GFW's canceling shows now. Is its end near as well?
I still don't know what GFW is exactly, and you're saying it's almost dead already?
GFW's canceling shows now. Is its end near as well?
Sasha Banks is the total package of what WWE needs right now for the Divas division. She's like the Bella twins, but can actually wrestle and talk while not sounding like a 14 year old. She's also the only one getting decent reactions from the crowd.
And she has a celebrity connection on top of all of that. I'm surprised Vince hasn't strapped a fucking rocket to her.
Charlotte is kind of struggling with charisma and psychology, but she's not bad at all. I would rank her
1. Sasha
2. Bayley
3. Becky
4. Alicia
5. Charlotte
6. Alexa
7. Naomi
8. Paige
She can have a great match with anyone ranked higher than her.
Are any parts of raw worth watching? I watched the first 15 mins and it seems like a boring episode so far. :/
Instead, what I saw was an announcement that the next shows were in October, with not even a mention of the Texas dates on the site......the Texas dates have been canceled under mysterious reasons
To get my money back, though, I am expected to drive 1 hour round trip (assuming there is absolutely no traffic) to the South side of town & go to the Missions ballpark box office....the event itself was not even scheduled in this location, but rather a different ballpark located much more conveniently to my home.
He already has. She's been makin' cunts tap.
New Day, pal. They make it gold.
Ahh ok, they seem like the only thing worth watching at the mo...and the odd cesaro match.
I miss the US open challenge![]()
Does Alicia do anything other than a good Northern lights suplex? I see people rank her highly but I don't know why.
I miss the US open challenge![]()
I'll take a look once I get some time, it sounds pretty interesting. Very curious!
Does Alicia do anything other than a good Northern lights suplex? I see people rank her highly but I don't know why.
Cool man, I'll try to follow this thread and find your impressions later... This topic moves fast though, goddamn guys!
Maybe you could pm or something let me know haha. I'll pass on to my friend.
Does Alicia do anything other than a good Northern lights suplex? I see people rank her highly but I don't know why.
What about Mad Max pushes it over the edge for you guys. To me it looks like another Warner/Ubi open world game.
Not really in the mood for one of those
What about Mad Max pushes it over the edge for you guys. To me it looks like another Warner/Ubi open world game.
Not really in the mood for one of those
I'm sure this has been answered, but does WWE have their own security team or is it up to the arena to provide that?
And she has a celebrity connection on top of all of that. I'm surprised Vince hasn't strapped a fucking rocket to her.
Btw, that Paige/Sasha match last night was totally solid, and did a good job of setting up Paige turning on Charlotte out of jealousy, perhaps even during the title match next week. Then have Paige fight Nikki at Night of Champions, and either have her win or have Charlotte screw her tit for tat. Then you have a Charlotte/Paige blood feud, either over the title or over the number one contendership.
When's Sara Lee debuting on NXT?
It's another warner/ubi open world game. The formula is solid and fits the universe. That shit is focus tested to hell and it works, goddammit. Not everything needs to be imaginative and new for me - sometimes iterating on a design, and everything clicking is good enough to make a fantastic game I love to play.
When's Sara Lee debuting on NXT?
This and the comments of you saying PewDiePie is 'likable' makes you a weird, fascinating dude, Sunny.
I sat my ass down with my buddy's kid, she's 13 and loves the dude. She mentioned him and I was like "ok. You need to show me THREE of his videos you like, because whenever I see him all he does is scream about rape and make noises" and she showed me 3 really entertaining videos that were nothing like that. Then we watched 5. Then 10. I'm on board. He's an entertaining dude and SUPER likable. You'll find zero hate for that dude from me.
Couldn't finish Raw this week. Just, nothing interesting happened.
I sat my ass down with my buddy's kid, she's 13 and loves the dude. She mentioned him and I was like "ok. You need to show me THREE of his videos you like, because whenever I see him all he does is scream about rape and make noises" and she showed me 3 really entertaining videos that were nothing like that. Then we watched 5. Then 10. I'm on board. He's an entertaining dude and SUPER likable. You'll find zero hate for that dude from me. reports that WWE Divas Paige and Alicia Fox were ejected from Baltimores Supanos Prime Steakhouse on Sunday evening after a brawl broke out between the Divas and a regular patron.
A waiter at Supanos told TMZ that the Divas were grabbing a drink late Sunday night when a regular customer came in and began harassing them by taking pictures and videos. Paige and Alicia reportedly confronted her before all hell broke lose and drinks were thrown by both sides.
Employees jumped in and stopped the fight and they were all forced to leave the venue.\
Probably posted already, but chav's gonna chav.
This is totally off topic but I just wanted to bring it up because I know Sunny absolute loves this person. I was watching the newest Movie Fights episode on Screen Junkies and they had Max Landis on as one of the panelists. Jesus fucking Christ this guy comes across as the walking definition of an entitled millennial.
He did pitch a much better sounding Batman/Superman movie than Dawn of Justice though
I do hope he actually becomes a guest on a Best of the Worst, that should make for an entertaining website.
OK show me these three pal.
Probably posted already, but chav's gonna chav.
This is totally off topic but I just wanted to bring it up because I know Sunny absolute loves this person. I was watching the newest Movie Fights episode on Screen Junkies and they had Max Landis on as one of the panelists. Jesus fucking Christ this guy comes across as the walking definition of an entitled millennial.
He did pitch a much better sounding Batman/Superman movie than Dawn of Justice though
Life Is Strange is still on course to be my GOTY. Replayed episodes 2-4 over the past few weeks to make some changes to my decisions and think I actually made the right choice in standing up for David this time in Ep.3
You have a conversation with him the next morning and he actually comes across as genuinely caring about you, Chloe and the other students.
As I was siding against Chloe this time, I did let her have the bribe-money this time around to balance things out.