Bam Bam should've done much more.
Fuck the Kliq.
what are you talking about?
Seth always has a line about the local sports team
That is lasting heel heat.
I do find it funny that Lance Storm hates Russo because Russo is the only person who pushed Lance Storm. There was a time when Lance had a heavyweight title shot and it almost seemed plausible thath e might win it.
And I don't know why he did because Lance was fucking boredom incarnate.
And he sold out, lest we forget.
Who are you going to believe though, the Insane Clown Posse or every picture of Buff Bagwell EVER?
More like SubparBrawl VII.1983
Starrcade '83: A Flair for the Gold - B
Starrcade '84: The Million Dollar Challenge - C
WrestleMania - B-
The Wrestling Classic - D+
Starrcade '85: The Gathering - C
WrestleMania 2 - C+
The Big Event - C-
Starrcade '86: The Sky Walkers - C+
WrestleMania III - B-
Starrcade '87: Chi-Town Heat - C+
Survivor Series '87 - C-
Bunkhouse Stampede '88 - C-
Royal Rumble '88 - C-
Clash of the Champions I - B+
WrestleMania IV - C
Clash of the Champions II - C+
The Great American Bash '88 - B
SummerSlam '88 - D
Clash of the Champions III - C-
Survivor Series '88 - D
Clash of the Champions IV - C+
Starrcade '88: True Gritt - B
Royal Rumble '89 - F
Clash of the Champions V - C-
Clash of the Champions VI - B
WrestleMania V - B-
WrestleWar '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VII - C+
The Great American Bash '89 - B+
SummerSlam '89 - C
Clash of the Champions VIII - B-
Halloween Havoc '89 - C+
Clash of the Champions IX - B
Survivor Series '89 - D+
Starrcade '89: Future Shock - C+
Royal Rumble '90 - D+
Clash of the Champions X - B-
WrestleWar '90 - C
WrestleMania VI - B
Capital Combat: The Return of Robocop - B-
Clash of the Champions XI - C
The Great American Bash '90 - B-
SummerSlam '90 - D
Clash of the Champions XII - D
Halloween Havoc '90 - C-
Clash of the Champions XIII - D
Survivor Series '90 - D+
Starrcade '90: Collision Course - B-
Royal Rumble '91 - D+
Clash of the Champions XIV - B-
WrestleWar '91 - C+
WrestleMania VII - D+
SuperBrawl - C-
Clash of the Champions XV - B-
The Great American Bash '91 - F
SummerSlam '91 - C-
Clash of the Champions XVI - C
Halloween Havoc '91 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVII - B-
Survivor Series '91 - D
This Tuesday in Texas - C
Starrcade '91: Battlebowl - C-
Royal Rumble '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XVIII - B
SuperBrawl II - B+
WrestleMania VIII - B-
WrestleWar '92 - B-
Beach Blast '92 - B+
Clash of the Champions XIX - B
The Great American Bash '92 - C+
SummerSlam '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XX - B+
Halloween Havoc '92 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXI - C+
Survivor Series '92 - C-
Starrcade '92 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXII - B
Royal Rumble '93 - C
SuperBrawl III - B-
WrestleMania IX - C-
Slamboree '93 - D+
King of the Ring '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXIII - B-
Beach Blast '93 - B-
Clash of the Champions XXIV - C+
SummerSlam '93 - D
Fall Brawl '93 - C-
Halloween Havoc '93 - C+
Clash of the Champions XXV - C-
BattleBowl - D
Survivor Series '93 - F
Starrcade '93 - C
Royal Rumble '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVI - B-
SuperBrawl IV - B-
WrestleMania X - B-
Spring Stampede '94 - B
Slamboree '94 - C
King of the Ring '94 - D
Clash of the Champions XXVII - C
Bash at the Beach '94 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXVIII - C+
SummerSlam '94 - C-
Fall Brawl '94 - C-
Halloween Havoc '94 - D+
Clash of the Champions XXIX - D
Survivor Series '94 - F
Starrcade '94 - D
Royal Rumble '95 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXX - D+
SuperBrawl V - D+
Uncensored '95 - F
WrestleMania XI - D+
In Your House 1 - C-
Slamboree '95 - C-
The Great American Bash '95 - D
King of the Ring '95 - F
Bash at the Beach '95 - F
In Your House 2: The Lumberjacks - C
Clash of the Champions XXXI - C
SummerSlam '95 - C+
Fall Brawl '95 - D+
In Your House 3: Triple Header - C+
In Your House 4: Great White North - D+
Halloween Havoc '95 - F
Survivor Series '95 - C+
World War 3 '95 - C
In Your House 5: Seasons Beatings - C-
Starrcade '95 - B-
Royal Rumble '96 - C-
Clash of the Champions XXXII - C
SuperBrawl VI - D+
In Your House 6: Rage in the Cage - C-
Uncensored '96 - D
WrestleMania XII - B-
In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies - C-
Slamboree '96 - C
In Your House 8: Beware of Dog - B-
The Great American Bash '96 - B
King of the Ring '96 - B-
Bash at the Beach '96 - B
In Your House 9: International Incident - C-
Hog Wild - C
Clash of the Champions XXXIII - C+
SummerSlam '96 - D+
Fall Brawl '96 - B
In Your House 10: Mind Games - C
In Your House 11: Buried Alive - C+
Halloween Havoc '96 - C+
Survivor Series '96 - B-
World War 3 '96 - B-
In Your House 12: It's Time - C
Starrcade '96 - B-
Royal Rumble '97 - D+
Clash of the Champions XXXIV - C
Souled Out '97 - F
In Your House 13: Final Four - C+
SuperBrawl VII - C-
WrestleMania 13 - C
Barely Legal '97 - C-
In Your House 14: Revenge of the Taker - C-
In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell - C
King of the Ring '97 - D+
In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede - B-
SummerSlam '97 - B
Hardcore Heaven '97 - C
Ground Zero: In Your House - D+
One Night Only - C
Badd Blood: In Your House - D+
Survivor Series '97 - C+
November to Remember '97 - C
D-Generation X: In Your House - C
Would the D-Generation X ppv be considered equivalent to NWO: Souled Out?
Would the D-Generation X ppv be considered equivalent to NWO: Souled Out?
don't belittle the nWo legacy like that
December to Dismember, widely regarded as the worst WWE ppv, is like Wrestlemania X-7 compared to Souled Out.
Hell, the In Your House where the power went out, Beware of Dog, is a better show.
Souled Out's biggest competition is something like Triplemania.
Sable sucks. Sable sucks so much. How can one person be so void of charisma.
Friends, Mario Maker is fucking crack. I can't put it down.
Yeah, young teenager me totally understands why Sable was so popular. In hindsight though, Sunny and Trish Stratus were so much better than her in every way.
man, Torrie has barely aged at all.
That moment with Edge could have been a great moment to switch him into total ruthless heel mode from the softly softly chickenshit heel stuff he'd been doing. Sure you'd probably have to write him off TV for like, 3 months or more to get him back into a face redemption position (if you wanted it to be good...) but man would it be better than it is now.
Fire all the writers.
I know you guys get mad at me when I gleefully look forward to wrestlers' deaths, but will anyone really be upset when Sabu is found unresponsive in a Mobile, Alabama motel room?
I know you guys get mad at me when I gleefully look forward to wrestlers' deaths, but will anyone really be upset when Sabu is found unresponsive in a Mobile, Alabama motel room?
Despite the justified shit he receives...Sabu is still one of my favorite wrestlers of all time.
May I ask for a single example of something that Sabu has done in his entire career that contributed to him being one of your all-time favorites?
Here the New Japan Money in the Bank case now with unique English:
NJPW has a money in the bank ?
Push, or no push, it doesn't help that Russo, and other factors cost a ton of people their jobs. Also fucked up the potential bigger pay days that guys like Lance could have earned with WCW still around.I do find it funny that Lance Storm hates Russo because Russo is the only person who pushed Lance Storm. There was a time when Lance had a heavyweight title shot and it almost seemed plausible thath e might win it.
And I don't know why he did because Lance was fucking boredom incarnate.
He made Jarrett into a household name
Edge was last of a dying breed when it comes down to being a heel. Dude was like the Joker of the WWE at one point. He can be a chickenshit, but will beat your ass viciously. I remember when Vicki had him fight the Undertaker and he went back to his Rated R Superstar roots to size up Taker. Rollins is a good performer, but as some suggested in this thread...the flippy indy shit kills his heel credibility. There is no reasoning to why he does it and it's just plain weird. You are running away from Cena, but you damn near destroy him at Summerslam. There's no rhyme or reason to why he put on a HBK caliber performance except....Rollins.
At least with Edge, it's believable because he's the Rated R Superstar. So you will expect him wearing a motorcycle helmet and spearing Cena threw a table so RVD can win the belt. You can expect him to cash in MITB after Cena went through hell in the Elimination Chamber because he's an asshole.
Josh Matthew posted the nude using Kevin Nash's phone just like the time Kevin Nash texted himself to powerbomb Punk with HHH's phone.![]()
According to Data West, he posted a nude of Madison Rayne whom Josh Matthews is married too.What happened?
He actually get hacked or did he get Kurt Angle "hacked" and just got drunk and posted something dumb?
La Familia was fucking garbage though.
Push, or no push, it doesn't help that Russo, and other factors cost a ton of people their jobs. Also fucked up the potential bigger pay days that guys like Lance could have earned with WCW still around.
Still leagues ahead of The Authority...
According to Data West, he posted a nude of Madison Rayne whom Josh Matthews is married too.
Slow down there cowboy
La Familia was fucking garbage though.