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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Seems like he's still bitter about losing his WHC belt so soon and not getting that re-push after he recovered. I feel bad but, I kinda understand where he's coming from. He's been in the company for what 7-8 years now? I'm sure he's ready to be at WM for the WWE Championship. He's going through CM Punk fatigue.

I like the guy but i wouldn't go that far
I back him and I even back you! We're a family here goddammit.

I'm a McMahon, we don't hang our family out to try! Professor Beef should be called Professor Russo.

I'm sorry that I decided to be a good citizen and report a crime to my local authorities. It might be in your interest to harbor criminals, but I don't play dat.
I'm leaving from work to head home right now. I have a confession to make.

I'm the snitch. I didn't even realize there was a new wrestling thread for a good 5 hours or so when I realized Triple H = September Wrasslin Thread so I let a mod (duckroll) know that maybe he should change it so other people could find the thread.

I'm sorry for all the damage I've caused and for hurting Triple H.

Miz fan and ruiner of perfectly good threads, as if my opinion of you couldn't get any lower.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
You know what I just thought of? It's been a month since Goldberg won the title from Hogan, yet Hogan hasn't asked for his rematch. Not even hinted at it. He's been content to throw Crush and Perfect at Goldberg. He's more consumed with Jay Leno than getting his title back. I think they did eventually have a rematch, but in 1999, and again on Nitro. And it wasn't for the title by that point.

You probably know the story but I'll mention it for anyone else interested.

Hogan saw that the Nitro in the Georgia Dome was clearly going to set an indoor attendance record (it did) and graciously offered to drop the belt to Goldberg no questions asked, knowing that he had these celebrity matches coming up that were going to headline the card. In return all he asked was that he got to beat Goldberg when it came time to beat him.

Later on he trades that favor for the right to beat the person who eventually beats goldberg when the heat has died down and "the time is right"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Serena's only 27. I think she could come back if she stays sober. I think WWE is mostly cautious due to that concussion she had. Then again, I see no real reason why they haven't signed Portia so who knows.


Serena's only 27. I think she could come back if she stays sober. I think WWE is mostly cautious due to that concussion she had. Then again, I see no real reason why they haven't signed Portia so who knows.

They only really started on the spree of women signings this year, and even then, about five of them only just reported to developmental last month when they opened the Performance Centre. So they've probably got enough women in developmental right now. I expect they'll start raiding places like SHIMMER down the line. I do feel Portia seems like a natural fit for NXT, given she has the cute, short look (not the traditional bombshell look that's dated now) but is a solid wrestler without being the super hardcore indie wrestler (which they're just not looking for with the women).
Bootaaay reviews...The Best of Mid-South/UWF, volume 1, part 1;

First up on this set, Bob Roop vs Mike George from December 16th, 1981. The fans hate Roop. George is freaking huge. George uses his size to press the attack early on and, backed into a corner, Roop wants none of George's big right hand punches. George hits a belly-to-back takedown and a big atomic drop for a 1 count, before locking in a side headlock. Roop backs him into the ropes and grabs the hair, pushing George's head down and raking his eyes across the ropes to escape. He goes to work with some stiff looking punches before locking in a nice sleeper. George powers out, but Roop whips him hard into the ropes. He goes for a suplex, but can't lift the big man and George hits a back bodydrop. He follows up with some big punches. Roop ducks and lifts him for the shoulder breaker, but George floats over and pushes him into the ropes before scoring with a nice dropkick. He gets the 2 count, but Roop throws him off to the floor. They fight on the apron and George charges, but Roop jumps down and pushes him real hard into the ringpost. George makes the 10 count, but his right arm is screwed. He tries to fight, but Roop whips him face first into the turnbuckle, hits a mean looking knee to the face and rolls him up for the 3. Wrasslin'.


Paul Orndorff vs Mr. Olympia, February 3rd, 1982. Non-title match here, as Orndorff takes on the Mississippi Heavyweight Champion Mr. Olympia. Real fast back and forth to get things started. Olympia gets the better of Orndorff and works over his arm, but Orndorff whips him into the ropes and hits a nice armdrag, only to get kicked in the face. Olympia hits a bodyslam for a 1-count and Orndorff is pissed, jawing with the fans and the ref. They lock up and Orndorff powers Olympia into the corner. The ref gets between them to force the break, but Orndorff punches Olympia in the face as he passes. Beautiful. He lays into Olympia with some jumping kicks and whips Olympia into the opposite corner. He goes for an elbow, but Olympia moves out of the way and works a nice armbar. Orndorff's selling big and throws a wild swing that Olmypia avoids and hits an atomic drop, sending Orndoff face first into the turnbuckle. Olympia covers him, but Orndorff kicks out at 1 again. He's whipped into the corner, jumps up, hops around and scores with a nice clothesline! Orndorff follows up with a legdrop to the back of Olympia's head and gets a 2-count. He throws Olympia into the ropes and goes for a back bodydrop, but Olympia hits a sunset flip. Bill Watts-ism; "Strong men do what they can, weak men do what they must." Orndorff hits a big kneedrop off the top, but only gets 2. He puts him into the ropes and hits a powerslam, but still Olympia kicks out. Orndorff goes for the figure 4, but Olympia kicks out of it and goes to work with some big punches. Orndorff swings a right, but Olympia ducks and locks in a sleeper! Orndorff fights to his feet, but Olympia wraps his legs around the mid-section and slams to the mat. The ref raises Orndorff's hand three times and that's it! Olympia wins. What a great match.


Bob Roop vs Ted DiBiase, April 2nd, 1982. Roop's the North American Heavyweight Champion and beat DiBiase for the belt, so Ted's champing at the bit to get at Roop here, even if this is a non-title match. They lock up and Roop goes for a single-leg takedown, but DiBiase hooks an arm and throws Roop over his hip before locking in an armbar and dropping the knee a bunch of times. He changes up to a wrist lock, but Roop rakes his eyes and whips him into the ropes. He throws a right, but Ted ducks and hits a bodyslam before dropping the leg for a 1-count. Hammerlock from DiBiase. He hooks his leg behind Roop's arm, stands up and falls back down on it. Nice. Roop backs him into the ropes and throws some big punches, but when he goes to whip Ted into the other corner DiBiase puts on the breaks and wrenches him down into the hammerlock again! Roop pulls the hair and escapes the hold, but is favouring his arm. Bill Watts is killing it on commentary. Roop wraps DiBiase's leg in the ropes and kicks the back of his knee before locking in a step-over toe hold. Ted manages to reach up and grab a wrist lock, taking Roop down and dropping the leg over his arm. Roop rakes the eyes again and goes to work with punches and a reverse neckbreaker. He slams DiBiase's knee into the ring apron and tries to lock in a figure four, but Ted kicks him away and scores with some big punches and a reverse elbow. Big powerslam from DiBiase and that's it! Fun match. Roop played the mean old bastard role well, while DiBiase was super over and looked fantastic as he methodically took apart his opponent. Roop attacks DiBiase after the bell, but DiBiase hits Roop's own shoulder-breaker on him, to great approval from the crowd.

He'd make a lot more sense as a Heyman guy than Axel

Probably have more entertaining matches too.
I get it and he looks like he can be good muscle for him but I don't think he needs Heyman honestly. He does a good job already and he was great before A&8's too.

By the way he aint to good for TNA. They need as many entertaining people as possible right now!


Knockouts Knockdown?

Does TNA even have that many Knockouts left?

(I know, they probably recorded it earlier in the year and got other people to come in.)


AJ pretty much shooting now. lol

They really should just give him the title and keep it on him for years. At least have some bit of stability with this company.
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