ring. Kidman tries to make a comeback. He misses a splash in the corner. Backbreaker. Kaz misses a moonsault. Kidman goes for the SSP. Kaz gets up and hits a jawbreaker from the second rope and follows it up with a brainbuster. Sonny Ono is now at ringside. Kaz gets a series of near falls, but makes the mistake of trying to powerbomb Kidman. SSP for the win. Ono gets in the ring and kicks the shit out of Kaz until Kidman runs him off.



Recap of the Buff/Steiner break up. Then a recap of Rick Steiner challenging Chucky to come to the ring and fight him.

The Cat comes out and talks a lot of shit, challenging anyone from the crowd or locker room to fight him. Some fan gets in the ring and gets kicked in the throat. Security drag him out.

TAFKATAFKAPI vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Fucking Prince. Get out of my computer. He bumps Chavo to the floor. Chavo takes council with Pepe. Chavo does a wet willy. Prince slaps Pepe around. Call PETA. This is so messy. I feel like they really dropped the ball with Chavo. Fans were STOKED for him when he broke away from Eddie and gained his freedom, but they just turned him into a midcard comedy guy. He could have at least had a run with the Cruiserweight title. Tornado DDT for the win.


TO THE SCHIAVONE. DDP comes to the ring. More and more fans each week are picking DDP to beat Goldberg. DDP says he's both on cruise control and JACKED UP. I feel like those contradict each other. No one thinks he can beat Goldberg, which is how he likes it. This is despite the announcers and fans each week thinking DDP CAN be the guy to beat Goldberg.

Stevie Ray vs Dean Malenko

This got a Buffer intro. I really hope he wasn't on a pay per appearance deal. They go to commercial about 40 seconds in. Chucky talking about Scott Steiner being the star of his next movie is used as a bumper. We come back to Stevie Ray doing rest holds. I think Stevie has main evented every Thunder since joining the nWo. Dean hits a terrible back suplex that Stevie somehow takes as a stomach bump. Dean locks on the Cloverleaf. Virgil hits the ring and the match is thrown out. Norton also comes out. The Horsemen make the save. Arn openly acknowledges that they're still in Indy and they're breaking the restraining order given to them earlier in the night. Which was actually last week by the show's timeline.

So concludes another complete waste of 2 unopposed hours of prime time television.


So not worth it
Anyone really surprised about TNAs demise?

Not that much, no.

Then again, there really is no good reason they couldn't succeed. They had the talent and could have done quite well if they had proper booking. The talent in that company was good enough and they had some very good stuff in the past, like their women's division.

But they had Russo. And after that Hogan and Bisschof. Dixie knows fuck all about wrestling, so that's where the fault lies.

Dixie killed TNA.


Not that much, no.

Then again, there really is no good reason they couldn't succeed. They had the talent and could have done quite well if they had proper booking. The talent in that company was good enough and they had some very good stuff in the past, like their women's division.

But they had Russo. And after that Hogan and Bisschof. Dixie knows fuck all about wrestling, so that's where the fault lies.

Dixie killed TNA.

Yup, Dixie was the root of the problem


Russo's solo booking of the 3 months before Hogan and Bischoff came in was probably the best 3 months they ever had. They had a lot of solid stuff in 2005. I don't think Russo is really to blame for TNA, except for the awful stuff in the first few years. Dixie Carter being a terrible business woman, or at least a terrible wrestling business woman, with a lot of people just trying to fleece her for money, is really what is to blame for TNA again being on the verge of death.

They never, ever should have tried to compete with WWE. They should have tried to build up their own audience, and when they found they have a pretty steady audience, they should have catered to that group. Not spend more and more money trying to look bigger and better when it was shown over and over that their audience stays the same regardless of what happens, how it looks, and who gets brought in. I have no doubt that TNA's ratings would be exactly the same without Hogan/Sting/Angle/Hardy/any other ex WWE guy.

I count 17 ex-WWE/ex WWE developmental people on their roster. I'm not even counting guys like AJ/Daniels/Kazarian who did stuff for dying WCW or secondary WWE shows.


So not worth it
Kaz & Daniels, Aries and Roode for sure.

I'd also say Storm and Styles would be good for WWE. But do they really need them? Maybe not.

And Bully Ray of course.


TNA won't die. They will run like they are now for as long as they can and then scale back. They have proven in the past that they can run without a TV deal even, so I don't expect them to die so soon. Dixie might not give a shit anymore, but Jeff Jarrett won't let it happen.


I still enjoy TNA, I skip through it, but they have some good stuff. Bully is amazing on the mic, I love kaz & daniels, Joseph Park is pretty funny even though they are kinda overdoing it now.

Knockout division is great because you know.. they actually wrestle. You'd never see a Ladder/Last Woman Standing match in WWE (at least now, they had the rare matches ages ago)

I miss Don West though, he was the best.


So not worth it
The Knockout division is 4 people.


Brooke Tessmacher, Gail Kim, ODB and Velvet Sky.

-edit: No, wait, it's five of course. I forgot Mickie James, heh.


The Knockout division is 4 people.


Brooke Tessmacher, Gail Kim, ODB and Velvet Sky.

-edit: No, wait, it's five of course. I forgot Mickie James, heh.

And Taryn.

Also better 6 that actually do something, instead of 15 that don't do shit (besides AJ I guess)
WRESTLE-1 announced the participating wrestlers for their first tour, there's one mystery participant per show and they won't be announcing the match cards until the day of the shows;

WRESTLE-1, 9/15/13
Nagoya International Conference Hall

Participating Wrestlers: Keiji Mutoh, Masakatsu Funaki, Kaz Hayashi, Shuji Kondo, Minoru Tanaka, Masayuki Kono, KAI, Hiroshi Yamato, Ryota Hama, Yasufumi Nakanoue, Daiki Inaba, Seiki Yoshioka, Koji Kanemoto, Seiya Sanada, Kohei Sato, Ryouji Sai, MAZADA, Rene Dupree, Zodiac, Shu Shibutani, Ryo Mizunami & X

*Seiki Yoshioka will debut on this show

WRESTLE-1, 9/21/13
Kyoto KBS Hall

Participating Wrestlers: Keiji Mutoh, Masakatsu Funaki, Kaz Hayashi, Shuji Kondo, Minoru Tanaka, Masayuki Kono, KAI, Hiroshi Yamato, Ryota Hama, Yasufumi Nakanoue, Daiki Inaba, Seiki Yoshioka, Koji Kanemoto, Seiya Sanada, Daisuke Sekimoto, Yuji Okabayashi, Kohei Sato, NOSAWA Rongai, MAZADA, HUB, Rene Dupree, Zodiac, Makoto, Shuri & X

WRESTLE-1, 9/22/13
Ishikawa Industrial Exhibition Hall #3

Participating Wrestlers: Keiji Mutoh, Masakatsu Funaki, Kaz Hayashi, Shuji Kondo, Minoru Tanaka, Masayuki Kono, KAI, Hiroshi Yamato, Ryota Hama, Yasufumi Nakanoue, Daiki Inaba, Seiki Yoshioka, Koji Kanemoto, Seiya Sanada, Kohei Sato, Ryouji Sai, NOSAWA Rongai, MAZADA, Otokosakari (Alexander Otsuka's alter-ego), Rene Dupree, Zodiac, Makoto, Shuri & X

Also, some photos from W-1's debut;

Next week Beyond Wrestling returns to Providence! Here's the card Biff/Gulak vs Edwards/Strong and Steen vs Dickinson have crazy levels of potential, I'll definitely put up a few live posts when Im there for the other 3 dudes here who follow the indies. :p

That main event is going to be insane! Hope they do the same deal they did with Americanrana, where the unedited footage is available for download when you pre-order the DVD.

Jamie OD

If you were WWE who would you take from TNA? I mean that as WWE the company and not as a fan. Is there anyone worth taking?

Would they go anywhere near Angle now?

According to Meltzer, Angle sent a message out to WWE earlier this year looking for any job openings and never got any response. They're not desperate for him.


Just watched Survivor Series 1998 again after someone here had mentioned it a few days ago. Had a lot of fun explaining Vince Russo's convoluted storylines to my girlfriend. As asinine as they were, they just somehow worked in the WWF.

One thing we could never figure out: why would Shane McMahon sign Steve Austin to an iron-clad 5-year contract if he was just going to turn on him a few weeks later?

I imagine he had to make it believable, and it wasn't iron clad. Austin couldn't touch Vince unless physically provoked, and believe became the McMahon's plaything officially as no other WWE authority figure could mess with him.

What would have happened if Mankind had ended up beating The Rock? There were a ton of really close, false finishes where Mankind almost won and Vince & Shane just stand there doing nothing and not even looking worried.
This is always sort of a problem
Even back at this year's SummerSlam... I was like what if Cena had won... I mean does HHH still turn or what?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I've got a couple column ideas for some legit shakers in here, will post later. Feel free to come up with your own too.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bob Sapp has lost so much muscle. Looking at him in W-1 compared to Wrestle Kingdom 7's poorly done opener...man.


So not worth it
Edge and Goldust and a Toronto Crowd. Tonight should be great.

Also, according to the dirtsheets:

There has been talk of doing a major babyface turn with Big E Langston in the coming weeks.

I imagine he had to make it believable, and it wasn't iron clad. Austin couldn't touch Vince unless physically provoked, and believe became the McMahon's plaything officially as no other WWE authority figure could mess with him

IIRC, it was basically to ensure Austin's life turned into hell. Oh your contract is ironclad...but you're doomed to be our bitch now, BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

Bond Villain esque shit there


Great, another streaming music service that doesn't have most of the music I listen to because the bands are either unsigned or on a super small indie label.

Aw man, you don't like Darkthorne?

Anyhow, I'm surprised at all the metal on there. At leas to me it's still underground enough.


Aw man, you don't like Darkthorne?

Anyhow, I'm surprised at all the metal on there. At leas to me it's still underground enough.

I'm not talking about the metal I like, those labels are big enough to be on there....I hope. I'm talking about the roots, americana and cowpunk stuff I like that is either all unsigned or on super small labels runs by anywhere between 1 to 3 guys.
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