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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World


And now I'm pissed.
To be fair, it's not really a spoiler anymore since the event has already ended. But a lot of people in here haven't watched it yet, I'm guessing? Shit sucks though, I know that feel for real.
Bring in Goldberg to take Ryback to a new level.
Bring in Sting to hide in the rafters for months.
Bring in Tony Schivone to call all the action.

Oh boy, more WCW. :|
To be fair, it's not really a spoiler anymore since the event has already ended. But a lot of people in here haven't watched it yet, I'm guessing? Shit sucks though, I know that feel for real.

Unless you were at the event you've had under 24 hours to watch 9 hours of footage.

It'd be like if I put up an Avengers review the day after Dark Knight Rises came out which mentioned the ending of DKR.
Brandon Stroud said:
I’m also really upset that Daniel Bryan dropped his veganism...
Work the Vegan lifestyle into the column: CHECK

(Also, HA HA F you Brandon!)

Brandon Stroud said:
Fun fact: I am 99% sure that Destiny once dated Jared from Subway. He looked exactly like that and ate Subway every day.
Name drop my girlfriend in the column: CHECK!

(Seriously, for fuck's sake...)

Now I just need to find 'genuine shock at RAW not being politically correct' to complete the Best & Worst trifecta for the week.


The good times.
Currently watching The Swarm vs. Manami Toyota, Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw from night one of KOT.
Quack and Soilder Ant had an amazing mat based sequence to start the match
The three previous first round matches have all been good to great. Really hope we have a big group watching this weekend. Buy KOT at www.smvod.com
Anyone else tired of bean breath always talking about Brandon Stroud? I know you like the guy, but you don't need to post everything he says and does in here bean. Might make some people want to go to the mods.


Currently watching The Swarm vs. Manami Toyota, Mike Quackenbush & Jigsaw from night one of KOT.
Quack and Soilder Ant had an amazing mat based sequence to start the match
The three previous first round matches have all been good to great. Really hope we have a big group watching this weekend. Buy KOT at www.smvod.com

Use this:



Wish only the best for John and sorry we will miss your appearance in Topeka, KS. Got tickets just to see you, but again it's not meant to be.

LOL this person thinks Cena won't be there.

Fuck these people.

These are fans that are not fans of wrestling, or the WWE in general. They're just fans of John Cena and John Cena alone. I guaran-damn-tee viewership will go down because of John Cena not being there for an extended period of time, and that will be the WWE's fault, because they should have started building relevant guys YEARS ago.



Plenty of people watch wrestling for one specific person. I'm not sure that deserves a fuck you. Tons of people in the 90s watched just to see Austin or Goldberg and didn't care about anyone else on the shows. It's not their fault if no one else interests them. That doesn't mean they are lesser fans or something. Weird.


Plenty of people watch wrestling for one specific person. I'm not sure that deserves a fuck you. Tons of people in the 90s watched just to see Austin or Goldberg and didn't care about anyone else on the shows. It's not their fault if no one else interests them. That doesn't mean they are lesser fans or something. Weird.

The reason why it upsets me is because these aren't fans of the actual product, just the wrestler. These are fans that will demand a refund if Cena is not on the show. God forbid if Cena is not the main event, beause they will leave after his match is over, since WWE has built their entire company around him and as a result their audience is conditioned to think Cena is the only guy who really matters.

I used to watch RAW/Nitro for Austin/Goldberg in the 90s but the show to memory, was great because everyone who was upper-midcard could be pushed up when a main event guy left the picture due to retirement/injury/release, and it wouldn't feel like their push came out of nowhere. I mean, up until recently this trend is slowly changing where everybody's got a bit of a storyline developing but overall you generally want to keep these fans as a part of the product for years to come, and the only way you do that is by building other guys up to that level of a Cena. That hasn't happened for several years.

In my case, since I was primarily a WWF guy, Austin was a goldmine of entertainment, but when he'd get hurt and miss significant time it's not like I suddenly stopped watching, and why was that? It's simple. WWE had kept a lot of guys as upper-midcard talent that could easily get pushed to main event status and the audience wouldn't just stop watching. Austin got hurt and then that opened the door for a lot of upper-midcard guys to take that main-eventer spot and when he came back, there were more main-eventers than when he left to feud with.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
You know, I just wanna send a giant fuck you to all the cellphone footage the WWE uses on their HD broadcasted show.


The reason why it upsets me is because these aren't fans of the actual product, just the wrestler. These are fans that will demand a refund if Cena is not on the show. God forbid if Cena is not the main event, beause they will leave after his match is over, since WWE has built their entire company around him and as a result their audience is conditioned to think Cena is the only guy who really matters.

I used to watch RAW/Nitro for Austin/Goldberg in the 90s but the show to memory, was great because everyone who was upper-midcard could be pushed up when a main event guy left the picture due to retirement/injury/release, and it wouldn't feel like their push came out of nowhere. I mean, up until recently this trend is slowly changing where everybody's got a bit of a storyline developing but overall you generally want to keep these fans as a part of the product for years to come, and the only way you do that is by building other guys up to that level of a Cena. That hasn't happened for several years.

In my case, since I was primarily a WWF guy, Austin was a goldmine of entertainment, but when he'd get hurt and miss significant time it's not like I suddenly stopped watching, and why was that? It's simple. WWE had kept a lot of guys as upper-midcard talent that could easily get pushed to main event status and the audience wouldn't just stop watching. Austin got hurt and then that opened the door for a lot of upper-midcard guys to take that main-eventer spot and when he came back, there were more main-eventers than when he left to feud with.

So you should be mad at WWE, not at people who aren't as into wrestling as you. It sounds to me that you (a hardcore fan) feel that people who only watch for one wrestler (the casual fans) dictate what gets produced on the show as a whole. I get that, but your resentment should be directed at WWE for running their business the way they have over the past 10 years to get to that point. The booking has shown them over and over that John Cena is the most important person regardless of anything else going on on the shows.

But I don't think there really is a "casual" fan of pro wrestling. There are hardcore fans for sure, but either you are a fan or you aren't. People don't watch pro wrestling on TV because nothing else is on. It's not like a 4 hour block of Everybody Love's Raymond that you have on just because. And the irony of it all is the "casual" fans are the ones who are more likely to actually buy tickets and merchandise.

I guess I just don't understand why your anger is directed at those people instead of the WWE creative machine.


Ring of Honor's Glory By Honor XI is taking shape, and it looks like more than a B show this time.

ROH World Title Match
Kevin Steen (Or whoever is champion at the time) defends against "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin

ROH World Tag Team Championship
Jimmy Jacobs & Steve Corino defend against The Briscoes

ROH World TV Championship
Adam Cole defends against "Die Hard" Eddie Edwards

Grudge Match
"No Fear" Mike Mondo vs "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett w/ Maria Kanellis

ROH Stars Signed to Appear:
- Jay Lethal
- Rhett Titus
- “The Outlaw” Charlie Haas

Seriously, this is shaping up to be an awesome card. If they can keep the iPPV problems away this time (which I hope they can, it's their last chance from me) it should prove to be a good show.


So you should be mad at WWE, not at people who aren't as into wrestling as you. It sounds to me that you (a hardcore fan) feel that people who only watch for one wrestler (the casual fans) dictate what gets produced on the show as a whole. I get that, but your resentment should be directed at WWE for running their business the way they have over the past 10 years to get to that point. The booking has shown them over and over that John Cena is the most important person regardless of anything else going on on the shows.

But I don't think there really is a "casual" fan of pro wrestling. There are hardcore fans for sure, but either you are a fan or you aren't. People don't watch pro wrestling on TV because nothing else is on. It's not like a 4 hour block of Everybody Love's Raymond that you have on just because. And the irony of it all is the "casual" fans are the ones who are more likely to actually buy tickets and merchandise.

I guess I just don't understand why your anger is directed at those people instead of the WWE creative machine.

Valid point, and it's exactly what my problem is, the fact that "casuals" are the people who somehow influence the direction of the product in a negative way under the idea that it would "appeal to the masses" but it's proven across a ton of mediums that it never works since those "casual fans" will move on to the next big thing eventually. Meanwhile, we'll still be here. Making one guy the sole focus of your entire product is a recipe for disaster and gives those casuals room to make long term decisions when they are really only invested in the product for the short term. WWF never did it with Hogan, WCW never did it with their guys, and TNA doesn't do that.

You know what turned me into a hardcore wrestling fan? It was really the technical skill, but the entertainment factor played a huge role. If you give guys good storylines that don't break wrestling conventions, the product improves. If you give guys logical progression in their angles, and consequences for their actions (honestly there's no consequence for faces losing if your name is John Cena or Sheamus), the product improves. If you give everybody something to do, the product improves.

You're right though, I should be mad at Creative/WWE and not the "Universe".


more money than God
I honestly don't get it. Ryback has done nothing interesting. Him throwing couches was about as entertaining as watching paint grow.
I don't get it, either.

And are we really debating what makes a real wrestling fan now? You watch wrestling, then you're a wrestling fan. It's guys in tights fake fighting, so stop with the nonsense elitism.
I honestly don't get it. Ryback has done nothing interesting. Him throwing couches was about as entertaining as watching paint grow.

It's because he's done what so many other jobbers have failed to do: he's a big deal now. It's not even about him being on a winning streak being the reason I like him, it's the fact that he came back from being the yokel that said "YUPYUPYUPWUTITDEW" to being completely over with the crowd. His expressions and catchphrases are icing on the cake.

How many jobbers besides the Hardys and Mick Foley can make that claim?


Valid point, and it's exactly what my problem is, the fact that "casuals" are the people who somehow influence the direction of the product in a negative way under the idea that it would "appeal to the masses" but it's proven across a ton of mediums that it never works since those "casual fans" will move on to the next big thing eventually. Meanwhile, we'll still be here. Making one guy the sole focus of your entire product is a recipe for disaster and gives those casuals room to make long term decisions when they are really only invested in the product for the short term. WWF never did it with Hogan, WCW never did it with their guys, and TNA doesn't do that.

You know what turned me into a hardcore wrestling fan? It was really the technical skill, but the entertainment factor played a huge role. If you give guys good storylines that don't break wrestling conventions, the product improves. If you give guys logical progression in their angles, and consequences for their actions (honestly there's no consequence for faces losing if your name is John Cena or Sheamus), the product improves. If you give everybody something to do, the product improves.

You're right though, I should be mad at Creative/WWE and not the "Universe".

The reason they dictate it is because they are the ones that go to shows whenever they are in town, buy merch while they are there, buy toys for their Little Jimmy, etc etc. The core base isn't going anywhere, but they also don't go to shows, don't buy stupid shirts, and often find ways to watch their PPV shows for free. It makes a lot of sense to me that they cater to the "casual" fans, even though I don't think they do nearly as much as internet fans make them out to.

Also, I'm not sure there are any consequences for anyone losing anymore. That's not a Cena/Sheamus thing at all. How many times in a row has ADR lost in title matches over the past year and a half? And how many title shots doesn't he keep getting even though he loses every time and usually doesn't even beat anyone in between PPVs? D-Brine won probably 2 matches the entire time from MITB until winning the title. Didn't seem to matter. Dolph loses EVERY god damn match, doesn't matter. He hasn't lost his heat, he still gets matches with top guys over and over. Guys loses matches and get title shots seemingly at random, so I don't think wins and losses really matter to anyone right now. Cena is obviously the biggest and worst offender, but it happens with even lower card guys.


The good times.[/QUOTE]

[quote="Perspicacity, post: 42285715"]Anyone else tired of bean breath always talking about Brandon Stroud? I know you like the guy, but you don't need to post everything he says and does in here bean. Might make some people want to go to the mods.[/QUOTE]
Hey, easy there fella, move your mouse cursor away from the send button.

Message received. I'm just going to mention the man once more in this post, in regards to your post, and then we're both just going to slowly back away from our keyboards.

I made a few posts last week and two this week, really only jokingly in response to Professor Beef, but hey- it bothers you and I'm going to agree to stop. If your post was meant in regards to making Bowser feel bad for posting the link, that certainly wasn't my intention and I apologize to you, Bowser.

Yes my comments about Stroud are petty and stupid (honestly, I'm a little embarrassed about them now, if I knew I was going to get called out I would have put a little more effort into that post) but really, the majority of negative posts in this thread are as well. I'd direct you to last night's portion of this thread during Kofi Kingston's match as proof. I don't know what the difference is, Kofi makes more money than Brandon so it's ok? Yes, I made negative comments about Stroud's column about Raw in a wrestling thread. It's not off-topic, so what's the issue? That they were personal attacks? I'm only using info he himself divulges in his wrestling column, which really is the crux of my problem with it. I used to like it then he turned it into his personal blog and now I'm disappointed.

Whatever, I agree it's stupid on my part and I won't do it any more.


Threatening mod action? For real? I'm choosing to believe that you only mentioned mods because you care so deeply about the well being of my account; that you couldn't do without the joy I bring to the thread and the smiles I put on Wrasslegaffers faces. Because I'd hate to think that my Best & Worst posts upset you so much that not only would you want me to not make anymore related posts but not be able to post at all, period.

It's a little ridiculous, so much so that it's become a running joke in this thread. I hope that all the people I've mockingly threatened with mod action here know that I was only joking. I can't think of anything that would lead me to pm a mod. Someone making fun of pro wrestling and its fans maybe? Well not really, when Plywood made his MMA OP, I just turned myself into an annoying little shit. Sorry Plywood.

Why is it only in this thread that we threaten each other with mod action? I don't even think Apple and Android fans are as hostile towards eachother. I guess because mods don't come here but still.

[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbuQLNItFxk"]YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BE MY FRIENDS[/URL]

At any rate, thanks for telling me first and not pm-ing a mod.

Not gonna lie, I would love to read the contents of that PM and see the look on the mod's face that reads it, lol.


more money than God

Hey, easy there fella, move your mouse cursor away from the send button.

Message received. I'm just going to mention the man once more in this post, in regards to your post, and then we're both just going to slowly back away from our keyboards.

I made a few posts last week and two this week, really only jokingly in response to Professor Beef, but hey- it bothers you and I'm going to agree to stop. If your post was meant in regards to making Bowser feel bad for posting the link, that certainly wasn't my intention and I apologize to you, Bowser.

Yes my comments about Stroud are petty and stupid (honestly, I'm a little embarrassed about them now, if I knew I was going to get called out I would have put a little more effort into that post) but really, the majority of negative posts in this thread are as well. I'd direct you to last night's portion of this thread during Kofi Kingston's match as proof. I don't know what the difference is, Kofi makes more money than Brandon so it's ok? Yes, I made negative comments about Stroud's column about Raw in a wrestling thread. It's not off-topic, so what's the issue? That they were personal attacks? I'm only using info he himself divulges in his wrestling column, which really is the crux of my problem with it. I used to like it then he turned it into his personal blog and now I'm disappointed.

Whatever, I agree it's stupid on my part and I won't do it any more.


Threatening mod action? For real? I'm choosing to believe that you only mentioned mods because you care so deeply about the well being of my account; that you couldn't do without the joy I bring to the thread and the smiles I put on Wrasslegaffers faces. Because I'd hate to think that my Best & Worst posts upset you so much that not only would you want me to not make anymore related posts but not be able to post at all, period.

It's a little ridiculous, so much so that it's become a running joke in this thread. I hope that all the people I've mockingly threatened with mod action here know that I was only joking. I can't think of anything that would lead me to pm a mod. Someone making fun of pro wrestling and its fans maybe? Well not really, when Plywood made his MMA OP, I just turned myself into an annoying little shit. Sorry Plywood.

Why is it only in this thread that we threaten each other with mod action? I don't even think Apple and Android fans are has hostile towards eachother. I guess because mods don't come here but still.


At any rate, thanks for telling me first and not pm-ing a mod.

Not gonna lie, I would love to read the contents of that PM and see the look on the mod's face that reads it, lol.
I think Persp's being sarcastic.

Wait, are you being sarcastic too?

Either way, where's my damn apology Sandman?!?!

In protest, here's a Kane pic.

I think Persp's being sarcastic.

Wait, are you being sarcastic too?

Either way, where's my damn apology Sandman?!?!

In protest, here's a Kane pic.


I can't even tell anymore. I've been so deep in this mod bs since last year that I don't even know which way is up.

Maybe it's not such a good idea for me to jokingly threaten you guys with mod action, lol.


more money than God
I can't even tell anymore. I've been so deep in this mod bs since last year that I don't even know which way is up.

Maybe it's not such a good idea for me to jokingly threaten you guys with mod action, lol.
Maybe this whole thing is a joke? Maybe Fex got banned as a joke too?

I'm worked up now, so here's a Kane/Sonic pic I found.

It's because he's done what so many other jobbers have failed to do: he's a big deal now. It's not even about him being on a winning streak being the reason I like him, it's the fact that he came back from being the yokel that said "YUPYUPYUPWUTITDEW" to being completely over with the crowd. His expressions and catchphrases are icing on the cake.

How many jobbers besides the Hardys and Mick Foley can make that claim?

I still don't get it. He's strong, but that's about it. None of his moves look good like Brock's did, or have the speed that Goldberg's did, he's not a freak athlete, he isn't interesting to watch, etc. etc. I've seen a million Rybacks in pro entertainment. THE FACT THAT DWAYNE'S IN THE MAIN EVENT AT WRESTLEMANIA AND I'M NOT HE'S CATCHING ON MAKES ME SICK!

His RVD-esque attire is cool, I guess, BUT THAT'S ALL I'M GIVIN' YA.
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