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September Wrasslin' |OT| because Triple H is good for business


Anyone want to do a "let's watch Raw" marathon starting with January 1997?

Just found out about www.watchwrestling.net

Watching the first episode from 1997 right now. Already better paced and more logical than today's Raws.

-show starts with a pre-taped Vader promo talking about how he's going to take down Bret Hart tonight
-King and Vince on commentary
-awesome old-school intro
-first match is Owen Hart vs. Mankind


Anyone want to do a "let's watch Raw" marathon starting with January 1997?

Just found out about www.watchwrestling.net

Watching the first episode from 1997 right now. Already better paced and more logical than today's Raws.

-show starts with a pre-taped Vader promo talking about how he's going to take down Bret Hart tonight
-King and Vince on commentary
-awesome old-school intro
-first match is Owen Hart vs. Mankind

I did this in February 2011 and am currently at October 2001 lol

Early 1997 Raw is SO different. I think it was even 1 hour long for a little. Vince on commentary is hilarious. But as 97 continues it becomes AMAZING.
WrassleGAF if you had any guts you'd take a swing at me, but that stack of dimes you call a neck just isn't up to it is it?

We all know that stack of dimes you have for a neck can't take anything so why don't you take that stack of dimes you call a neck and get off my forum, off MY INTERNET.


I did this in February 2011 and am currently at October 2001 lol

Early 1997 Raw is SO different. I think it was even 1 hour long for a little. Vince on commentary is hilarious. But as 97 continues it becomes AMAZING.

Looking forward to seeing how much of it I remember with rose-colored glasses, how much I forgot, and how much was as good as I remember it.

The episode I'm watching is right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZzMRw1PAZI (January 6th, 1997)

Under an hour long with the commercials removed. Join me, Wrassle-GAF!

First match has:
-trademark high-flying Owen Hart offense
-a swinging neck-breaker
-a swinging neck-breaker reversed into a DDT
-Mankind beating Owen with a pile driver


Next up:
Fake Diesel and Fake Razor Ramon come out while Honky Tonk Man joins the commentary team.
January 1997 WWF and December 1997 WWF are two completely different products. Vince Russo's teeth really started sinking in around September 1997.


Okay I'm going to post my impressions of last nights Raw from a live perspective. I'll do it again when Raw returns to Toronto in 2018.

A few things to note before I got to my seat:

-They were selling the worst merch ever. One shitty D Bry shirt (not even the YES YES YES), a shitty, cheap looking Punk shirt, not even the really popular Cena shirt (the green one all the marks wear with the cap and wrist bands). No Rock shirts either. Just a real shitty selection.

-There were a TON of kids. Like a ton. The majority of people there were kids, I'd say. I've never seen so much Cena merch in my life. If you ever question the direction WWE goes sometimes, just show up to Raw. Christ.

Possibly the worst part (or cringe worthy, at least) was trying to start chants. I'll get into that soon.

So I get into my seat just as Superstars is ending. 25 rows up, pretty good seats and a great view. Big E won his match and got a pretty good reaction. He's relatively over. Then the show started.


Do kids remember who Edge is? Because he got a decent home crowd reaction, but I was expecting a much louder pop.

However, when Bryan came out... Jesus Christ. There is no doubt he is the number one guy in the company right now. Even the little Jimmies love him, although I had some Orton fanboys in front of me chanting NO when the rest of the stadium was chanting deafening YESes.

Orton had some fans but there were definitely more boos than cheers at this point, which is a good thing. Same with HHH. Christian coming out half dead got some mild boos, but most of the reactions came from the bickering between HHH/Edge. I kinda want to see that match now!

When HHH was talking, we started an ASSHOLE chant. I think Edge picked up on it in his promo, which was great. Anyways, as we started it up, I not only had to put up with little Jimmies giving me puppy dog eyes, but their parents giving me the DEATH STARE. I know I shouldn't chant profanities but it's so fun sometimes >_<

Kofi Kingston/Curtis Axel

NO HEAT for either of these guys. I don't understand why Axel is being booked like this going into the PPV match with Punk, and I don't think anyone really cares. CM Punk chants broke out halfway through the match, along with the first JBL and Randy Savage chants of the night.

Backstage Segments

Heyman slipping on water (?) got no reaction.

Booker/Big Show got boos and BORING chants. I think people don't want to see Big Baby Show at all. Just not entertaining. What exactly does Booker do? His lame speech was god awful.


Meanwhile, on another planet it would seem, these two were over as FUCK. Ziggler got a massive pop as his music hit and a ton of cheers. But when the lights went out and Wyatt came out, it may have been even louder. I'm not sure if that's because Wyatt is over or because kids + complete darkness = cheers. Anyway, hot match, crowd was way into it. In fact, there were dual "LETS GO ZIGGLER LETS GO WYATT" chants at some point... but I was sad Ziggler lost. Jobber status at this point =(

Doctor Segment

This was entertaining thanks to the crowd. E C DUB chants in full effect. Then Heyman started the heel promo and the boos started coming in. After he made fun of Canadian health care, a LOUD "FREE HEALTH CARE" chant broke out, which was awesome. When the doctor checked on Heyman, exposing his leg, I heard a number of cat calls, which was fucking hilarious. Did we ever see Heyman's leg before? lol

The kids (and parents) tried to start a WALRUS chant, which was quickly shot down by some dude a couple of rows behind me. He must have been drunk, as he was loud the entire night. Anyways, he says something along the lines of STOP CALLING HIM A WALRUS, PAUL HEYMAN IS A CREATIVE GENIUS AND A FUTURE HALL OF FAMER. Dude was hilarious, basically trolling the kids the entire night.

Punk comes out, and the pop is just as loud as Bryan's. These two are so far above everyone else at this point. It's really awesome. CM PUNK chants as he beats Asylum with a stick.

Piss break

God damn it's so true. As soon as that music hit, I'm pretty sure at least half of the male population in that stadium got up to take a piss or grab some beer, myself included. That washroom was PACKED. I heard AJ was good on commentary, though. Of course something the live crowd couldn't experience.

Del Rio/R Truth

Oh God. These guys lost the crowd, didn't they.

Though I'm 99% sure his entrance wasn't seen by the TV audience, R Truth got a pretty damn loud reaction from the crowd. Mostly high pitched. Apparently he raps when he comes to the ring? I haven't seen his entrance in years. Anyways, ALL the kids knew the words to this guy's rap. I don't get it.

Del Rio got no reaction when he came out, lol. So cold.

Anyways, the match started. And then we started the chants. LOUD chants, by the way. The entire crowd was into these chants way more than the match. Started with JBL, then transitioned to:

-MICHAEL COLE (weren't as loud as the others lol)
-RANDY SAVAGE (in case you missed my other post, there was an amazing Randy Savage cosplayer in the front row, and after the chants got decently loud, he would stand up and start posing. the building would EXPLODE at these points, legit loudest reaction besides Bryan and Punk)

Overall the crowd made this match fun.


Cesaro came out to a decent reaction. Coulter's promo got a ton of heat, as expected, and even a pretty loud MAPLE SYRUP chant. Lots of people got up to do the WE THE PEOPLE chant, until we were so rudely interrupted by Santino.

Santino got a HUGE return pop, the loudest besides Punk, Bryan and Savage. The crowd was hot for the match, as expected from a Cesaro match. That giant swing was fucking unbelievable, the crowd was quiet for the first couple of seconds but after 20 seconds and he's still going the crowd just went INSANE. After he finished, there was a super loud HOLY SHIT chant, which got me more puppy dog eyes from the little Jimmies, more death stares from the parents, and possibly best of all, a kid behind me yelled "STOP SWEARING!"

then cesaro lost. fuck me.


Sandow got a pretty good reaction and the crowd was really into his promo. "I will not continue until I have complete silence!" Classic.

Miz, however, got an even louder reaction. I don't even. The kids in front of me fucking loved him.

Then Fandango came out, and Christ, it was like the night after Mania all over again. the ENTIRE place was doing the humming and the dance thing to his theme. It was really loud. He also got the entire house to say FAN DAN GO with him. Dude was super over... and I'm not sure why. lol.


Orton came out to a chorus of boos. Sorry kids in front of me with giant RKO signs. I'm sure you guys heard some high pitched cheers on the TV, but all I heard was low pitched boos from where I was sitting.

Goldust came out to a huge pop. dude was super over the entire night. Lots of goldust and YOU STILL GOT IT chants throughout the match. Speaking of the match, it was really good. The crowd popped when Goldust set up the shattered dreams. That near fall was insane, possibly the loudest single moment of the night.

As I mentioned, I had two little Jimmy, Randy Orton marks yelling at Goldust. Some gems include "GOLDUST YOU SUCK", "OH MY GOD RKO RKO (when he's setting up his DDT)" and best of all "1 2 3 OH GOD NOOOOOOOO" when Goldust kicked out of something. Good for them, they're really into it. It was just amusing :p

That Steph promo after the match was pure evil. She's really great as a heel.


Ricardo really sucks. Like seriously what is he doing. He's dragging RVD down by doing this intro shit. RVD INTRODUCES HIMSELF WITH THE FINGER THING. He's done the damn finger thing for 15 years. Why would they mess with that? When Ricardo finally shuts up. RVD got to do his standard intro on the turnbuckle, and the entire crowd was on their feet chanting ROB VAN DAM. Good stuff.

Ryback came out to a huge pop. Del Rio came out for some reason, and delivered a shitty promo. Crowd was silent. When he finally shut up, we erupted into a GOLDBERG chant. Ryback will never escape this chant, because it's fun as hell for audience members. The match was okay, finish was weird.


Big Show smashed the fuck out of that CRT. The crowd popped.

So the shield came out RIGHT BESIDE where I was sitting. Pretty awesome. Unfortunately there were a ton of people crowding around the entrance way where they came out, so I couldn't get a very good shot of them. Nonetheless, it was exciting!

Ambrose got a very good reaction, of course Bryan got the biggest reaction of the night. Overall the match actually started off slow, and the crowd wasn't really into it. Big Show had to get off his ass a few times and start YES or DANIEL BRYAN chants, which effectively got the crowd on their feet and cheering. Eventually, it picked up with some awesome moves from Bryan. By the end, the crowd was chanting THIS IS AWESOME.

Overall a great match, and it was really satisfying to see Bryan standing tall at the end of the show. I also got to see the fucking busaiku live. AWESOME. I'm guessing the show went off the air with the crowd chanting YES, definitely the loudest YES chants of the night.


Most of the people in the stadium had left after the main event, as I'm guessing lots of the kids there were up WAY passed their bed times. Good for me, as I was able to move way the fuck up to watch the dark match, probably 7 rows from the front.

Heyman sat crossed legged in the ring in reference to Punk's pipe bomb promo, and began to cut an anti-Canada promo. Punk interrupted to a huge pop, even though most of the people in the stadium had left. Obviously the people still there were the hardcores. It was a quick squash where Punk basically beat the crap out of Axel and chased Heyman up the ramp. Punk came back out and posed for the crowd to his music, and then shook hands with literally everyone in the front row. Definitely sent the crowd home happy.

All in all, I didn't think the show was that great. 3+ hours is waaaaaaaay toooooooooo fucking long... but of course, being there live pretty much negates all of that. It was a ton of fun to be back at an important wrestling show in Toronto. I had an awesome time with the Toronto crowd, even with all the little Jimmies! Hopefully it's not another 7 years til they come back for Raw. How about a PPV, Vince?


WrassleGAF if you had any guts you'd take a swing at me, but that stack of dimes you call a neck just isn't up to it is it?

We all know that stack of dimes you have for a neck can't take anything so why don't you take that stack of dimes you call a neck and get off my forum, off MY INTERNET.

Funny considering Austin's neck was about as stable as a stack of dimes. Quarters at most.
HHH just kept saying it to him lol, like he was trying to think of another insult.

Poor Edge, never drew a dime for the company despite his neck having a whole stack of them.


I blame Lita and her sexcapades in bed in the ring with Edge during their little live stunt for Edge's neck condition.

Ryback should totally interrupt someone's promo with the Goldberg theme and entrance.

For the last time Ryback isn't Goldberg. He's the Ultimate Rorrior


Do you think Edge's neck would have been okay if he bothered to lift after 2005? Like, maybe if he had some muscles built up around there, he could have done all the spears he wanted for many more years.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Do you think Edge's neck would have been okay if he bothered to lift after 2005? Like, maybe if he had some muscles built up around there, he could have done all the spears he wanted for many more years.

Well he did carry Christian for all those years...
Anyone want to do a "let's watch Raw" marathon starting with January 1997?

Just found out about www.watchwrestling.net

Watching the first episode from 1997 right now. Already better paced and more logical than today's Raws.

-show starts with a pre-taped Vader promo talking about how he's going to take down Bret Hart tonight
-King and Vince on commentary
-awesome old-school intro
-first match is Owen Hart vs. Mankind

There's one Smackdown episode from 2000 where HHH and DX bury the Radicalz real hard and it's all unedited with commercials and everything. It was just a cavalcade of nostalgia just pummeling me over the head, growing up with UPN. I need to seek out episodes of SHASTA MCNASTY.


There's one Smackdown episode from 2000 where HHH and DX bury the Radicalz real hard and it's all unedited with commercials and everything. It was just a cavalcade of nostalgia just pummeling me over the head, growing up with UPN. I need to seek out episodes of SHASTA MCNASTY.
I remember that. Where HHH beat Benoit and Taz in the same week just cause Benoit was the WCW champion a couple days before and Taz was ECW champion at the time.
I remember that. Where HHH beat Benoit and Taz in the same week just cause Benoit was the WCW champion a couple days before and Taz was ECW champion at the time.

Your timeline is off. Benoit was the WCW Champion in January 2000 and Taz won the ECW Title in April 2000.
Okay I'm going to post my impressions of last nights Raw from a live perspective. I'll do it again when Raw returns to Toronto in 2018.
Fun impressions, even a pumped up Toronto crowd don't give a damn about Del Rio either way.
I have to laugh at the death stare parents, nobody tell them about the Attitude Era.


The last time the WWE title changed hands on Raw, not counting MitB cash ins and matches for a vacant title, was in 2006. I wonder if we'll ever see the title flip on Raw again, I think it would be great in a city with a hot crowd.


That can't be right.

Didn't Mysterio and Cena win it on Raw in 2011?

There you go: http://www.wwe.com/videos/raw-rey-mysterio-vs-john-cena-wwe-championship-match-25027606

As someone already said, it was for a supposed vacant title since Punk kayfabe left the company. Though maybe you could argue the Mysterio vs. Cena match was a legit title change since WWE recognizes both of those reigns despite Punk being champion at the same time. Though lol at Cena being an ass and asking for a title shot against Mysterio who already had a match that night. Cena is a great heelface.


So not worth it
I don't think you can argue that Cena vs. Mysterio was a title match, Mysterio was the champ and he defended and lost the title.

That doesn't seem even remotely arguable.
As someone already said, it was for a supposed vacant title since Punk kayfabe left the company. Though maybe you could argue the Mysterio vs. Cena match was a legit title change since WWE recognizes both of those reigns despite Punk being champion at the same time. Though lol at Cena being an ass and asking for a title shot against Mysterio who already had a match that night. Cena is a great heelface.

I liked how he did it RIGHT AFTER Mysterio won the title, too. Like during the goddamn celebration with the champagne and everything after he beat Miz.

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