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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So, who's your favorite luchador? Any promotion, just gotta be a LUCHA!


more money than God
Bearer isn't underrated is he? I always figured everyone loved Bearer's character and work?
I've rarely seen him get praised for his 97-98 work. It's the most convincing mic work I've EVER seen, and without him, that Kane/Taker storyline would never have worked.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Even though Psicosis will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be my favorite luchador, I highly recommend everyone check out Silver King. Not necessarily what he did in WCW, but he's really amazing in AAA.

Do owls even HAVE asses? There's nowhere to kiss!
Suck on my tail feathers!

Look at you guys always forcing me into gimmick mode, now people are going to think i'm cutting promos or something.
No, I have no idea what the O.W.L initiative is, I was not hamming it up for laughs with G-Fex under the guise of silly gimmicks...

I guess I'll take out the time now to mourn for the fallen Fex as i've yet to do so, okay done.

Back to wrasslin'


When has anyone gotten shit for trying to discuss wrestling? When?

I have multiple times for posting videos and trying to get people on topic. And then the next few pages have people making fun of me and telling me how stupid it is to post videos of wrestling matches because no one is going to watch any of that stupid shit anyway.

Which is nonsense, because who the fuck doesn't like Owen Hart, Vader, and Bobby Eaton?


Didn't even realize there was a TNA PPV tonight. Looks like a solid card, just too bad I have work, so I'll have to catch it tomorrow. =(

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Which is nonsense, because who the fuck doesn't like Owen Hart, Vader, and Bobby Eaton?

Let's not get carried away!

Bobby Eaton is the 80s equivalent of Dolph Ziggler. I like him. I'm jus' messins.


more money than God
I have multiple times for posting videos and trying to get people on topic. And then the next few pages have people making fun of me and telling me how stupid it is to post videos of wrestling matches because no one is going to watch any of that stupid shit anyway.

Which is nonsense, because who the fuck doesn't like Owen Hart, Vader, and Bobby Eaton?
WTF? I purposely remember a long discussion about Owen going on. You haven't been here long dude, but I guarantee you that no one who was "making fun of you" was being serious. None of them. You make it sound like people were bullying you, and slapped you around.

Come on, people. Now we've got folks claiming that wrestling discussion is PURPOSELY being suppressed. Get a grip.

BTW, you're lucky I like Axl.
There is a show called Wrestle Talk on Challenge at 11PM - it a news / interview show

...I shall try and watch this, and hope it is not shit,
Now that I think about it, you don't really watch wrestling anymore, either, right? I can't even remember the last time you participated in or started a real wrestling discussion.

We might have to do something about that.
I've already mentioned many times that I watch TNA primarily now, at least when I can catch it. For some reason, I'm always busy on Thursdays despite seemingly not having anything to do that day.
Suck on my tail feathers!

Look at you guys always forcing me into gimmick mode, now people are going to think i'm cutting promos or something.
No, I have no idea what the O.W.L initiative is, I was not hamming it up for laughs with G-Fex under the guise of silly gimmicks...

I guess I'll take out the time now to mourn for the fallen Fex as i've yet to do so, okay done.

Back to wrasslin'
Somewhere, Heavy is laughing at us all.
He was the biggest gimmick poster of them all!
I have multiple times for posting videos and trying to get people on topic. And then the next few pages have people making fun of me and telling me how stupid it is to post videos of wrestling matches because no one is going to watch any of that stupid shit anyway.

Which is nonsense, because who the fuck doesn't like Owen Hart, Vader, and Bobby Eaton?
I don't like Bobby Eaton, but that's mainly because he was before my time.
You watch TNA like I watch TNA, which is sporadically and not really at all.

Which means you don't watch at all.

"Sporadically?" I watch it whenever I can, but real-life stuff trumps everything else. Just because I'm not taking your side in the Kane bullshit doesn't mean you have to try and make it look like I don't watch wrestling at all.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
WWE Strike this week!

Replace your viewing of WWE Monday Night Raw with an episode of WCW Monday Nitro!

I'll be doing it! Will you?



more money than God
"Sporadically?" I watch it whenever I can, but real-life stuff trumps everything else. Just because I'm not taking your side in the Kane bullshit doesn't mean you have to try and make it look like I don't watch wrestling at all.
Wow, everyone is on edge today. I mean, damn.

Dude, I'm sure you watch TNA, and are a legitimate fan.


more money than God
Yet it is you my friend who seems closest to the edge, not everyone is blaming you for things here.
My problem was with Sandman who SPECIFICALLY called me (and Fex) out for ruining the thread, or killing discussions, or whatever. I'll admit that did piss me off, and I was upfront about that.

Otherwise, I'm cool.


Kane is too loyal to the company anyway.

When is he retiring to be a politician?
He's said that he doesn't want to be a politician. It sounds like he's getting ready for a behind the scenes job with the WWE, though. I can't wait to see him break up brawls years from now. He'll be the new Arn Anderson, lol.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Enough is enough!

Let's all please move on, for the love of god. No more!


I enjoy wrestling as a thing on TV I watch. Befitting that, I chat in GAF's wrestling thread. That's pretty much it.


So not worth it
WWE Strike this week!

Replace your viewing of WWE Monday Night Raw with an episode of WCW Monday Nitro!

I'll be doing it! Will you?


Okay guys, so I'm well excited for this monday's Raw. Can't wait for more Heyman and Punk. I want them to beat on Cena some more. Also, lets hope tomorrow is the night AJ gets fired and becomes a wrestler again.

Finally, I want a new heel stable, with Punk, Ambrose, AJ and Cesaro in it. Because that would be great. But that'll be another week or two, maybe NoC.

I like how people complain about WWE so much, when in reality it's not half so bad as they think it is. 3 hours suck, but the storylines have been entertaining and Punk is his greet douchebaggery self again. Also, Sandow is amazing. Del Rio's feud with Sheamus is finally interesting. Orton is about to put over Ziggler big time, Rey and Sin Cara have been good together and their feud with Rhodes is alot of fun. And finally, Bryan and Kane are reason enough to watch this stuff. Amazing work. And hell, even the divas are sorta having a storyline atm.

The only really bad thing I can think of is Lawler returning to commentary.



WTF? I purposely remember a long discussion about Owen going on. You haven't been here long dude, but I guarantee you that no one who was "making fun of you" was being serious. None of them. You make it sound like people were bullying you, and slapped you around.

Come on, people. Now we've got folks claiming that wrestling discussion is PURPOSELY being suppressed. Get a grip.

BTW, you're lucky I like Axl.

No, that's how you think I'm taking it. I didn't say anything about people bullying me and slapping me around. I said people made fun of me for posting all that stuff, and then the conversation would get derailed completely because of it. No one bullied me. I'm a grown (little) adult. I'm not going to be bullied on the internet. That's silly. You're the one who is taking this all so seriously like you've been personally attacked and have to defend yourself. Every other post has been from you in the past two pages. You said that more posts were about people complaining about it not being about wrestling (which my posts were that in an attempt to get things back to wrestling) than about actual wrestling. Well, I tried multiple times last month to get things onto wrestling and without fail, it would be back to how much people love or hate AJ and Kane. Without fail. Or being general creepers about Divas. If we have a dedicated thread to a particular topic and many people go out of their way to stay off topic, what's the point of even having the thread? It's either get rid of the thread or get rid of the people shitting up the thread constantly.

So here is some wrestling to make up for it all.

Rey Jr vs Psicosis BATB 96

D'Lo Brown shaking his head

Bray Wyatt's awesome coming soon promo

The Ascension into promo

Shockingly good Nash vs Rock 2002 Smackdown match

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Man, I wake up (at 5 fucking PM, what the hell) and shit's gone crazy in here. :lol Damn. I will say though, I'm glad G-Fex is getting some time to cool off. He's gone a bit overboard lately.

Just read through the last couple of pages. Y2Kev and djsandman are my new heroes.

I agree with Beef.
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