you're missing vs. Sting
That's the point :/.
I want to forget about that match and the silly feud between both parties.
you're missing vs. Sting
That's the point :/.
I want to forget about that match and the silly feud between both parties.
Max Landis's favorite wrestler absolutely would be a guy who thinks he's way better than he actually was
Max Landis's favorite wrestler absolutely would be a guy who thinks he's way better than he actually was
i liked the Trips vs Batista series
"Who was the better Crow? The guy who played the Crow or a wrestler?"
Someone should have stopped you, Seph.
he got destroyed by RLM but still accepted their invitation to do a BoTW! he seems like a cool guy when he's not a drama queen
Kane can't pick up Big Show
HHH is an all time great. So is Cena. I don't even know how either could be argued at this point.
You're just jealous that I grabbed the #BrassRing and beat you to the punch with that thread
Thats the most irritating/frustrating part about him. When he's not being a grating millennial stereotype he seems like he's a decent dude.
¡HarlequinPanic!;178140872 said:HHH got a well earned mythos to him. The only true stain on his career imo is the DX revival.
Thing is wrestling isn't in a vacuum. The reign of terror was god awful yes, but put in the context of how it built up to such a head of who was finally going to topple it and it's great storytelling.
he bought us all pizza and while waiting in line, he brought me water/gatorade
he is legit to me.
¡HarlequinPanic!;178140872 said:HHH got a well earned mythos to him. The only true stain on his career imo is the DX revival.
Thing is wrestling isn't in a vacuum. The reign of terror was god awful yes, but put in the context of how it built up to such a head of who was finally going to topple it and it's great storytelling.
HHH is an all time great. So is Cena. I don't even know how either could be argued at this point.
This isnt?
But the angle of who toppled him never went anywhere. No one got the rub. Benoit existed merely to give the title to Orton. I don't remember a thing from his reign past winning the title. And Goldberg was already a big deal coming in so the idea of him beating Triple H(after he had already lost to him the month prior) didn't do anything for his character
Bought off with pizza and Gatorade. I thought you had integrity.
But the angle of who toppled him never went anywhere. No one got the rub. Benoit existed merely to give the title to Orton. I don't remember a thing from his reign past winning the title. And Goldberg was already a big deal coming in so the idea of him beating Triple H(after he had already lost to him the month prior) didn't do anything for his character
But the angle of who toppled him never went anywhere. No one got the rub. Benoit existed merely to give the title to Orton. I don't remember a thing from his reign past winning the title. And Goldberg was already a big deal coming in so the idea of him beating Triple H(after he had already lost to him the month prior) didn't do anything for his character
Bingo. The HHH Reign of Terror would have been a little more fondly remembered if it actually ended with someone beating HHH and being made because of it. Benoit ending up being a glorified transitional champ hurt that whole rub.
Bingo. The HHH Reign of Terror would have been a little more fondly remembered if it actually ended with someone beating HHH and being made because of it. Benoit ending up being a glorified transitional champ hurt that whole rub.
¡HarlequinPanic!;178142099 said:that's because benoit is boring as a champion.
just like how cm punk was boring as a champion for most of his lengthy reign. except because he was a face no one cared about who was eventually going to end it and they had to turn him heel.
fighting face champions are boring, I think bret's the only one that gave it a good look and that's only because he had the ring smarts to elevate chumps and make them look close to his level.
Also after HHH dropped the belt he was fighting with Eugene that summerslam #payingitfoward
great? maybe for wrestling...
As much of a Bret Hart mark I am, there's one other guy who I think was a good fighting face champ.
Punished Show (a Fallen Giant).
And that's enough most of the time.
I don't know how many storylines have surpassed the medium.
Vince and Austin maybe? And even then it's super basic.
And that's ok. It's all about the characters and the ride.
very true
as inconsistent as the D-Bry/Authority angle was, the final payoff at Mania was more joyous and exciting than any of the Marvel movies have ever been for me. I only pick Marvel because that's THE hot property, but you get it.
That's like comparing a bagel to a UN meeting
The Authority angle living on after WM30 still pisses me off. There's no reason that should have continued on after WM30 wrapped.
The Authority angle living on after WM30 still pisses me off. There's no reason that should have continued on after WM30 wrapped.
And the next season..the hero was dead! This is some Games of Thrones shit!
I have never seen the show. I know nothing except everybody you care about dies
There are people who can watch 200+ hours of WWE product in a year and don't watch the 10 we get of Game of Thrones?
Whose return would generate the loudest crowd reaction?
26% Goldberg
34% Jeff Hardy
15% Shane McMahon
1% Matt Hardy
17% Kurt Angle
2% Batista
2% Scott Steiner
3% Someone else (Tell us your pick in the comments below)
Matt Hardy....
Whose return would generate the loudest crowd reaction?
26% Goldberg
34% Jeff Hardy
15% Shane McMahon
1% Matt Hardy
17% Kurt Angle
2% Batista
2% Scott Steiner
3% Someone else (Tell us your pick in the comments below)
Matt Hardy....