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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I like to imagine that HHH forces Stephanie to scream out his wrasslin' nicknames while fucking.

I just wanted to share that with you guys.

If you want more info on their sex life look up Steph on Howard Stern, she says...a lot.
Which one of you motherfuckers dared to snitch out our Triple H |OT|?


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
meltzer never posted on here, was too busy trolling in gaming side then suddenly wanted our aid when he got banned

fuck meltzer.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if I'll ever get over Beef now. It's like I was stabbed again.

Let's switch gears to wrassles-talk since we're not discovering anything NEW.

Appearing on 4th & Pain, Titus O'Neil talks openly and in-depth about the reaction of the WWE locker room to Darren Young's decision to reveal he was gay. He says the reaction has been "very positive."

On Darren Young: "Darren is a great friend of mine away from the ring. I consider him a part of my family. My kids call him 'Uncle Darren.' They run, they play, they joke with him. For him to exhibit the courage that he did to go and discuss his sexual orientation to the world was a brave move to some, but to me is just an act of what type of man he is. You can only live behind certain people's stereotypes or certain barriers in life for so long. At some point you have to say 'man, to hell with it. I am who I am. I do what I do and I'm going to be who I want to be.' "

O'Neil says he's know about Young's sexual orientation for "a while," but that it was irrelevant.

On how the reaction would be different in NFL locker room: "The football locker room and the WWE locker room are two completely different things."

He says that unlike an NFL locker room where 53 players comprise a single unit, the wrestling locker room is constructed of more individuals which lends itself to "more shots" for backstabbing.

"If you play a position, you play a position. if you don't play a position, you're really not a threat. In WWE, everybody really plays the same position. Everybody is trying to be a WWE Superstar. So, whatever shot you can take, whether it be if a person is gay or not, they're going to try to make something of it. Whereas in football, whether a person is gay or not it doesn't matter. If they go out and make plays, they make plays. Period. I can assure you there are guys, whether they came out openly gay or not, there gay guys in NFL and college locker rooms."

I see Titus can't string together the right phrase again. If you play a position, you play a position. If you don't play a position...make it a win.
This is what happens when you post other wrestling threads in OT.

Eventually the mods go "hey I wonder whats up with those guys" and they check out the thread and everyone gets banned.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This is what happens when you post other wrestling threads in OT.

Eventually the mods go "hey I wonder whats up with those guys" and they check out the thread and everyone gets banned.

Don't try to pin this on me brah, I'm the man who brought
legit shook into the GAF lexicon!


So not worth it
She just turned 21 two weeks ago. Which is good because that means WWE is more likely to bring her up to the main roster now. Which is bad because well...the divas division sucks.

So, let AJ and Paige be the Lita and Trish of this generation. It'll be fine.


So not worth it
Yeah but even Lita and Trish had Jazz, Victoria, Molly Holly, Ivory, etc...

Emma and Bayley, Kaitlyn, Natalya and even Layla to an extend, Summer Rae isn't bad, and Naomi is quite good.

It'll be fine. They just need that one feud to put things over. AJ proved herself and Paige can no doubt step up. The crowd will love it, women's wrestling interest will rise and there you go.

Speaking of Divas, Mick Foley posted a message on Facebook. He loves the Bellas apparently:

It's been a memorable Raw; an intense and disturbing physical encounter between Paul Heyman and CM Punk, a tremendous match-up between Christian and Randy Orton..and the looming danger to Orton's new Escalade (which, as of this writing, is still unscathed.) So why is it that I'm writing this post about the Divas division, feeling as if if I need to intervene and stick up for Bri and Nikki Bella - two young ladies who seem more than capable of sticking up for themselves?

First, before I speak up for the Bellas, how about I acknowledge that AJ Lee delivered one of the finest promos - male or female - that I've seen on Raw in quite a while. That's really saying something, considering that Paul Heyman and CM Punk have been doing some of their finest mic work on the show on a regular basis, and that Daniel Bryan has been (wait, the Escalade just got spray-painted) an absolute joy to watch, as he finds new depth in his persona on an almost weekly basis.

Yes, that was an amazing promo by AJ - primarily because she believed every word of it to be true..or at least it seemed that way to this 28 year wrestling veteran. After all, going back to the lessons I learned from Michael PS Hayes, a heel is always at their most believable and frightening and believable when they absolutely believe in their own words and actions. AJ's words were convincing and seem to be the ones being embraced by the WWE Universe. I know many people look at Bri and Nikki and see two beautiful women who have been given their spot in the company due to their beauty and choice in boyfriends.

That's not what I see when I look at Bri and Nikki. I see two strong, proud women who walked away from WWE in April 2012 following a legitimate business disagreement with the company. Bri and Nikki wanted to have more say in what they could and could not do outside of WWE. The company disagreed. I know that feeling. I've been there. The Bellas took a stand and walked away. I know that feeling too. But they didn't do it the Mick Foley way - whining and complaining, and (ask Layla about this sometime) even yelling a little bit. They did it the right way. They took a stand, did everything they were asked to do, and left with their heads held high; earning a heightened respect from everyone they dealt with on their way out.

And when they returned, they came back with a piece of the puzzle that had been missing from the Divas division. They returned with "Total Divas" - the vehicle the entire Divas division has driven to new heights of acceptance and mainstream recognition. I've often wondered why AJ wasn't part of the show. Obviously, she's a unique character and an an extremely talented wrestler. I would have really enjoyed the opportunity to see her outside the ring - to see how much AJ the performer and AJ the character had in common. I could completely understand any hard feelings she might harbor against the Bellas in that regard. But the idea that the Bellas haven't worked for everything they've received is just plain wrong from this Hall of Famer's perspective.


That's all well and good, Mick. But it falls apart when you remember that for all their "veteran" nonsense, both Bellas still can't act, talk or wrestle.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Of course he does. He also loved Melina.

Let's not change the past and pretend Foley was some super wrestling analyst guy.
Haha, Foley is a total mark.

And no, the Bella twins still can't wrestle or act. If they go with anybody off that show, gonna have to be Natalya. Might actually get an OK match that way.
Did Serena ever have a match in WWE? The only match of hers i've seen was a pretty good one against Kana (also the only Kana match i've seen IIRC)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Did Serena ever have a match in WWE? The only match of hers i've seen was a pretty good one against Kana (also the only Kana match i've seen IIRC)

she had a house show match, a bunch of FCW stuff, and was in an intergender tag match. most of her best stuff is in SHIMMER with Portia or in Japan with KAna though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Aii would talk about how innovative and great AJ looks if she shaved her head and that she's doing such a good job kayfabing.


So not worth it
No woman looks good with extremely short hair or full on baldness. Not one, it's the most awful thing in the world after genocide.
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