People have said that. She totally looks different then her though. As for Ciampa the news doesn't come from a known source. Plus he is going to get a second chance as well.
The hottest free agents? Does Gabe know this?
Jason Jordan was impressive in that match.
Strangest Pro Wrasslin Fact: The number two grossing promotion in the US in 2002?
Juggalo Championshit Wrestling.
Yeah, he looked like a badass out there. He lacks personality wise, though. If he has one he needs something to bring it out.
When you think about Cena really is very much like Sting in a way except Sting went from a kid friendly character to a more edgey character and sting did the opposite.
Although Cena is a better promo.
Also, I am officially a member of the #LoneWolfPack
We're like Lone Wolves in a pack, brethren...
One thing I want to know about the game linear as hell like the past MGS games?
it's open world
Music to my ears...will buy eventually.
It is highly suspicious that Hogan and his friends would have greeted each other growing up using the N word. That was decades before that word had any connotation in society past being a term used by racists, with the exception of industries like pro wrestling where it was actually a business term for black performers as far back as anyone can remember. If anything, his picking up using that word in conversation would have more likely come from the industry because that word was part of the so-called secret language, along with similarly demeaning terms for Mexicans, and in Tennessee, the term for women fans (called ARs or Arena Rats in most territories) was blowjobs.
The term was regularly used everywhere through the 80s, including by people who were not racists and spoke of it as the business term, but only to those in the business. It was still used in that vernacular in the 90s, which led to a successful minorities lawsuit against WCW.
The Cena vs. Owens main events were the strongest main house show main event numbers for any match over a full month period in some time. What that says it the idea that Owens cant draw on top based on his look is bullshit because even though he is with Cena, other guys in the same position with Cena havent done as well. The thing about wrestling is you can have your ideas and rules about who and what qualities appeal the most to the masses, and those heavily influence who get chances in the business. But ultimately, there is a very simple test of what gets over, and that is who is put in the position to get over and then delivers, and you can point to flaws in everyone and strengths in everyone but if youre beating everyone else in the same position, either youve had a program that people got into and/or your strengths mean more than your weaknesses. And no matter how you look or talk, if the opposite is true, it means your strengths on paper dont translate.
Wait until you unlock more equipment and buddies. I can see how someone bored with open world games might think Phantom Pain will follow suit and be similar in the early game but this game just goes from strength to strength as you progress through it. The story is also going to make this GOTY for a lot of people.So I got MGSV on Steam.
I've applied for a refund. Don't like the look of it at all. I've always been a fan of MGS but this doesn't really seem to have the same style. Prologue was okay, but kinda boring and long, and then the game itself started and I just immediately felt bored. HUGE EMPTY SPACE. SNEAK UP ON CAMPS JUST LIKE FAR CRY 3 AND 500 OTHER GAMES.
I'll check it out later at a lower price maybe. Hope I can get that refund. I only played 2 hours.
put in an angle with the tag champs and Alexa Bliss that every woman on the roster would have wanted
While no deal has been announced, negotiations are ongoing with Televisa and Lucha Underground, which would open up the show to the Mexico market and pretty much guarantee a second season.
Interesting Leva Bates tidbit:
According to one person in the company, Leva Blue Pants Bates has a ton of heat, and none of it is her doing. There is the resentment that she was flown to Brooklyn, put in an angle with the tag champs and Alexa Bliss that every woman on the roster would have wanted, that she has and sells her own merchandise and doesnt have to split the cut, isnt under contract so hes not at the Performance Center going through all the daily training, and can do indies, and her rate has increased, so they believe shes making more than they are, and being pushed more and getting over.
Then film empty arena matches with Eva Marie winning with edited in pops.NXT roster are a bunch of marks for themselves.
Time to send them a message by firing Baron Corbin.
Then fire Samoa Joe and Solomon Crowe to send a message to the Full Sail crowd.
She's definitely got the sweetest gig of any local enhancement talent.
The 16-man Open tournament starts on 9/10 at Korakuen Hall. First round matches include Zeus vs. Yuji Hino
If the reports are true about the talent WWE is signing, NXT will be even better soon. Gargano, Swann, Busick, Chuck Taylor, and Drew Gulak is a hell of a crew.
Interesting Leva Bates tidbit:
According to one person in the company, Leva Blue Pants Bates has a ton of heat, and none of it is her doing. There is the resentment that she was flown to Brooklyn, put in an angle with the tag champs and Alexa Bliss that every woman on the roster would have wanted, that she has and sells her own merchandise and doesnt have to split the cut, isnt under contract so hes not at the Performance Center going through all the daily training, and can do indies, and her rate has increased, so they believe shes making more than they are, and being pushed more and getting over.
At this point the October Austin interview looks to be with Sting
There is talk of repackaging Los Matadores
Stephen Amell stated that sales of the T-shirt design that he wore at SummerSlam raised $228,867.60 for Emilys Care, a childrens hospice in Canada. There is talk that Amell did well enough that they may use him again in a singles match with Stardust.
Screw those people crying about that. She rocks and is worth it. It's also not like she's a regular roster member. She's someone they bring in here and there and who obviously isn't there to move up to the main roster. That's a shame too.
For all the trashing Eva Marie gets,she is head and shoulders ahead of Blue Pants.
PfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftFor all the trashing Eva Marie gets,she is head and shoulders ahead of Blue Pants.
Then film empty arena matches with Eva Marie winning with edited in pops.
Observer tidbits
Another interesting note is that Sarita is being brought in to do a lot of training of NXT women as Sara Amato's role has increased in the main roster side.
Okay so when they mean Repackaging does that mean retooling the Characters because Los Matadores was a pretty weak tag team.
If they're that mad about Blue Pants imagine how they're going to feel about the 2 Tough Enough winners who will be at the performance center full time.