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September Wrasslin |OT| The one night a year when every table will be on the line

Haven't paid too much attention to Becky Lynch but I heard/saw a few of her interviews, and heard her speak and she has a DEEP VOICE.

I don't know it just doesn't sound like a voice that would come out of her. Didn't realize or know she was from Ireland like Sheamus

that accent and smile is so adorable though.
Are there any better shots of this Fenix mask?

It's embarrassing that even with Smackdown on Thursday nights this thread is usually deader than a door nail on that night because no one can give a fuck. More conversation here on Friday nights because of all the sad lonely wrasslin nerds with no dates.

Not everything can be page 1 24/7, some of us sleep and have jobs


So I see that the WWE had "yet another TV taping" from Corpus Christi this week. This time SmackDown.

How many TV tapings does Corpus Christi get each year? A dozen? Sure seems like a dozen.
So I see that the WWE had "yet another TV taping" from Corpus Christi this week. This time SmackDown.

How many TV tapings does Corpus Christi get each year? A dozen? Sure seems like a dozen.

They're a marky crowd that always responds how the WWE wants them too. Why wouldn't they do a dozen TV tapings there?


WCW Slamboree 1997 (May 18, 1997)

As with everything from WCW in 1997 I’ve never seen this so I thought why not give it a watch? We have an American Football player in the main event along with a singles encounter between two other footballers and that’s a sport I know nothing about and Hogan isn’t on the show, so that’s nice. This recap is less about spoiling the outcome and more about seeing if something is actually worth your time watching.

Match: Steven Regal vs. Ultimate Dragon (c) (WCW Television Championship Match)
Thoughts: Such a great and well fought match, so competitive and the story of “I’m just as good as you” was awesome to watch. Plenty of mat work yet it didn’t hinder the personality of either as both adapted to each situation letting their individual touches shine through. Regal was over with the crowd and really bought into his comebacks and moments of domination.
Rating: ***1/2

Match: Luna Vachon vs. Madusa
Thoughts: Madusa is extremely vocal all the time screaming and yelling be it on offense or defense, which I’m not a big fan of. I’ve seen far worse in regards to matches and Luna took her bumps like a champ including a wicked neck bump off a lariat.
Rating: *

Macho Man comes out, talks trash on the mic and calls out DDP as the NWO had recently took him out of action. DDP comes to the ring via the crowd and tries to sneak up on Macho but he flees in to the arms of his NWO brethren. DDP calls Macho Man Hogan’s bitch leading to Macho rushing the ring to fight DDP, but DDP beats the crap out of him and the rest of the NWO as the crowd loses their minds. The numbers game is too much and overwhelms DDP only for The Giant to run in and do the save. That was simple yet extremely effective and I would believe it all lead in to three DDP vs. Macho Man PPV matches in 1997, with each being better than the last.

Match: Yuji Yasuraoka vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Thoughts: That was all on Rey to make something work here as there was nothing remotely enjoyable about Yasuraoka. It was a generic match (treated to boring chants from the crowd) and it was more about Rey hitting his comebacks and trying to do something a little flashy to keep the crowd awake.
Rating: *1/2

Match: Mortis vs. Glacier
Thoughts: MORTAL KOMBAT! Mortis hates Glacier’s knee so stomps on it for 30 seconds then calls for Wrath to join in who smacks Glacier in the head with a staff drawing the DQ. Well the suckage sure as hell continues and what the fuck was the point of putting this on a PPV?
Rating: N/A

Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Dean Malenko (c) (WCW U.S Heavyweight Title Match)
Thoughts: Dean Malenko was in no mood for Jarrett’s shenanigans grounding him and outclassing him at every opportunity though it wasn’t enough to stop Jarrett dragging the match down. It took a while to get going and once it found its groove the match was over.
Rating: **1/4

Match: Chris Benoit vs. Meng (“Death” Match)
Thoughts: Yeah the match stipulation name is fucking creepy in hindsight and its more akin to a last man standing match I guess. Regardless, it was a very intense and psychical encounter with both beating the tar out of the other. Not much more to say about it really, it was actually quite entertaining for a fight and quite different with Meng being a no selling warrior style of wrestler versus Benoit.
Rating: **1/2

Match: Konan & Hugh Morrus vs. Scott & Rick Steiner
Thoughts: We begin with a Steiner slam fest but Jimmy Hart interference lets Morrus and Konan heel it up and ground Scott, hot tag to Rick and we are done. Bleh.
Rating: *

Match: Steve McMichael vs. Reggie White
Thoughts: Atrocious, boring and truly a disastrous match that was given 15 fucking minutes. Reggie White fucked up his sole offense of a clothesline...twice, the whole thing was awful.
Rating: N/A

Match: Roddy Piper, Ric Flair & Kevin Greene vs. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash & Syxx (Anything Goes Match)
Thoughts: Syxx was there to prove a point and carry his team to a workable match and had some godly interactions with Flair. The hometown crowd for Flair were just going mental for the whole thing. Even new boy Kevin Greene got monster pops and this match was the perfect use of hiding the shortcomings of a guy with no ring experience. It was a fine 6 man main event where everything was fun, energetic and got a chance to entertain. I think this may be the first time I've seen a 6 man tag done well in WCW too.
Rating: ***

Overall: This was a two match show with a great technical opener and a main event that was all about the crowd getting what they wanted and were insanely behind Piper, Flair and Greene making for an exciting way to end the show. Everything else between the bookends was just kind of filler though it had it's moments yet this show is home to one of the worst matches I’ve ever seen. I totally suggest giving the main event a watch if you haven’t seen it before.
Rumored Undertaker opponents for Mania are:



How the fuck is Rollins in discussion for both Taker and Lesnar? Ridiculous.


Chris Adams?

Brian Christopher?

Christalmighty It's The Big Show?

Beef doing good shilling work in OT...

Edit: oh there you are!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Kanyon was a good promo albeit a bit one dimensional one and a great bumper, but I wouldn't call him a good wrestler.

A guy who does a lot of moves with no real reason other than the sake of doing them. There's no consistency or flow to his matches.

MC Safety

WCW Slamboree 1997 (May 18, 1997)

You need to send this format to the guy who posts here, the one who keeps throwing up endless lists of wrestling pay per views with grades but absolutely no commentary or criticism.

The review you just posted is worth roughly 100 of those lists.
NOAH's in such a state, I'm almost of the opinion that the best thing would be for them to fail to get the belts back from Suzuki-gun and just fold the promotion - bring Marufuji, Nakajima, Sugiura and the other top established talents into the NJPW fold, then use the younger guys for that Lion's Gate promotion Kidani wants to start to be the NXT to NJPW's WWE.
As much as Sasha's grown, Becky's the one with the untapped talent and (once she's able to show it on a more consistent basis) I think a lot of people will change their tune.
NOAH's in such a state, I'm almost of the opinion that the best thing would be for them to fail to get the belts back from Suzuki-gun and just fold the promotion - bring Marufuji, Nakajima, Sugiura and the other top established talents into the NJPW fold, then use the younger guys for that Lion's Gate promotion Kidani wants to start to be the NXT to NJPW's WWE.

Man, so much THIS in this post. Just take it out back and shoot it, Old Yeller style.

NJPW needs a farm system way more than it needs to have the NOAH distraction.

As much as Sasha's grown, Becky's the one with the untapped talent and (once she's able to show it on a more consistent basis) I think a lot of people will change their tune.

And Becky as a heel is pretty much the best.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
NOAH's in such a state, I'm almost of the opinion that the best thing would be for them to fail to get the belts back from Suzuki-gun and just fold the promotion - bring Marufuji, Nakajima, Sugiura and the other top established talents into the NJPW fold, then use the younger guys for that Lion's Gate promotion Kidani wants to start to be the NXT to NJPW's WWE.



You need to send this format to the guy who posts here, the one who keeps throwing up endless lists of wrestling pay per views with grades but absolutely no commentary or criticism.

The review you just posted is worth roughly 100 of those lists.

Thanks, I know mine arent super in depth but I like doing it this way.

I went to this show.

The Independence Arena is not a glamorous place.

How was the show live? You enjoy the main event?


Thanks, I know mine arent super in depth but I like doing it this way.

How was the show live? You enjoy the main event?

Well, I remember a few things:
#1 - Because the outer concourse walls were made of glass, we could see Flair entering the arena. People cheered, he bowed and smiled gracefully
#2 - I got an nWo shirt
#3 - The fireworks to start the show were REALLY loud, especially since where I was seated was at the stage entrance with the announcers
#4 - Macho Man coming out to interrupt Scheme Gene was awesome, being a fan of early 90's WWF
#5 - EVERYONE stood for the last 2 matches. And of course, everyone loved Flair and Greene, so that was notable
#6 - I don't really remember a lot of the matches on the show despite the star power

Also fun fact: Reggie White's daughter went to my high school and was in our school choir with me. He also walked by me before a Concert we had. He had a lot of presence.

The only other PPV I've gone to was the 1995 Survivor Series, and I personally found that be more memorable with the fake Bill Clinton, stars of Married with Children coming out before the show, the Smoking Guns getting boo'd by the DC crowd in the dark match, Phantom Undertaker's debut and Bret Hart's table bump.
If it makes you feel better, I just spend 2 hours trying to debug an SQL error that it turned out was due to A COMPLETELY INVISIBLE CHARACTER
Card for the first show of GFW's "British Invasion", starting in Grimsby of all places;


Main event should be good, big opportunity for Cruz as well.

Yeah, I know, I know - but while he's not really much of a draw, as such, he's always been a popular attraction whenever NJPW have used him in the past. Plus, a change of scenery, and all that.


WCW Fall Brawl 1996 (Sept 15 1996)

First time ever watching this show and coming off the whole NWO angle at the time I’m expecting some fun things here. I'm watching it via the WWE Network since its out over here in the UK. My reviews are less about spoiling the outcome and more about suggesting what is worth a watch.

Match: Diamond Dallas Page vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Comments: Plenty of energy here making for an entertaining match and Chavo got a chance to showcase himself and DDP was no slouch either looking excellent. Both DDP and Chavo worked really well together with great interactions with moves that helped build up to the pinfall attempts and I wonder if they had a rematch because I would love to see it.
Rating: ***

We are then treated to a wonderful a recap of NWO forming and how WCW must band together to defeat the NWO and how the NWO has already ballooned in size.

Match: Scott Norton vs. Ice Train (Submission Match)
Comments: Big guys clubbing and slamming each other early on and the whole Submission idea was never well realised but it was all inoffensive and it was nice to see Ice Train put in far more effort than one would expect.
Rating: *1/2

Match: Juvented Guerrera vs. Konnan (c) (Mexican Heavyweight Title Match)
Comments: Konnan tossed Juvi like a rag doll at the start and it was awesome and Konnan continued to display plenty of awesome looking power moves throughout. Konnan and Juvi looked horrifically sloppy and almost all of the spots were fumbled through, they did try and tried every spot and move they knew but it was just the execution that left a hell of a lot to be desired by blowing spots and lots of moves and the execution was so bad that it can’t be overlooked.
Rating: **3/4

Match: Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit
Comments: Jericho hadn’t found his groove yet in WCW but that didn’t detract him from trying to go toe-to-toe with Benoit. Benoit brought the goods (and the attitude) and the crowd responded accordingly and to be fair the crowd has been great all night so far. Overall it was a well earned competitive match and another lively match on event so far and with both Jericho and Benoit you know they will put in the effort.
Rating: ***1/2

Match: Super Calo vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. (c) (WCW Cruiserweight Title Match)
Comments: The crowd seem totally disinterested I’m not sure if that was because Calo was in control for most of the match or if they had no idea what to expect with him. Calo just flat out dominated Mysterio and kept him at bay for seemingly forever making for a very one sided and bit dull yet solid affair, the finish though was ace.
Rating: ***

Match: Nasty Boyz vs. Harlem Heat (c) (WCW World Tag Team Title Match)
Comments: Punches, axe handles, clotheslines, kicks and rest holds. Crowd were solidly behind the Nasty Boyz and Harlem Heat were very good at annoying the crowd with the help of Sherrie so while it wasn’t technically proficient in regards to match quality it still got the desired response from the live crowd who were very much into it.
Rating: *1/2

Match: Randy Savage vs. The Giant
Comments: Crowd are on their feet! Savage attempted a slam to the outside and got crushed by The Giant’s weight, I always love that spot. Lots of clobbering and rest holds by The Giant and once Savage got in a comeback the crowd lost it. The finish involved NWO shenanigans, but the crowd loved it all and when a crowd is hot it always helps even the worst matches.
Rating: **

Match: Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash & NWO Sting vs. Lex Luger, Arn Anderson, Ric Flair & Sting (War Games)
Comments: WCW vs. NWO is without a shadow of the doubt just a fun thing to watch, the excitement in the air, the mystique, the uncertainty of it all made for a thrilling match. It wasn’t a masterpiece as it was a typical brawl but it sure as hell wasn’t a wasted opportunity and totally did what it needed. The crowd loved all of this and then some especially the Flair vs. Hogan confrontations.
Rating: ***

Overall: A super fun show that wasn’t all about the match ratings but just the whole spectacle of the NWO vs. WCW angle and how much the crowd ate it all up. The card just flew by, thoroughly entertained and offered something for everyone along with making a huge deal about the NWO and its future, which made for a captivating watch.


And that completes my recaps from last nights WCW watch-a-thon
Card for the first show of GFW's "British Invasion", starting in Grimsby of all places;


Main event should be good, big opportunity for Cruz as well.
Had a listen to Magnus on Colt's podcast, basically said they're purposefully running in not big cities so they can iron out the creases before going full on with events. From the sounds of it, he was looking at running shows and just got GFW in on it.


Dirt sheetz:

- WWE Hall of Famer Tammy "Sunny" Sytch was arrested on Wednesday, September 23rd due to the bench warrant issued on September 3rd after she missed previous hearings for her May 30th arrest.

Sunny is currently in jail at the Carbon County Correctional Facility in Nesquehoning, Pennsylvania.

Sunny is scheduled to go before a judge later today at 1:15pm EST. It is possible that she will be held until her trial date on December 7th.

No webcams for the moment, guyz...

Edit: new Page:



Asuka's debut was weird but kind of interesting. Liked her energy. Dana and Emma were legit shook when Asuka showed them her demon face
Watched a terrible 80's sci-fi film starring Peter Strauss, Molly Ringwald, Ernie Hudson & Michael Ironside and thought the girl in the middle looked familiar;


A young Reggie Bennett, a few years before she got into wrestling. The film was 'Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone', awful stuff, but I've got a lot of time for ridiculous sci-fi and this was at least quite inventive in terms of the style and art direction (when it wasn't trying to look like Mad Max).


Neo Member
So I'm late but I finally got around to watching Takeover Brooklyn last night. After seeing the Women's Title match, I knew Sasha was good but she might legit be the best woman on the roster....and close to being the best pure heel in the company. She might be one of the only people there that "gets" being a heel.

And I knew Uhaa in name but never saw any of his matches. So after seeing him here and checkin out some matches on YouTube, dude is seriously fuckin IMPRESSIVE. Its not the flips I'm blown away by, it's how he makes both aspects of his style, the high flying and power moves, look so fluid and EASY. He's gonna be one to watch I think...
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