Apple went full Carny. announced a stylus and a surface tablet
Apple went full Carny. announced a stylus and a surface tablet
Why do you keep saying shave their heads? I never said they had to be bald, ever. I said they all have the same extremely long hair, even when most of the women's actual hair is way shorter.
Apple went full Carny. announced a stylus and a surface tablet
"Weird haircuts", "if Sheamus can have a mohawk...". You shave the sides of your head for a mohawk. Is it possible that the women actually choose their own hair styles and enjoy them? It is possible that they don't want weird haircuts because they don't want to look stupid when not wrestling?
Is it full blown iOS?
Or it's PRO because it's BIG.
It was an example of an unusual haircut, that they would never want on their Divas. Not a demand that each one of them shave their head this moment.
It rumor that Sting will win making him the oldest rr winner.So any early rumors on RR winner . I haven't been following Wrasslin at all.
Boots trying to get Kana preemptively fired
Social media in wrestling is real retarded now, it's like fans idolize people that are really just people
Vampiro had a way better look than Sting. He actually looked like a crack head who got in fights under bridges where as Sting just looked like a bodybuilder in a shitty Halloween costume. And Vampiro actually had the mannerisms down as opposed to Crow Sting that is either 'stand still and do nothing' or 'be surfer sting but dress in black and white' His makeup looked ghoulish like he just smeared it on as opposed to Sting where it was like 'why is this dude who is supposed to be some zombie wrestler having this intricately designed face paint that looks like they spent 30 minutes painting in and made sure no kind of dirt or sweat touched it'. Sting's facepaint always COMPLETELY fell apart during matches too, where as Vampiro's never did even when it faded.
I don't think you guys understand what's going on here
the pen
it costs
ninety-nine dollar (United State Dollar)
What Apple is overpricing something!
In a way you're both being patronizing shitheads.
Ithil for assuming that the women are forced into a standard and tacos for suggesting that deviations from that standard "look stupid".
Vampiro's look screamed midcarder.
Vamp could have been big if his in ring stuff was even half as good as his look.
It was weird listening to him on Austin's podcast because everything he said, I was agreeing with but I was also like 'Ok... Why didn't you do any of that?' He wasn't that sloppy, but he always had the worst choices in moves and when he used them. For a guy who seems to know what psychology and pacing was, he seemed to have a real issue actually DOING it. And it's not like he got better when he returned to Mexico. He's so awkward and slow in his CMLL and AAA matches and the 6 mans should be somewhere where a guy his size should shine.
'Heath Ledger vs Cesar Romero vs Sting - Who rocked 'The Joker' look better?'
I don't think you guys understand what's going on here
the pen
it costs
ninety-nine dollar (United State Dollar)
C'mon, I'm sure they know about her gravure stuff - and it's not much worse than the divas shit they used to produce before the product was PG. I'm not in the same league as that guy trying to ruin Jasmin for stupid shit she said as a stupid 16 year old!
You're goin down, Boots
That Jasmin shit is full jackass there. Screw the Internet
WrassleGAF...bringing STANG back to mainstream GAF in 2015.
We da best
#IndiePosterThursday under no circumstances should ever leave the hallowed halls of WrassleGaf
It's over, Bronson. She's done. Cooked. Finished.
Nobody gives a shit tho
Just like Vince Carter!
I think your threadmaking should not leave the hallowed halls of WrassleGaf for a little while for the greater good.
Just saying...