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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


No! He stole the man's pink shirt! Terrible human being!


I kind of wonder if it has anything to do with the breast cancer thing they're doing. Sandow wasn't wearing his bright pink trunks either. It seemed like anyone known for wearing pink had to change colors.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I think it's a company thing not a Cena thing. Some guys wear pink to get heat, and since pink is symbolic of breast cancer support they didn't want it associated with heels who use the color to get people to hate them more.

That's what I was getting at earlier. It could've been a coincidence but who knows.


The black Ziggler shirt was actually the first version that was available to buy, the pink one came out later. They also used Ziggler in an anti cancer spot on RAW, so heels can be associated with the cause.
Sandow also dropping pink is curious though, so it may still be a company mandate, which I wouldn't get because they use heels for Be A Star all the time.

My speculation about the Ziggler shirt is that they just want to clear stock of the black version because a new shirt is on the horizon.
Watched another shitty deathmatch tournament for reasons unknown - this time it was the IWA East Coast 'Masters of Pain 2012' from July. Some real dumb stuff in this one, not least the match stipulations, such as the 'Black Hawk Down Match' (spinning light-tubes on boards) and 'Not So Friendly Skies Match' (mechanical crane at ringside). The 'highlight', if you can call it that, is Matt Tremont being a fucking idiot repeatedly, taking some huge bumps, sick chairshots and bleeding buckets (at one point Masada slices the back of Tremont's knee with a broken light-tube, and like a fucking scalpel it just opens up his flesh). Masada bumped all of 3 times in the whole tournament, none of them huge, while seriously fucking up Spidar Boodrown in their opening round match. Danny Havoc's back looked like a pin-cushion after his match with Tremont, his flesh getting ensnared badly by the barbedwire. Mad Man Pondo & Viper just cut the hell out of each other's foreheads with scissors and light-tubes, which was pretty disgusting. Overall, for a shit-tier US deathmatch tournament, this wasn't too bad. Havoc vs Mathis & Tremont vs Moore in the opening round were good matches, and I enjoyed the glass semi-final and the final. Tremont's an idiot, but he puts the work in to put on a good show. Here's a couple of gifs;



This stuff really makes me wonder:
- at what point in a person's life did they decide they'd have to wrestle
- at what point in a person's life did they realise they weren't any good at wrestling so would have to become a deathmatch guy
- Are things really that bad for them?

I saw the Mondo documentary years ago just after he retired, think I'll have to watch it again as I'm sure it has the answers. Seem to remember him living in this run down shack with his girlfriend.
anyone think chikara should have a ranking system for the grand championship. Kingston is booked against random people. there is no story or reason behind the match. part of what made the 12 large tounry great was all the hype leading up to the finals
We lost another Wrasslegaffer: Holy Wars. Vox-Pop also posted in here.

Today is going to be an odd day, I can feel it in my bones.

He was being a fucking douche in the trans thread, not surprised by this at all.

anyone think cjikara should have a ranking system for the grand championship. Kingston is booked against random people. there is no story or reason behind the match. part of what made the 12 large tounry great was all the hype leading up to the finals

It is really surprising that they don't, especially considering the level of specificity around challenges to the Campeonatos de Perejas
I would have thought people who had been on GAF a while would know that unless you have a genuine interest in a topic/thread, it's best just to stay clear and not look at it/post in it at all.


I'm also excited that he may finally be in a good feud.

Lolz. You think Miz vs Ryback is going to produce good feud or matches? Miz who is...not good, and certainly not known for his bumping ability against the most one dimensional guy on the roster who only looks good because he has much smaller guys bumping around like crazy for him. You have a guy who, despite 8 years or so, is still green as fuck. Why would you put him with someone like MIZ to help teach him how to work a little bit? Miz, somehow even after main eventing Wrestlemania, still wrestles like a rookie. He regularly looks outright embarrassing in the ring. This is going to lead to some terrible matches.

Having Ryback have his first decently lengthed matches with Miz is asking for trouble. Miz is definitely going to get something broken or smashed. Ryback will probably end up breaking something, possibly in the same move. They should at least put him with a guy who can bump around and make him look good.


Lolz. You think Miz vs Ryback is going to produce good feud or matches? Miz who is...not good, and certainly not known for his bumping ability against the most one dimensional guy on the roster who only looks good because he has much smaller guys bumping around like crazy for him. You have a guy who, despite 8 years or so, is still green as fuck. Why would you put him with someone like MIZ to help teach him how to work a little bit? Miz, somehow even after main eventing Wrestlemania, still wrestles like a rookie. He regularly looks outright embarrassing in the ring. This is going to lead to some terrible matches.

Having Ryback have his first decently lengthed matches with Miz is asking for trouble. Miz is definitely going to get something broken or smashed. Ryback will probably end up breaking something, possibly in the same move. They should at least put him with a guy who can bump around and make him look good.

Yes but this also involves The Ryback destroying The Miz.

It'll be awful wrestling and yet I'll enjoy it.


By the way, thank you JBL.

We got more good commentary from you in the last two days than we've gotten from WWE TV in the last year and a half.


Lolz. You think Miz vs Ryback is going to produce good feud or matches? Miz who is...not good, and certainly not known for his bumping ability against the most one dimensional guy on the roster who only looks good because he has much smaller guys bumping around like crazy for him. You have a guy who, despite 8 years or so, is still green as fuck. Why would you put him with someone like MIZ to help teach him how to work a little bit? Miz, somehow even after main eventing Wrestlemania, still wrestles like a rookie. He regularly looks outright embarrassing in the ring. This is going to lead to some terrible matches.

Having Ryback have his first decently lengthed matches with Miz is asking for trouble. Miz is definitely going to get something broken or smashed. Ryback will probably end up breaking something, possibly in the same move. They should at least put him with a guy who can bump around and make him look good.

woah all I meant was that I'm tired of squash matches... and those two matches he had with Swagger. He could've faced ANYONE and I would've said "I'm finally glad Ryback is in a good feud". It may not produce anything great, or help him at all, but at least it'll be something interesting for him.


woah all I meant was that I'm tired of squash matches... and those two matches he had with Swagger. He could've faced ANYONE and I would've said "I'm finally glad Ryback is in a good feud". It may not produce anything great, or help him at all, but at least it'll be something interesting for him.

He should feud with Hunico and Camacho for a few months.
anyone think chikara should have a ranking system for the grand championship. Kingston is booked against random people. there is no story or reason behind the match. part of what made the 12 large tounry great was all the hype leading up to the finals

I think Kingston was supposed to have long programs with Brodie Lee and Sara Del Ray but they both signed with the E. At least it seemed that way with how both were being built up. I think Kingston is now doing a storyline were he runs through everyone in CHIKARA and then some outsider comes in to beat him. A ranking system would be cool, or a wrestler has to have three wins in a row to challenge for the belt like the tag titles could work. Honestly at this point I think it's all about building the prestige of the title until someone comes along who makes sense to build a title program around.
woah all I meant was that I'm tired of squash matches... and those two matches he had with Swagger. He could've faced ANYONE and I would've said "I'm finally glad Ryback is in a good feud". It may not produce anything great, or help him at all, but at least it'll be something interesting for him.

His feud with Jinder was all right for a week, but then they just let Jinder look like a chump for no good reason.


No. He sucks. I've seen the NXT stuff that people were raving about. He's not good. He's awkward, moves like an old man, and the title match with Seth Rollins was good despite him. He's just so...boring. He's a black hole of anything interesting. He does some pretty good mean faces, I guess.


Tyson is way better than the other guys. Both in talent and ability to be interesting. He's just given no chance to be anything besides smiling jobber babyface. His original run on ECW was pretty good.
No. He sucks. I've seen the NXT stuff that people were raving about. He's not good. He's awkward, moves like an old man, and the title match with Seth Rollins was good despite him. He's just so...boring. He's a black hole of anything interesting. He does some pretty good mean faces, I guess.

He just straight up shouldn't be a heel, because that gimmick is boring as fuck. His matches have been a ton better now that he's doing less big man power moves and more tiger knees, but I'll grant you that his moveset for most of his SmackDown! career does not compliment him and made him look bad.

I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that Tyler fucking Black could carry someone to a good match by himself, but whatever.

Jinder Mahal is decent in the ring. So is Ted DiBiase. So is JTG. So is Tyson Kidd.

They're just not interesting.

Ted Dibiase is by far the worst on this list, Tyson could be good but they don't seem to be giving up the spot intended for Evan Bourne just yet. I think JTG could have been something, but he's dwindling in irrelevance worse than Curt Hawkins.


I don't think Tyler Black can carry someone to a good match on his own. I think the match was laid out well and called well. Tyler Black was much better in his role than Jinder was in his.
Whatever, I'll just say that when I have seen Jinder live and in person he has been awesome. I have seen shades of his talent on television but he has been very poorly utilized in his WWE career, which has done him a major disservice.
Really though, this isn't a hill I'm willing to die for.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not sure I'll even watch Raw on replay, that's how bad it sounds. Bleughhh.

Whatever, I'll just say that when I have seen Jinder live and in person he has been awesome. I have seen shades of his talent on television but he has been very poorly utilized in his WWE career, which has done him a major disservice.
Really though, this isn't a hill I'm willing to die for.

I think he's pretty cool too. We'll sit at the bottom of the hill together.


The 9/17 edition of Raw drew an average audience of 4,051,667, which is down from last week.

Hour 1 : 4,111,000
Hour 2 : 4,119,000
Hour 3 : 3,925,000

Note: This is the second time that hour #3 has dropped below 4 million viewers. The last time was labor day when hour 3 dropped to 3,907,000.


more money than God
The 9/17 edition of Raw drew an average audience of 4,051,667, which is down from last week.

Hour 1 : 4,111,000
Hour 2 : 4,119,000
Hour 3 : 3,925,000

Note: This is the second time that hour #3 has dropped below 4 million viewers. The last time was labor day when hour 3 dropped to 3,907,000.
Team Friendship will get blamed for this, but I blame Kofi.


So not worth it
This is their lowest average viewership since they went three hours. A good Monday Night Football game really hurts them.

Just means less live viewers and more dvr viewers. Doubt there's that much difference revenue wise at the end of the day.
The 9/17 edition of Raw drew an average audience of 4,051,667, which is down from last week.

Hour 1 : 4,111,000
Hour 2 : 4,119,000
Hour 3 : 3,925,000

Note: This is the second time that hour #3 has dropped below 4 million viewers. The last time was labor day when hour 3 dropped to 3,907,000.

Bring in Goldberg to take Ryback to a new level.
Bring in Sting to hide in the rafters for months.
Bring in Tony Schivone to call all the action.

Put Ziggler and CM Punk in a feud that ends with Ziggler beating punk at the RR with Ric Flair in his corner.
Have the Rock or SCSA run in and cost Punk the match. Give Sheamus his walking papers fellah.

Put all meaningless belts on Sin Cara, and make him the Tag Champ as well. Fallout blah blah blah

Put him over Rey at WM.

Get AJ out of the GM role.

Pay someone good money with real talent and respect to be the GM. Or scrap the GM all together.

Ratings will be 7.25 every week.
Perspicacity said:

And now I'm pissed.

Thanks for the heads up man - I luckily had paused reading it after page 3 to check the thread.

non KOT spoiler Osaka Pro/FIST is amazing

When ISN'T Osaka Pro vs F.I.S.T. amazing? Love those guys - Chucky T & Icarus are perfect foils for Osaka Pro's comedy shtick, and this year's match was no exception. Also, Kikutaro is just so. damn. good. The man is hilarious in everything he does.
bean breath is going to write a pm about you now. What a geek!
But my PM's are opinion pieces, JESUS!
Is there something wrong with B/W?
I personally don't like it and wanted to force my own views on everyone else and make the entire thread cater to my tastes. Turns out, it's a lot harder then I thought. I'll have to take better notes when Jaekwon15, Jdfox187, and Frankman threaten to snitch.


And now I'm pissed.
Or I can just let Brandon Stroud do all the work for me.

And now I'm pissed.

Seriously though that sucks considering how well people here managed to dodge spoilers.

I personally don't like it and wanted to force my own views on everyone else and make the entire thread cater to my tastes. Turns out, it's a lot harder then I thought. I'll have to take better notes when Jaekwon15, Jdfox187, and Frankman threaten to snitch.
You need some of that RESPECT, maybe then you can become an agent of change.
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