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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line


Many more at the link, and he calls it "the greatest trash can throw of all time" - judge for yourselves:


Only Austin can have a trash can spin like a helicopter.
I think now they are just holding things as they are while TNA attempts to negotiate

For reference this is the first time anything new has been added to their site since news of the cancellation. For months, from October on it's just been 1 house show and 2016 UK stuff listed.
Balor should turn Samoa Joe into some kind of epic mount. And then Joe drops him like Batista dropped Orton to complete Joe's turn.

Friends, these soft rock versions of WWE entrance themes are perfect for the PG Power of Positivity era.


Bringing in the end of summer, here's the first of my Fall Brawl reviews.

Opening promo calls this PPV “a continuous bombardment of excitement". Well fuck me, I better strap in.

Tony Schiavone & Bobby Heenan are commentating. They talk about The Giant running over Hogan's motorcycle with a monster truck.

United States Champion #1 contender match
Flyin Brian Pillman vs Johnny B Badd (Marc Mero)
Michael Buffer does the introductions.
A pretty slow and choreographed catch-as-catch-can start. Pillman is in the midst of changing over to his loose canon gimmick. Johnny B Badd shines here, incredibly smooth and consistent in the ring. He pulls off a beautiful sunset flip from the top ropes as well as a great top rope Frakensteiner. They go 30 minutes. Lots of changes in pace and various high spots. Odd ending with Badd pinning Pillman after a cross-body collision. Weird to see a half hour work rate showcase match start a PPV. Would have been a lot better in a different slot.
3.75/5 stars.

Cobra vs Sgt Craig Pitbull Pittman
Cobra's entrance theme is in Morse Code. Amazing.
Pittman repels down from the top of the arena on a rope like a commando. Someone from Pittman's platoon distracts Cobra in the ring. Pittman sneaks up behind Cobra and chokes him with a belt of bullets. For some reason the ref decides this is the signal to start the match. After a minute, Pittman makes Cobra tap with the Code Red, a cross arm bar. What.
0.25/5 stars

They play an amazing montage of Paul Orndorff absolutely losing his shit in his dressing room by himself. Yelling and thrashing around, lost in the meaning of his own existence. Gary Spivey of the Psychic Companions Network enters the room. Orndorff can't fucking believe it. "GARY SPIVEY??" Spivey tells him his future. Tells him he needs to be Mr. Wonderful again. Orndorff says "I AM Mr. Wonderful" in the mirror.
5 stars for this masterpiece. Bravo.

World Television Championship
Diamond Dallas Page w/ Diamond Doll and Max Muscle Vs (C) The Renegade, w/Jimmy Hart

This is the first time I've ever seen The Renegade. He appears to be a direct rip off of Ultimate Warrior, even down to his entrance music and sprinting to the ring. DDP's pink diamond get-up is pretty amazing. The Renegade can actually work a match. so he has that on Warrior at least.
DDP's presence is fantastic. He sells like a boss for Renegade. Mr. Muscles outside the ring on the hard camera looks disgusting in his bike shorts. Surprisingly acceptable match. Max Muscle interferes, DDP hits a Diamond Cutter for the win and title.
2.5/5 stars

World Tag Team Championships
Harlem Heat w/ Sister Sherri Vs
(C) Bunkhouse Buck & Dirty Dick Slater w/ Colonel Robert Parker
Black guys from Harlem Vs Southern good ol' country boys. Stevie Ray no-sells the shit out of them. Booker must feel bad and sells hard when he's tagged in. Heel isolation tactics by Buck & Slater as Stevie acts like a total dumb ass in the corner. Crowd boos intermittently, but only get excited when Colonel Parker and Sherri get into the second ring together and make out. Out of fucking nowhere the Nasty Boys run in and hit Slater in the head with his own boot. Harlem Heat get the pin and the tag titles. What.
1/5 stars.

Arn Anderson Vs Ric Flair
Tony Schiavone "This is not the cocky and arrogant Ric Flair", whilst Ric Flair is on camera spinning around in a feathered robe with fireworks going off behind him.
Lots of wrestlers in the seats to sell the importance of this showdown. Heenan compares it to Dallas vs The 49ers. Flair immediately starts bumping the very moment Arn hits him. Anderson goes to the mat and works Flair's arm relentlessly, great ring psychology. Ric comes back with a cheeky mix of chops and dodges, he even hits a top rope double axe handle to the outside. Very kicky punchy match, lots of fighting on the outside. It's back and forth the entire way through. There's a well done figure-four spot. Brian Pillman gets up on the ring apron and starts yelling at Flair and then kicks him in the head. Arn catches Flair in the ring and hits the DDT. Arn gets the pin for the victory. This gets lots of heat from the crowd, lots of boos. Looks like a heel turn.
3.5/5 stars. Great display of old school dubya cee dubya wrasslin'.

Hilarious Kevin Sullivan promo for the upcoming War Games match. I think the same person that did the Mr. Wonderful masterpiece did this.

War Games
Hulkamaniacs (Sting, Luger, Macho, Hogan) w/Jimmy Hart
Dungeon of Doom (Meng, Zodiac, Kamala, Shark AKA John Tenta) w/Kevin Sullivan

In a prematch promo, Sting is absolute coked out of his god damn mind. They all look hilarious.
Michael Buffer is back for introductions.
Crowd seems pretty hype for this. Sting and Shark are the first ones in the cage. Tenta appears to have tattooed a shark on his left bicep, overtop of the tiger he used to have on there...living the gimmick I guess. Zodiac in. Savage in. Kamala in. Shark is the only one really doing occasional wrestling moves. Luger in…big pop. Luger accidentally clotheslines Macho in the back, Macho gets upset and they start pulling each other's hair like two girls. Meng takes advantage and just lays out all 3 of them. Kamala takes a breather in the corner while this is all happening. Meng is the only one delivering a believable beat down. Hogan comes in as the final man. He immediately throws talcum powder in the faces of Meng, Kamala, and Zodiac, then bites Zodiac in the face. What a fucking cunt. Hogan puts Zodiac in a camel clutch, Zodiac submits. Hulkamaniacs win.
1.5/5 stars

As a stipulation, Sullivan has to face Hogan on his own after the match is over. Sullivan tries to book it to the back. The ref and security drag him back. Hogan mauls him around the cage. The Giant comes out and into the cage going after Hogan. Giant chokes him, grabs his head and..snaps his neck? Luger, Macho, and Sting make their way back out and chase Giant out of the cage. Commentators say he'll be heading to the hospital. Heenan laughs his ass off. Credits.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good review, Mahonay. I remember that Pillman/Badd match really well - it was a great match, but its placement was just..what?!

The vignettes were the best part. Arn vs Flair could have been a real blood feud but they didn't give it time to be.


I remember really liking Arn vs Flair

Hell even the Wargames match had a big feel to it. With the heels always having an edge and with Hogan being the last man in.


Good review, Mahonay. I remember that Pillman/Badd match really well - it was a great match, but its placement was just..what?!

The vignettes were the best part. Arn vs Flair could have been a real blood feud but they didn't give it time to be.
Yeah an Arn/Flair feud seemed to have a ton of potential if they ran with it.

I remember really liking Arn vs Flair

Hell even the Wargames match had a big feel to it. With the heels always having an edge and with Hogan being the last man in.
Even if the Wargames match was ass, it definitely had a big match feel. Bad wrestling match, but it was fun to watch as a spectacle.
An update to that other up-and-coming NXT diva who had racist tweets.

NoDQ.com said:
WWE issued the following statement today regarding controversial social media posts from the account of WWE developmental talent Nhooph Al-Areebi:

"WWE conducted a thorough investigation and has determined that Nhooph Al-Areebi’s (aka Jasmin) Twitter account was used without her knowledge when she was 16 and 17 years old. Jasmin remains apologetic for any offensive remarks that were made."


little things like everyone having the same camo uniform was great

Why don't they do that for survivor series?

If everyone is on a team they should come out like one and wait on the ramp for everyone.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
¡HarlequinPanic!;178282259 said:
think legitshook.com might have some good gifs of the orndorff montage? think I remember seeing that~

Let's find out!

LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO at the flyer for Fall Brawl




Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
It's funny/sad that Ryback is the only guy out of this group who has any real relevance left. Cena's shovel is strong. Cena's shovel is mighty.

I re-subbed to Hulu w/o ads and put on the first NXT episode. Everyone looks like such babies, it's CRAZY. Heath Slater especially, he really grew and filled out a lot. And Bryan seems so strange. It's good to look back.

Michael Tarver deserved better.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
This weeks review a wai is must listen. Can't wait to watch this episode of raw

Got it queued up for the drive home.

And hey, this weekend I am supposed to see Zach and Scott Steiner! It should be exciting!
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