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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


VKM: Hunter, that bug man I bumped into before how tall is he

HHH: You mean Adam... I mean Braun Stroman? He is 6'8"

VKM: Have him fed to Rock's cousin. We need him strong if Rock's cousin is to beat everyone on the roster at mania.
I'm on board if it makes people think Dolph is a rapist in real life and his career in entertainment is ruined forever.

Summer snuck into Dolph's locker room knowing he was showering in there, he's the victim.

Guess I shouldn't have expected someone who's username literally means "fast pussy" to understand consent.
Summer snuck into Dolph's locker room knowing he was showering in there, he's the victim.

Guess I shouldn't have expected someone who's username literally means "fast pussy" to understand consent.

Trusting juniors is a big mistake

Even if they no longer a junior, they still a junior in heart


Wait are you saying that Rusev and Ziggler need to end up together?

I don't know if I would trust the WWE writers with that sort of story.

Cody should try and go to Japan.

I'm torn. I'm sure he can still keep aspects of Stardust to pay tribute to his daddeh, but at the same time, he is as directionless as he was without the paint. He also has just a generic, boring look that doesn't do much to keep him separated from other guys in a casual fan's eyes. And I'm sure Stardust has sold more merch than Cody Rhodes ever has.


Honestly when you talk about creative failures Cody is a great example. The dude knows wrestling , great worker, and can commit to a character.

Goldust was Vince's idea as a rib against Dusty and I honestly think sabotaging his son but Dustin fucking ran with it and made it his own. That character really was the beginning of the attitude era.

Cody needs someone to tell him what he has to be and try and push that to new extremes.

Willow and Goldust are perfect examples where talent shouldn't be completely in charge of their character.

The New Day should be studied by everyone on how to get over with the crowd and management. They took what was organically an outdated idea from Vince with little writing and support and spun it into something that was fantastic.

Look at how they introduced New Day. They fucking did nothing but clap and they lost on their Raw debut to the ascension. It wasn't until they turned Heel and had fantastic matches with Cesaro and Tyson Kidd did they break out.


I liked the promo Stardust once did and Goldust was standing there dumbfounded and goes "I'm the normal one?!".
Cody honestly just needs a push. He has the tools. He's been given shit like Dashing Cody Rhodes and even turned a broken nose into a solid gimmick, even when Ted DeBiase was tossed with him he did his best to carry that dead weight.

He's no slouch in the ring, and he has been pretty alright on the mic. I feel like it's on him to realize he deserves a push, not because of his father's passing, but because he's earned one. At the very least, it couldn't hurt to have him flirt with the main event scene and see how he stacks up.

For as long as he's been with the company, he hasn't really interacted with a lot of the bigger guys or had any career defining feuds. He's definitely an oddity in terms of ability and circumstances.


Cody honestly just needs a push. He has the tools. He's been given shit like Dashing Cody Rhodes and even turned a broken nose into a solid gimmick, even when Ted DeBiase was tossed with him he did his best to carry that dead weight.

He's no slouch in the ring, and he has been pretty alright on the mic. I feel like it's on him to realize he deserves a push, not because of his father's passing, but because he's earned one. At the very least, it couldn't hurt to have him flirt with the main event scene and see how he stacks up.

For as long as he's been with the company, he hasn't really interacted with a lot of the bigger guys or had any career defining feuds. He's definitely an oddity in terms of ability and circumstances.

Does he really? After so many crazy repackages I honestly believe that guys are better off being like CJ Parker where they see where they are placed and they take a risk to try and change themselves.

Justin Gabriel was an amazing talent who they had dressed up in a bunny suit. He said fuck that shit and went to GFW. Sure with JJ he might not get paid next week but at least he is able to shine more. How many of the WWE top guys could do that and get over again?

I mean look at what Goldust did. He did this after getting on such bad terms with his father. Had he been fired from WWF he probably would have been lucky if small indies picked him up. He went out on a limb and took ricks and while I'm sure it was all approved by Vince I bet you that Dustin could have said no at any time.


Xavier did that with his New Day matches. I wouldn't believe that somebody wrote him to banter like that.
Honestly when you talk about creative failures Cody is a great example. The dude knows wrestling , great worker, and can commit to a character.

Goldust was Vince's idea as a rib against Dusty and I honestly think sabotaging his son but Dustin fucking ran with it and made it his own. That character really was the beginning of the attitude era.

Cody needs someone to tell him what he has to be and try and push that to new extremes.

Willow and Goldust are perfect examples where talent shouldn't be completely in charge of their character.

The New Day should be studied by everyone on how to get over with the crowd and management. They took what was organically an outdated idea from Vince with little writing and support and spun it into something that was fantastic.

Look at how they introduced New Day. They fucking did nothing but clap and they lost on their Raw debut to the ascension. It wasn't until they turned Heel and had fantastic matches with Cesaro and Tyson Kidd did they break out.

It's pretty silly to say that Goldust was an attempt to sabotage Dustin's career as some kind of pay back to Dusty. Goldust got a TON of TV time and hype, was near the top the cards almost instantly, and stayed there until his drug and weight issues cropped up. The Natural Dustin Rhodes would have been DOA in WWE. Goldust was the greatest thing to happen to Dustin's career and it was not only because he embraced the role so well, but because Vince was willing to keep rewarding him for it and using the character as a barometer on the content of his entire company.


Justin Gabriel as an "amazing" talent is a bit of a stretch

Would you rather take a paycheck for 6 months dressed up as a bunny or become the champ of a new promotion?

Cody is at that spot right now. The Stardust thing isn't nearly as over as he thinks it is. Did anyone really miss him in the last raw? Did anyone even notice he wasn't on the last raw?
Would you rather take a paycheck for 6 months dressed up as a bunny or become the champ of a new promotion?

Cody is at that spot right now. The Stardust thing isn't nearly as over as he thinks it is. Did anyone really miss him in the last raw? Did anyone even notice he wasn't on the last raw?

This is the markiest question of all time.


This is the markiest question of all time.

Serious question there.

Which one would keep you employed longer? Which one brings you more income?

Maybe PJ Black can be something in GFW, maybe somebody from Japan or HHH gives him another shot seeing him change himself but blending into the walls of the WWE locker room is just going to get you paid the bare minimum or get you fired when somebody else takes your spot.
Not to make it personal, Fox, but I really think Cesaro fits that as well. He's worse off for the fact that he's flirted with main event status more than anyone in recent memory, with nothing coming from and he's 34. Is he going to be remembered along with the Razors and the Mr. Perfects who were great talents that never got the big one..?
also, I think it's kinda neat that Stang will be winning the WWE title at Night of Champions. One of the few things they kept from WCW. That's poetry, friends.


Steady, healthy income vs bounced checks and paying for your own medical issues. BUT YOU GET TO BE CHAMPION!!!


With the talent in NXT and what little they care about Smackdown, Main Event, and Superstars what guarantees you a spot?

Outside of Bo, Barrett, Ryder, and Mark Henry nobody jobs on TV.

Its only people in feuds.


Not to make it personal, Fox, but I really think Cesaro fits that as well. He's worse off for the fact that he's flirted with main event status more than anyone in recent memory, with nothing coming from and he's 34. Is he going to be remembered along with the Razors and the Mr. Perfects who were great talents that never got the big one..?

But those people were at least remembered.

What would somebody remember of Cody Rhodes? The 32 gimmicks he had? His mania match with Orton? His failed attempts at feuding with his brother?
Serious question there.

Which one would keep you employed longer? Which one brings you more income?

Maybe PJ Black can be something in GFW, maybe somebody from Japan or HHH gives him another shot seeing him change himself but blending into the walls of the WWE locker room is just going to get you paid the bare minimum or get you fired when somebody else takes your spot.

Anyone would would leave the biggest promotion in the world to be a champion of an upstart company with no TV, no PPV, running for a couple hundred fans in minor league baseball stadiums is a mark to the highest degree. If Gabriel was so awesome and amazing, he'd have been picked up by a real promotion already. At absolute best, he's on TNA TV for another 4 weeks and then what? NJPW wasn't interested. ROH isn't interested. PWG isn't interested. Nowhere but local indies, which is essentially what GWF is.

How would anyone get more exposure as champion of something like GWF than being a WWE talent? TNA has been around for 13 years and people don't know who the fuck anyone that works there is. The handful of real talents went on to bigger places, but ask a random person who AJ Styles is and they're going to have no clue.


Not to make it personal, Fox, but I really think Cesaro fits that as well. He's worse off for the fact that he's flirted with main event status more than anyone in recent memory, with nothing coming from and he's 34. Is he going to be remembered along with the Razors and the Mr. Perfects who were great talents that never got the big one..?
Sure. Well maybe. Needs some 1 on 1 main events first.
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