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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business

Midcard? Me?

I'm not the Mr. Perfect of Wrasslegaf (that's Bootaaay) nor am I the Owen Hart (That's Aiii) and I'm no Randy Savage (FallingEdge) but I have my own charms.


And I see you as Vince. Always trying to cross promote and push our brand outside the community.

Dragonzord is Val Venis. Solid guy. IC/Euro talent.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Has anybody here watched any of the PPVs through the PS3 app? Wondering what the quality is and whether or not you get access to a replay after the show (I'm guessing not).




This is amazing. In OVW Lei'd Tapa and Rob Terry have a new gimmick. They call themselves "High School Detention". An outcast Goth high school girl and... her muscle.

edit: Never mind it was for a photoshoot. Would been hilarious if it happened though.
Great article from ESPN the Magazine on lucha libre, exoticos and the situation they find themselves in


When I first heard about exoticos I was sure I'd be offended by the entire concept as it seems deeply homophobic. Then I actually saw Cassandro (an openly gay exotico) perform at a Lucha Vavoom show and while the audience here is a lot more welcoming than a lot of Mexican crowds would be, I really got that it wasn't denegrating to LGBT people, but rather the joke seems to be on homophobes.


When I first heard about exoticos I was sure I'd be offended by the entire concept as it seems deeply homophobic. Then I actually saw Cassandro (an openly gay exotico) perform at a Lucha Vavoom show and while the audience here is a lot more welcoming than a lot of Mexican crowds would be, I really got that it wasn't denegrating to LGBT people, but rather the joke seems to be on homophobes.

Yeah, the article goes the same way. Maximo was main eventing shows! Still is! Was a trios champs! Love his trio. Marco Corleone( Mark Jindrak)/Maximo/Rush are super over, well, maybe not Rush, but Rush is still the best. Things are slowly changing for exoticos


Contains Sucralose
AJ Lee vs Jerry Lawler would be better than the fatal four way.

She was taking shots at all the commenting crew.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm the Chosen one, slap ass. Only I have enough stroke around here to smash a million guitars yet never draw a dime.


I'm getting an autograph and a picture with Bret Hart this Saturday at the Montreal Comic Con. Really excited to meet a childhood hero. Going to re-watch Wrestling With Shadows, and I'm currently watching the 2010 documentary called Survival of the Hitman. You can find it here:


Also been listening to podcasts talking about Bret's career and the Montreal screwjob in general.

Excited to meet a childhood hero regardless of how he has changed over time.


So, I was fired today. That sucked. I'll have more time for wrasslin for the next couple of weeks though while I job search!

My boss actually said fired too. Not Vince style though. :\


So, I was fired today. That sucked. I'll have more time for wrasslin for the next couple of weeks though while I job search!

My boss actually said fired too. Not Vince style though. :\

sorry to hear that DM old pal.

Time to stone cold stun your boss.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I'm probably going to quit my part time job soon. I can't do another Christmas in retail. That way I can focus on school.


It was pretty cool to see Dr. Sampson featured prominently on Raw.

Too bad he's not our professor anymore. :(

I didn't understand the "This is awkward" chants from the mouth-breathers in the crowd.


Smackdown Spoilers:

* Big Show opens this week's SmackDown. He has to apologize for his behavior on Monday to Triple H for 'not doing a simple job.' He has to apologize to the WWE Universe for not doing his job and letting us down. Triple H interrupts to a mixed reaction. Triple H explains to Show how a business is ran. 'Asshole' and 'What?' chants are loud. Triple H suspends Big Show for a night without pay and says Big Show is broke, so it's a big deal to him. The Shield interrupts and Big Show fights them all off for a few minutes before Roman Reigns destroys him with a steel chair and they hit the triple powerbomb to close the segment. Really fun stuff. Crowd was hot.

* Michael Cole will interview Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman later tonight.

* Alicia Fox, Layla and Aksana vs. Naomi, Natalya and Brie Bella is up next. Natalya gets a nice pop but AJ Lee comes out to a better pop. AJ is on commentary. AJ does a run-in as Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter. Somehow it's a DQ win for Layla, Aksana and Fox. All of the Divas fight after the match.

* Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler is announced for later.

* Vickie Guerrero comes out to cut a promo but the heat from the crowd is so loud you can't hear what she's saying.

* R-Truth and Fandango are out for a dance competition. The Miz comes out wearing a big afro and calls himself the Mizco Inferno. He says it's not a dance contest without the most must-see Superstar of all-time. The Great Khali is out next to join the competition. Miz does his own version of twerking with R-Truth egging him on. Everyone dances with Khali except for Fandango and Summer Rae. The Miz gets the biggest pop and wins the competition. Fandango says they all are a disgrace to the art of dancing and gets knocked out of the ring.

* They bring the Divas back out to re-shoot the brawl from earlier. It's Naomi, Natalya and Brie Bella beating down AJ Lee.

* Ryback segment. Ryback says we don't know his linguistic skills and says he's a great interview. He introduces a skinny guy from Ottawa. 6'4" 180 lbs is what the man tells Ryback. He says he wants to be in the ring with Ryback and gets slapped. Ryback says his dream is to beat the holy hell out of people like him.

* Vickie Guerrero is backstage. She says Ricardo Rodriguez will not be in Rob Van Dam's corner at Night of Champions because Vickie fears for his safety. Vickie sets up Ricardo vs. Alberto Del Rio for tonight.

* Santino Marella beat Damien Sandow with the Cobra in about two minutes. Before the match, Sandow cut a promo and said he would free us from our ignorance

* Michael Cole's interview with Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel is next. We get a great video package of the Heyman-Punk issue. Axel says Punk won't get to Heyman because Punk can't beat Axel. Heyman says he's not a man of war and an advocate of peace instead. He calls for a public boycott of the handicap match. Heyman says if we buy Night of Champions, we're going to see Punk get his hands on Heyman. Heyman says Punk will find a way to get around Axel and get to him. CM Punk chant starts. Heyman says if we buy the PPV, we're going to see Punk give Heyman a beating. 'Yes' chants turn to 'CM Punk' chants. Heyman says Punk will slaughter him. Heyman says he can't believe this is the last time we'll see Paul Heyman. Heyman says he will always love CM Punk. Heyman leaves to the fans singing 'hey hey hey, goodbye.' Great job of selling the pay-per-view.

* Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez is up next. No reaction for Del Rio but a nice reaction for Ricardo and Rob Van Dam. Del Rio wins with the top rope reverse suplex. After the match, Del Rio applies the cross armbreaker but RVD makes the save. RVD nails a frogsplash on Del Rio and celebrates with the World Heavyweight Title.

* Dean Ambrose vs. Dolph Ziggler is up next. Good pops for both of them. Good match but it felt like both were holding back. The Shield ran in to cause a disqualification but The Usos made the save. Vickie Guerrero makes a six-man match.

* The Shield beats The Usos and Dolph Ziggler after Seth Rollins got his knees up on a splash from one of the Usos. Amazing finishing sequence and good match that the crowd was really into.

* The Cutting Edge is up next. Edge gets a huge pop and a 'thank you Edge' chant. Biggest pop of the night. Edge tells Christian to tear The Shield apart when he comes back. Orton comes out to some heat. Bryan gets a huge pop and lots of 'YES' chants. Edge asks Orton how it feels to be a sell out. Orton says Edge is jealous Orton is 10 time champion and Edge is just a talk show host. Edge says Orton forgets he's an 11 time champ. Edge says he knows what's best for business and the fans erupt with a 'yes' chant. Bryan said his dream was never to be the face of a corporation, but to hold the WWE title. Bryan says he'll beat Orton at Night of Champions. Orton cheap shots Bryan and the fans chant 'spear' but Bryan gets the upper hand and Edge leaves. Bryan makes Orton tap out and the fans erupt in 'you tapped out' chants. Orton leaves and Bryan stands tall with the fans chanting 'yes' to close

The score ends 6-2 with Bryan pulling out 2 victories in a row.

edit: Night of Champions card:

Bryan vs Orton
Del Rio vs RVD
Punk vs Axel and Heyman
Fatal four way for Diva title
Shield vs winner of preshow

Possible Added matches:

Ziggler vs Ambrose
Miz vs Fandango


I know almost nothing of Bret's WCW run minus his Owen tribute match against Benoit. Bret himself has said that his time in WCW was mostly a waste and that he did nothing meaningful while he was there.

I don't remember shit about Bret's time in WCW, I remember him fighting and hurting Goldberg and I remember a match against Booker T. That's...it.


Bret's amazing pro-Canadian promo in Edmonton from 1997.


"Canada isn't riddled with racial prejudice and hatred!"
"I am proud to be Canadian, and I am proud to be your hero!"
Bonus Owen and British Bulldog appearances after the five minute mark.
Steve Austin interrupting the Canadian national anthem.

The heel Hart foundation was just as good as I remember it being as a teenager. Bret's mic work was excellent. Very simple and direct messages.
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