Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!You are nuts. Kane sitting on a stool, with red mood lighting, giving a nonsensical promo for 10 minutes is what you consider to be his second best era? Despite what Daniel Bryan fans will tell you, airtime ≠ success. Man, even after a nearly a solid year of SoulPlaya drilling Kane Facts® into my brain, I can't recall anything between 2000-2010 but I know enough to say that 2010 Champion run is not his second best. Give the guy some credit, he doesn't suck that bad.
I remember you shitting on his work back then, when so many people here were loving it. His promos were fantastic. Steeped in kayfabe, with years of buildup included. Like I've said before, it's easy to deliver a shoot promo like Punk when you really believe in what you're saying. When you're so deep in kayfabe, especially in a character that is so unlike you, and you can still deliver a promo this good? That takes something.