Gotta say, Jarrett swung a mean guitar. Probably the only thing he did exceptionally.
His MMA ground game against those adolescent children was also great.
Gotta say, Jarrett swung a mean guitar. Probably the only thing he did exceptionally.
His MMA ground game against those adolescent children was also great.
Sunny could have aged so much better if she took care of herself.
Considering everything she should probbaly look even worse.
Gotta say, Jarrett swung a mean guitar. Probably the only thing he did exceptionally.
Uhaa got the biggest pop of the evening 6 days ago here in Austin. His name chants blew the roof off here. Really good stuff. Well, that and the Samoa Joe and Tyler Breeze match.
Yknow, with Apollo coming in and possibly being another future champ/title contender, where does this leave Itami?
With how stacked NXT is, people getting called up, gimmicks changing and more signings coming in all the time, its clear things are moving FAST...and he's sadly been kinda underwhelming so far...I fear if he doesn't come back and do something drastic with his style/character, he's gonna be lost in the shuffle even more than he already is.
Sunny days ahead for those in prison.Dirt sheetz:
No webcams for the moment, guyz...
Edit: new Page:
This whole time I've been pronouncing Itami as It-Ah-Me instead of the proper It-me
The WrassleGAF presence in this thread has been disappointing. Beef is the only one holding it down there.
I really enjoyed it. I hope they have more Bischoff content coming down the pipeline. I always enjoy his insights about WCW and how things were backstage.Wow the two JBL interviews with Bischoff were good. So good.
This whole time I've been pronouncing Itami as It-Ah-Me instead of the proper It-me
I-Tah-Me is correct.
The WrassleGAF presence in this thread has been disappointing. Beef is the only one holding it down there.
Do you like...pie?
It doesn't matter if you like pie.
but Wrestling Isn't Wrestling is great and funny, put your Max Landis hate aside
but Wrestling Isn't Wrestling is great and funny, put your Max Landis hate aside
Some fucking cunt in there posted Wrestling Isn't Wrestling. I want to bathe in his blood.
it's not art
shut it, Hart family member
You could be Melissa Joan.
Wow the two JBL interviews with Bischoff were good. So good.
Not sure why you guys get worked up about this stuff in OT. It's not worth it. Anyone who knows and appreciates everything we do here in the community thread knows where to find us. Otherwise we just expose ourselves to trolls who we're not going to deter. Nothing comes out of it for the community and the sport.
wrestling is fun, lots of different styles for what people are interested in
it is the best time to be a wrestling fan
What if I like Asian/Hawaiian people
wrestling is fun, lots of different styles for what people are interested in
it is the best time to be a wrestling fan