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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Still leagues ahead of The Authority...

The Authority leading into WM 30 was great in every way. Detestable, goofy, menacing, an avatar for how the fans felt about WWE booking in the prior years. Triple H, especially, was doing some of the best work of his impressive career at that point, and Stephanie was channeling her father very well at that point.

Had they dissolved after that, and just gone back to Triple H and/or Stephanie showing up once in a while to lay down the law, I think they'd be more fondly-remembered than they will be.
I know you guys get mad at me when I gleefully look forward to wrestlers' deaths, but will anyone really be upset when Sabu is found unresponsive in a Mobile, Alabama motel room?

Sabu would botch his own fucking death somehow. If he dies, he's brought it on himself. If anything, I'm surprised he isn't dead already.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've watched the first half of UHF and I still haven't laughed. Things better get good soon or I'll have to have dealt with Victoria Jackson for 1 hour and 23 minutes without at least laughing at her being dumb as fuck.

It does have Fran Drescher though. And I do love Fran.
Alright so I've finally made my way up to Wrestlemania 16! I once thought I could get through all the Raws and PPVs from 15 to 16 since they got put up on the Network but the secret about late 98 early 99 Raws is that they are not all that watchable for someone who wasn't there at the time. I checked on on some of the more notable Raws, like the Austin beer truck, the formal introduction of Shane O' Mac as a character, Shawn Michaels return and Mankind winning the belt but have just been sticking to the PPVs. There is only so much of D'Lo/PMS miscarriages, DX segments, the fucking Oddities, Ryan Shamrock a person can take.

I'm going to watch all the Wrestlemania lead up Raws, just to see the best that 1999 can throw at me.

Raw 299
February 15, 1999

Thanks for the write up, that was pretty entertaining!

I don't think them running arenas all the time is the cause of the sterile feeling. The problem is more that the shows have such a standardized pace to them, there is no sense of life whatsoever. When was the last time that, instead of having one guy cut a promo and then get attacked by whoever he's feuding with, they interrupted something else and showed a camera running up to a brawl in progress? Shit, you could have a whole feud where you only see the tail end of a fight that broke out in the back, with each wrestler giving their own account of what happened, and let the audience piece things together. That's not complicated, but it is potentially interesting and different storytelling. Why does every commercial break have to have a very obvious big spot leading into it? Why do so many matches have to go so long? Why isn't there any effort made to hide the staginess of the backstage segments? Why are there never any segments of the wrestlers out in the world? Why is it that you rarely ever get skits of supposed friends just shooting the shit in the back, like the APA sitting around and tossing back beers in their makeshift "office" back in the day? Why do we have to have those stupid promos where wrestlers stand against a black backdrop and spout unimportant bullshit at the camera so they have something to play during entrances? Why can't the shows ever start with something other than a 20-minute promo from whoever is in the main storyline at that moment? Why can't we ever have an ending other than one wrestler standing over another in the middle of the ring? One of the better Smackdown endings I remember was Damien Sandow coughing and sputtering on the beach after Cody had thrown his briefcase into the ocean, and Sandow foolishly had tried to go get it. Wasn't that snowed-in episode one of their biggest hits in years? Why can't we have more variations in tone and pacing like that? Why are those Michael Cole interviews rarely played on TV when they're usually so good?

I know WWE makes Raws with the idea that most people only watch it every few weeks, but fuck, it's not even like each show has a third of a week's worth of good stuff. I understand we're stuck with 3-hour Raws for at least a few more years, but if they would just change the pacing, it wouldn't be THAT bad. It's basically a kids' show, but more kids would like it if there were more happening on it.
I assume a lot of what you said is because they don't want the crowd to get bored watching it unfold on a screen rather than in the ring. Which I disagree with a ton, I think more backstage/pre-recorded stuff would be fine. Give the crowd a break, let them watch a big TV for a few minutes with the arena going quiet then BAM out comes some action to the ring. Big impact.

Oh wow, haven't seen Get Fuzzy in years, totally forgot about that webcomic.
Thanks for the write up, that was pretty entertaining!

I assume a lot of what you said is because they don't want the crowd to get bored watching it unfold on a screen rather than in the ring. Which I disagree with a ton, I think more backstage/pre-recorded stuff would be fine. Give the crowd a break, let them watch a big TV for a few minutes with the arena going quiet then BAM out comes some action to the ring. Big impact.

Oh wow, haven't seen Get Fuzzy in years, totally forgot about that webcomic.

Get Fuzzy is a webcomic to you?


I keep thinking about that Austin/Christian story where he said "don't look at me" during the Undertaker angle. It cracks me up. I can imagine Austin saying "son of a bitch. How long?" Lol

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Also I just want to say we were right, Sunny. Fat Hoss Hero is the best Hero has ever been.

It's almost like being a not that big fat guy works a lot better in the indies and not in the WWE or something.


JR letting all his homophobia out during the commentary for Paul E/Cornette at GAB '89

Top tier PPV. And it was 1989. I'm sure everyone but Pat Patterson was homophobic in wrestling at the time.

Oh my God, I can't believe Harlem Heat worked their match against Buff & Norton(nWo) as heels because at the last years Sturgis show they were booed because you know... They're black. Apparently the crowd at Sturgis didn't get the memo from last years show because instead giving a "Bizarro World" reaction, they actually cheered the Harlem Heat.

Haha... awkward.

Vince Russo had literally nothing at all to do with the death of WCW. WCW was a lost cause 6 months before he came in, ratings went UP when he showed up, and the decision to take WCW off TV was going to happen regardless of who was booking.

I mean, weren't the ratings similar to what they were when Nitro started? It was still getting respectable numbers if you ignored the crazy boom period and the WWF's ongoing success.


*clap, clap, clap clap clap*

This man gets it. And DD is the WrassleGAF-endorsed buddy of choice, right, guys?

And to bring things full circle: Pee-wee's Big Adventure is not unlike The Great American Bash '89 in that it is top tier.
Top tier PPV. And it was 1989. I'm sure everyone but Pat Patterson was homophobic in wrestling at the time.

Haha... awkward.

I mean, weren't the ratings similar to what they were when Nitro started? It was still getting respectable numbers if you ignored the crazy boom period and the WWF's ongoing success.

This man gets it. And DD is the WrassleGAF-endorsed buddy of choice, right, guys?

And to bring things full circle: Pee-wee's Big Adventure is not unlike The Great American Bash '89 in that it is top tier.

WCW was still the highest rated original programming on the Turner Networks when it was pulled off the air.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Having lived through it the periods in between Russo booking were the worst the company ever was.

You know how we shit on three hour RAWS? Know how we remember 3 hour Nitros fondly because the first hour was an awesome mixture of hyping you for the main event or whatever match/promo happened during right before RAW went on air plus a ton of awesome Cruiserweight matches? Well, instead of all that, how about an hour of really, really bad backstage vignettes with no wrestling at all? Then how about doing almost the exact same thing with hour two and three?

Russo, for all his faults, kept TV more interesting than that. Even for his lack of respect for actual in ring content the sheer number of matches and angles going on in his two hour Nitros means that you'd probably enjoy 1 or 2 things shown out of 18 segments.
If you ever want to feel creeped out or maybe you just want to vomit one day, refer back to that thread.

The real story of that thread is that a man on a gaming site who would make posts about eating placenta and checking on his lady's lack of vaginal tearing is a man who someone let get her pregnant. What's your excuse, cocksuckas?

Dusty Rhodes Classic has been a lot of fun.good showings from everyone so far, multiple angles set up. Hopefully NXT focuses on tag teams and makes it important again like it did for the women. However, lol at how clearly no one knew Joe or Balor at whatever taping that was at. Balor looks 100% better with the jacket and not doing all the interpretive dance shit for the whole entrance. Save that shit until you get to the ring and it looks so much better. I like the idea of the tournament matches happening at live events and regular WWE tapings. That's interesting. They should throw a match on Raw and see what happens. Also, Joe looking like he's in the best shape he's been in since 2006. The difference in fire and enthusiasm he has in front of big crowds and Full Sail is staggering.
JR letting all his homophobia out during the commentary for Paul E/Cornette at GAB '89

I remember one part when he was managing Rick Rude (Rude vs Steamboat, IIRC), and when Rude takes off his robe, JR says 'this is the part Paul E likes the most'.

I know you could say it was a product of the times and all that, but I just think JR's a bigoted ass.
I remember one part when he was managing Rick Rude (Rude vs Steamboat, IIRC), and when Rude takes off his robe, JR says 'this is the part Paul E likes the most'.

I know you could say it was a product of the times and all that, but I just think JR's a bigoted ass.

I think 1989 was the show where fans chanted "faggots" at the Freebirds and JR laughed about it and cameras zoomed in on the fans during the chant.

I don't think anyone can be too surprised or shocked that a white man born and raised in Oklahoma in the early 1950s would not have the most progressive viewpoints on homosexual and transgender issues.

What's more offensive and egregious, imo, is the accent and verbiage he uses (up to this very day) when talking about black athletes. He did it is entire career as a broadcaster, and still does shit like "You're my black son" or talking about "baby mamas" on Twitter. I can't believe no one ever pulled him aside in WCW or WWE and said, "Hey, maybe don't adopt your impression of a 'black accent' and whatever you think is hip black slang in a mocking tone when talking up black wrestlers". He did that shit his entire career and no one called him on it. At least King/Brain/Jesse had the excuse of being the heel commentator to lighten the sting of the racist shit they were saying. JR, as the face voice of NWA/WCW/WWE was a mocking shithead racist towards pretty much everyone who wasn't white, even when he was talking about a minority who was a face.

The "best natural/pure athlete" shit when talking up a black wrestler comes from JR.


Also I just want to say we were right, Sunny. Fat Hoss Hero is the best Hero has ever been.

It's almost like being a not that big fat guy works a lot better in the indies and not in the WWE or something.

Hero vs Tommy End? Where did this happen? On paper that sounds amazing.


Is anyone else interested in a WCW Nitro movie? When I say a WCW Nitro movie, I don't mean a movie about the backstage world of WCW, and the politics that lead to the company's eventual down fall. I mean a feature length kayfabe retelling of the battle between WCW & the nWo, from Bash At The Beach 96, all the way to Starrcade 97(We'll just forget what happened afterward, or leave it for a potential sequel). Featuring James Franco as Sting, Seth Rogan as Big Bubba, Jason Segel as Kevin Nash, The Giant as Himself, and Danny McBride as crooked senior official Nick Patrick.

It could potentially be Ready 2 Rumble done correctly.
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