Wait there was a Cena/ Sheamus match last night .lol
Might be a worse match than with Orton
Who do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
Who do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
Who do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
Who do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
It would be great if Roman reveals himself to be the 3rd man.
Who do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
D BryanWho do you think Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns' third man is?
27% Erick Rowan
14% Daniel Bryan
31% The Rock
3% Chris Jericho
8% The Undertaker
2% Ryback
2% Heath Slater
13% An NXT Superstar (identify in comments below)
Going with The Rock as third man. Family is theme right?
Remember, they pulled Rock out at the Rumble unannounced
An unadvertised appearance by The Rock on a B level PPV, from a business standpoint, would be extremely dumb.
An unadvertised appearance by The Rock on a B level PPV, from a business standpoint, would be extremely dumb.
Remember, they pulled Rock out at the Rumble unannounced
Eh? That was definitely announced, not through WWE's usual channels but Rock was promoting it
They did it was even on the website
some things in favor of the theory:
1) He just finished wrapping up a Kevin Hart movie and has time on schedule before moving onto Furious eleventeen.
2) The theme around the conflict is family. Wyatt bringing his family together vs Dean/Reign (and Joe)
Honestly #2 is the biggest reason why I could see it happening.
Remember, they pulled Rock out at the Rumble unannounced
Eh? That was definitely announced, not through WWE's usual channels but Rock was promoting it
my guess
don't ever debate laws with anyone on the internet, including myself, I don't know shit and neither do you
I think a wise choice if they were to give Finn Balor a call-up is to completely work against what he built in NXT - make him a cruel, shitty heel. God knows he's capable of it. I think going far and away from what he built in NXT is a key point to a successful transition to the main roster, and forces ALL fans to look at him differently for the "first time" so to speak.
I think it would be cool if it was Seth.,get the boys back together.
Have him interfere with a hood on.,then have the shield triple powerbomb Stang