Ric Flair
Hollywood Hogan
Canadian Hero Bret Hart
Kevin Owens
Bret Hart was never heel in Canada so you're technically wrong from my point of view
Ric Flair
Hollywood Hogan
Canadian Hero Bret Hart
Kevin Owens
Man...a divas burger would be fucking delicious.
I'm talking about aged cheddar, top quality beef, iceberg lettuce, home grown tomatoes, pickles, jalapenos, red onions, special sauce, and a sesame seed bun.
Oh. People don't want the Divas to be successful. They want it on their terms, not on the terms WWE is providing. This way they can sit back and go "Ha! I knew they ain't shit! They couldn't do in a few months what we've had for decades!"
I just don't understand why it merits such heated discussions and drawing lines in sand. Wrestling is supposed to be fun, and simple. Women's wrestling even more so. It's basically just like a CW show. This hot girl is a jerk, this other hot girl wants to win, etc.
Everyone should just bring me food instead.
Bret Hart was never heel in Canada so you're technically wrong from my point of view
Everyone should just bring me food instead.
That's why Canadian Hero Bret Hart was fucking glorious. He was hated as fuck in the US but when WWE went to Canada it was bizarro world.
You can keep all the other shit after lettuce. Actually I want the bun too, but beyond that..
Theo and Cockroach used to call girls "burgers." Denise told them it was wrong.
¡HarlequinPanic!;178895831 said:#diva #bronsonlution
Times like this...I miss WOW
A burger without tomatoes is like a sandwich without chips...you got to have it friend.
I wish to formally apologies to the thread for having expectations for the main roster women matching what happens in NXT.
Sorry for shitting up your thread.
#HeenanWasAFaceTheWholeTimeFave Five Heels (heels I loved)
5. Paul Orndorff - Recently, I've really grown to love the work he did
4. Mr. Perfect
3. Vince McMahon
2. Bobby Heenan
1. Sensational/Scary Sherri
I think there's a miscommunication, I'm not singling you out at all or even considered it
Ugh, I'm just in a pretty terrible mood.
That big job that I thought I had on lock hasn't come through![]()
It was to be a Communications Intern ironically enough
Fave Five Heels (heels I loved)
5. Paul Orndorff - Recently, I've really grown to love the work he did
4. Mr. Perfect
3. Vince McMahon
2. Bobby Heenan
1. Sensational/Scary Sherri
¡HarlequinPanic!;178897394 said:was watching an old summerslam with dusty rhodes fighting randy savage and sherri and the video package beforehand had sherri getting into it with sapphire and she had her heels on during the whole scuffle.
that woman was just too damn tough.
I know them feelins. Don't worry. Lean into the wind brother, I've been there HH
ROH's All Star Extravaganza shows this weekend look pretty good. Sunny, you aren't too far from San Antonio, are you?
Ugh, I'm just in a pretty terrible mood.
That big job that I thought I had on lock hasn't come through![]()
It was to be a Communications Intern ironically enough
If anything the whole Divas Revolution run expose the fact that there's more to women's wrestling than overkill matches *don't get me wrong...I love my NXT divas matches*. You got to be able to cut a promo, work a crowd, and tell a story. It's unfortunate, but WWE conditioned their crowds into believing that segments>>>matches. At least Char has a following despite her rough time in the revolution storyline.
Times like this...I miss WOW. Women need a promotion to show off their true potential. I'm aware of indy promotions like SHINE and etc...but we need something on a higher level. Which is why I suggest that NXT become a complete women wrestling promotion.
ugh. keep that weeaboo trash out of here
For shame Sunny Mac, for shame.
Danganronpa is many awesome things, and you should want to play it.
¡HarlequinPanic!;178899608 said:isn't dang ol' ronpa just a viz novel?
Indeed friend, good stuff.
ugh. keep that weeaboo trash out of here
Let's talk about the new One Piece fightin' game, and how it'll inevitably let us down
I did play it. It's shit. Keep those visual novels where they belong, in the hands of people masturbating
¡HarlequinPanic!;178899608 said:isn't dang ol' ronpa just a viz novel?
where the shoot button at
I did play it. It's shit. Keep those visual novels where they belong, in the hands of people masturbating
*on the 21st of August, 2015.
Actual new Botchamania: http://botchamania.com/botchamania-286/ (which is also two weeks old)
They couldn't get cyber connect 2 for the one piece fighting game. The Naruto games look amazing.
New Day has gotten MUCH bigger in the last month or two, for good reason, yet their best match was that one they had against Cesaro/Kidd, no? If anything, their actual matches have gotten weaker since they went full over-the-top heel, becoming more about their taunting, Xavier screaming, short tag-ins to keep the face in peril, etc. Yet this is FAR more entertaining, and makes everyone more money, than a hypothetical alternate reality in which, say, Kidd didn't get injured, and they were having their fourth 4-star match with Cesaro/Kidd. I love great matches, but three-hour Raws with lengthy matches every week have shown, more than ever, the importance of character-building promos and vignettes and how diminished the returns on long, "big fight" matches are.
Ay thanks for the kind words bud.
In better news Roman is great in this backstage thing: https://youtu.be/3zlyzzH5rN0
you are shit
They couldn't get cyber connect 2 for the one piece fighting game. The Naruto games look amazing.