I've been "better" about the Kane stuff even before I left. It's just that whenever someone posted something Kane related, people just automatically assumed it was me. Secondly, you not liking something doesn't seem like a good enough reason for it to go away. Apparently, you weren't even awake for it. All that happened was that you woke up and saw something you didn't like, and decided to go to a mod about it, hours after it had ended. I could understand your point if you were trying to start a legitimate wrestling discussion, and I just came by and deliberately tried to fuck it up. I think it's fair to say that I've been respectful of any legitimate wrestling discussion that gets going here, and I try to get involved where I can, as well. I try to start some, as well. It's not like I complain when I'm trying to have a Kane (or divas or Sin Cara or WWE games or whatever) discussion and you post a giant indy poster (and like I've said before, I think it's great that you do so).When G-Fex quit doing the NWA was when he started to become a problem.....at least that's my opinion. He became clearly bored with it and just started having fun with the thread trying to bring it down. Also, I will admit you have been better about the Kane stuff somewhat since you came back, but when I wake up and see a full page of Kane fan art, that's a bit much, regardless of whether it was just you, or you and another poster. There is discussion and then there is spamming fan art. I'm not questioning your love for Kane, and that is cool and all, but there is a point where it's too much.....there are some creepy Kane fans out there and I have seen some examples from this thread that I could have gone without seeing.
There are certain things in this thread that get on my nerves, but just because it gets on my nerves, I don't feel I'm now justified in ruining someone else's ability to discuss what they want (especially when it is wrestling related, even if marginally so). I'll be honest, I think it's a bit fucked up that some pics were posted when you weren't even awake, weren't even trying to post, all in a 30 minute span, then woke up hours later, and took it upon yourself to be morally outraged without even talking about it first.
Just my thoughts, though. And G-Fex has the right to say whatever he wants that's wrestling related (stupid joke or not), even if he doesn't know who Harley Race is, lol.