Hey, easy there fella, move your mouse cursor away from the send button.
Message received. I'm just going to mention the man once more in this post, in regards to your post, and then we're both just going to slowly back away from our keyboards.
I made a few posts last week and two this week, really only jokingly in response to Professor Beef, but hey- it bothers you and I'm going to agree to stop. If your post was meant in regards to making Bowser feel bad for posting the link, that certainly wasn't my intention and I apologize to you, Bowser.
Yes my comments about Stroud are petty and stupid (honestly, I'm a little embarrassed about them now, if I knew I was going to get called out I would have put a little more effort into that post) but really, the majority of negative posts in this thread are as well. I'd direct you to last night's portion of this thread during Kofi Kingston's match as proof. I don't know what the difference is, Kofi makes more money than Brandon so it's ok? Yes, I made negative comments about Stroud's column about Raw in a wrestling thread. It's not off-topic, so what's the issue? That they were personal attacks? I'm only using info he himself divulges in his wrestling column, which really is the crux of my problem with it. I used to like it then he turned it into his personal blog and now I'm disappointed.
Whatever, I agree it's stupid on my part and I won't do it any more.
Threatening mod action? For real? I'm choosing to believe that you only mentioned mods because you care so deeply about the well being of my account; that you couldn't do without the joy I bring to the thread and the smiles I put on Wrasslegaffers faces. Because I'd hate to think that my Best & Worst posts upset you so much that not only would you want me to not make anymore related posts but not be able to post at all, period.
It's a little ridiculous, so much so that it's become a running joke in this thread. I hope that all the people I've mockingly threatened with mod action here know that I was only joking. I can't think of anything that would lead me to pm a mod. Someone making fun of pro wrestling and its fans maybe? Well not really, when Plywood made his MMA OP, I just turned myself into an annoying little shit. Sorry Plywood.
Why is it only in this thread that we threaten each other with mod action? I don't even think Apple and Android fans are has hostile towards eachother. I guess because mods don't come here but still.
At any rate, thanks for telling me first and not pm-ing a mod.
Not gonna lie, I would love to read the contents of that PM and see the look on the mod's face that reads it, lol.