Sheamus tries to cash in mid match. Stang pins Sheamus
I don't think Sheamus is happening tonight, I seriously think Vince still wants Sheamus to win the belt
Sheamus opening raw by saying are you not entertained for 20 minutes
if you want Sting to win, you literally hate wrestling
oh god there is a ppv tonight isn't there
fine, I love sports entertainment
Meltzer saying Bellator wants to do pro wrestling/MMA/kick boxing events.
People in bellator like the young bucks
Don't let the haters hate hate hate, Titus. Sting will save us from the Nazis.
Actual competition.
With actual money.
Its probably bullshit.
if you want Sting to win, you literally hate wrestling
Kane with a new mask. So proud![]()
Spike has its hands in a lot of jars. They had talks with ROH earlier this year. I think they will do something with wrestling.
Hey. You think there is an already existing property that has a lot of internet buzz and a critically acclaimed first run but just needs some cash to get up and running again?
There has to be something.....
Really hope jay lethal has a good zinger when Seth loses both belts
who cares what Jay Lethal has to say?
He's a better champ,than Seth?
He's a better champ,than Seth?
How can you figuratively hate wrestling?
Why did nobody tell me this existed!? Winning 20,000 dollars was enough to keep them in business for like 6 months!
I sincerely hope you're joking. Please. I know that answer was for jokes but plz no.
No one cheered for Mr. Anderson... the cringe I felt listening to that.
He's a better champ,than Seth?
I'm not. Lethal was one of the best wrestlers last year and a de the TV title mean something. But it's ROH so no one saw it.
Lethal is awesome. Awesome. Not a better wrestler than Rollins though, who also works 300 days a year. Dude's unreal work ethic wise.
What does working 300 days have to do with anything. Lethal could do that too.
Also freck Twitter means Jack shit
Lethal is awesome. Awesome. Not a better wrestler than Rollins though, who also works 300 days a year. Dude's unreal work ethic wise.
It's all about a product. It's about cash, image and general awareness of what you're doing. Social media is massive, friend.
you'll miss Seth Rollins so much during the Sheamus 700 days run as a face champ
Seth has wrestled the most matches of anyone in the entire company this year.
He's crazy overexposed. Sticking the title on Brock only reminded us what happens when we don't get 6812 segments on Raw and then 3451 segments on Smackdown and 3 matches when you are champ. Of course Brock's Brock but not vomiting as much Seth Rollins onto our TV screens as possible would have definitely helped his reign
What does working 300 days have to do with anything. Lethal could do that too.
Also freck Twitter means Jack shit
LolSheamus will be a better heel champ than Rollins, assuming they pull the trigger. He actually wrestles like a heel, and has a longer, more impressive history of good to great matches, even with mediocre workers like Big Show and Ryback.
Also, NOC Potential SPOILERS!
Chris Jericho is backstage and flew into Texas today. PWInsider reporting.
Also, NOC Potential SPOILERS!
Chris Jericho is backstage and flew into Texas today. PWInsider reporting.
Sheamus will be a better heel champ than Rollins, assuming they pull the trigger. He actually wrestles like a heel, and has a longer, more impressive history of good to great matches, even with mediocre workers like Big Show and Ryback.
oh no. please. no.
People here will complain but that spoiler will work for the crowd at the pay per view. I expect a big pop for this.
Why does everyone hate him now? Seriously, I don't know. He's not a dickhead, he's loyal, very talented. I don't get it. At all.
hmWhy does everyone hate him now? Seriously, I don't know. He's not a dickhead, he's loyal, very talented. I don't get it. At all.
Chris Jericho said:Hey @BillDeMott is a good friend & great trainer. If u cant handle it then quit. My training at #HartBrothers camp was 10,000 times worse!