In kayfabe why doesn't HHH have a statue but Seth Rollin did ?
And they put the Macho statue right by Stephanie's office as a rib.
And they put the Macho statue right by Stephanie's office as a rib.
Neville's friend Ammell has proven himself to be a bit of a dumbass.
He's standing up to people who stereotype white southerners. I see no issue with that.Neville's friend Ammell has proven himself to be a bit of a dumbass.
Eh, I don't really think so
Eh, I don't really think so
I was careful to only say "a bit of a dumbass" because I don't think he has bad intentions, just that his argument is flawed and mostly the timing.
how is this a rib? What am I missing?
I think he could have worded it better, but the general point I felt he was trying to convey was right. And you're right, I don't think he had any bad intentions with it.
most big men are more versatile than yokozuna, let's be fair.
also, big show was super agile for a man his size back in WCW.
I think the scale goes like (from slowest, most oft repeated spots to quickest/more dynamic movesets):
big show
So, I just found out that the intention of RoboCop was to depict him as a resurrected Christ figure who dispenses justice the hard way instead of through compassion and forgiveness. Robocop is a weird Christian allegory, and the shot of him walking on water was apparently done on purpose to further this connection.
So, I just found out that the intention of RoboCop was to depict him as a resurrected Christ figure who dispenses justice the hard way instead of through compassion and forgiveness. Robocop is a weird Christian allegory, and the shot of him walking on water was apparently done on purpose to further this connection.
The dude who trained with Jumbo has a less dynamic moveset?
the fuck is going on in this thread. not to mention Yoko's first year he was one of the best if not the fastest big men in the world.
What are the top Big Show/The Giant matches?
So, I just found out that the intention of RoboCop was to depict him as a resurrected Christ figure who dispenses justice the hard way instead of through compassion and forgiveness. Robocop is a weird Christian allegory, and the shot of him walking on water was apparently done on purpose to further this connection.
Here's what happens when you hit the move on someone who isn't a fat lazy untalented sack of shit by the way
I was sure he was going to win this match.
Master politician Mean Mark always protecting his spot, friend.
Always. Then Real Ass Diesel left and we got stuck with perpetually injured, lame as fuck Undertaker until 2001.
Diesel was lame as fuck by the time he left though. He pretty much needed to go to WCW.
Diesel was lame as fuck by the time he left though. He pretty much needed to go to WCW.
I'm watching Muta opening some trading cards. How come WWE can't bring back trading cards or play the F2P game for 60 minutes?
When he feuded with Undertaker was when he was a super dick and fucked over Bret and Undertaker and destroyed Undertaker's casket with a fire axe. There is nothing lame about that. He turned back heel/tweener during the Undertaker/Bret feud.
the powerbomb that killed the business
Actually, yeah, you're right. Diesel then was more interesting than WWE Champ Diesel. Still, going to WCW was way better for him.
Well part of the whole appeal of the Sting storyline is that it's a year long storyline. You would want to start with when he 'leaves' the company at the very least. And even then, you miss out on why Sting is so important to WCW.i've never watched a full wcw show in my life
i think i'm going to marathon from the first nitro to starrcade 97. does the network have all that shit? all this talk of sting has made me want to check out the whole year long build between him and nwo.
the powerbomb that killed the business
No one wants to see a video of people pulling the 8000000 Nikki Bella cards in Supercard. Or picking in hopes of a good card and getting a rare Tyson Kidd.
Ric Flair noted on the latest installment of his WOOOOOO! Nation podcast that prior to WCW closing down, Kevin Nash and Hulk Hogan struck a deal with the company that allowed the two to collect 50% of sales of any nWo merchandise, and that same deal carried over to WWE.
Flair would go on to mention that after Hulk Hogan's racial comments surfaced online, WWE decided to pull all nWo related merchandise off shelves and Once the word got out, Nash went crazy because he owned 35% of sales (Hall owned a percentage but Nash bought out his share).
Nash apparently then flew up to Stamford and an agreement was put in place to put the nWo merchandise back in stock.