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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World

His legacy isn't that great world-wide, and I'm probably a bit biased being a huge mark for the man, but I respect the hell out of Stan Hansen - not only is he a living legend in Japan for epitomising the wild and crazy gaijin wrestler style of puroresu's heyday, but he also had a significant hand in making stars of Kobashi & Misawa, two of the greatest wrestlers of their generation, hell, of all-time. Stan was in a position to do so primarily because of how well he protected himself and his character, and because Baba respected Stan as a straight shooter and an honest businessman. Stan signed on with All Japan for a month-long tour in 1981 and worked for the promotion for 20 years without ever signing another contract, simply because of how much Baba trusted Hansen. But what I respect most about Hansen is that he took his opportunities, carved out a niche for himself in Japan, made his money and got the hell out of wrestling before it destroyed him, like it did to so many of his contemporaries. He mentions in his book how he liked going out to bars with Andre, because Andre would always insist on picking up the tab, while Stan was always saving and scrimping his money, sending it back home. Guess it worked out for him, as he hasn't once needed to return to the ring since he retired over a decade ago.

Hansen > Flair.

*edit, oh, hey Keyser, welcome back - hope your busted foot doesn't keep you on the shelf for too long.



So not worth it
Btw, the dancing thing Layla does. She needs to stop it.

If she's trying to get over by doing that, seriouly, it's not working. Stop it! She looks like a Doofus®


Sorry guys, I ended up going out to lunch. Here are the rest of the .gifs I was making. All of them are safe for work



If you guys want more i still have most of the entrances. If any of you have tips on making better quality .gifs, I'd love to hear them.

Oh and if you guys want me to add in any text, I can.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh wow, dudebro - who's the skinny bald dude supposed to be? an angry Dwayne Gill?


So not worth it
So, Bully Ray and D'Von definatly seem to be out of TNA now. Devon already left and Bully Ray is supposed to leave after October.

Think we'll see them in WWE in 2013?
"Fucklemania" is killing me

That gif of the Rock stand in is great, though.

And welcome back, Keyser. Sorry to hear about your foot, and that you can't seem to get a chance to stay off of it for a good while. I hope you can get better soon in spite of that.


Booker T On the criticism regarding his announcing ability:

"People are gonna have their opinions..the thing is, I've always said, as long as they're talking about you, that's good...Being in that commentary role, people really need to understand how hard of a job that really is. Even for me, being a professional performer and professional wrester in the ring, still didn't prepare me for the booth. But the thing was..I don't know if people ever noticed..I never called myself a commentator. I always called myself an analyst...I was just having fun, trying to bring some fun to the commentator booth..something we don't have. Even now, I watch Michael Cole struggle without me being out there, without having someone to bounce off of. So, for an overall, if I were to give myself a grade, I would give myself a C+."
So you feel leaving a legacy of trained wrestlers - in your opinion of course - is more valuable than championships?

I think history will always remember the champions more, but if you want to measure the actual value of someone's legacy then this would be it. In general I think there should be more focus on the professional wrestling lineage. I think that when you get a guy who has been trained by a well known name it adds instant credibility and can get your audience invested to see shades of [whoever].

I realize this is sort of shoot-y, but you shouldn't think your audience is stupid enough to believe these guys come into the WWE without learning how to fight first and real history is often more interesting.

He's also a home town boy to Persp ;P!

True, I'll admit that it's likely that I wouldn't value him or Bret as highly if I was born and raised somewhere else.

You know, I think Jim Ross has the best legacy. Loved by all, peers and fans, great at commentating, an institution and by far the best talent scout in the business.

This is a good pick, it blows my mind that he isn't in charge of Talent Relations when you consider the stars he's found in the past.
Booker T On the criticism regarding his announcing ability:

"People are gonna have their opinions..the thing is, I've always said, as long as they're talking about you, that's good...Being in that commentary role, people really need to understand how hard of a job that really is. Even for me, being a professional performer and professional wrester in the ring, still didn't prepare me for the booth. But the thing was..I don't know if people ever noticed..I never called myself a commentator. I always called myself an analyst...I was just having fun, trying to bring some fun to the commentator booth..something we don't have. Even now, I watch Michael Cole struggle without me being out there, without having someone to bounce off of. So, for an overall, if I were to give myself a grade, I would give myself a C+."
Well, Booker T gets some respect points.


You present a compelling argument...one I'm afraid to agree with because late WCW was actually perfect (...) but...I remember that desert segment. I had blocked it out of my brain.

What the hell were they THINKING? :|

1999 and the first few months of 2000 are ok for the insanity leading up to Russo and after Russo took over, but 2000 WCW is really bad. It went well past so bad it's good territory and into hard to watch. I went through all the Nitros and Thunders for 1999 and 2000 in the past two years or so. Very unpleasant to watch. Even if there were some fun things going on. But most of it was some of the most awful wrestling this side of dying AWA.


New Jericho interview

When will the time come for the WWE to rely on their young stars instead of the older stars?

"We are pretty much at that point now. It’s more necessity than anything. When Daniel Bryan first came in a couple of years ago, you saw the evolution of the character. He came in as like the NXT nobody, then gets fired and then comes back as a nerd and as a vegan. The vegan thing came about because Vince hates vegans. Vince would say 'how could you not eat steak?' He made vegan into a heel tendency. I always knew Daniel Bryan would get over because once again look at his career path. He had gotten over everywhere he had been. You can make jokes that he wrestled in a bingo hall or a gym, but getting over is getting over whether it’s in front of 200 people or 20,000 people. It’s the same principle.

"How do I get the crowd on my side either as a heel or a babyface? He always had that, he just figured a way to do it. That’s what all the other guys are going to have to start doing. They are already kind of making that switch. If you look at Wrestlemania this year, what’s the top three matches? You had Undertaker vs Triple H with HBK, all part timers at best. You had Cena and Rock, one workhorse who works every show, the other part timer at best. Then you had Punk and Jericho. So three of the six were on Raw the next night. Sooner or later it’s going to have to get to that point. There is still pure business at stake. What are people going to pay to see? It does take time for people to accept some of these guys as legitimate money-making main eventers that you would pay to see."
On Triple H’s legacy:

"He is a great worker. I think he is almost underrated as a worker because of all the side baggage that people have put on him. I worked with him when I first came in. He is a great worker and really helped me out. I’ll be honest with you he is doing a great job behind the scenes. It’s not an easy job. He is being thrown in all the way. Vince is making him do everything. He is in charge of all the meetings, he is in charge of all the side projects, and I think what people forget is the 'Attitude Era' was a lifetime ago.

"When I started being Y2J again, a lot of people didn’t know who that was. That was ten years ago. There are a lot of new fans and kids watching and girls, and new people just starting to watch 3 or 4 years ago, so they don’t know the legacy of Triple H. The 'You tapped out' chants at Summerslam was not what they wanted, but his legacy to me is one of the best workers that was in the company and he is going to be the guy to take the company to the next level in the next 10, 20 years."
-damn right!
On his feud with Dolph Ziggler:

"Originally I was supposed to feud with Sheamus, and then it was Daniel Bryan. Then the day of Raw, they said I was doing something with Dolph. I was like 'what happened to Daniel Bryan and Sheamus?' They said it changed and I was fine with it. I’ve been doing this long enough that I roll with the punches. I couldn’t wait to work with Dolph but I needed a story. What’s the story? They said 'we will think of one later.' I said 'I don’t like that'. I need to think of one now since I have a promo tonight with Dolph. We cant think about this next week. That’s when I came up with the concept of everyone was bitching that Jericho never won a match on PPV. I don’t think of things that way. I win if the match is great. I win if people enjoy the match. Winning and losing, who cares? It doesn’t matter.

"As a heel especially, you can win one out of ten matches and you’re fine. Once I came back from suspension, the tide had already shifted. The heel was gone. People wanted to cheer for Jericho. When that finally happens, you just got to go with it. I thought it would be real interesting to go with the 'you can’t win the big one' scenario. But sometimes the writers will write 'this old broken down guy who is on the last legs of his career.' I’m like 'wait a second, broken down? I’m in the best shape of my life, never been hurt, I’ve never missed a match and it’s not like I lost EVERY match. I beat Sheamus on TV, I beat Punk on TV and I beat Kofi a million times. I wanted to focus on the storyline of 'he can’t win the big one.' It gave us a great place to go. You always have to have a good storyline. Without a storyline, it’s just two guys in their underwear rolling around half naked."

there is more...


So not worth it

Derrick Bateman USA Guy should be on Raw and I'm saying that as someone who was never into Ryder being on Raw. Bateman is a super likable personality and I think NXT: Redemption is going to be a weird wrestling cult classic a decade from now, but I'd say he deserves a spot on the roster.

Bateman is funny and these vids amazing.

HOWEVER, WWE will forever hate guys that get over on their own. But hey.

These vids sorta remind me of Barney Stinson's Video Resume.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
1999 and the first few months of 2000 are ok for the insanity leading up to Russo and after Russo took over, but 2000 WCW is really bad. It went well past so bad it's good territory and into hard to watch. I went through all the Nitros and Thunders for 1999 and 2000 in the past two years or so. Very unpleasant to watch. Even if there were some fun things going on. But most of it was some of the most awful wrestling this side of dying AWA.

There were some bright spots though. Vampiro was being positioned to be a top guy in the company, and he really, really impressed me with consistency.
It's funny hearing Jericho opine HHH's career because he was one of the only people in the company that didn't go to HHH and Steph's wedding. Kane, Rob Van Dam, and Kurt Angle didn't go either. Dirtsheets were going wild with that one.
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