Can somebody give me the skinny on why Max Landis gets 50 percent praise and 50 percent shit?
Can somebody give me the skinny on why Max Landis gets 50 percent praise and 50 percent shit?
Can somebody give me the skinny on why Max Landis gets 50 percent praise and 50 percent shit?
Can somebody give me the skinny on why Max Landis gets 50 percent praise and 50 percent shit?
No one can explain where the 50% praise comes from. He bought Falling Edge a pizza, so that's all it takes for some people.
Wrestling isn't wrestling was good, Chronicles was good
American Ultra got panned and he cried about it on twitter, blaming everyone but him, he also blamed the public for "hating original ideas"
American Ultra got panned and he cried about it on twitter, blaming everyone but him, he also blamed the public for "hating original ideas"
I like that we've finally gotten to the point nobody here can pretend that WWE's good
It took a while, but I'm proud of us getting to that last step
the only way to watch RAW is in background noise, unless you're really into commercials
What do you like? You're consistently the most negative, sarcastic, cynical person in all of WrassleGAF.
Oh my God, that ending.
What do you like? You're consistently the most negative, sarcastic, cynical person in all of WrassleGAF.
Edit: That Sheamus/Cena match was just fine. Very solid. Sheamus is great at playing a heel, and anyone who denies that has been poisoned by years of bullshit.
What do you like? You're consistently the most negative, sarcastic, cynical person in all of WrassleGAF.
For my Puro friends, are the Road to Destruction shows any good? Or just skip them and wait until Destruction?
I'm too nauseous to deal with NJPW's one camera angle house shows, probably going to put them on as background noise.
After what you guys did to Daniel Bryan, you all deserve the misery of WWE in 2015.
You don't deserve New Day. You deserve to be sour!
Bryan is the 3rd man
I'd give at least one a chance, if you don't like it skip the rest
Dave actually mentioned that as possible in Observer Radio
No comment except watch how much more hijacked PPVs and tantrums we'll have to see and some here will defend if so
O/U 3 including the next Rumble
Dave actually mentioned that as possible in Observer Radio
No comment except watch how much more hijacked PPVs and tantrums we'll have to see and some here will defend if so
O/U 3 including the next Rumble
No one can explain where the 50% praise comes from. He bought Falling Edge a pizza, so that's all it takes for some people.
any of yall notice shinsuke's been phoning it in all year?
because boy i have.
LOL that's poorly written as far as reflecting what this all means. It's even WORSE that it "might not be Dr. Amann" as it would mean Punk was trying to paint the ENTIRE WWE Medical staff as incompetent.
Punk's making a huge mistake. I'm willing to make a ban bet that Punk ain't gettin' out of this one.
never heard of the guy till BOLA.
I like it when wrestling fans discuss law because they're even dumber about it than business.
mostly on the ROH shows, he has had the weakest matches of the "Big 3"
don't pretend like you forgot, FE
keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (come on)
keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' (yeah)
keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'
now i know y'all be lov'in this shit right here
m.i.n.i. minions is right here people in the house put them hands in the air
'cause if you don't care, then we don't care 1, 2, 3
times two to the six, jonesin' for your fix of that minions mix so
where the fuck you at Punk, shut the fuck up and back the fuck up
Challenging CM Punk in this shout-out to Minions is a strong move for the WWE in preparations for WrestleMania 32.
btw I'll take that bet Vince. Because you dumb
No permabans. I'm curious Sunflower if you're actual just ignorant of the law or if it's that you're such a WWE homer that it's blinding you.