Surely, it would be Bronson Bros? Bronsonies?
I call them the Bronson Buddies
The Meltz and I are bffs. Exclusive scoop #1: Bronson is a mark ass mark.
Surely, it would be Bronson Bros? Bronsonies?
The Meltz and I are bffs. Exclusive scoop #1: Bronson is a mark ass mark.
I want a job with WWE in HR so bad.
#safeIs Marvel-GAF also Marvel Movies GAF?
#deadgiveawayNah, it's Comic-GAF I update with my random reading of old Marvel comics, there's a separate MCU-GAF though.
oh wait, what happened with Wade and Cody
oh wait, what happened with Wade and Cody
If it wasn't for Becky who I am unreasonably biased towards Alicia Fox is my fav current Diva purely by looks.
I think she also has the most potential in the ring and as a character out of all the non NXT girls. Even more than Nikki!
No lie, I fucking had that Hogan buddy
I beat the shit out of it. Chucked him out of moving cars, into trees, etc.
I even invented the Snowplow on him!
I want a job with WWE in HR so bad.
Who would actually want to work for the WWE on a corporate level :/ :/?
Dealing with all of those suits, hearing bitching and moaning from every wrestler, and trying to market a "fan favorite". It would be like the 7th layer of hell.
No lie, I fucking had that Hogan buddy
I beat the shit out of it. Chucked him out of moving cars, into trees, etc.
I even invented the Snowplow on him!
BronsonLee just told us all how he would violate his wrestling man doll
HR would be a good gimmick, perhaps they could debut it coming off this Dolph/Summer angle
I don't think a HR gimmick would be very different from a lawyer gimmick
Shane Douglas could have pulled off a HR gimmick.
So do they pull Tamina from team B.A.D.?
Better than Nattie? I don't know. Alicia matches always seem super sloppy.
Who would actually want to work for the WWE on a corporate level :/ :/?
Dealing with all of those suits, hearing bitching and moaning from every wrestler, and trying to market a "fan favorite". It would be like the 7th layer of hell.
Not one mention of Layla El, the queen of queens, on these lists.
The stuff with Becky last night wasn't the worst.
And I always forget about Nattie. Like the WWE as well it seems.
You bet your ass he would.
Not one mention of Layla El, the queen of queens, on these lists.
Could it be that Nattie is at home with her husband who almost died and had extremely serious neck surgery with a 5% survival rate or something, and that's more important than dumb shit wrestling?
I think even before that she wasn't exactly in any good storylines or title chases.
Crazy Insane Amish Dude... I can get behind this.I think Bryan should be cleared and have a crazy Bob Backlund gimmick. Talkin' about Shamans, his garden all the while dressed like this
Could it be that Nattie is at home with her husband who almost died and had extremely serious neck surgery with a 5% survival rate or something, and that's more important than dumb shit wrestling?
Not one mention of Layla El, the queen of queens, on these lists.
That seems like something Hogan would say.A Douglas and Layla fan. You're truly one of the good ones RP9.